Zhan Yue

Chapter 1460: The strongest ascension in the world

Latest website: Looking at Sister Yun who is raining in Ewha, my heart can't be calm for a long time.

What is a heart demon? I can’t get past the heart, but it’s not humane. Senior Sister Yun cultivates an impeccable kendo, which is unmatched in the world. She is already quite strong in cultivating her mind, but she has gotten some horns. , This is the real heart demon. It is conceivable that Senior Sister Yun is Master’s most beloved disciple, maybe none of them, after all, her aptitude and appearance are placed here, but in this case, step Xuanyin It still sealed most of Senior Sister Yun's cultivation base, and it was too risky for her to be born in this world. If there was a slight deviation, she might not be able to make the step of Jing Yunyue, the lord of the Dragon Region.

Sister Yun's grievances and incomprehension eventually became her demons.



Inside the mountain gate, there was a spring breeze and rain, and I saw a beautiful woman in a gray cloak, with bright eyes and white teeth, and her pretty face slightly stained with wind and frost, but the same beauty, she fell in front of Senior Sister Yun, gently supporting Holding Senior Sister Yun's wrist, she smiled softly: "Yue'er, you have been unable to break through the boundary for so many years. Is it because of this? Is this why you don't want to break through the boundary to see Master?"

Senior Sister Yun Xiangjian trembled: "Yue'er is useless, it has failed Master's expectations."

"Do not."

Bu Xuanyin smiled and shook his head, and said, "My Yue'er, the kendo talent is unparalleled, and even my Xiaoxuan is full of praise. You have never let Master down, and you won't be this time."

Senior Sister Yun raised her head with tears in her eyes: "Yue'er has never been able to take this step, what should I do? This demon has already caused Yue'er to be tortured. Can Master give me an answer? Why, it's just me?"

"it is good."

Bu Xuan nodded, smiled softly, reached out his hand to stroke Senior Sister Yun’s long hair, and said: "The reason why Master insists on sealing your spiritual consciousness and allowing you to come down to the magic moon sky to solve this big death is because of the teacher. Although Zun has many disciples, only you, Jing Yunyue, can take up this role. Only you, Jing Yunyue, can take the strongest swordsmanship and ascend through the realm, and only you, Jing Yunyue, can slay Lin Hai and send other disciples. Go, just to die."

"Master feels distressed, Master can't sleep all night, but Master can only do this, do you understand?"

Senior Sister Yun looked up, her tears were still falling, but she smiled: "Thank you, Master, Yue'er is relieved."

"Go ahead."

Bu Xuanyin patted her fragrant shoulder three times, and said: "First, go to slay Lin Hai, get rid of this demon for the magical moon world, and restore the world to a peaceful place. Secondly, to clear the source of the world, to bring the spirit of the magical moon to the world. Return all of them. When you ascend, the world is forbidden to have ascended realm. Third..."

Speaking of the third time, Bu Xuanyin actually glanced in my direction from a distance, his eyes were soft, and said: "It’s better for the younger brother, since you are going to leave, please help the younger brother. Cut off the demons, don't wait until it will cause disaster in the future."


Senior Sister Yun nodded: "Yue'er will follow Master's decree and complete the agreement."

"Go ahead."


The next moment, my mind was directly pushed out of Senior Sister Yun’s world of demons, and when I opened my eyes, I saw a white brilliance swept across the world dozens of miles away, and the boundless aura began to envelope. The whole time, it was as if a peerless divine sword had been refined out of sacrifice, and in a flash, the whole world was filled with majestic sword intent!

Senior Sister Yun, finally broke the border!


A bright sword light soared into the sky, and the sword light rumbling, enveloping the boundless avenue of divine sound!



Fan Yi suddenly looked back, with a shocked expression, and said: "Jing Yunyue has stepped into the ascendant realm by slaying the inner demon?"

"It seems that it is."

Filtuna gritted her silver teeth and said: "What a strong kendo aura, what kind of ascension realm sword repair is this? Could it really become a legendary Great Sword Immortal after ascending?"

"It's hard to say."

Swordsmith Han Ying was holding an ancient famous sword with a pale face, and said, "What a strong sword intent...Everyone quickly block Jian Xin, lest your sword heart is shattered by Jing Yunyue's sword intent! "

The owner of Donghai Fang held the pole, his face was shocked: "Is that so strong?"


Above the open space of the open sea of ​​forests, Lin Hai's shadow sneered and said, "Jing Yunyue, what about the Ascendant Realm? At this time, the mountains and rivers in the world have been broken, how much do you have for Kendo luck?"

Amidst the golden sword rhyme, Senior Sister Yun with a detached sword intent slowly raised her head. After stepping into the Ascendant Realm, her whole body's momentum had completely changed. She lifted the white dragon sword lightly, and laughed: " I, Jing Yunyue, has a sword, do I still need to borrow Kendo Qi Luck?"


Before Lin Hai finished speaking, Senior Sister Yun had already rushed out with a sword, and the tip of the sword pointed directly at Lin Hai's chest.


Lin Hai yelled, and the sword light flashed, and the heavy kendo restricted forest stood up like a forest of sword energy. At this moment, Lin Hai, the ascending realm, finally began to panic.

However, Senior Sister Yun's figure was wrapped in the sword intent, and she actually passed through it. A ray of sword aura seemed to separate the water waves, dividing Lin Hai's kendo restriction in two, but she did not have any contact with Lin Hai, that's it. As soon as it passed, the next second, a ray of golden sword light bloomed in the air, smashing the female sword demon Feltuna straight in the air!

"Jing Yunyue!"

Fertuna snarled, "Do you really dare to come at me?"

"I said, the first one to kill you, forgot?"

In the voice of Senior Sister Yun, a ray of sword light slashed away unreasonably, while Filtuna gritted her silver teeth and said: "Do you really think that you are invincible when you enter the Ascension Realm? Don't forget, this king is also invincible. Ascension!"

She said that, she didn't dare to neglect the movement under her hand. Fertuna's blade flicked, and the swordsmanship banned all around her body. At the same time, she shattered a string of precious beads on her left wrist, and a **** enchantment appeared on her body in an instant. Zhou, at the same time, stepped on the void, and there was a loud bang, and a world opened behind him. There were gray and white mountains, gray rivers, and **** skies. It was the chaotic world. The luck of the entire world was lost by Phil. Tuna's containment is tantamount to bringing the entire chaos world into a decisive battle with Senior Sister Yun!

"It's the same to die!"

The first ray of sword light swept across, suddenly cutting open the multiple kendo restrictions that Filtuna had started, and then blasted on the **** enchantment refined by the orb, the enchantment shattered amidst the explosion. The strength of Sister Yun's sword was completely offset, but before Filtuna's reaction, a beautiful figure rushed forward, and another sword shot, the sword light spread from the earth to the sky, as if between the heavens and the earth. Only this golden thread is general.


In the next second, this golden thread swept past, and Filtuna stood in the air blankly, motionless, and the huge chaotic world behind her was directly divided into two by this sword light!


Swordsmith Han Ying looked shocked: "Fertuna, you..."

Fertuna could no longer speak, she moved the corners of her mouth and gave a wry smile, and said, "What kind of swordsmanship is this?"

After saying this, her body began to disintegrate one after another. The sword cut away her body just now. In fact, the moment the sword light flew past, Fertuna's ascension realm cultivation base had already been cut off. The body also disappeared in smoke.


"What the hell?"

The owner of Donghai Fang looked astonished: "What kind of sword repair is this? One sword kills the ascended realm sword repair? That is a throne of the ascended realm..."


Senior Sister Yun's figure swept over and stood on the top of Lishan Mountain, with the white dragon sword in her hand with a transcendent sword light. After she smiled at me, she turned to look down the mountain and said with a smile: "You don't want your sword to open Lishan. Come on, where did the imperial world go?"


In the distance, Lin Hai's shadow was holding the Immortal Sword, but he did not dare to save his true body that was being besieged by the player. After all, there were many players underneath, and there was an ascending realm Jing Yunyue above, and he had to be jealous.

At this time, Senior Sister Yun, with an unimaginable kendo cultivation base, the Ginkgo Sky Umbrella and Feixue Sword Formation have been completely destroyed. Therefore, Senior Sister Yun now only has one sword, and she will never borrow any more. Foreign objects, a real ascending sword immortal in a flawless realm, this cultivation level is unparalleled in the world!

"A mere Jing Yunyue can really shake the sky?"

Demon Wing Landro roared: "Kill me, trample on Lishan!"

Countless units of the Demon Legion continued to attack the mountain, while Landro gave a gloomy glance, and said: "Old man of the East China Sea and swordsmith Han Ying, how about our three thrones working together to suppress Jing Yunyue? At this moment, hers. One body's cultivation is no longer something that a certain throne can handle."


The owner of Donghai Fang frowned and said: "Perhaps, Master Fan Yi, and even Master Lin Hai should play swords together and fight against Jing Yunyue together. It is not ashamed."

Fan Yi's figure appeared in the wind, holding a double bead sword, and smiling lightly: "I have no problem."

Lin Hai's voice was cold: "My sword will arrive soon!"



The owner of Donghaifang gave a low growl, and the rod was raised, imagining hundreds of miles of dharma, and banged heavily on the top of Senior Sister Yun’s head. At the same time, Landero sank, and behind him, the entire demon world appeared. The devil sickle turned into a **** brilliance and slashed towards the top of Lishan Mountain, while the swordsmith Han Ying jumped up, splitting three bright lights.

"Do it!"

Lin Hai gave an order, and his body had disappeared~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The next second he appeared in the south of Lishan, a sword blasted out, and went straight to Senior Sister Yun’s back, while Fan Yi raised his hand, as if The saint's title was like a heavenly constitution, and a ray of text luck swirled at the feet of Senior Sister Yun, forming a confined space.

Five thrones, one besieged!


The corner of Senior Sister Yun's mouth raised slightly.

In the next second, thousands of golden glow erupted on the top of Lishan Mountain, and the fine sword aura flew in all directions, but it seemed to be spiritual, all around me, Feng Feng, Mu Tiancheng and others. , Under the fine sword light, Lin Hai’s sword was directly shattered, and Fan Yi’s writing skill was also chopped to pieces. Donghai Fangzhu’s rod was broken in two, and Han Ying’s three swords were shattered. Shattered, Landro's sickle was also shaken, and in an instant, the victory or defeat was divided.


Senior Sister Yun swept over, standing in the air in front of the owner of Donghaifang, gently raised the white dragon sword, and smiled: "Well, Donghaifang does not wait, run to Middle Earth to die? Make you perfect."

With a sword passing, the owner of Donghai Fang looked ashen ashamed, and his body was annihilated into ashes in the sword light.

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