Zhan Yue

Chapter 1461: Soaring

Latest website: As soon as the owner of Donghai Fang died, the psychic whale under his crotch wailed, and opened his mouth wide to swallow Senior Sister Yun in one bite to avenge his master.

"court death?"

Senior Sister Yun stared at her beautiful eyes, raised her hand with Yan Xi's finger, and immediately the fiery red finger directly penetrated the body of the giant whale, and took advantage of the situation to shatter the throne of Donghai Fangzhu!

In the air, Fan Yi was shocked: "This... is this too outrageous? Master Lin Hai, I suggest retreating. We need to regroup and come again. I just calculated that Jing Yunyue cannot stay in this world for too long, as long as we delay a little. , The big plan is still not a problem."

"Well, let's go!"

Lin Hai escaped for the first time, turning into a stream of light and rushing to the north, but before rushing far, he hit an invisible restraint with a "peng", and saw the kendo restraints rise, forming a thick line between heaven and earth. The thick walls protected the entire Lishan Mountain in it.


Senior Sister Yun smiled slightly: "Everyone has to die."

As she said, she jumped up and slashed towards Landro with a sword.

The lord of the demon world looked shocked, and hurriedly raised the demon sickle to block, but nowhere could it be stopped. With a "click", the sword-inspired white dragon sword directly divided the demon sickle into two, and then the sword light swept away. However, Landro was chopped in an instant, the blood flow continued, the throne under his feet trembled, and the cracks spread rapidly.

"Jing Yunyue, how dare you..."

Randro gritted his teeth, holding the sickle head in his hand, and instantly pierced Senior Sister Yun's chest.

But I didn't want to. In an instant, dozens of sword lights broke out, directly cutting the lord of the demon world into a pile of fragments, and then Senior Sister Yun smashed away with a sword, completely crushing Landero's body and soul.

At this time, there were only three remaining thrones in the world, Lin Hai, Fan Yi, and the swordsmith Han Ying.

All three were panicked, and among them, the swordsmith Han Ying was the most panicked.

He unexpectedly landed directly on the top of Lishan Mountain, "Keng" then pierced the saber into the rock with a sword, knelt on one knee, trembling all over, and said: "Yun...Master Yunyue's kendo... I, Han Ying, are convinced and willing to surrender. As long as Lord Yunyue is happy, he can kill me with one sword, or he can split my throne with one sword. Under Han Ying, I only wish to be a **** of Lord Yunyue, and never stand behind him. decline!"

I frowned: "When you killed someone before, it wasn't this posture."


Han Ying gritted his teeth and hurriedly knocked his head in my direction. It is hard to imagine that a throne almost broke his head: "Please, Lord Liuhuo, don't remember the villain's fault. Han Ying knows it is wrong. I will never again. Will follow Lin Hai and do evil things!"


From afar, Lin Hai sneered: "Han Ying, you are not as good as a dog, so you betrayed the king?"

As he said, he looked up at Fan Yi: "Fan Yi, don't you also betray this king?"

"Will not."

Fan Yi shook his head: "Master Lin Hai is kind to me, and Fan Yi will never lose sight of it!"

"That's fine."

As a result, Lin Hai had just turned around, and Fan Yi burned a Confucian classic in an instant. Numerous golden words were condensed around the blade, and a fierce sword struck Lin Hai’s younger generation. He grinned and said, "Dog stuff, I'm early. It just depends on you. Why are you ranked first, and why are you able to seal the throne of the world? Lao Tzu Fan Yi can do what you can do!"

"Asshole thing, really disgusting!"

Lin Hai suddenly blasted out with a sword, but this sword did not split Fan Yi's body, but it split a golden crack directly to the outside world.

Fan Yi swept past and entered the crack. He was already thousands of miles away. He said in a deep voice, "Master Lin Hai, please feel free to go. Your subordinates will avenge you!"

"Huh, it's almost the same."

Lin Hai turned around and smiled slightly: "Jing Yunyue, I know it's not your opponent, you can kill me now."

"No hurry, come one by one."

Senior Sister Yun looked at the swordsmith Han Ying. After scrutinizing it, she gently raised her hand, straightened her index finger, ring finger, and little finger, bent her middle finger, and flew out the swordsmith Han Ying with a "pop". Under the invisible sword intent, Han Ying rammed through the kendo restriction and fell outside the East China Sea, knowing his life or death, and just as Senior Sister Yun turned around, the entire detached kendo restriction between heaven and earth disappeared.

At this moment, she is the master of this realm. Whoever wants to kill or doesn't want to kill is just a matter of thought.


"Master's account must be followed."

Senior Sister Yun looked back and smiled at me: "First help you cut the demon."


I was slightly startled.

In the next second, Senior Sister Yun made five fingers, an invisible regular force surged, and a big hole was opened in the front in an instant. Then Fan Yi's figure could not move in the air, her expression was astonished, and she gritted her teeth and said, "What's the matter?"

"Do you think you can escape?" Senior Sister Yun frowned.


Fan Yi sneered and looked at me: "Tsk, the Great Emperor Liuhuo wants to kill me by his own ability. Now I have a big backing. Jing Yunyue's ascension realm is invincible in the world. Also solved it together? If this is the case, I suggest Master Yunyue better not leave this world. After all, your little junior brother is waiting for breasts, and I am afraid that he will not be weaned in this life."

"It's really disgusting..."

Senior Sister Yun sighed and swiped the White Dragon Sword in her right hand. With a sudden "puff", Fan Yi's throne in the distance was cut off in half, and his luck was also lost in half. Then, she gently shook her five fingers. Suddenly, in the double-bead sword in Fan Yi's hand, the two sincere heads in the white clothes were completely turned into dust and disappeared between the heaven and the earth.

My heart is relieved, the senior sister knows me, but this matter is my demon.

"go away."

Senior Sister Yun let go and let Fan Yi go directly.



Not far away, Qing Deng frowned and said: "Lin Hai is also a mortal ending. With these ten thrones, has the most disgusting one alive?"

Lin Xi nodded: "Well, it seems like this."

I was speechless for a while.


Senior Sister Yun gently raised her hand, a wisp of strong sword intent penetrated Lin Hai Shadow's body, and the once invincible throne suddenly wailed, vomiting blood, her body was penetrated by the sword intent, and she was unable to move. The situation of mermaid meat.

"And one more thing."

Senior Sister Yun floated up, stood in the sky above Lishan, looked to the north, and said, "Having been dormant for many years and eating so much, shouldn’t it be returned? It will make you soar quickly, otherwise, I will come with my sword. Send you to ascend?"

In the depths of the north, a ray of golden light rose into the sky, and a hidden master soared.

Senior Sister Yun looked towards the east again, frowning and said: "Don't care if the master of the East China Sea is in trouble, the world is about to collapse, you don't care, the Central Plains is about to sink, you still don't care, what can you saint do? Did you scream so dizzy? Make you soar quickly, otherwise you won't want to soar anymore."

In the depths of the East China Sea, a golden thread ran into the sky, and the sky filled the sky with glow. Accompanied by a successful ascent of the Ascendant Realm, most of the luck of the whole body returned to the world, and the aura in the direction of the East China Sea became strong again.

"Don't pretend to be dead, okay?"

Senior Sister Yun turned to look towards the west, and said: "We met each other before. Back then, the ancestor saint was ordained the Four Saints, and only Shi Shen was the only one who fought and died for this world. As for the remaining three of you, Mingzhe will protect your life? , I’m in a corner, I’ve exhausted one’s luck and finally exchanged for an Ascension Realm, just like that? It’s really a shame for this world to have an Ascension Realm like yours! It makes you ascend immediately, otherwise a sword will take you and you His ancestral court was split in half!"

In the Western Realm, the ascending realm in the wild ancestral court, the ancestral witch immediately ascended, turning into a golden thread and rushing into the sky.


These ascension realms have ascended extremely decisively, for fear that Senior Sister Yun will change her mind a little slower, and there may be no chance of ascension again.

"All right."

Senior Sister Yun turned to look at me, and smiled softly: "After Lin Hai and I left, this realm will no longer ascend to the realm. The luck and spiritual energy between the heavens and the earth are returned to the human beings, but Senior Sister also left you behind. Two opponents, you can't kill everything, otherwise the senior sister will suffer too much cause and effect, and the rest will be left to you."


I have mixed feelings in my heart: "Sister, do you have to fly?"

"Yes, otherwise the luck of this world is all on me. What should I do?" She smiled slightly and said: "What's more, Lin Hai's shadow is too weird. Killing him in the world, I don't have much certainty that I can completely kill him. , But take him to ascend together and kill him outside the sky. I will be sure of it. As long as you kill Lin Hai's true body, there will be no Lin Hai in this world."


"Lan Che."

Senior Sister Yun raised her eyebrows.

"Subordinates are here!"

Lan Che clasped his fists and lowered his head.

"Also, Sylvia, Queen of the Silver Dragon."


Sylvia's voice came from afar.

Senior Sister Yun smiled slightly: "After I ascended, my junior is the lord of the Dragon Realm. You two must assist you with all your heart, understand?"

"Yes, subordinates obey!"


"Leave~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She looked at me again, with tears in her smile: "Senior brother, cherish this in this life, sister will miss you. "

As she said, she didn't look back, suddenly grabbed Lin Haishadow's neck, opened the way with the sword light of the white dragon sword, turned into a ray of sparks and soared into the sky, soaring with the sword!


Without much farewell words, Senior Sister Yun just left, maybe I won't have the chance to see her again in my life.

But I know that Senior Sister Yun is real, and she will miss me in another world.


Taking a deep breath, my thoughts returned to reality. Looking down from the top of the mountain, Lin Hai’s true body has less than 3% of the vitality left in the open forest, but there are still at least 200,000 national service iron knights. While hunting him, Lin Xi, Feng Canghai, Huamei on Paper, Yanshi No Attack, and others commanded the battle. This time, Lin Hai would never be given any chance.

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