Zhan Yue

Chapter 1462: Tengen Kai

The latest website: Lishan Peak.

Sitting quietly on the cyan huge rock where Master Shi and Shiratori had both sat before, looking into the distance, his heart was lost. Master Xiao Chen directly soared after he shot Lin Hai’s shadow, and when the world was about to be overthrown, Shi The teacher smashed a throne desperately, and Shiratori was cut in half and hacked Situ Xue to death. To protect the mountain, Jun Yiping of Dongyue Mountain died in battle. To protect the country, Shanhai Gong Nangong and the vice president of the parliament Qing Yuantu Zhang Yong and other famous generals of the Northern Wilderness Army were all killed in battle. Finally, in order to protect the luck of this world, Senior Sister Yun held Lin Hai and had to soar with sword.

What is left of me when the old man goes away?


On the side, the white clothes Qing Xiangfeng fell on the bluestone indifferently, holding a white jade sword in his hand, his body swayed slightly, the golden body has countless cracks, the world's strongest mountain monarch has almost fought to the limit.

"Will there be any changes?"

Unheard of the wind, he frowned, and said, "Master Yunyue has already soared. If Fan Yi is killed at this time, what can we resist?"

"It's impossible."

I shook my head: "Fan Yi has been frightened by the sword of Senior Sister Yun, how can such a courageous generation dare to come back?"


I didn’t hear the wind, touched my nose, and sat cross-legged by my side, overlooking the battlefield below the mountain. Seeing Lin Haizhen’s dying struggle, seeing the players' desperation, couldn’t help feeling a little moved, saying: "These adventurers... The Warriors..."

I nodded lightly. At this moment, I was still in a state of weakness for 120 minutes, like a trash, I could only quietly watch the progress of the game I set up step by step, and did not have the qualifications to do it myself.



A piece of news came from Lin Xi: "Has the state of weakness end? Lin Hai only has the last 1% of qi and blood left. Do you want to end it? We have discussed it, and we all agree that you have the most power to kill Lin Hai. , You should keep your ID in the first place."

"It's not over yet."

I smiled: "Forget it, you kill it, it's okay, I don't want this."

"Well, then we will KO directly."

"it is good!"

At the foot of the mountain, the one-million-dollar national service cavalry was killed by Lin Hai, leaving only more than 100,000, but these more than 100,000 people are like tornadoes, whirling around this top BOSS, constantly splitting out waves of troops to attack and kill. Just like a lottery, if the charge skill can be stunned, even if it is a big prize, it will be followed by a set of output skills.

Soon after, a loud noise came from the bottom of the mountain, and Lin Hai’s body had been smashed by the player, and finally couldn’t hold back the last trace of blood. With a loud bang, Lin Hai’s body exploded, truly The "Big Bang", with its corpse as the center, was full of spoils within two kilometers. The gold coins were all over the floor, and pieces of equipment, skill books, and gems of the robbery were all displayed, enough to make anyone look at it in an instant.

At the same time, a sweet ringtone echoed in the sky above Lishan, just like the music of the official graduation of the national service player group——


System Announcement: Congratulations to the players led by player [Lin Xi] for their efforts, we finally completed the feat of killing the first throne of the Northern Territory [Shadow of Death·Linhai]! Among them, the player [Lin Xi] contributed to the first place in killing enemies, and received rewards: level +3 (withstand level suppression effects), charisma +100, reputation +15W, gold coins +500W, and additional rewards [longevity ring] (returned) Market level), the player [Feng Canghai] contributed to the second place in killing enemies, and received rewards: Level +2 (withstand level suppression effects), Charisma value +80, Reputation value 12W, Gold coins +300W, and additional rewards [Undead Sword] (Return to the market level), the player [Yanshi does not attack] contributes third place to kill the enemy, get rewards: level +2 (withstand the effect of level suppression), charm value +60, reputation value +10W, gold coin +200W, and get extra Reward [Undead Sword] (Return to Market Level), and the remaining top ten players in the rankings are: drawing charm on paper, calories, advancing in troubled times, Qingdeng, Haotian, Penghaoren, Yixue, all those who have contributed to the killing Players will get their respective rewards!


The reward is quite generous, and because I have not participated in the battle for a long time, the damage is only the first wave of five-minute offensive. The total output is ranked 11th on the beheading list. It just happened to be no announcement, but it doesn’t matter, it’s rewarding. I don’t seem to need experience value or something.

On the earth, everyone rushed to grab a piece of equipment, and Lin Hai’s equipment would be returned to the market level, the mountain and sea level, and even the master level. Who wouldn’t be tempted?

When everyone was rushing into one piece, Lin Xi had already taken Qingdeng, Kamei, Slaughter Mortal Dust and others up the mountain. The battle under the mountain had ended, and the remaining alien monster army receded like a tide. Even the first throne, Linhai, was taken by the player. The human sea tactics were hacked to death, enough to make the entire alien monster army fearful, and whoever left it would just perish on his own.

"It's about to end."

Lin Xi walked up to me and said softly, "Are you okay?"

The weak state pattern on my forehead is slowly dissipating, and I smiled: "Fortunately, it's okay, but the price paid for this victory is a little bit higher."


She pursed her red lips and said, "Let's wait for the end of the version together."

"it is good."

As a result, a group of core players of Yilu clustered on the top of the mountain, Qingdeng, Afei, Slaughter Fanchen, Haotian and others walked around at will, "paying respect" to the relics of the war on the mountain. On this mountain top, Siyue Mountain Monarchs joined forces to reach the north. Throne Asking the Sword, it was here, the southern stone saint smashed the throne of Shire with a single blow, and died together, and even here, Senior Sister Yun continued to use the sword, and finally cut the heart demon, entered the ascension realm, and set the universe with one sword.

With the passing of time, the dense clouds covering the sky over Lishan slowly dissipated, and the heavy snow that had been in the sky for several months stopped. The sky was clear and cloudless. The rules of ice and snow refined by the forest sea have been restored, completely. Get out of the constraints of death luck.


I turned around and looked at the Fire Queen Sura not far away, and a garden dog at her feet, couldn't help but smile, and led Lin Xi forward and said, "Sura, what plans do you have in the future?"

"No plan."

She pursed her lips: "My throne has been destroyed, and I have nothing to do with the Northern Territory Alien Territory, but... after all, I am a dead person. After all, the death attribute on my body is too strong. I am afraid that this world does not have me. I think...maybe I can find a deep mountain, stay in the mountain and practice alone."

"Do you want to come to Longyu?" I looked at her.

Sura was taken aback: "Can the Dragon Region contain a dead person? Do you mean it?"

On the side, the Queen of Silver Dragon floated down, holding five Lei Teng runes, and said with a smile: "Now, he is the real Lord of the Dragon Realm, and his words represent the highest order of the Dragon Realm."

As he said, the graceful silver dragon queen smiled slightly and said: "Fire Demon Queen, I also hope you can come to Dragon Realm. Dragon Realm suffered heavy losses in this battle, and it is full of waste. Besides, the Northern Realm Fan Yi hasn't died yet, this disgusting demon will definitely make a comeback, and the Dragon Region will definitely have a place for you."

Sura nodded: "If this is the case, I will stay in the Dragon Region."


I nodded: "After Sura goes to Dragon Realm, Sylvia, you will arrange her accommodation and so on. Don't neglect."

"Yes, my lord!"


At this moment, a bell came, and this decisive version of the event finally ended——


System Announcement: Congratulations to all the brave. With the joint efforts of everyone, the mission of the [Decisive Battle of Lishan] version was successfully completed. We not only dismantled the danger of Lishan, but also killed most of the Throne of the Northern Territory with everyone’s efforts. This credit is enough to last forever in the annals of history, and from then on, the human race will gain short-term peace! Among them, the player [July Flowing Fire] has outstanding achievements and ranks first in the standings. Rewards: Level +0 (level is full), Charisma +100, Dragon Domain Merit +1000W, Merit Value +10 billion, Gold Coins +800W , And get additional rewards: equipped with [Tian Yuan Ring] (Dominant Level), the player [Lin Xi] ranks second in the standings, and get rewards: level +3 (withstand the effect of level suppression), charm value +80, reputation value +20W, Meritorious value +8 billion, gold coins +600W, and get additional rewards: [Fairy Cloak] (Return to Ruins Level), player [Dawn of Purgatory] ranks third in the standings, and get rewards: Level +2 (withstand level suppression effects), Charm value +60, prestige value +15W, merit value +6 billion, gold coins +400W, and get additional rewards: [Wonderland Bracer] (Return to Market Level). The remaining top 10 players in order are: Xianxin, Feng Canghai , Martian River, Mingyue, Yanshi does not attack, Yanshi has no plan, and the moon is like water. All players will receive their own equivalent mission rewards!


The version is officially over.

What surprised me was that I was still the number one contribution to the version. After all... I didn’t participate in the battle most of the time. Although I allowed Xiao Jiu to kill the enemy at the foot of the mountain, the Eudemons transformed into killing the enemy. The points are only 50%. In this case, it is still the number one. This only shows that the system also counts my overall planning and the role of controlling the situation. If this is the case, I am the emperor of Liuhuo. The real human race contributes the first. There is no surprise for this. There is really no player who has contributed more than mine.

In addition, the reward for the first version is a dominance ring, which should be the first dominance ring in the entire server.

"Can you take a look?" Lin Xi asked.


I took out a ring with colorful lingering light from the package, held it in the palm of my hand, and covered half of it. The attribute was only given to Lin Xi alone. Suddenly, my wife’s small mouth almost couldn’t close—

【Tianyuan Ring】(Master Level)

Agility: +1020

Strength: +1012

Stamina: +1005

Spiritual power: +1000

Special effects: critical strike rate +5%

Special effect: blood sucking +15%

Special effects: speed, attack speed +195%

Special effect: Storm strike, when attacking, there is a 30% chance to launch an additional 400% attack on the target

Special effect: Extreme fire blow, when attacking, there is a 35% chance of launching an additional 350% attack on the target

Special effects: [Tian Yuan], arouse the power of the core vitality of heaven and earth, bless the protection effect of Tian Yuan to all friendly units within 1000 yards, so that they can gain all attributes +50%, and they are immune to critical strikes, bloodsucking, chaos, stun, Negative effects such as runaway, sundering armor, etc. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Use consumes 100 special skills, lasts 10 minutes, and skill cooldown time is 120 minutes

Additional: Increase the user's attack power by 405%

Additional: Increase the user's defense by 400%

Biography: Tianyuan Ring, a ring forged by ancient immortals, it is said to be infinitely useful

Required level: 355


"It's okay."

I directly threw Tianyuan Ring into the package.

Lin Xi rolled her eyes and didn't bother to care about me.


Just as everyone in the national clothing climbed the mountain one by one, preparing to leave, the sound of rumbling came from the depths of the open forest and sea in the distance. The earth shook, surrounded by clouds and fog, a dilapidated throne slowly Slowly rise.

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