Zhan Yue

Chapter 1463: Important decision

Latest website: Below the dilapidated and cracked throne, an embarrassed "climbing" figure finally reached the top of the mountain, clinging to the throne's handrails, panting, and a white Confucian shirt full of traces of torn sword energy At this time, Fan Yi, the scholar who is known as the most studied scholar in the domain of the alien demon, was extremely embarrassed. The sword of Sister Yun's ascension realm has not been completely resolved until now.

Even when I opened the eyes of the Shifang Hot Wheel, I could still see the disordered sword qi in Fan Yi's body, but it was only forcibly suppressed by him with Wen Yun.

He sat on the throne in embarrassment, relying on the throne’s air transport to heal his injuries, while looking fiercely in the direction of Lishan, sneered: "Do you think this is the end? Humph, now Jing Yunyue has ascended, but the Northern Territory is still With the throne, this king wants to see how you can deal with us next!"

As he said, he looked to the east with cold eyes, and said, "Swordsmith, don't hide it. I know that Jing Yunyue's finger didn't make a murderous intention. She still wants to leave some kendo luck for this world, so Did not kill you."

As the clouds covered the mist, the second throne rose slowly, and there were countless traces of cracks on the mountains below the throne. On the throne was Han Ying, the bleak swordsmith with cracked bones. The sword intent converged, healed with all his strength, he hummed, and said, "Master Fan Yi, Northern Territory...are we left with the two thrones?"

"What do you mean?"

Fan Yiju was condescending, his eyes squinting: "If you don't want to assist me, then there is only one throne left."

Swordsmith Han Ying smiled bitterly: "Is there any choice for my subordinates? It's better to die than to live. From now on, my Han Ying's life is yours. I'm willing to do my best!"

"Tsk tut~~~"

Fan Yi sneered: "These words are so familiar, as if they were told to Jing Yunyue not long ago."

Han Ying raised his chest and said loudly and forcefully, "What's wrong with a big man who can bend and stretch?"

Fan Yi gave a thumbs up: "People of my generation, from now on, I will help the king with all my heart. You will be fragrant and spicy, and you will have everything you want. Before, Master Lin Hai failed to conquer this world because of Jing Yunyue’s accident is different now. There is no Ascension Realm in this world. You and I, the two great thrones, can do whatever they want!"

Han Ying clasped his fists and nodded, and stopped talking.

"July Flowing Fire!"

Fan Yi yelled my name from a distance, and smiled: "Tsk, Great Emperor Liuhuo, Lord of the Dragon Realm, I want to see how your quasi-god realm will fight the two thrones in the future!"

I frowned and looked at the wind without hearing: "The wind, the mountain weather has gradually become strong, can I make a sword? I think Fan Yi is bluffing, in fact he is no longer able to do it."


The wind did not hear the sword.

"Tsk tut~~~"

Fan Yi urged the throne to fly back, and said with a smile: "As expected, Master Yunyue's most beloved little junior brother. This look is very good. I won't play this time. It's a pity, this king's double bead sword. The Zhu was crushed by Master Yunyue, otherwise I can disgust you again!"

As he said, he stretched his index and middle fingers together, and clenched the rest of his fingers. He placed his hand in front of his forehead and sent his hand in our direction, saying: "Goodbye, my friends!"



All players are silent.

"Who did he learn this from?"

Clear the black line of the lamp and touch the back of his head: "This is so disgusting..."

"Really disgusting."

Lin Xi pursed her mouth.

I laughed and said, "Okay, you're done, everyone has a good rest. I'm afraid the system will be maintained next."

"Well, indeed."

Shen Mingxuan said: "The territories of the alien demon in the Northern Territory have changed dramatically, and the landscape of the human race has also changed dramatically. Such a big data change may have to be maintained by the full server."

At this moment, as if to confirm Shen Mingxuan's words, a ring of bells reverberated--


System Announcement: Please pay attention to players, the system is about to enter the maintenance phase, which will last for ten hours, please pay attention to offline!

"Here is it."

A Fei plucked his nose and smiled: "It's just right, everyone can sleep well."


I looked at Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan, and Gu Ruyi, and said, "Shall we eat Chaoshan hot pot before going to bed?"


Kamei Nunuzui: "Suzhou, the whole city is frozen, so you can still eat Chaoshan hot pot?"

"You must do it yourself!"

A Fei was triumphant.

Cassie didn't bother to care about him: "I'm offline, and I have to work online tomorrow, good night everyone."

Everyone said goodbye, and then they went offline.


Around 11 o'clock in the evening.

The living room on the first floor of the house is still lively. When I heard that I was going to eat hot pot, my sister Ouyang Yeyan didn’t care about her body shape. She came down to eat with us and even volunteered to cook soup. Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan, and Gu Ruyi helped cut the meat. And so on, I was standing in front of the window, looking outside, under the light, it was snowing again.

The atmosphere recharges to the star of the Star Syndicate. It stands to reason that the cold currents are no longer raging wildly, and the weather on the earth has cleared up. However, the temperature is too low, and the sea breeze sends the ocean currents saturated with water vapor in the monsoon. In extremely cold temperatures, water vapor It froze quickly, so it started to snow again in Suzhou.

Aside, A Fei accompanied me and looked out the window.

"Will it end?" he asked.

"Yes, but I don't know when." I frowned: "This is no longer a climate change that can be controlled by one or two people."


A Fei nodded and said, "When I watched the news today, many people can only eat white rice, and even the reserves of mustard can no longer keep up. More people have not eaten meat and vegetables for many days. "

"The operation of the whole society is almost stopped, it's normal."

I looked at the falling snow outside the window and said with a smile: "But don't worry too much, it will get better."

A Fei breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Originally, I thought the game was connected with the plot in reality. After we kill Lin Hai and defeat the northern alien land, some factors in reality will change. Now it seems that I am too optimistic. There is no change at all. We are still an extremely cold planet here, and the temperature can freeze to death within three minutes of going out."

I turned around, raised my eyebrows lightly, and smiled: "A Fei, is this something you changed? You can seal the inscriptions in the game to improve the overall strength of the national service."

He grimaced: "Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world, I can be regarded as a good husband anyway."



Half an hour later, there was another very satisfying Chaoshan hot pot meal. Even I had a round belly. After eating and drinking enough, I took Lin Xi’s small hand upstairs and sent her back to the room, A Fei, Shen Mingxuan, Gu Ruyi and her sister Ouyang Yeyan, with four pairs of eyes looking at us in the hallway straight out of the way, people's hearts are furry.

"What are you doing?" I looked back and asked.

The elder sister smiled and said: "It's okay, we just pretend that we haven't seen anything. After all, it's icy and snowy outside, and the young people don't have much activity. They have too much energy and can understand..."

Lin Xi's pretty face flushed, and Nu Nu said, "I've said it all, these people have been staring at us!"

I nodded: "Indeed."

With that said, I returned after sending Lin Xi into the room. It was not until I came out to return to my room that Shen Mingxuan and Gu Ruyi showed a "coward" expression, while A Fei's face was full of indisputable expressions. Sorrowfully, my sister, the gossip king, smiled, and it seems that there will be no big news to reveal to Dad tomorrow.


Wake up early the next day.

Today’s breakfast is no longer Western style. My sister didn’t cook steak. On the contrary, she prepared a bowl of fragrant egg noodles for each of us. After eating, I was sweating profusely, so I wiped my sweat and went upstairs. , The decisive battle is over, but the affairs of the Great Emperor Liuhuo are not over yet, and there will be many.


When the character went online successfully, the "Shang Dynasty" prompt in the emperor's system was on, so he stepped straight out and appeared on the king's level, wrapped in the artistic conception of the realm of transformation.

"Your Majesty is here!"

Lin Hui, Zhang Lingyue and others saluted.

"Free gift."

As soon as I raised my hand, I said, "First pick the important things, and we will solve them one by one."


Lin Hui said solemnly: "Your Majesty, the sky has cleared up, and the earth is rapidly warming up. At this moment, we can do a lot of construction and repair the destroyed buildings and hills of Lishan. Nowadays, Lishan is still our northern gateway. Mr. Jun Guanyang has repeatedly urged us to send more people."

"Then give priority to repairing Lishan Mountain." I nodded and said, "Relocate people from major provinces, and draw all consumption from the national treasury."


Lin Hui looked at the memorial and said: "The second major event, the candidate for the emperor of Dongyue Mountain, in the first battle of Lishan, the giant Ding Gong Yiping was martyred, and his soul is destroyed. Now Dongyue Mountain is vacant, this candidate is too important. Manchu dynasty civil and military are waiting for your majesty's decision."

"Got it, next one."

"In the first battle of Lishan, the major armies of Grade A and Grade B suffered considerable losses. Some regiments even suffered more than half of the casualties. The total strength of the empire dropped by nearly 40% in this battle. At present, the major legions are in urgent need of troops. How to prioritize the distribution of supplies such as weapons, weapons, armor, etc., the Ministry of War is still undecided for a while, waiting for your majesty to consider."


I took the roster of the major army regiments from the front guard, and I used a vermilion pen to outline the number of supply troops on it. While looking up at Lin Hui, I said: "Lin Xiang, what else is there?"

"Now, there are only two royal clans left in the Northern Alien Demon Territory, and the world is stable. Therefore, the southern countries have sent envoys~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to ask your Majesty to return the credentials. They...are vassals planning to leave the empire. "

I smiled faintly: "Yes, all dynasties who want to return the credential, let them surrender their princes to Fanshucheng as protons. In addition, they should pay half of their own national treasury and half of their own soldiers and horses as our Xuanyuan Empire resists them. The price of the Northern Demon, if you don't want to, let them go back and wait for the iron hoof of the Xuanyuan Empire to flatten them."

Lin Hui smiled happily: "The minister understands."


After dealing with state affairs, he was exhausted and flew directly to the top of Huashan Mountain in Xiyue.

Feng Buwen came with a pot of dirty wine and smiled: "I'm so interested! Come to Xiyue for a drink?"

"Bring it."

I grabbed the hip flask and took a sip, then looked at him, and said, "Fengxiang, I have an important decision."

"Abdicate early?"


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