Zhan Yue

Chapter 1464: Willing to be ordered

Latest website: Xiyue Mountain Shrine at night.

Originally, this ancestral temple was built in a hurry. From the time it was built to the imperial seal of the mountain, it has only been in a mere less than a month. Therefore, the gate of this mountain ancestral temple is quite empty. The white robes of the ethereal white robes are indifferent to the wind.

Since there is no one, there is nothing to worry about.

The two sat on the blue stone steps outside the temple together, each holding a pot of fine wine, and taking a sip, it was spicy but with a mellow feeling. Baiyi Qingxiang has always had a good taste in wine. Buy Although it is not expensive, the wine must be mellow.

"Why is it decided so soon?"

Feng Buwen leaned on the stone steps and said with a smile: "Didn't you say that you have to wait for Crown Prince Xuanyuanji to abdicate when he becomes an adult? Xuanyuanji is only less than ten years old now..."

"no way."

I frowned and said, "Senior Sister Yun entrusted the Dragon Region to me before she ascended. As a junior, I can't leave the Dragon Region there. I will continue to be the Emperor of Xiaoyao. Isn't that the truth?"

He smiled and nodded: "The truth is true, but... can't it be a part-time job?"


I shook my head and said, "Being a Flowing Fire Emperor is tired enough, and now he has to take charge of the Dragon Realm. What's more, the loss of the Dragon Realm in the Battle of Lishan was so great that a thousand dragon knights lost more than eight. Hundreds, hundreds of thousands of Dragon Territory champions also had less than 200,000 left in that fierce battle. If I don’t reorganize the Dragon Territory, I am afraid that the Dragon Territory will be restored to the throne by Fan Yi and Han Yingwen. Sword."

"This is indeed the truth."

Feng Buwen looked at Qiuyue with a smile, and said, "But you just let go of the Xuanyuan Empire like this, really rest assured?"

"Particularly relieved."

I smiled slightly and said, "In the court, your disciple Lin Hui can already be alone. Although it is not as good as the white-robed prince of the year, a generation of virtuous ministers can always be regarded as such. There are Zhang Lingyue, Wang Shuang, and Nangong. Even if the new emperor Xuanyuan is very young, the atmosphere of the court will not change. The whole empire is still going upwards."

I looked at him and said with a smile: "As for the trend of the landscape, this is even clearer. Needless to say, the entire Xuanyuan Empire, as well as the many vassals in the south, are all under the control of Fengxiang. This time, Senior Sister Yun Before I left, I killed so many thrones. In addition, the stone master smashed a throne, and the white bird killed a throne. These thrones and even the stone master’s cultivation base and luck have begun to feed back the mountains and rivers. Among them, Xuanyuan The empire received the most benefits, and the luck and spiritual energy of the mountains and rivers will never be exhausted. With the increase in the worship of the living people, the Fengxiang, the Xiyue Mountain Monarch, will have a higher and higher cultivation level. It can be said that in the fourth Within the scope of Yue, Fan Yi is not Feng Xiang’s opponent either. In this entire world, Feng Xiang is the strongest at this moment. What else should I worry about?"

Feng Buwen smiled and looked at me: "So, what you mean is to throw the burden on Si Yue and Lin Hui, right?"


I didn’t deny it and said with a smile: "Moreover, I will ask Lin for the source of troops, materials, equipment, funds, etc., which are needed after the Dragon Region. I, the undead Emperor Xian, has nothing to do for the Dragon Region. If he doesn't come out, I believe Lin Hui will give me this face. If he doesn't give me face, you will have to stand up and speak for me as a husband."

The wind didn’t hear his breath and smiled: “What’s the truth? My husband doesn’t think of my own students, but I have to think about you, an irresponsible hand shopkeeper?”

I lifted the flask and gently touched the flask in his hand: "Because we are brothers..."

The wind was stunned, and the circles under his eyes were slightly red: "I didn't expect that I was lonely and widowed when I was alive, but after my death, I have a wife and brothers."

As he said, he raised his head and drank a big sip of wine, wiped the wine stains from the corners of his mouth like those heroes of the rivers and lakes, and smiled: "In this way, there will be no regrets in this life!"

I laughed and drank a sip of wine.


After a while, he asked: "When will you decide to announce your abdication?"

"After the imperial seal Dongyue."


He looked up at me with a smile: "Is there a decision in mind?"

"Yes, Nangong also."


The wind was stunned, and said: "As far as I know, Feng Mou knows that the Great Emperor Liuhuo and Shanhai Gong Nangong have always been incompatible with you. When the first emperor Xuanyuan Ying was present, the Chaotang station class went to Nangong with you time and time again. After tit-for-tat, you became the Great Emperor Liuhuo. He still had the first emperor in his heart, and he was never sincerely convinced by you. Why is that? Dongyue Mountain Monarch is a first-class and an important landscape official position!"

I lay slantingly on the stone steps, looking at the Qiuyue in the sky, and couldn't help but whisper: "When is Chunhua Qiuyue, how much do I know about the past..."

The wind does not smell and touches his nose: "Where did you steal the poem from?"

I also touched my nose, haha ​​smiled and said, "A friend."

He didn't bother to listen to these nonsense, and slowly closed his eyes, Xi Yue Shanjun, covered with golden light.

I coughed and said, "Actually, I am determined to make Nangong also Dongyue, and I have my considerations. First of all, Nangong is also a heavy minister of Emperor Longwu Xuanyuan Ying, the former leader of the Yanshen Legion in the empire, following the emperor. The Southern and Northern Wars can barely be regarded as a generation of famous generals, not to mention that in the battle of Lishan, Nangong also fought hard and stubbornly, in fact, is qualified to serve as Dongyue."

The wind does not hear the head: "Secondly, this should be more important."


I smiled and said, "Secondly, since I have already decided to abdicate, I naturally have to consider the balance of power in the court in the future. At present, Lin Hui is your disciple of Feng Xiang, which is equivalent to a person in the line of Qing Xiang, and Zhang Lingyue Wang Shuang and Nangong Chi are all my Liuhuo emperor’s people. At this time, we appoint Nangong also this'dead enemy' as Dongyue, which is actually a sign of our heart. Ouyang Luli’s abdication means my abdication, and it is definitely not a puppet behind the curtain , To arbitrarily manipulate the Xuanyuan Empire, if I do this, I believe Feng Xiang you will not be able to pass it."

The wind does not hear the chuckle: "The first emperor is indeed the most wise...Choosing you as the Xiaoyao King is indeed an immortal sum, and it can be regarded as one of the greatest achievements of Emperor Longwu to the Xuanyuan Empire."

I touched my nose. I couldn't listen to compliments if the wind didn't listen to it. I always felt too vain. This kind of person has never been a big fan of praise. People who have broken thousands of books shouldn't be good at meeting and slapping horses.

"So, what's the matter with Feng Xiyue?" he asked.

"Not urgent."

I took a deep breath: "If you are okay, go with me to meet Nangongyi's heroic spirit. Now... his soul is still being held at the foot of Lishan Mountain by Mr. Guan Yang!"

"Okay, let's go?"


In the next moment, the wind did not hear the wind and got up, the wind and water around me rose, and a movement restriction brought me down together. In just an instant, the two of them were already at the foot of Lishan Mountain, and two golden lights swept behind them, Mu Tiancheng and Guan Yang. All came to see the excitement.



A ray of gray brilliance emerged in the night light, turning into a warrior with a broken sword. His armor was rotten, but he was still full of fighting spirit. At the moment when the heroic spirit was released, his consciousness still stayed. At the moment before he died, the cold light of the sword in his hand soared, and he roared: "I want to step on Lishan and kill me Nangong!"

"Duke Shanhai..."

Guan Yang yelled softly.


Only then did Nangong stop forwarding, looking at me and the three mountain monarchs in front of him, he burst into tears and said, "I...Is this already dead?"


I nodded: "Shanhai Gong Nangong also guarded the foot of Lishan Mountain to block the throne Han Ying, and finally died in battle. He deserves to be the first general under Xuanyuan Ying's command."

Nangong also held the broken sword, tears raining: "Let's...our Lishan, have you guarded it?"


Unheard of the wind, he nodded and said: "After Lord Shanhai was martyred, Lord Yunyue of the Dragon Region slashed his mind and stepped into the Ascendant Realm. He successively slayed the four thrones of Fertuna, Landero, Donghai Fangzhu, and Linhai. There are only two of the nine thrones in the north, and the real dawn of the human race has ushered in."

Nangong also smiled: "That said, it is worthwhile for me to die in Nangong."


I stepped forward and said, "Duke Shanhai, Nangong also!"

"Chen... here."

He slowly nodded, and he could see that he was still dissatisfied with me, the Great Emperor Liuhuo. In fact, until the moment of his death in the battle, Nangong also had a demon in his heart, that is, Xian Emperor Xuanyuan’s preference for me, far more than right. He is an old minister, why is Xiaoyao Wang not him? Why is the regent not Shanhaigong? Another heart demon is that the foreign surname is not a king, and the foreign surname cannot be called an emperor, but I have almost done both of these things.

Therefore, even if Nangong is in line with my merit record, he will never be convinced by me.

Looking at the heroic figure of the famous general in the moonlight, I felt a little complicated, saying: "During the battle of Lishan, in order to resist Fan Yi's sword in the desperate situation, the king of Dongyue Mountain Yiping died in the battle, and now the **** of Dongyue Mountain The position has been vacant. In terms of achievements and prestige, no one in the empire's martyrdom list can be compared to your Shanhai Gong Nangong, so I want to ask you, would you like to take the post of Dongyue Mountain?"

Nangong was also stunned, her expression rather dazed.

"Why~www.wuxiaspot.com~Don't you want to?" Mu Tiancheng asked.

Nangong also looked at me and said, "Why didn't your Majesty seal Zhang Yong who was closer? I, Nangong...When I was alive, I never followed your majesty's will, and never agreed with your majesty's strategy..."

"So what?"

I smiled slightly: "Many things you also did in Nangong were also for the Xuanyuan family. You and I are not enemies, but political opinions are disagreeable. Now I am about to appoint Dongyue before I abdicate. Naturally, I will choose the best and choose one. The most suitable heroic person has been chosen to serve as Dongyue, and the prestige and achievements of your Shanhai Gong Nangong are the most suitable. Who is it for you?"

"What, your majesty is going to abdicate?"


I nodded: "The prerogative is too long. If I make a decision today, my layout has been completed, and I should return Jiangshan to the descendants of Emperor Xuanyuanying. Now, is Shanhai Gong Nangong willing to serve as Dongyue Mountain Monarch?"

This rebellious generation of celebrities slowly knelt to the ground on one knee, unable to cry: "Chen...Nangong also, willing to accept orders!"

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