Zhan Yue

Chapter 1465: Sitting in the Dragon Region

Latest URL: After dinner.

It was night again in the game. Lanterns and festoons on Donghuang Mountain near the sea, once again sealed the mountain monarch, this is also the last thing I did as the Liuhuo Emperor, and I can do multiple things with one stone. Not only did I seal Nangong to Dongyue Mountain, but at the same time The admirals Qingyuantu, Zhang Yong and others who died in the battle were named Vice-Yueshan Gods and so on.

In a decisive battle at Lishan, the empire’s heroes who died in battle are countless, and there are more than 50 generals who are more than ten thousand captains alone. After all, in the first battle at the foot of Lishan Mountain, the throne himself made swords. The human phalanx was crushed in an instant, and many corps and even formed organizations were killed and sacrificed to the country. The tragic degree is unimaginable.

Therefore, this time there is only no shortage of heroic spirits. The lack of mountain gods in the four mountains are directly supplemented one by one. As for the mountain gods who died in the battle of Lishan, all the gods, headed by Dongyue mountain monarch Yiping, have all established their gods. Enshrined in the ancestral temple, even the Xuanyuan clan had no objection to this. After all, these people were people who died twice for the Xuanyuan clan, and they are now wiped out. It is not too much to worship the gods in the ancestral temple.

The moment the imperial seal was completed, I went straight to the sky.

When I overlooked the world, the veins above the earth became clear again. The thrones asked the sword before, and the situation that caused the mountains and rivers to sink and sink was also restored and stabilized. As long as there are four mountains, Xuanyuan’s rivers and mountains should not be there. What's wrong, so I just rested on the canopy for a while.

My heart is relaxed, and I am about to unload my burdens, just like a pupil who is about to leave school, my heart has already cheered for joy.

After a while, the time was right, it was dawn in the game, and it was early morning time, so he jumped down and turned into a golden light to appear on the Wude Hall.

"See Your Majesty!"

The civil and military officials saluted, but Lin Hui was a little surprised. When I didn't show up, it was his prime minister. Now that I'm here, he can take a break.

I nodded: "There is a big event to be announced today."


Lin Hui was taken aback.

I smiled slightly: "Please Lin Xiang personally draft the edict?"


Lin Hui immediately stepped forward slowly, sat down by the desk next to the dragon chair, was ready, holding a brush in his hand, waiting for me to speak at any time.


I’m solemnly saying: "My book, Emperor Longwu Xuanyuan should be appreciated, and he was promoted to King of Xiaoyao. Later, he had no choice but to arrogate his position. Now the throne of the Northern Territory has fallen for more than half, the world is stable, the four mountains are stable, and the country is safe. Therefore, it is honored. Commitment, immediately abdicated, and the crown prince Xuanyuanji ascended the throne, promoted the prime minister Lin Hui, Lingyue Gong Zhang Lingyue, Sun Gongwang Shuang, Yinping Gong Nangong Chi as ministers of Gu Ming, assisting the young country lord, general regent, and the rest of the civil and military affairs. Assist the new emperor Xuanyuanji, and appreciate this."

Lin Hui was sweaty at writing. After finishing writing, he put aside his brush and frowned, "Your Majesty, do you really want to abdicate immediately?"


I slowly nodded, took out the imprint of Emperor Liuhuo, and placed it on the edict with a "pop", and suddenly a ray of golden light bloomed, and the real way of speaking was easy. At this moment, the emblem of "Liouhuo Emperor" on my head slowed down. It disappeared slowly, and at the same time the titles of Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan and others disappeared together. The good day... At this moment finally passed!

Above the hall, the officials were surprised.

Zhang Ling frowned and said, "The heavens are below. Is your majesty abdicating a bit earlier? Not to mention that the prince was young and just started to study with Lin Xiang, I'm afraid it's wrong..."

"It's ok."

I waved my hand and said, "Although the prince is young, but there are so many important and virtuous ministers to assist me, I am very relieved!"

After that, I looked at the officials and said: "Now that the four mountains are re-appointed, the landscape in the empire is very stable, and the general direction of the future national policy should be farming, raising the people, training the army, and building more temples. Continue to stabilize the landscape. In addition, Senior Sister Yun has now soared, and the Dragon Region is weak. Once the Dragon Region is attacked, the empire must be prepared for remote assistance.


Everyone nodded.

I continued: "Civil ministers, headed by Lin Xiang, commander of the government affairs of the empire, military commanders, headed by Zhang Lingyue, commander of the military affairs of the empire, before the new emperor Xuanyuanji takes office, please be sure to help me, I can welcome the Xuanyuan family. The pattern in front of us was bought by Shi Shen, the saint guarding the south, with broken golden bodies by the mountain monarchs and gods, and by the lives of countless soldiers who died on the battlefield. It is hard-won, please. Everyone must cherish and cherish."

Everyone saluted again.

I took a deep breath and held the seal ribbon of Emperor Liuhuo. There is still a strong national luck and the circulation of heaven and earth on this seal ribbon, so I smiled and said: "The seal ribbon of Emperor Liuhuo was sealed to me by heaven and earth, so I Take it away, everyone, please remember that if there are faint kings and powerful ministers in the country, I can come back again, and I will have the fortune of heaven and earth at any time, and I can regain the throne, but I hope not On such a day, after all, I am a person who likes leisure."

Zhang Lingyue, Wang Shuang and others took the lead and laughed, and then the officials dared to laugh out loud.

And this remark of mine is not casual, but for those who live in the camp. The power of this remark is more powerful than a thousand horses. It is like a sword that hangs on the top of the villain at any time. All may fall. As long as I am still alive, those who think of stealing and betraying the country will be frightened and afraid to overstep.

"All right."

After I handed the edict to Lin Hui again, I smiled and said, "It is my honor to have worked with everyone for so long. The new Emperor Xuanyuanji's enthronement ceremony is requested by Lin Hui to be held on another day, and I will not participate."

"His Majesty…"

Lin Hui frowned: "Weichen dare to ask, where will your majesty go?"

"It's easy."

I looked to the northwest and said, "Senior Sister Yun gave the Dragon Region to me before she ascended, so I will no longer be the Great Emperor Liuhuo from now on, but I will be the lord of the Dragon Region, and I will inevitably have a lot of meetings with everyone. Chances are, the Dragon Region suffered heavy losses in the Lishan Battle. It may need Human Race’s assistance in terms of materials, manpower, and technology. I will write a letter to ask people for things, and hope that Lin Xiang will give more face and be able to approve. If you can’t, just wait for me to come and ask for it.”

Lin Hui couldn't help but laughed: "Your Majesty joked, as long as it is not too excessive, the Weichen will certainly not reject Longyu's request."

Everyone laughed again.

I took out a dragon domain teleportation scroll, smashed it into pieces, and fisted at everyone: "Go, everyone, the landscape meets each other!"

"Send your majesty!"

This time, all the officials kneeled on the ground, which is probably a proof of the "favorable" of the Great Emperor Liuhuo.


The character appeared on the Dragon Domain Square. Not far away, four dragon knights holding swords patrolling together saluted, and I nodded and flew towards the Dragon Domain Hall with a stride.

It was the familiar iron door. When the two dragon knights helped me open the door of the command hall, I even thought I could see the beautiful figure standing in front of the window and looking into the distance.

Unfortunately, she is no longer there.

Only the silver dragon queen Sylvia who was still lazy, lying in front of the fireplace like a lazy cat, opened her eyes and glanced at me, sat up, and smiled: "Tsk tut, it's rare...our dragon The Lord is finally home!"

Lan Che stood by the desk and hid his mouth with a chuckle.

The Fire Queen raised a finger by the fireplace, teasing the wisps of flames, and said with a smile: "It's good to be able to come back, don't be drunk and fall into the gentle country outside."

I stepped forward without angrily, came to the front of Senior Sister Yun’s throne with a big grin, and then sat down, as if exhausting all my strength, glanced at the three of them, and said: "I want to be the lord of this dragon domain. Do you know how much I sacrificed? The entire Xuanyuan Empire, countless harems, and millions of soldiers and horses, all of them are gone, just to come back and become the lord of this dragon domain!"

As I said, I leaned back in my chair and hummed, "If the three of you don't work hard in the future, are you worthy of me?"

Sylvia took a look at me and said, "What kind of hard work? Is it the kind of hard work that pushes the ass?"

I rolled my eyes and said, "Talk to business!"


The three of them got up and stood at the desk, like three beautiful students waiting for the teacher to give out their homework, and I raised my eyebrows and said: "The first thing, the defense of the Dragon Realm, Sylvia, you How far has the five Lei Teng great formations been practiced? In other words, if the two thrones Fan Yi and Han Ying come together to ask the sword in the Dragon Region, can you stop it?"

"can not!"

Sylvia shook his head decisively and said: "If Han Ying is a throne to ask the sword, I hold Wu Lei Teng and sit in the Dragon Region. He estimates that he will have to leave a leg to go, and if Fan Yi is a throne to ask With the sword, I can remain undefeated, but if the two thrones come together, I can hold on for two hours and then resign to fate."

"That means it's not very good."

I pursed my lips, looked at Lan Che, and asked, "Senior Sister, have you left the map of the Flying Snow Sword Formation?"


Lan Che nodded: "In the second frame of the left drawer, the original map of the Feixue Sword Formation is there. I didn't know why Master Yunyue had to tell me specially. Now that I want to come, she should have thought that there would be this. The result is over, so I left the map of the Feixue Sword Array here long ago for adults to use."

I immediately opened the drawer and it was there, so I was relieved and said: "Lan Che, UU Reading www.uukahnshu.com will print a few more copies of the Flying Snow Sword Formation. We require that all the dragon knights in the Dragon Realm must learn and fight in the future Sword Cavalry Dragon launches a sword formation to guard the dragon domain. In addition, a group of people with good sword training skills will be selected from the dragon domain Jiashi camp, and you will personally teach the mystery of the flying snow sword formation. At least 10,000 people must activate it at the same time. The sword formation, with the Five Lei Teng, guarantees that even if the throne asks the sword, our dragon domain will have the power to fight!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Lan Che's eyes flickered, as if the confused little deer saw hope.

I also looked at her.

Lan Che blushed, and bowed his head and said, "When Master Yunyue was in charge of the Dragon Region, he was so calm and composed, my lord... In some respects, you, Junior Brother and Senior Sister, are really too alike. !"

I was stunned: "I want to stand in your place even more, and she is sitting here..."

At this moment, there was a "drop" and the sound of the star's eyes sounded in the ear: "Skywalker, the fusion degree of the fire of the Ark civilization has reached 80%. The discovery of a newly synthesized ultra-high polymer material may be able to implement your sky patching. Plan it!"

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