Zhan Yue

Chapter 1466: Jetting scheme

Latest URL: "Xingyan, wait a moment."

"Yes, Skywalker!"


I sat quietly in the seat of the Lord of the Dragon Region, looked at Lan Che, and said, "After the Battle of Lishan, how many troops did we lose? How many supplies? Are these records?"


She put a book in front of me, which recorded various details, and even the name and resume of each dragon knight who died in battle were described in detail. As for the dragon warriors who died in battle, there were too many deaths. I am afraid that just record the name. A few thick books are needed, so they are not recorded in this summary. At the same time, the dragon has also been killed a lot, and all these losses are recorded in the book.

"Lan Che."

I frowned: "You first draw up a plan to replenish the loss of the organization, how much manpower, materials, equipment, etc., the more detailed the items, the better. After you draw up the plan, hand it to me. Since we are helping the human race Fighting over there must be paid by the human race in the end. Our Dragon Region has no way to get money, so we can only ask for it from the human race."

Lan Che smiled happily: "Originally I planned to take it before you step down as the Great Emperor Liuhuo, but in the end you abdicated so quickly, one step too late."

"It's okay, they will give it."


"All right."

I got up and said, "I have other very important things. The three of you will be responsible for the important events of the Dragon Region. We should discuss everything, and the three will discuss a result before making a decision, understand?"

"Yes, my lord!"

Lanche and Sylvia nodded together, while Sura smiled slightly and nodded even if she agreed.



The moment I took off the helmet, I lightly patted Lin Xi's snowy legs, and said in her ear: "I will go offline and go back to the room for a while. Some things need to be handled by the Stareye machine."

"Well, let's go~~~"

I stepped out and went straight back to my room, clapped my hands, all the stareye devices were turned on, the curtains in the room closed on their own, and the holographic image suddenly became clearer under the darkness, and the stareye was listing a large amount of data. , The data in the screen flickered so fast that I was already overwhelmed in the world of transforming gods.

Ark Tinder Technology, with an integration degree of 80%, this is already a remarkable technology volume.

"What material?" I asked.


In the picture, a model with a very complex molecular structure was quickly formed. Stareye said: "This is a liquid polymer material with very unstable structure, but the degree of compatibility with each other is quite high. I am constantly sifting through it. It was found that the unique toughness and deformation properties of lithene may be able to meet the requirements of the sky patching plan.

"Let me see the simulation."


In the holographic image, the star eye quickly simulated a benzene ring crack between the extremely cold planet and the earth, and then began to simulate a liquid lithoene of the same shape, as if a film was attached to the crack Generally, when the lithene completely covers the cracks, the air pressure difference between the two sides immediately agitated, and immediately the lithene began to sink into the world of the extreme cold planet, but it was like a small net for a pupil catching a butterfly, but it kept zooming in, but But it was not broken, and the toughness was extraordinary.

Star Eye said: "The structure of lithene is tight, and it can completely isolate the circulation of air under ideal conditions. But this way, although it can inhibit the continuous absorption of the earth’s atmosphere, it cannot completely prevent the cold current from invading. After calculations , After all the cracks in the world are filled up with lithene, the temperature in tropical, temperate and subtropical regions will rise to about minus 30 degrees Celsius."

"Still not working!"

Sitting in a chair, I frowned and said, “Although minus 30 degrees is stronger than it is now, it’s not much stronger. If we can’t grow crops outdoors, how can we feed the billions of people on the planet? Minus 30 degrees? No, it must return to the earth's temperature."


Star Eye said: "The specific design plan depends on your thinking."


I nodded. Although Stareye is super intelligent and can simulate many solutions, the real way to solve the problem still depends on people. So looking at the structure of lithenene in front of me, I pondered for a long time and said, "Stareye, you Have you ever considered the possibility of double lithodones? The first heavy lithodones are facing the extremely cold planet with a higher density, while the second heavy lithodones are facing the earth with a thinner density, and then the two layers are emptied. The air between the lithenes forms a vacuum insulation layer. This way, it can be ensured that the cold current of the extremely cold planet will no longer be able to return to the earth."


Skywalker was silent for a long time: "Skywalker, you are indeed a talented person!"

I rolled my eyes: "I will design a simulation immediately to confirm the feasibility."


In the image of the entire system, the simulation program was opened immediately. Soon, the first heavy stone prene was completely arranged, as if it was blown by a blower, and sunk in the direction of the extremely cold planet, like a floating out of thin air. Socks, and after the second heavy stone prene is slowly formed, it is also dented by the air pressure, but the second heavy has low density, so it can't get close to the first, forming a vacuum space between them, and the temperature on both sides is just that. A huge watershed began to appear.

"The simulation is successful!"

I clapped my hands lightly and smiled: "Great!"

Star Eye said: "Congratulations, Skywalker!"

"Don't rush congratulations."

I sat back in my seat again, and said, "Is there a material like lithene on the earth? After confirming this, let's talk about it, otherwise everything will be beautiful."

Star Eye said: "Lepidene, a synthetic material extracted from the corners of ancient stones on the home planet of the Ark civilization. According to the analysis of the earth materials in the database, this material is contained in the granite on the earth. It is about one meal. Granite can extract about 50 grams of lithene."


I frowned: "It can be extracted. Another question is, what kind of device is used to arrange the stone lenene?"

"The current design plan is spraying. We need to design a benzene ring-shaped nozzle, which is perfectly arranged around the cracks. The liquid crystallite is sprayed out by precision spraying, and then a semi-liquid crystallite with a relatively more stable structure is formed. The olefin layer, at the same time, can also adjust the density of the limonene at any time through the spray setting, and maintain the stability of the entire protective structure."


I nodded: "In this way, the plan we want to design should be a double spout. At the same time, we must design a huge base. Most of the cracks are located 30 or 40 meters above the ground. The base must be high and Be stable."


Star Eye said: "It is also necessary to ensure the problem of sea cracks. With the ups and downs of the waves, the stability of the spout will be severely tested."


I nodded for a moment and said, "Can you design a structure similar to a high-rise damper so that the equipment on the sea and the waves form a resonance frequency, and the problem can be solved."

"The plan is being designed."

I thought about it, and then said: "The base equipment is divided into land and sea, and the design is different. In addition, when designing the base, the transportation of lithene should be considered in advance and these problems should be supplemented. Since it is necessary to design, then The problem should be considered comprehensively, and the problem of the frozen planet should be solved once and for all."

"Yes, Skywalker."

I took a deep breath, knowing that some were busy, called the keyboard, and began to crackle the design of the device system, while the star eye was responsible for the detailed internal structure of the setting. After all, although I know the principle of many devices, it is true. The design is definitely a layman, as long as the star eye points out the concept and direction of the design.

I don’t know when I’m busy, but I know Lin Xi is knocking on the door outside: "Lu Li, still busy?"

"Well, come in."

When Lin Xi pushed the door in, what was greeted was the huge database of the entire system imaged in the room. The entire room was filled. She cautiously avoided some data and came to me, saying, "Is this? "

"A device."

I kept building a new structural unit. Seeing Lin Xi's confusion, I smiled and said, “This kind of equipment is called a jet machine, just like the kind of toy that blows bubbles. The earth sprays a big bubble that will not burst, which directly isolates us from the extreme cold planet, so that our low temperature problem can be solved theoretically."

Lin Xi had a pair of beautiful eyes: "Really?"


I smiled: "Should it be time to eat?"

"Well, it's dinner time. My sister asked me to call you, and you didn't eat lunch."

"It's okay, stop eating, I'm busy here."

I lifted my face and smiled: "Give me a little reward, I will continue to be busy!"


Lin Xi sank, but didn't kiss my side face, but went around the side, her rosy lips fell directly on my lips, and a rather gentle kiss was handed over, and she blushed as soon as she touched it. , Said: "Well, I'm going downstairs to eat!"

"go Go!"

After Lin Xi left, I touched my lips, smiled like a fool, and continued to fly with my fingers. The jet was designed to save lives. So far, due to the extremely cold low temperature, a large number of people are frozen every day on the earth. Death, starvation, so the sooner the jet program comes out, the more people may be saved.

I am not a saint~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but I admire what saints do, just like a stone master.


This work lasted until more than three o'clock in the afternoon the next day. After eliminating multiple design schemes, an optimal design scheme was finally completed. Some details still need to be adjusted, but the overall design is not too problematic.


Gently waved my hand, I said solemnly: "The design of the jet machine is basically okay, Star Eye, you continue to optimize the specific design, and then we will study the machine for refining lithene."


Xingyan said in a deep voice: "According to the records of the Ark Civilization, this kind of machine is generally divided into two parts, a stone crusher and an ultra-high temperature extraction machine. When the two are connected, the energy source is continuously extracted. "

"Oh, I see."

At this moment, with a beep, a friend message was accessed, from Wang Lu: "Lu Li, what are you up to?"

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