Zhan Yue

Chapter 1467: High cost

   "Look for yourself."

I directly shared the picture on my side, and Wang Lu was dumbfounded.

"what is this?"

"A solution to the problem of the frozen planet."

"Come and pick me up, I want to see it myself!"


I stepped out and came directly to the base Wang Lu's side, and then raised my hand and pushed her back one step forward. In the next second, the two of them appeared in my room. I clapped my hands and summoned the jet machine. The design summary, especially when a huge internal structure diagram of the jet was displayed before her eyes, Wang Lu was directly stunned.

Today, Wang Lu wore white overalls, showing a slender body. The undulating appearance of Su Feng was quite attractive. She looked up at the summary design drawing and said: "Feasible?"

Let me briefly explain the working principle of lithene.

For a while, Wang Lu was excited, turned around so happy and gave me a 34D hug, smiling: "Great, great..."

I awkwardly pushed her away: "Don’t get excited, don’t get excited. This is just staying at the design stage. Moreover, only jets have been designed. Next, the refinery equipment for lithene needs to be designed. The consumption of various cutting-edge materials is extremely large, and I am afraid that it is no longer a problem that one of my labs can solve."


Wang Lu smiled and said, "It's okay. Using our huge national factory, there is no problem that can't be solved."

I couldn't help but smile and said, "Oh, is your tone that big now?"


She stood up Sufeng, and stretched out her hand to pat on it: "Look at this!"

I didn't dare to look more, just glanced at it: "It's huge..."

"Depend on!"

Wang Lu smiled and scolded: "Who let you see this, I let you see my badge!"


I lowered my head and took a closer look: "It's incredible, consultant of the National Security Defense Center, tut... Sister Wang Lu, it's amazing, it's indeed a late stage of Yang Yan stage, it's amazing!"

She rolled her eyes, but her gaze was very soft, and said, "Lu Li, I want to thank you. Without you... I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to enter the headquarters."

"How to say?"

"Isn't it very simple?" She gave me a sideways glance, and said: "I am your Ouyang Luli's connector! You, a person who lived in the realm of the gods, spent the days idle with clouds and wild cranes. People from government departments always look for you. I ignored all of them, so I just talked to me... So I always came to me for anything from above. For the convenience of work, I was given the title of consultant of the National Security Defense Center. The authority is quite large, and I can do many things. Directly to the above, for example, if you want to call a national factory to refine various materials, I can directly handle it for you."

"That's good, don't thank me, things for mutual benefit."

I said solemnly: "In about seven or eight hours or so, the refining machine will be able to complete the design. This kind of machine can be refined, and it doesn’t need to be too precise. During this time, the jets are used for land and sea. Both designs will be further optimized, and they are almost ready to use. Time is tight. By tomorrow morning, they should almost be on the agenda."


She smiled and said, "Let me talk about the construction cost of this jet and refiner?"

I nodded: "Xingyan, according to the current market, make a quote."


Star Eye solemnly said: "According to the current market, the cost of a jet is about 80 billion RMB. The core materials and construction techniques required are quite expensive. The refiner is simpler, about 100 million RMB. The price is around RMB."


Wang Luxiu's eyebrows furrowed: "Really the price is not low... The cost of a jet is about the same as an aircraft carrier... Well, tomorrow morning there will be an internal meeting of the Security Defense Center in Beijing. You can take me with you. Send it to the past? Or you can do it yourself. Then you can bring the design materials and explain the design principles in public. After all, the price is too high. Now it is a critical period for the frozen planet. If the national economy is stagnant, you will need to take it. For such a large sum of money, everyone needs to nod."


I smiled and said, "I originally thought the same way. This matter... is not small, and it will be difficult to make this decision."

"Well, the meeting is at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, will you pick me up on time?"


After that, I sent Wang Lu back to the base. I went back to my room and continued to design the drawing of the refiner. Just like Stareye said, the refiner is much simpler. Unlike a jet, the core components of the jet are equivalent. It’s complicated. The precision of the density control system that controls the lithene is quite terrifying. In order to build this, more than ten kinds of precision machines need to be built. Let the earth develop for a hundred years, I am afraid that this kind of thing will not be created.


It was another busy night.

At around 8 o'clock in the morning the next morning, the detailed design schemes of the jetting machine and the extraction machine, plus the design schemes of more than fifty kinds of auxiliary machines have been completed. go out.



"Go down to eat?"

"Eat if you can catch up. There is a meeting at nine o'clock to attend."

"it is good!"

She took my hand downstairs. As soon as she got downstairs, she saw her sister frying steak and pinched her nose at us: "Oh, it's a bite of dog food this morning. Life is hard!"

Lin Xi smiled and let go: "Sister, I'll help you together. First, get a copy for Lu Li. He will go out for a meeting after eating."

"it is good!"

After a while, a steak was placed in his eyes, and the solution was done three times over and over again. By the time he wiped his mouth, Wang Lu’s message had arrived: "You can come over."


So, I took a trip to the KDA base, and then took Wang Lu and used the bracelet to transmit it to a precisely positioned conference hall in Beijing.


The conference hall is underground, with all kinds of equipment neatly arranged and brightly lit.

Just when I took a look, my heartbeat accelerated. The front row was filled with a group of leaders that I often saw on the news network. Suddenly I was a little speechless. I tilted my head and glanced at Wang Lu. You didn't follow me. I said that everyone is here!

Wang Lu smirked and said, "Don't be stage fright, just say what you have to say about your equipment."


I'm not stage fright, and dignified the realm of gods!

"Are you ready to start?"

I asked first.


An official from the National Security Defense Center smiled and nodded: "Lu Li, start your PPT presentation!"


In fact, it is not a PPT at all, but a set of holographic imaging demonstrations specially made by Star Eye. Just after I walked to the demonstration stage in front, a series of models appeared behind me. First, I bowed to the audience below the stage. In terms of age, they are all elders, and they still need the respect they deserve.

The demonstration started immediately, and four large brush characters of "Sky Patching Project" jumped out with a "swish" behind me, and laughed: "My solution is named "Sky Patching Program". The gap between the two is sealed so that the cold currents of the extremely cold planet can no longer be on the earth, so that the earth will absorb energy such as sunlight and geothermal heat and slowly warm up."

As he said, he looked up at a group of leaders in front of him and said: "The Americans designed a fire plan to immigrate to Mars and find a new home for mankind, but the Chinese are different. The first thing our ancestors thought of was water control. The thieves came and we built the Great Wall. There was no problem that could not be solved at all."

I clapped my hands gently, and a demonstration model of the jet appeared behind me, and I smiled slightly: "The principle of the sky patching plan is shown in the figure. We spray a liquid material with a polymer structure called lithene to form a deformable, Extensible bubbles envelop the entire crack, and the bubbles are double-layered, and the middle will be drawn out of the space to form a vacuum insulation layer. In this way, it is equivalent to completely isolating the earth from the extremely cold planet."

With that said, the screen behind him continues to deduce the principle of heat insulation, as well as the manufacturing equipment required to analyze the required materials, and so on.

In the end, quote directly.


The final price did not surprise a group of leaders, presumably Wang Lu had already passed the wind~www.wuxiaspot.com~Lu Li. "

A leader stood up and said: "The cost of this equipment is too high, so we can only be more cautious. If it is not successful, I am afraid it will consume a lot of national power in vain. Since it will cause worse consequences, I said. Do you understand the meaning?"


I nodded: "As long as a large amount of manufacturing costs can be invested, the success rate of the sky patching program is at least 90%."

Several leaders glanced at each other, but did not rush to make a decision.

Among them, a leader of the Security Defense Center looked at me and said: "If the sky patching plan is successful, the coverage of China’s land may not be enough to make the world warmer. Other countries also need to introduce the sky patching program equipment. Lu Li, have you ever thought about other countries introducing this kind of equipment, what kind of means will be used to handover and follow-up management?"

I nodded: "The top structure of the jet is quite complicated, and the precision equalization system needs to be online at any time, so... every jet has a secret key, and these secret keys will be in the hands of our country. inside."

With that said, I smiled meaningfully: "Where is such a good thing in the world? We spend a lot of manpower and material resources to provide the best technology, but let others enjoy it? Joining the Sky Patching Project and getting our equipment all require conditions. Yes, although we are saving the entire planet, we can't be good people, can we?"

Several leaders nodded approvingly.


Science and technology know no borders, but those who master science and technology do have borders, and they must pay attention to courtesy in everything.

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