Zhan Yue

Chapter 1468: Yaozu looking up

The plan confirmation was completed in less than 20 minutes, and the leaders present unanimously passed the sky patching plan. I was busy with the data submission throughout the following morning. After all, I took out this plan by myself. There are many details I must personally explain to the people of the Ministry of Technology, otherwise they may not be able to figure it out.

The whole set of equipment requires hundreds of thousands of components, which is a huge project that really needs to use the power of national science and technology. My laboratory is responsible for the development of centralized core chips. The equipment in the laboratory has been step by step by Star Eye. Updates and upgrades are enough to carry the R&D level of Ark Tinder Technology, and this is also a very core part. The product replacement and iteration of the Global Sky Patching Program will not bypass me in the future.

As for the secret key, I submitted the level 2 secret key directly to the Ministry of National Defense, and I left the level 1 secret key. I feel more at ease holding the highest control right in my hands, and there is no objection to this group of leaders.


At noon, I ate in the basement of the National Security Defense Center. There is no state banquet, because the resources are too scarce, but it is relatively abundant. After eating, I will have coffee with Wang Lu in the coffee shop on the first floor and plan to rest. Good to go back to Suzhou again.

"Is everything settled?" she asked.


I nodded: "The design drawings of various components are given to them. Next, we will see how the major factories across the country develop quickly. The faster the speed, the more beneficial to us."

"Is such that."

Wang Lu pursed her red lips, looked at me with beautiful eyes, and smiled: "You said, let's hold the security key of the Sky Patching Project in our hands. Will other countries join willingly? And, I listen to my immediate superiors. It was revealed just now that some countries want to join the sky patching program with very harsh conditions, and they may have to sign many trade contracts that are not conducive to them as a technology exchange."

"no problem."

I smiled slightly: "It was originally a kind of technology exchange, and in essence it is still a business. Even if they don’t sign, we will use other methods to get them to join the sky patching plan, but now there is still such a posture. necessary."

Wang Lu raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "Aren't you afraid that people will turn into anger from being irritated, and refuse to participate in the Sky Patching Plan in a fit of anger?"

"Not afraid." I shook my head.


She took a sip of her coffee: "Give me a reason?"

I had a good time to smile: "Because after we built the equipment, the first batch of sky patching equipment must be used in China. First, we will plug up a dozen holes in our country. It is also blocked. You see, there are the Himalayas to the west of our country to block the cold current. The other directions are the East China Sea and the South China Sea. It is difficult for cold air to return. Once we block our mouths, China’s territory will quickly warm up, perhaps In half a month to a month, the temperature can rise to more than ten degrees below zero. As a result, the temperature is suitable for human survival, social order will be restored, and our economy will enter a stage of rapid recovery."

With that said, I glanced at her and said with a smile: "In this case, the United States, Europe, India and other countries and regions will not be jealous? At that time, they will take the initiative to discuss cooperation, so we must be fast. The first batch of sky patching equipment was produced in the shortest time and applied directly."


Wang Lu became full of confidence, and said with a smile: "It feels good to be with you."

I don’t know what to say.


After drinking coffee, return to the south.

First send Wang Lu back to the base, and then go home by herself. In the afternoon, there is nothing to do. Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan, Gu Ruyi, and A Fei are all online. They are still online. The three girls are online together in the living room on the second floor, which looks a little lively. A Fei was rushed back to the room, a dingy go online, and I carried my helmet, lay down on the sofa next to Lin Xi, and said, "I'm back, go online!"


Lin Xi said: "We are rushing to the level."

"it is good!"

On the line, a white light of "唰" flew away, and the character appeared in the dragon domain. After a glance at the friend list, Lin Xi was the fastest at level 340, Gu Ruyi was at level 339, and Shen Mingxuan was at level 338, all of which belonged to Apart from me, the top level of the national clothes, and Afei is 312, simply for the chief inscription master of the national clothes, it is already considered good.

In the dragon domain, the heavy snow has stopped and the sky is clear.

Crowds of heavy cavalry from the Dragon Realm are galloping on the field of the colonel, practicing rushing and riding warfare. The smoke and dust billows. In the distance, there is a line of dragon knights staying in the air, practicing what the senior sister left. The Flying Snow Sword Array, it can be said that the Flying Snow Sword Array is now the treasure of the Dragon Realm. Senior Sister Yun is not there, and we can only rely on it to resist the threat of the throne.

After wandering around, there are basically not a few major things that I, the lord of the Dragon Realm, have to decide. The remaining minor matters can be decided by Lanche, Sylvia and Sura. I seem to be able to do it again. Be the one who throws his hands off the shopkeeper.


After taking a deep breath, the Lingtai moved slightly, sensing wisps of threats from the south.

Immediately flew up to the sky, immediately swooped down, and landed straight on the edge of the southern sea of ​​monsters, standing where the stone master struck iron to frighten the group of monsters. When I looked up, I saw a huge fire dragon. Looking up in the boiling sea, his huge head stood tens of feet high, and a pair of cold eyes looked at me so directly, making people feel a little flustered.


The mountains and rivers on his side were swiftly swirling, and then a scholar in white clothes appeared next to him.

Xiyue is long, spreading from the Dragon Region to the end of the world in the south, so it is not surprising that Xiyue Mountain Monarch appears here. This Xiyue, which is thousands of miles long, is indeed a bit against the sky.

"The Yaozu can't bear to be lonely?"

He didn't hear the wind, dressed in white, holding Xiyue Mountain Monarch's magic sword, smiled and said: "It's not long before Shi Sheng has fallen. Are you thinking about fighting back against the human territory?"

The incomparably huge Huo Jiao sneered, his body twisted and became smaller in a blink of an eye, turning into an old man in a gray robe, walking on the surface of the sea of ​​flames, and said with a smile: "It's rare...the Great Emperor Liuhuo of the human race, And that Xiyue Mountain Monarch actually came."

I frowned and looked at the name on the top of his head. The simple two words "Demon Ancestor" seemed to be the ancestor of the group of monsters in the South China Sea. It must be an extraordinary existence.

"What do you intend to do?"

I looked at him and said coldly: "I can't restrain my loneliness anymore?"

"It's true."

As soon as the demon ancestor swept his sleeves, the figures of the sea monsters continued to surface. He smiled slightly and said: "Back then, Shi Shen, a saint in the world, guarded the endless sea and suppressed our demon ancestor for a whole thousand years. Now, the saint is for the world. The ants died, do you still want to imprison our demon ancestors in this sea of ​​fire for eternal sacrifice?"

I said lightly: "What will happen after you leave the endless sea?"

"Walk in the world."

Yaozu jokingly smiled: "Get a real freedom!"

"Can kill?"

"Not only that."

He looked rather indifferent, and said: "If necessary, the country will be destroyed, and it will be replaced. This land of mountains and rivers has never belonged to humans only, on the contrary, the place where you are based originally belongs to the monster race!"

"Strong words!"

The wind sneered: "Back then, the Monster Race attempted to invade Middle Earth and had a protracted battle with the Human Race. Eventually, they were driven out of the Central Plains and detained by Shi Sheng in the endless sea. You are clearly the ones who lost the battle. Back then, you, the demon ancestor, promised to Shi Sheng that he would live forever in the endless sea with the demon clan, and would not leave a step. Why, your dignified demon clan, talk as fart?"

The scholar was swearing in anger.

After all, not listening to the wind is also more worried. Once the monsters counterattack, the peace that humans have gained may not be guaranteed, and if the four mountains are used to suppress the monsters, what will happen to the Northern Alien Army's comeback? Although the Terran has four mountains to guard the world, if it really wants to fight on both sides, it will probably be stretched.

The demon ancestor looked calm, and said lightly: "As soon as Shi Chen died, I gave up the promise that year. After all, this is my promise to Shi Chen that year, and it has nothing to do with your human race."

He glanced at Feng Guan, then sneered: "Mr. Fengshan, I advise you to do it yourself. Although you are gathered together, once you start, what chance can you win?"

As he said, the demon ancestor stomped abruptly, and the sea was separated, and endless divine power accumulated between the heavens and the earth, setting the ancestor of the demon race like a god, and the suppression from the realm instantly made me blind to the wind. A sense of suffocation.


The wind didn't hear the wind gritted his teeth: "You actually just stepped into the ascension realm?!"

"if not?"

The demon ancestor chuckled: "Before Jing Yunyue ascended, the emperor made the world ascend to ascend at the same time, leaving all the fortune between heaven and earth to this world. Her kendo is too powerful, everyone must avoid its edge~www. wuxiaspot.com~ I'm no exception, but Jing Yunyue is no longer in the world, I can't swallow the world's luck with my mouth open?"

I frowned: "At the beginning, Senior Sister Yun was so eager to fly, otherwise she would definitely cut a sword at the endless sea and cut your **** into two pieces with one sword!"

"There is no chance."

The demon ancestor twisted his body and recovered his true body again. He sneered: "With the two of you, I'm afraid it is far from being an opponent of the Ascended Realm Demon Race. Would you like to call more Quasi-Divine Realms over? It also saves me everywhere. It’s a waste of time to find people to hang them one by one."


The wind does not hear the sword and the blade is drooping, but the mountain is enveloped by the weather, and my heart said to me: "Xiaoyao King, the demon ancestor's murderous intent against you is very strong. I will block it. You go first. The endless sea is destined to be in chaos. The war of the human race is bound to start again!"

I smiled slightly: "No need."

Because, at this moment, I felt a magic sword trembling and moaning endlessly in the magic weapon space, seeming to be cheering and waiting for a duel, and just after I raised my hand to summon this magic sword to the heavens, the sword in my hand The light skyrocketed and resonated with the earth under your feet. In this second, a golden formation enveloped the entire cliff, and the whole body of air and luck between the sky and the earth came in, and you couldn't help but say it!


"Tsk tsk..."

The wind did not hear his breath and smiled: "It's really annoying, how can this elder's fate be so good? Before Shi Sheng left, it seemed that the luck of this world was granted to you by acquiescence."??


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