Zhan Yue

Chapter 1472: Controlling the government will be over sooner or later

   Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

The equipment of the patching sky plan has been put into production in major factories. The equipment is manufactured first, and then assembled, and finally it is the step of assembling the equipment. The whole process can be described as quite complicated, and it uses more than 900 domestic qualified construction equipment. In the factory, all engineers and workers are escorted to the work place by special personnel. The country is already using all available resources to speed up the implementation of the sky patching plan.

With the power of the whole country to supplement the sky, the speed of manufacturing in China will certainly not disappoint.

In addition, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs began to get busy, sending many diplomats to various countries to meet with the highest-level leaders of the other country with the working principle of the sky patching plan, and lobbying the other party to join the sky patching plan, which has a little meaning to travel around the countries. In just a few days, Russia, Pakistan, South Korea, Japan and other countries have agreed to join the sky patching plan for the first time. After that, only North America and Europe will nod and agree, and a mighty global action against severe cold is about to come. Turned on.

After submitting the plan, I no longer need to worry about anything, so I can concentrate on seeking breakthroughs in the game.




The character appeared in Fanshu City, losing the aura of Emperor Liuhuo, but the golden ID on his head was still conspicuous. Not far away was A Fei, who was picking his teeth. He was too full with a beef hot pot at noon.

"Why didn't you do business?"

I glanced at him, sitting on the stone steps in front of the Great Sanctuary, looking at the tranquility of Fanshucheng.

"no way……"

A Fei grinned: "After these days of hard work, I have rushed to the 13th level inscription technique. Tsk tsk, I have raised the price to 10 times that of the 10th level inscription technique. The business has suddenly decreased. The method is high and low, as it has been in ancient times."


I grinned: "Black-hearted merchant."

A Fei turned and looked at me, leaning on the small cart in the stall, and smiled leisurely: "Tsk, after we abdicated, the Yemeni court seems to have been deserted a lot. It's probably like this when people take the tea to cool, how about it? Do you feel sad?"

I smiled and said, "What's so sad, it's not good to be like this now, it's not easy to have no officials!"

Ah Fei laughed loudly: "Just be stiff!"

At this moment, a beautiful swordsman with long legs walked up, with a graceful posture and a snow-white cloak, which made the whole person's skin white and delicate, at least a beauty of 8.5, only inferior to Shen Mingxuan and Gu Ruyi. The one on the front line came to A Fei's booth and asked, "This...how much is a piece of Primordial Grade armor for the 13th-level inscription technique?"

"One hundred thousand." A Fei said.

"One hundred thousand gold coins?" The beauty was surprised.

"One hundred thousand yuan."

A Fei squinted his eyes, his eyes swept from his chest to his legs, with a very satisfied look: "But if you really want to do business, beautiful women, you can give you 20% off. It can't be lower. You need to know that the national service is currently There are several people who can seal level 10 inscriptions, but those who can seal level 13 inscriptions, with all due respect, are my family."

The beauty smiled slightly: "I only spent 3W to buy this super-premium-level armor. The engraving of an inscription is actually more expensive than the equipment. Forget it, it's not cheap for a black-hearted businessman. I'll go find a cheap 10 The Grade Marker will be fine."

With that, she turned around and left.

A Fei looked lonely.

"Is it time to lower the price?" I asked with a smile, "Otherwise the business is not easy to do!"

"It's all like this."

A Fei looked sick and sat lonely in front of the booth, lay his chin on the mat with the inscription, and said: "At least double-digit players in the national service have now switched to inscriber, and it is easy to do it. Rushing to the 10th level inscription technique, the competition is getting fiercer and fiercer, life is not easy, I am now the legendary little bitter gourd in the world, you don't know that you feel sorry for people."

I don't want to talk to him at all. A person who earns money every day and weighs 150 jin needs someone to hurt?

A few minutes later, the sound of horses’ hoofs came from the inner street, and in a blink of an eye dozens of swift and intrepid imperial cavalry galloped into the square. Together, they protected a man in official uniform. After stopping the horse on the square, that He got off his horse and walked over. He was an acquaintance, a soldier of the Ministry of War, who looked like Kong Wu was powerful. He stepped forward and clasped his fists: "His Royal Highness, there is something going on in the northern border, Lin Xiang, please discuss it in the hall!"

I was sitting on the stone steps with melon seeds in my hand. I was basking in the sun and talking nonsense with A Fei. When I heard that something was going on, I frowned and said, "Wu Xinglan, my only identity now is the Lord of the Dragon Region, and I am not the Great Emperor Liuhuo. Or the King of Xiaoyao."

The military servant looked embarrassed and said, "Although His Royal Highness has already abdicated, but in the court hall, Xiaoyao King has always been on the list..."

"Lin Hui ordered it?"


He tremblingly said: "Lin Xiang said, Xiaoyao King can not be regent, but the Xiaoyao King of my Xuanyuan Empire must be you."

"You will find something for me."

I stood up and said, "I will go over."

"Yes, the subordinates retire!"

He got on the horse and galloped away, but I was faster, glanced at A Fei, smiled and said: "I see, why do people take the tea to cool, this special Manchu civil and military is still my person!"


A Fei picked her nose: "Controlling the government will be over sooner or later!"

"Crow's mouth!"

He rose up, turned into a golden light and rushed towards the palace. After a few seconds, he arrived at the palace. Step by step, he stepped on the crimson stalls and stepped into the court. Full of awe, it makes people feel a little comfortable. Although I, the Great Emperor Liuhuo, has resigned, it can be said that I have made great achievements when I was in power. I built the four mountains, opened up the southern vassal country, and defeated the ten kings of the northern region. Anything. They are all glorious and brilliant in the history of the Xuanyuan Empire. Therefore, the prestige in the Xuanyuan Empire is still as good as when people go to tea. If I want to come back, I can come back. As long as I stand here, the Xuanyuan Empire is my final say. After all, Lin Hui, Zhang Lingyue, Wang Shuang, Nangong Chi and others are actually my people.


Walking all the way to the end of the group of officials, Zhang Lingyue and Wang Shuang Nangong Chi held their fists together and gave up the most forward position. After I stood still, the new emperor Xuanyuanji jumped off the dragon chair with a "click". Although the ten-year-old is wearing a fitted dragon robe, he is actually still that sensible and active Confucian disciple. After twitching at me, he said: "See the emperor!"

It must be Lin Muslim who called him that, otherwise he can’t. Although it should be the case in terms of seniority, Xuanyuan should declare that he treats me like a nephew, and Xuanyuanji is Xuanyuanying’s grandson, and I am also a person who has been the Great Emperor Liuhuo. The emperor's uncle is worthy of this call, because this emperor's uncle is particularly awkward. Fortunately, I don't have the surname Liu, or I really want to hit and die above the golden level.

"Yeah." I nodded at the new emperor, motioned him to return to the dragon chair, and then looked aside Lin Hui, who had already been standing in front of the Prime Phase, and asked, "What happened to the Northern Territory?"

Lin Hui frowned and said, "I just received a scout military situation sent by the Liuhuo Legion from Qianyanmen Pass. The Alien Demon Legion is building a city in the wilderness about 200 miles north of Lishan. It is a fortress that stretches for thousands of miles from west to east. The passage between us and the Northern Territory is completely isolated. In addition, a large number of alien demons are active in the open forest and sea, and it seems that they need to do something."

"Is it true that something was done, or is it just a feint?" I asked.

"I don't know."

Lin Hui shook his head: "Our scouts can't get too close, otherwise they will easily be shot by the archers of the alien demon army."

At this time, a ray of landscape ripples appeared on the court hall, and then a scholar in white walked out of the ripples, followed by a female officer holding a sword. It was the wind and sincerity that Xiyue Mountain Monarch came directly to the court hall. It's a rare guest!


Lin Hui immediately got up and said with a big polite: "Students see Mr.!"

Feng Buwen smiled and said, "You don't need to be polite, I have come this time with a piece of news."

"What news?" I turned around and asked.

He smiled: "Xiaoyao King knows why the alien demon army wants to build a long fortress named'Delicious Great Wall' in the open forest sea?"

I was startled slightly: "I don't know, I don't even know that the newly built fortress is called the Great Wall of Death."

"It's Fan Yi's masterpiece."

The wind did not hear the wind and said solemnly: "Although Fan Yi's throne has become warmer, he does not have the ability to gather the world's death and luck, so he built a wall to block the Xuanyuan Empire in the south, and then launched The army is fighting and attacking the western countries. After all, at the same time as the battle of Lishan, the troops of the western countries have already entered the sea of ​​heroic spirits, destroying many places of the alien army that are regarded as temples~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Desperate to the Great Wall..."

I chewed the name playfully and said with a smile: "It must be the name that Fan Yi chose to die of the Great Wall. In other words, he wants Human Race to die under this Great Wall."


The wind nodded: "Now, we are facing a dilemma. First, if we let it go, Fan Yi will definitely work with his allies to flatten all the countries in the western border. It will be very detrimental to us. Second, if If we take the initiative to attack, we will leave the protection of the four mountains. At that time, the power of the swords from the four mountains will be drastically reduced, which will affect the combat power of the entire army. Thirdly, no one can be sure whether Fan Yi's true intention is to attract us. Leaving the protection of the Four Sacred Mountains, I then besieged and killed the army of my Xuanyuan Empire."

The new emperor Xuanyuanji looked at Lin Hui and then at me. Finally, he did not hear the wind, and said weakly, "Master, what shall we do?"

Fengren smiled slightly and turned to look at me: "I don't care, it depends on what the Lord of the Dragon Realm meant."

So everyone looked at me again.


I looked indifferent, clenched a fist, and smiled: "I sent troops to attack the Great Wall. Since Fan Yi is testing us, I want to see if we dare to fight. If that's the case, let's give him an answer. Just now Okay, I also want to see who is stronger than us, the alien monster army with only two thrones!"


The moment the wind nodded, the system announcement bell rang.


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