Zhan Yue

Chapter 1473: Hear the truth


System Announcement: Attention, everyone, after the decisive battle at Lishan, although we achieved an unprecedented victory, the throne in the land of different demons has not died. Fan Yi, the throne who claims to be the "sacred way of hearing", is proficient in swordsmanship in the world. The swordsmith Han Ying has come back with the remnants of the alien demon army. Now, under the instruction of Fan Yi, the alien demon army has built a desperate Great Wall in the open forest sea, trying to trap the human race in the south of the mainland. Next, we decided to take the initiative to attack and break the game. The version event [Delicious Great Wall] will start in 4 hours. All players are requested to prepare for the battle!


I frowned: "Hearing the truth is the holy?"

The wind did not hear his breath and smiled: "This thief who deceives the master and destroys the ancestor is really frantic."

I nodded in agreement.

The title given to himself by Fan Yi quickly appeared on the throne list. Although there are currently only two people on the throne, this "Sage of the Tao, Fan Yi" is quite eye-catching. This Confucian traitor dare not be self-conscious. He called "Wen Dao", because I was afraid that I could not withstand the suppression of the great road between the earth and the earth, so I could only use "Hear Dao". The most sacred Confucian master once said to his disciples that "you can die in the evening when you hear the Dao in the morning". So, Fan Yi wanted to compare himself to the Most Sacred Master, but he didn't have the courage, so he secretly took the title of "Hearing the Dao, the Most Sacred", which is really disgusting. .

"Prepare each."


The wind turned away without hearing the wind, and she disappeared above the court with the female officer with a sword, the true heart girl. If the human race wants to attack the deadly Great Wall, the Siyue Mountain Monarch will inevitably make a sword on the Li Mountain. The lethality is hard to say, but it is better to make a sword than to stand on the sidelines.

Zhang Lingyue clasped his fists and discussed with Wang Shuang, Nangong Chi and others about the dispatch of troops to the major army. Lin Hui is a Confucian, regardless of military affairs, but he needs to personally intervene in logistical matters. Fortunately, this Baiyiqing The disciple of the prime minister is a middle-level expert and he works in an orderly manner. This is also one of the reasons why I appointed him the prime minister's residence in the first place.


Just walked out of the main hall, a message came from Sky Rose of the US server: "The big thing is not good. We have already triggered an expedition version. , European server launched a large-scale war, the intensity of the version activities is the top SSS level, I am very worried!"

"do not worry."

I smiled and replied: "We have just refreshed a version of the event here in the Chinese theater. Fan Yi asked people to build a Great Wall in the open forest and sea to resist us, and our version this time is to attack the Great Wall. Once it is broken, I will give an order. All the troops drove straight to the north. If Fan Yi and Han Ying's main force does not return to aid, they will wait for their hometown to be breached!"

Sky Rose frowned: "What if they just want to change houses? Let the lair be gone, but also break the US server, and report the **** hatred of the US and European servers against the Heroic Sea. What should I do?"

"Don't worry about it."

I was speechless: "If this is the case, I will order an expedition to the Chinese theater and kick Fan Yi's **** directly. We will have a big battle with them in the west. We will set fire to the Chinese theater and burn the monsters all the way. All the corpses stored by the Legion and the Purgatory Legion were burned, leaving them no food. They did not dare to bear the price."

Sky Rose showed a smile: "If you say that, it will make people feel more at ease. By the way, congratulations, the Chinese theater has almost killed all the bosses on the throne list..."

"It's not like a sincere congratulations!"

"Huh, do you still say?! How can anyone eat with a pot while eating? Anyway, leave someone a bite, right?"


I can't help laughing. Is this the demon of a woman like Sky Rose? Blame that our national server didn’t have a bite of soup, so he said, “Isn’t this opportunity here? And I guess it’s definitely not only the two thrones of Fan Yi and the swordsmith Han Ying, but there will also be other thrones. You are mentally prepared, and if necessary, you will use the crowded tactics, and you can kill one more throne."

"it is good!"


Just finished speaking, another message arrived, from the beautiful girl with clear eyes and ink from the Indian clothing: "July Liuhuo, since it is going to attack the Great Wall to the death, it shouldn’t be a business in the Chinese theater? It’s just right, we printed this Bian has recovered more than 80% of the land of the Daxiang Dynasty. At present, he is called a strong soldier. Give us a teleport? This time, our Yinfu wants to appear on the battlefield in the northern part of the Chinese theater as an ally to help you. Can you completely take down the map of Pioneer Forest and Sea?"

"Is this a leveling place?" I asked.


Qing Miao Tuo Mo Qiao's face turned red, and said: "Since you can see it, how do you say?"

"It's okay for me to have one more person and one more strength."

I took a look at her and said, "However, you only need to print the service not to compete with our Chinese theater for the version of the activity map. You can restrict it when the time comes."

"I see, don't worry, Yinfu is currently your vassal state, so we can't do anything if we want to."


I nodded: "Let’s do this, you immediately ask the lord of the Daxiang Dynasty to submit a letter of credence, saying that you are willing to assist in the Northern Expedition of the Xuanyuan Empire, so that I can justifiably let the Xuanyuan Empire do it for you. A new Northern Territory Teleportation Array is now available to facilitate cross-server actions for India server players."


Qingmu Tuomo smiled and nodded: "Leave me the matter of the credential, and it will be delivered in about an hour."


Returning to the main hall for me, it happened that Lin Hui and the new emperor hadn't left yet. Lin Hui was surprised, holding a volume of dossier, and said, "His Royal Highness still has something to do."


I smiled and said, "After we beheaded Lin Hai and defeated the territory of the alien demon, the Daxiang dynasty in the south tried hard to rule, and the declining force of the alien demon army regained the lost ground. Now the territory of the Daxiang dynasty has reached. More than 80% of the peak period, the rest is just some time for recuperation. Just now, the people of the Daxiang Dynasty hope to participate in the war and help us with the Northern Expedition, so if they submit the credential later, you can nod and agree. Then opened up several teleportation formations for them in some remote locations west of Lishan, allowing them to enter the battlefield."


Lin Hui nodded: "I'll let the Ministry of Engineering prepare first, and reserve a batch of materials and the formation division."

"That's good. The Dragon Region will also participate in the battle. At that time, the battlefield will reserve a place for the Dragon Region. In addition, the logistics side will prepare more meat and food for the Dragon Region's army."

"Yes, this is an internal matter, please rest assured, Your Highness!"

"Okay, let's go."



The next second, return to the dragon domain.

The Dragon Region is still cold and heavy snow is floating in the sky. The Queen of Silver Dragon still lies in graceful lines and dozes by the fireplace. It makes me wonder if the Silver Dragon clan needs hibernation. I have seen her sleepy all day long. Lan Che was sorting out the dossier on the sidelines, but Sura was holding the Excalibur Flame Sword, standing at the window and staring out the window blankly.


She sensed the arrival of my breath and immediately turned around and smiled: "Is it going to go to war again?"


I nodded: "Our Dragon Domain will also dispatch some troops this time to assist the humans in attacking the Great Wall."

"be careful."

Su Lamei looked faintly, and said: "Although Fan Yi is disgusting, he still has strength, and he is a throne owner. After Lin Hai's death, the entire world is counted as the strongest Fan Yi. The knowledge of the Tao is quite scary, and they can always find another way. This kind of person is the most terrifying. I think there must be his reason why he attacked the West."


I took a cup of Dragon Domain’s unique black tea from Lan Che, sat in the seat of Senior Sister Yun, took a sip, and said, “But we don’t know anything now, so we can only passively accept the move, and then take a step. Okay, let's talk about it, how many troops can Dragon Domain now use?"


Sura is now quite familiar with the situation in the Dragon Realm, and she said: "At present, we have 300,000 Dragon Realm champions that can be used at any time. In addition, in the dragon knight sequence, there are 200 dragon knights who are already veterans. You can go to battle at any time, but the newly trained 200 dragon knights have not yet mastered the combat skills on the dragon back proficiently, and it will take a while."

Sylvia said: "You can leave me some troops~www.wuxiaspot.com~, and we must also guard against Fan Yi's real target is Dragon Domain."

"Indeed." Lan Che said.

Sura smiled and shook her head.


Sylvia raised her eyebrows: "The Queen of the Fire Demon thinks we are wrong?"

"It's really wrong."

Sura stood up and said: "To tell the truth, the alien demon army was so afraid of the Dragon Territory before, mostly because of the existence of Lord Jing Yunyue. Now Lord Yunyue has ascended, and the Dragon Territory is only better than the human race from the perspective of the alien demon territory. The army is stronger, it doesn't have that kind of influence on the overall situation, so I think that Fan Yi is so powerful, but the possibility of eventually attacking the Dragon Region is extremely small, because this is an unprofitable business."

I was a little speechless: "Although I don't want to admit it, it seems to be the case."

Lan Che pursed his lips and said with a smile: "In that case, let's play a record that makes the alien demon army admirable?"


I slowly got up and said, "It’s so decided, Lanche and Sura, leading 200 dragon knights and 20W dragon warriors, all go with me, the rest of the army stays in the dragon realm, and the silver dragon queen leads the rest. The army guards the Dragon Region, even if Fan Yi comes, you have to support me until the moment we return, understand?"

The Queen of Silver Dragon pursed her red lips, her beautiful eyes filled with grievances: "I know I will be enslave and call me..."

I was so gray: "Damn..."

Lan Che and Sura snickered.


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