Zhan Yue

Chapter 1475: Abyss Mace 1 hit kills

  Under the city, a large group of players looked over, and the identity of the man in gray was at a glance.

【Mo School·Xing Feng】(Return to Ruins Level BOSS)

Level: 355

attack:? ? ?

defense:? ? ?

Qi and blood:? ? ?

Skill:? ? ?

Biography: Xing Feng, one of the direct disciples of the Mohist sage Qin Yi, has a rebellious nature and eventually rebels and travels among mountains and lakes. He has a deep academic study of Mohist school. There are even signs that blue is better than blue. , It’s just a shameful personality, and finally fell into the arms of the alien demon army, becoming a master of the Mo family under the different seat of the most sacred fan.

He stared sharply and sneered: "If you want to attack the Great Wall, you just want to die?"

I frowned, and said in my heart to the wind, "If you have the opportunity, you can shoot the sword directly. If you can kill this Mo family expert, I will give you head skills!"

The wind did not hear his breath and laughed: "First of all, this person has an extremely sophisticated inscription magic weapon body, not to mention a sword. If it is out of the scope of the four mountains, ten swords may not be able to kill it. Secondly, you are now Lord of the Dragon Region, I am Lord Xiyue Mountain of the Xuanyuan Empire, how can you be qualified to give me head skills?"

I patted my forehead: "Forget about this, the wind is really a caregiver!"

He laughed: "I will wait for the opportunity to make a sword, you attack first."

"it is good."

I waved my hand again: "Zhang Lingyue, shall we start?"


Zhang Lingyue will raise the flag high: "Heavy artillery battalion, salvo the city!"

"Peng Peng Peng—"

The intensive salvo of heavy artillery fires is deafening, and the entire open forest is trembling. It is clear that tomorrow is not dark in the evening, but the moment the heavy artillery fires, the sky has dimmed, as if there was only continuous artillery fire between the sky and the earth. The scene on the side of the Great Wall of Daring Death made us shocked.

Just outside the city wall, strands of intricate and obscure inscriptions flickered, and strands of blue light on the top of the city flickered on the outer wall, like a mirror, and our heavy shelling on the mirror only sputtered a burst of artillery fire. The wall at the back remained motionless. What people didn't think was that the Great Wall had such a powerful defense formation.


A Fei frowned: "What kind of fairy formation can hold a round of artillery fire from the human army?"

Qing Deng and Kamei also looked solemnly.

Lin Xi looked at me: "What should I do?"


I gritted my teeth: "Any formation is consumed and damaged in battle, but what our human army consumes is only the shells in the arsenal. Zhang Lingyue, give me the order, the ladder troops stop moving forward, stand by on the spot, all armors, etc. All the heavy artillery of the second-class legion fired a volley of fire, but I want to see if the Mo family's inscription technique is so invincible!"

"Yes, my lord!"

In the distance, Ling's flag spread, and the sound of the beating of Ling's drums was heard from the flying boat supervising the battle in the air. For a time, the entire endless front was full of uninterrupted volleys of artillery fire. The volleys of this scale were almost the same as before. What I have never had before is that there are enough 3,000 heavy artillery pieces in only one Frostfire Legion, and the Flame God Legion and Blazing Legion are not too few. At this time, all the major legions of the empire have joined the expedition, and the number of heavy artillery is at least 2W. It can be said that every second, thousands of shells are poured on the defensive formation of the Great Wall.

This kind of artillery fire intensity is unprecedented. After all, there were too many human battles before. I and Fengrenwen commanded one battle after another, almost depleting the arsenal, but in Linhui, the prime minister's house. After that, his strategy changed to fight as little as possible and hoard more strategic materials, resulting in the accumulation of artillery shells in the imperial arsenal. This time he fought an unprecedentedly rich battle, and he worked hard to finish it!


After nearly three minutes of indiscriminate bombardment, a harsh sound came from the inscription pattern on the city's head, and the formation began to twist a little bit, and finally began to be unable to withstand the crazy human fire.

In the wind, the Mohist Xing Feng frowned and sneered: "No wonder there have been rumors among the northern countries that although the Xuanyuan Empire in the south of Lishan Mountain is known as the Continent of Temperance, the so-called Emperor Zhongxing Liuhuo is nothing more than a reckless man. , It seems to be the case now, in your eyes in July Liuhuo, there is only artillery coverage and indiscriminate bombing?"

I stood in front of Yilu's position, raised my brows, and smiled: "Isn't it?"


He did not accept it, his palms opened, and the golden brilliance on the runestones of the formation was being wiped out a little bit. In a blink of an eye, the aura was lost, and the entire outer wall of the Great Wall of Death was directly exposed to the human fire. The next second, a The flaming red shells bloomed on the city head and wall, exploding the alien monster army to blood and blood, and piles of broken bones rolled down the city wall.

Five minutes after another salvo, the cannonballs in the arsenal must have been consumed a lot. As soon as I closed my fist, I said: "Stop the bombardment, the ladder troops move forward and prepare to attack the city!"

In front of the city, a large number of ladders moved forward.

On the city wall, Xing Feng simply sat down in the crenellation groove, holding a gray dagger in his hand, and said with a smile: "I told you a long time ago that if you attack the Great Wall according to common sense, you must suffer a big loss. "

The next moment, the dagger in his hand tapped the city wall lightly, and suddenly a golden ripple waved away, as if sending some kind of command to the entire Great Wall, and then, there was a roar from the ground.

"what happened?"

Lin Xi on the side looked at the front in astonishment, already aware of something wrong.

On the other hand, I quickly opened the eyes of the ten-point steamer and looked through the ground. I saw that in the afternoon, there were a series of earthy gray formations that were spinning continuously, and some mechanism that I couldn't understand was moving rapidly, so I raised my eyebrows and said, "Escort the ladder. People who retreat immediately, it's not very good!"

For a time, Qing Deng, Hao Tian and others stopped their horses and rushed back quickly.

At the moment when everyone rushed out, the ground suddenly cracked, and a deep ditch was abruptly opened in front of the Great Wall, which did not have a moat, and then a series of wooden "wooden dragons" rose from the ground. The shape is tall, the body is entangled in a ladder that can't be avoided, and it will be crushed in an instant!

"I do it!"

Qingdeng looked back, feeling a lingering fear.

"move forward!"

Lin Xi couldn't bear it anymore. He raised the sword and instigated Bai Lu to advance forward, saying: "Even if we are using flesh and blood, we have to send the ladder to the city. Everyone should go up together and try to protect the ladder. The wooden dragon puppets must kill them. !"

Just as Lin Xi said, inside the "moat", wooden dragons snaked out and rushed directly to the human player's position. This battle has officially begun.

I frowned, Fan Yi played a good abacus, let the swordsmith Han Ying sit in the back, and then sent a Mo family Xing Feng, wanting to use Xing Feng's mechanical skills to slow the pace of the human attack, and maximize this dimension. The strong Terran army blocked in the south, and then concentrated on destroying the American and European servers. Once he succeeds, the Terran forces will inevitably suffer a heavy blow!

"Go together!"

At this moment, I didn’t hesitate anymore. The Transformation Realm turned away, chasing Lin Xi’s direction and rushed in the direction, swinging the two blades, and instantly strangling with a wooden dragon puppet, and at the same time releasing Xiao Jiu, together to cover and kill towards the front. Going away, and in the crack, the wooden dragon puppet rushed out endlessly like a replica.

For a time, even though there were many players, it was still extremely difficult to resist. Even Lin Xi, Qing Deng, Ka Mei and others in front were no longer offensive, but changed to a defensive posture, just in front of our Yilu position. At least more than one hundred thousand wooden dragons drilled out of the ground and began to attack the front row of players' defenses.


On the head of the city, Mo Jia Xing Feng held that gray dagger with a smug look on his face, and said: "How? You can't stand up to the little tricks of Lao Tzu? With this ability, you guys What would you use to break through the Desperate Great Wall?"

As he said, the dagger in his hand was slowly drawing a circle in front, and strands of golden formations bloomed. For a time, there were more wooden dragons in the ground, and even the roots of many trees were twisted and summoned by the formations. A kind of wooden dragon summons.

"Too much!"

In the front row, Lin Xi swept out with a sword, and was immediately attacked by three wooden dragons at the same time. It was worth setting up a heavenly sword umbrella for defense. Qingdeng, Haotian, Yixue and others were also uncomfortable. There were many in the front row. Everyone was beaten into blood by the wooden dragon's collision attack. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"Stay back slowly and keep the line of defense!"

Lin Xi ordered loudly.

I stared blankly at the wooden dragons in front of me. At the moment of Shifang Hot Wheel, their core is in the skull, which is a high-speed formation. At this moment, a ray of energy in the body "buzzes". It is the abyss mace when it screams. The characteristic of the abyss mace is to find the weakness of the target. It will be defeated in one blow, and it seems to be just enough to use it!

With a low whistle, his hand was replaced with a golden abyssal mace. The figure was wrapped in a white airflow and flew between giant wooden dragons. At the same time, the abyssal mace was continuously waved, and it hit the wooden dragon with "fluffy". It doesn’t have to be the head, it can be hit in any position, and every time the abyss mace hits, the wooden dragon trembled, and the ripples flickered, and then the formation in the head began to annihilate, and the entire wooden dragon’s body was Slowly collapsed to the ground, turning into a pile of broken wood that lost its vitality.

For a moment, looking at the abyss mace, I was a little speechless. I thought it was just a slight suppression of the wood dragon group's offensive. Who would have thought that your abyss mace was so fierce, killing a level 355 monster in a flash. , Isn't it a bit too much?


On the top of the city, Mo Jia Xing Feng, who was enjoying the battlefield scenes, gave a surprised look, and said: "I can actually defeat my puppet with one blow, what is that mace? I didn't expect that there is such a treasure in the world. , And being refined into a mortal thing by the waste of your mortal body, it's really a waste!"

His eyes gradually became ferocious: "It doesn't matter, it will be mine soon anyway!"

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