Zhan Yue

Chapter 1476: 1 will accomplish everything

The latest website: "Peng Peng Peng~~~"

With a intensive sound, the wooden dragons turned into dusty powder. I did not pay attention to Xing Feng’s prying into the abyss. Even the throne might not be able to **** this natal thing from me, let alone a mere ruins. Grade BOSS, although Xing Feng is a good Mohist master, he looks down on me, but in fact, it’s the opposite in my heart. I despise him. After all, I also singled out the return to market level BOSS. People.

"Suppress the past across the board!"

A few minutes later, the wooden dragon in front of the Yilu position was completely killed by lightning. I used the abyss to kill the enemy and defeated the opponent’s weakness with one blow. It looked very cool, but the experience value was 0 points, because it was full. Level, and the merit value is a pitiful 1 point, the system is a bit interesting, which makes people uncomfortable.


Wrapped in the silver brilliance of the Quasi-God Realm, he arrived in front of Fenglin Volcano's position in an instant. The abyss wielded, and the whole person stepped out a complex zigzag line in the sky among the monsters, bringing each wooden dragon into the air. Killing, reversing the situation of the entire battlefield with one person, almost cleared the wood dragon in front of Fenglin Volcano's position in less than three minutes, and then helped the Mythical Guild to kill the enemy.

In less than ten minutes, several top guilds of the national service have reached the place where the ground is split. This is the moat created by Xing Fengsheng. It is bottomless and about 20 meters wide. It is difficult for players to pass. , Let alone the heavy siege ladders, for a time countless ladders were stagnated in the south, unable to pass.

"what to do?"

Qingdeng frowned, stood on the edge of the deep ditch with the ice war horse, and said: "It's impossible for a ladder to fly over."

"Don't worry."

I groaned, and said to the wind in my heart, "Have you seen this seam caused by Xing Feng? We have many rocks and soil in the four mountains. Can you find a way to fill this deep ditch?"


The next moment, a yellow sword light came from the south. It was a sword cut by Xiyue Feng's unheard of. The sword light was engulfed in a large amount of landscape interdependent weather. For a time, Xing Feng’s numerous inscription patterns buried in the ground were all obliterated by sword light. At the same time, under the traction of the majestic mountains, countless soil and rocks condensed, and within a few seconds, the deep ditch in front was turned into The land is flat, and the corresponding consumption is the disappearance of a small hill on Beiyue Lishan.


"All right!"

Looking at the Yimapingchuan in front of me, I solemnly said: "Cover the ladder to cross the river and approach the city wall!"

As I said, I sat directly on the top of a ladder, opened my palm and opened a white dragon wall with a "knock". After crossing the "moat", the outer wall of the Great Wall of Death was already in front of my eyes. Then, the offensive on the city's head also came one after another. A group of 355-level undead archers shot arrows intensively. Suddenly, wisps of arrow rain fell on the white dragon wall and bounced off one after another.

Lin Xi's figure jumped, his left hand gently tapped on a crossbar on the ladder, and his right hand was facing the north. Numerous sword energy flew out, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a huge sky sword umbrella shield. Similarly, fully protect the ladder to move forward.

On the entire front line, reloading players such as Qingdeng, Kamei, Feng Canghai, Charm on Paper, Yanshi does not attack, and turbulent times are the first to perform their duties, leading people to guard the ladders moving forward. Groups of knights holding heavy shields guard the sides and rear of the ladder, and use shield formations to guard the thoroughness of the NPC soldiers who are pushing the ladder. When it comes to siege and defense, players in the national server have experienced too many and too many battles. This kind of combat quality is early Just make the players of the rest of the server red eyes.

"Do you really dare to come?"

Standing on the city wall, Xing Feng held a squeaky golden compass in his hand and smiled: "Come on, catapult, catapult, giant crossbow, shoot me with all my strength, let these ignorant human races know that the Great Wall is always unbreakable. !"

On the city wall, blood-colored bed crossbows were pushed out, and each bed crossbow was pierced with at least ten giant arrows. The craftsmanship was excellent. This was impossible for the previous alien army, and it must be Fan Yi. Only this human traitor will select craftsmen from the extinct dynasty to create these sophisticated instruments that only humans can make.


Above the city, thousands of bed crossbows launched a volley!

"be careful!"

I hurriedly turned around and turned back, and said: "Defensive skills are all given to me!"

Everyone has launched skills such as blade guards, ash barriers, shield walls, and even some high-level players have launched defensive skills such as the shape of the mountain, and the defensive effect is even better! As a result, a series of crossbow arrows descended from the sky with afterimages, "puffy" falling in the crowd around me, most of the targets they shot were the abyss cavalry, and the abyss cavalry was the elite of the deer cavalry. Everyone has thick skin and thick flesh. After a round of shooting of the bed crossbow, only a few people were beaten to the residual blood. Most of the abyss cavalry was just scratched a little. A sound of drinking blood.

But the opponent’s offensive was far more than just a bed crossbow. It was in the sound of the jingle of the machine. The catapult arranged behind the city wall launched the offensive. Blocks of double-hued huge rocks flew over the city’s head and slammed straight out of the city. The crowd suddenly made loud noises, and the huge rock rolled in the crowd, and the flesh and blood that they encountered would inevitably fly. Cloth and leather armor players were directly smashed back to the city as a ray of white light, and the heavy equipment was at least To peel off a layer of skin, be smashed to fly out, basically it is residual blood.


With a loud noise, a ladder tens of meters away from me was directly hit by a giant rock, and it was smashed to pieces. The sky was full of sawdust flying, and the group of people guarding the ladder was also hit and turned over. It was dismal. A giant rock, at least It has caused hundreds of casualties to us, and the equipment in the Alien Demon Territory is a bit scary if we don't get it.

At this moment, huge figures stood up on the north side of the city wall. They were all stone-slinging giants. These stone-slinging giants did not know where Fan Yi got them. The average height is 40 meters, which is higher than the Great Wall of Death. The small half-length body lifted huge rocks one by one and accurately threw them at the outside of the city. For a while, the number of damaged siege ladders began to increase dramatically.

"Do not hesitate!"

While I shouted orders and looked ahead, I saw a stone-sling giant picking up the giant rock and smashing it in my direction. The momentum was terrifying, and the arc of the throw was extremely precise!

"White Star!"

With a soft drink from me, Feijian Baixing flew out of his eyebrows, "chi" turned into a fiery glow and rushed into the air. Although the cultivation base of the Quasi-God Realm was suppressed by the player's rules, it was still half a Quasi-God after all. Although Feijian Baixing has lost the "Sword Spirit" Shiratori at present, his spirituality is still abundant, but now Baixing completely regards me as his "master" and is no longer driven by others.


With a loud noise, the tempering of this original flying sword cost me countless high-grade spirit stones, but the sharpness did not disappoint. A sword soared into the sky, turning a whole huge rock into dust, and there were no small stones. It was all crushed into powder by the sword qi, and it was no longer possible to cause any damage to the players on the ground.


Reached out and pointed forward, and shouted in a low voice: "After approaching, lean the ladder directly against the wall and siege the city for me!"


At this time, the hundreds of ladders walking in the front are all close to the city wall. The ladders are erected, and the ladders are clinging to the heavy players. The long ladders are driven by the springs. The erection smashed into the city wall, and once these people rushed to the city wall to stand on their heels, the break of the Great Wall was in sight.

"I thought it was so easy?"

On the top of the city, the Mo family Xing Feng smiled slightly and said: "If it is so easy to be breached, I don’t think Master Fan Yi would entrust this important task to me Xing Feng! Those of you in the field, one I always want to kill the enemy and make merits, and want to be famous in the annals of history, but how many of you have that fate, and if you will be successful, you are just one of the ten thousand bones."

With that said, the Mohist master gently dialed the compass in his hand and smiled: "Come, come and feel the real horror of the Great Wall!"


Along with the rotation of the compass, in the middle of the outer wall, about 15 meters above the ground, the huge rocks in the shape of cubes continue to bulge and dent like a Rubik's cube. The golden inscriptions gleam, and in a blink of an eye it is like opening a road. It was the same as the gate, followed by armor men with long swords in their hands and metallic bodies coming out of the gate. They stepped on the breeze and jumped up. When the swords passed through the air, they were originally framed outside the city. All the ladders were cut off.

"I fuck..."

Above, countless Yilu players who were about to rush to the city wall screamed and fell. The height of 30 meters is enough for the player to fall half-dead, while the puppets who "completed the task" turned and crashed into the wall. The square on the top stretched like a Rubik's Cube again, and all these short-lived puppets were recovered in a blink of an eye. In the next second, the entire outer wall was still smooth, as if nothing had happened.

It's tricky!

At this moment ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I truly believe that this Daring Wall is definitely not an ordinary fortress. Perhaps, this entire huge artifact is actually a magical artifact created by the Mohist school. As for the puppets, It's more of the pawns in the magical artifacts. In terms of refining tools and craftsmanship, the Mohist school is definitely the fairy hand among the hundreds of scholars, and no one can compare it.


"What to do, Lu Li?"

Qing Deng looked back at me with a touch of despair in his eyes.


I shouted in a low voice: "We still have a lot of ladders. Continue to cover. I don't believe that they can completely prevent our ladders from approaching the city wall. Even if this is the case, we will have other ways!"

"Well, too!"

Half a minute later, the second row of ladders approached the city wall, and at first they began to stand up.

And when the square stones on the wall began to rotate, I gently raised my hand and summoned the abyss of my life thing. Since the Great Wall of Death is also an artifact, there must be weaknesses too?

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