Zhan Yue

Chapter 1477: Boar Sword

The latest website: "Since you are not afraid of death, then it will satisfy you."

Xing Feng flicked the compass again, and immediately the square stones on the wall continued to protrude and dent again. In a blink of an eye, doors were opened. There was a puppet refining object about to attack, and at this moment, I "Peng" used all the transformation effects outside the body of the gods, and his right hand stretched across the abyss and pressed against the wall with a "ding", and then the whole person turned into a golden spark and rushed forward along the wall. All of a sudden, the abyss slapped the wall of the Great Wall to death. In less than three seconds, the whole person rushed out more than ten miles, as if only a golden thread flickered on the wall at noon.

But looking back, the stones in the middle of the city wall burst open, and wherever the abyss swept through, a huge groove appeared one by one. It was the place where the puppets were placed, and it was also a hidden one in the Great Wall of Death." Mechanism", but it was destroyed by the abyss. In the blink of an eye, hundreds of puppets collapsed one after another.


Even I took a deep breath, this abyss is indeed the world's treasure, this power is too shameless.


"Good job, Ali!"

Kamei rode on the abyssal horse, raised her sword at me, and laughed.

I also smiled slightly, returned to a deer position, and continued to lead people towards the city.

On the head of the city, the Mohist master Xing Feng's face was pale, his eyes stared at the abyss mace in my hand, his expression was cloudy and sunny, after a long while, he finally slowly said: "Is this mace, is it in the legend that can insight into all things in the world? The abyss of mystery? I have heard the master mention it before, but I have never seen it before, is it?"

With a flick of my palm, the abyss once again pours into the ruins, and smiles: "Why do you want to tell you?"

A Fei raised the staff in his palm, jumping up and down, and smiled: "My son, Xing Feng, I am familiar with A Li Thief. I also know what the name of this mace is. As long as you call me Dad, I will tell you this immediately. Is it an abyss?"

Xing Feng furrowed his brows and looked at A Fei in this way, and said lightly, "Dad."

Afei petrified.

Xing Feng raised his eyebrows: "Can you tell me now if this is an abyss, do you know?"


A Fei looked miserable: "I know... I don't know what... Do you know it!"

"Bastard stuff!"

Xing Feng roared: "It seems that you really didn't put our Mo Family in your eyes. In that case, feel the Mo Family's anger!"

As he said, he brushed his long sleeves at the city, and shouted in a low voice: "Apprentices and grandchildren, you are disciples of the Mo family, and you have also learned swordsmanship at the same time. This is the best time to kill the enemy and build your merits, as long as you can defeat the present. Enemy, our Mohist school can build a country in the wild north and carry forward Mohist scholarship again!"

"Yes, Sovereign!"

An unusually neat sound came from the city, followed by the figures in black costumes. They were all Mohist swordsmen. Some used one-handed double swords, and some used heavy two-handed swords, each with their own swords. Intentions surged, and in a blink of an eye, it was crowded into a piece of the city. The all 355-level market-level monsters are definitely a difficult bone for players at this stage.

"Kill the enemy!"

After Xing Feng gave the order, countless Mohist swordsmen rushed down the city.


"This is so..."

Qing Deng was slashed back with fierce sword energy by three Mo family swordsmen at the first time. After a weapon guard, he swung around to fight against the enemy, and his face was very ugly: "According to the trend of this plot, the Mo family in the world of Huan Yue Have you already voted for the alien army?"

"Hard to say."

I waved my two blades and shook the two Mo family swordsmen back, saying, "Xing Feng is a traitor to the Mo family after all. He should have just led a branch of the Mo family to vote for the alien demon army. Wanting to get more, but the Mo family's ancestors couldn't get the recognition, so he directly defected from the teacher's door, and went a different way with Fan."

A Fei fell into contemplation: "Then is this right or wrong? The Mo family’s ancestors follow the old ways. My Xing Feng son wants to break the old rules. This is why he betrayed his teacher and cooperated with Fan Yi to find a new way out for the Mo family. Is it a big mistake, right?"

"Dute has gone to war with the human race, can you still say that's right?"

Although Slaughter Fanchen looks rude and ugly, his three views are extremely positive: "Even if it is kind, but in the end it caused extremely bad consequences, that would be a big mistake!"

Lin Xi turned on the White God Transformation, coated with a layer of silver brilliance, and his attributes skyrocketed. He lifted his sword and hacked a group of Mohist swordsmen. He asked doubtfully: "That's it for killing monsters. What are you researching?"

Everyone laughed and continued to command in the guild to regroup.

"The ladder retreat temporarily!"

I commanded loudly, while driving and transforming into a teammate to take more damage, this group of Mo family swordsmen spawned too much, and their attack power was very scary. It hurts to death with a sword, so they must retreat a little and prepare. The good defense line will attack again, otherwise we will lose too much. After all, we are going to the Great Wall on an expedition, so there is no need to go so hard.

Counting this up, in fact, our offense has been defeated for the second time, and the number of ladders has been severely damaged. If the next wave of attacks cannot occupy the city head area, then the conventional ladder siege tactics must be regarded as a failure. And if you want to rely on heavy bombardment to kill the Great Wall, you basically don't need to think about it. The Great Wall has a guarded formation, which has a profound background, and it may not be possible to exhaust all the shells in the arsenal.



A message came from Sky Rose in the foreign service: "July Flowing Fire, how are you fighting on the Great Wall?"

I immediately shared my vision and said: "You can see that we are playing very hard here. Fan Yi sent a super BOSS named Xing Feng to guard the Great Wall. He is good at all kinds of organ skills. Our several attacks have been thwarted. No, he has summoned a wave of 355 level market-level monsters, and we are working hard."


Sky Rose pursed her red lips: "It seems that your siege rhythm seems to be OK. After all, you are already close to the city wall. In terms of the situation, it should be much better than mine."

"How about you there?"

"Fan Yi, there is also a ghost emperor sitting on the throne. They are all attacking our gateway to the west, which is the Great Wall of the West as you Chinese players say. After that is the border of the multiple servers of the European server. It can be said that the Great Wall of the West is our most eastern portal and the only portal. Once opened, the Western Continent is basically a portal open."

"Show me the battle!"

"it is good!"

The next moment, Sky Rose shared her vision. It was a majestic Great Wall standing among the mountains. The city was fifty meters high, which was much stronger than the Great Wall we were attacking. The condition of the Great Wall is not good at all. The monster groups of countless alien demon regiments and purgatory regiments cling to the city wall like ants, constantly rushing towards the top of the city, launching waves of crazy offensives.

At this time, almost all players in the US and European servers have been grouped together. The national warfare system has not yet been opened. Players from multiple servers have already met on the version of the big map, and they are even forced to fight side by side. The Great Wall of the West is full of people. After the players, there are players surging in the city, and the forest to the west of the city is full of players, waiting for a decisive battle with the alien army.

But these are not the most important things. What is important is that there are two huge thrones in the forest in front of the Great Wall of the West. One is Fan Yi and the other is the ghost emperor Qin Shi. The luck is haunting, not ordinary dictators, especially Fan. Yi, carrying a double-bead sword, wrapped up in the throne’s luck, walking in the air, smiling, and a disgusting person in the American and European clothing: "Friends in the West, how are you? I heard that you are proud of yourself. Big eyes, low hands, snow-white skin, shamelessness, and a series of lies. Everyone is a young handsome man with a head and no brain! Today, I, Fan Yi, will ask you a sword on behalf of the human race on the southeast continent. Who dares to take the next sword? ?"

A brawny man from a British server leaped up to the battlement on the top of the city, swung a long sword, and roared: "Fan Yi, you idiot, go back to your China area. You are not qualified to get involved here!"

"Sure enough, stupid."

Fan Yi smiled slightly, raised his hand to pick up a piece of golden text from a book slip, and smiled: "Since you want to die, this king will fulfill you. You idiot, just looking at you makes this king think Killing you is also your skill!"


With an edict, the golden text in his hand turned into a strand of silk thread to directly enclose the head of the brawny man in British clothing. The next moment he took his head up and flew, instantly refined, and rubbed into the double bead sword that was originally inlaid without smelling the wind. At the position of the true head, he shook the hilt of the sword and said with a smile: "I have refined a head that is as stupid as a pig. From now on, this king's sword... will be called the wild boar sword, right?"

Not far from the side, Ghost Emperor Qin Shi rubbed his eyebrows, and was about to lose sight of it.

A group of players from the European and American servers yelled and reprimanded Fan Yi for his words and deeds. Some even jumped up and landed on the top of the city, accusing them angrily: "Fan Yi, you are obviously just a boss, Words and deeds have violated our human rights! We require Tianming Company to apologize and be responsible for this matter. We request that Fan Yi, the BOSS, must be deleted!"

In the air ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fan Yi, who is full of throne luck, grinned: "What are human rights? You idiots are almost out of qualifications to live, so what human rights do you want to mention to me?"

As he said, the "Wild Boar Sword" was raised and pointed at the sky. Fan Yi's expression was solemn: "Come on, this king has sat and watched the world for several days, and finally figured out a set of swordsmanship for killing pigs. The pig is healed!"


The sword light fell straight down and split into dozens of them in an instant. At the source of each sword light, the golden "hog" characters poured down along the sword light, and in a blink of an eye they turned into rows of golden wild boars running wildly, one after another. The impact on the Great Wall of the West, leaving behind a series of horrible pits.



Fan Yi caressed his palm and laughed: "The wild boar hits the pig's nest, it is really a wonder of the world!"

Players in the U.S. and European servers are divided.

The ghost emperor Qin Shi sat on the throne, leaning on his forehead, a black thread, completely blinded.

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