Zhan Yue

Chapter 1478: Total attack

"It's a bit miserable..."

I looked at the picture of shared vision and said: "Finally, it's your turn to enjoy the throne of horror."

Sky Rose frowned: "What is this... we don't want to enjoy this kind of treatment at all? Besides, what the **** is this Sage Fan Yi, why is it designed such a disgusting throne? , Even if you kill, you still have to punish your heart..."

I grinned: "The boss designed by the system's main brain has basically nothing to do with the original designer, so you should be more concerned about the US server and the European server."

She frowned: "It's only a matter of time before the Great Wall of the West is breached. The next change in the world will depend on your Chinese theater. If you can break through the Great Wall and drive straight to attack the alien army's lair, we are still here. If there is help, otherwise, I am afraid that once the Great Wall of the West is broken, the alien demon army will be in Pingchuan. When the time comes, no one will have a good time."

"Do not worry."

I nodded: "You try to resist as much as possible, and our Chinese theater side will definitely go all out, and there will never be any selfishness."

"That's good."

She smiled sweetly: "Then I will continue fighting, waiting for news on your side to reverse the situation!"



Turning off the communicator, I almost laughed, and Fan Yi was very sick of the US and European servers. Although it was really disgusting, it was quite a "national hero". It was not so at this moment. I hate this boss, he is just disgusting, in terms of position...still on the side of the national service!

"Stand up first!"

Suddenly raised his hand, the three abilities of fish in troubled waters + the sound of the wind and the wind + the grass and trees all broke out together. At this time, my three skills are already at level 14. There are more grass and wood soldiers and stronger. Once the three-shot skill was released, the friendly players within dozens of yards were immediately much better, while a group of Mohist swordsmen were lost in the mist, leaving only the ones to be beaten.

"Strike across the board!"

In the distance, Feng Canghai rode his sword on horseback, leading a group of Fenglin Volcanoes Guild to continue to attack, and the Myth, Promise, Troubled World War League and other guilds all attacked, no more reservations.

Farther away, in the western section of the Great Wall, countless Indian players swarmed and launched an attack on the wall. Behind them were countless cavalry, equipment, and archers of the Great Xiang Dynasty. Under the control of "Shangqing", coupled with the rise of the nation’s luck, most of the ten thrones have been destroyed. The Daxiang Dynasty’s national fortune has indeed come back. It has continuously regained lost ground from the empty army of monsters. After the restoration of the Terran city and the migration of a large number of people, every refresh of the system is a huge increase in the national power of the Daxiang Dynasty. It can be said that Qingmou Tuomo, the Shangqing, has contributed to a country. of.

Nowadays in Yinfu, Qingmotuomo has long been a god-like existence, and the forums are overwhelming with "marry a wife when marrying Qingmotuomo", coupled with the rampant male chauvinism in India, so...Qingmotuo Mo Mo Shao talked to straight men on social software, and was completely deaf to the overwhelming pursuit.

At this time, the main force of Yinfu appeared and attacked the Great Wall on a large scale as a vassal state of the Xuanyuan Empire. Isn’t this not clear eyes and inks accumulating the “benefits” of the Daxiang dynasty, once the Daxiang dynasty is in the war against the alien demon territory Her contribution has reached a point that cannot be ignored, and she naturally has the right to speak, paving the way for the subsequent move to leave the country as a "vassal".

Human nature is understandable.

Moreover, at this time, the Indian server cooperates with us to attack together, which is also a good thing for the national server. Fan Yi introduces the purgatory legion of another world to attack the human world of the moon. This is a huge challenge in itself, and we cannot afford to lose. Yes, if a server with a huge player population like Yinfu does not participate in the battle, it will be a loss.


As a result, on the whole front, under the fierce attack of the national and Indian clothing, the entire Great Wall of Death was shrouded in the flames of war, and even many players have already approached the city and started to figure out their own way to climb the city. The demon army is constantly refreshing, constantly shooting downwards, so that the players can never get past the thunder pond, while the Mohist master Xing Feng holds a compass in his hand and frequently wakes up some puppets in the city to join the battle. They are all mountain and sea level bosses. , Can be regarded as giving players a little bit of the sweetness of the version activity.

At about nine o'clock at night.

A message came from the US server that the Great Wall of the West has been breached. Fan Yi and the ghost Emperor Qin Shi led the main force of the Alien Demon Army and the Purgatory Legion, and they have entered the forest sea of ​​the West Territory and began to wash in the forest sea map of the West Territory. Grabbing some camps and fortresses in the US and European servers, and the next step, I am afraid that they will begin to attack the city. At that time, the life of the US and European servers will be very sad.

In front of us, the Great Wall of Death is still strong. Our people rushed to the top of the city from the ladder again and again, but in the end they were all rushed down. They couldn't stand firm at all. The direction of the city was filled with huge sling giants, vicious and vicious. The dancing tree tens of meters long smashed against the players who rushed to the head of the city, which was quite brutal.

For a while, the Great Wall couldn't be beaten to death.


"The July Flowing Fire."

Not far behind, a figure fell from the sky, it was clear eyes and ink, a pair of beautiful eyebrows frowned, and a gloomy expression on his face. After waving a bow to help me knock out two Mo family swordsmen, he stepped forward and said: "The situation is getting worse. It’s getting more and more troublesome. The Great Wall of the West has been breached. The U.S. server and the European server are about to face the original situation of our Daxiang dynasty. Those alien demons and purgatory groups will flood the U.S. clothes one by one like a colony of termites. The city of the European server finally won all the luck of the western continent."

I turned around, greeted a few deer horses on top of my position, went straight to Qingmou Tuomo, and said: "Sky Rose also told you?"

"Well, we have always been in contact."

Qingmiao Tuomo nodded, and said: "To be honest, I have never seen her so confused. The good days of the US and European servers have been too long, and I have never faced the throne's attack head-on, this time. I was completely beaten up, and once the Great Wall of the West was broken, the morale of these two servers would continue to drop, eventually reaching a point where it is difficult to control."

"No solution."

I frowned: "We won't be able to start the situation for a while. The Great Wall is too strong to die. There is a dense army of alien demons behind the city. Even if I break through, it will take time to reach the lair. One level can only be passed on by the US server and the European server. Actually, there is not much we can help in the early stage."

"Maybe the sky rose will blame you."

Tumo looked at me with clear eyes, jokingly in his beautiful eyes, and smiled: "At the beginning, but under your instigation, when the nine thrones attacked the Chinese theater, the US and European servers kicked the **** of the alien army. Yes, it has caused heavy losses to the alien demon army. This alien demon army can be regarded as a note. Now it is changing hands to attack the US server, but you can't make a final decision on your side."

I was a little speechless: "The world is always tied together. I believe that Sky Rose is not an unreasonable person. Our major servers clearly divide the world. Why is the most difficult boss always being carried by the Chinese theater? Right? We are already exhausted here, and we need a little rest."


Clear eyes and extension ink floated up, and said: "Continue to attack, this decisive Great Wall should already be regarded as a magic weapon in the magic weapon, we use hundreds of millions of troops to attack, I don't believe that it will not be overturned!"

"Yes, hit it!"

"come on!"

Qingmou Tuomo clenched his small fist, and he was quite cute to encourage myself as well. At last he looked like the number one beauty, instead of carrying an artifact bow and killing wherever he went, one Deputy Laozi is the most arrogant person in Shangqing of the Daxiang Dynasty, and I don't give any face to anyone.


Around 11 o'clock in the evening.

In the guild, everyone hit it off, all night! Anyway, no one goes to work anymore. Even if you go to work, you still work online. It’s not a big problem all night, but after 12 o’clock, many people go offline to cook instant noodles. Here at Yilu Studio, my sister I have cooked a pot of porridge, and then used a pot of big bone sticks. The Beiyuan yaks sent by Lingyu are all placed in the freezer. There are a lot of bone sticks.

So, half an hour later, we all went off the assembly line, each of us had a bowl of fragrant white rice porridge, and the big pot in the middle was filled with big bones and sticks with a lot of meat attached to the bones. We put on plastic gloves to hold them. In my hand, the feeling of tilting the head and gnawing is quite enjoyable. After gnawing the meat, you can break the bones and enjoy the taste of bone marrow. I didn’t prepare pliers or hammers. "It was crushed directly, and then returned in the same way.

A Fei looked at the two broken bone sticks, and gave a thumbs up: "The realm of **** transformation, awesome..."

Eat and drink, go online!


At one o'clock in the morning~www.wuxiaspot.com~The news came from the West again that the defense line of as many as 100 million players deployed in the forest of the West by the US and European servers was pierced across the board. Fan Yi and the ghost emperor Qinshi two thrones Killing mad, you can see from the transmitted pictures that Fan Yi refines the text, summons the ground crack effect, and directly makes several camps in the US server disappear, and the ghost emperor Qin Shi raises the sword to summon the purgatory meteorite forbidden curse. A whole piece of the European server position disappeared out of thin air. At this time, the people of the Western Continent were completely defeated...

On our side, we also need to speed up the pace.

Looking up, in front of a deer position, countless reloaded players continue to rush towards the city wall along the ladder, and the city wall is densely packed with demon knights and undead archers. Arrows flying around like a raindrop make it difficult for a deer to rush. Going up, even if he rushed up, he couldn't stand it. Even Lin Xi was rushed down many times, feeling helpless.

"It's time to play the trump card."

I carried my double-edged blades and moved forward slowly, and at the same time my heart voice said to Lan Che: "Order all the dragon knights to fly into the sky, form a flying snow sword formation to attack the city, and cover the adventurers’ siege. In addition, all the dragons will be replaced. Go up the bow, shoot upwards from below the city, and suppress the archers on the wall. You must attack and take down the Great Wall in the shortest time!"

"Yes, my lord!"

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