Zhan Yue

Chapter 1479: Magic City

At this moment, the Terran army has gone all out, and the alien demon army guarding the Dying Great Wall has also tried its best. Both sides are like completely tightened bowstrings, which have reached the extreme. At this moment, add more on either side. If you bet, it will cause the balance of power in front of you to deviate. Obviously, once the army of the Dragon Region joins, it is more than just a slight raise.


Amidst the roar of giant dragons, the figure of the dragon knight kept leaping into the air. Among them, every ten dragon knights formed a circular flying snow square. When the sword intent was condensed, it was like a handle out of a sheath. The sharp sword lays across the air, forming a fighting squad, and every ten squads form a larger flying snow sword formation. The entire sword formation is shrouded in a pure white sword intent, revealing its sharp edge!

As a result, two large flying snow sword formations lay across the air, with strands of dragon energy crisscrossing them, just like that, falling from the sky and crushing on the city.

At the beginning, the Flying Snow Sword Formation composed of 800 dragon knights guarded Yuli Mountain, but it was killed by a single sword, for no other reason. The sword out of the throne by sacrificing death and luck was too strong, but accompanied by With the demise of Lin Hai, it is no longer possible for anyone in the world to make a sword like this. Although Fan Yi is close to a demon, he is a living person after all, unable to condense the luck of death between heaven and earth, so the power is not the same.

At this time, these two large flying snow sword formations are invincible in the world!

"Sword out!"

There was a young dragon knight yelling, and suddenly the two flying snow swords were intertwined with ray of sword light, and then they split into dozens of sword lights scattered on the city’s head and inside. The demon knights and undead archers on the city wall were swarms. The sling giants who turned into flesh and blood and danced with giant trees to fight were also taken care of. Their necks were chopped open by sword light, and they fell tragically, tumbling and wailing in the city.

Behind him, a group of dragon-field armored soldiers opened their bows together, wisps of dragon energy formed on the arrow clusters, and "chichichichi" shot off into the sky. Suddenly, the group of monsters on the head of the city screamed again, and their strength was already strong. Completely suppressed.

"Take advantage of it now!"

I pointed towards the top and said, "Lin Xi, Qing Deng, Kamei, Fan Chen, Haotian, and Yixue, all led people to rush up, and stood firmly on the top of the city. Secondly, we must take down the Great Wall of the Dead, we can't always be blocked to the south of the Great Wall of the Dead, and we can't make any progress!"


Everyone waved their sword blades glowing with cold light, and stepped onto the ladder one by one, but I stepped into the state of transformation, and rushed to the top of the city in one step. My left hand suddenly grabbed Xiao Jiu's shoulder and shouted: "Xiao Jiu, kill me!"

"Okay, master!"

When the black-clothed boy was thrown out vigorously by me, it turned into a ray of sword light, raging across the monsters on the head of the city, and I carried my double-edged swords and strang forward together, with ten sharp faces behind me. + As soon as the thunder pond opened in half a step, if you entered the land of no one, a large area of ​​the city was quickly emptied, and then continued to dash forward. Behind them, Lin Xi, Qing Deng, Ka Mei and others brought countless one The deer heavy equipment players have already been on the city wall, and they summoned their mounts one by one.

"Remote, keep up!"

Under the wall, Shen Mingxuan's voice came. Today's Shen Mingxuan is still fulfilling his duties. He rushed to the city wall as the first long-range system with the bow. After Ruyi, Qingshuang, Nuanyang, Leng Yuxi and others rushed to the city wall, Yilu's position on the city wall became more stable, and the overall situation was basically settled.

"A bunch of bastards!"

On the top of the city, Mo Jia Xing Feng held the compass with his left hand, and kept fiddled with the compass with his right hand, roaring: "Do you think you can win the Great Wall so easily? Dreaming, this is the most proud work of my life, how can you wait? Blasphemy!"

Above the earth, the sound of equipment running from the bottom of the ground on both sides of the Great Wall of Death was heard, and in a blink of an eye strips of fiery red rock claws broke out of the ground, and quickly attacked the dragon knight formation in the air!

"Fight against the enemy!"

The dragon cavalier roared, and the sword light under the entire dragon cavalry array was intertwined instantly, turning into tens of thousands of sword auras, and the "fluffy" claws collided with the claws of the Great Wall that smashed into the sky. I have to say Xing Feng’s methods are indeed extraordinary. He actually controlled the flying snow sword formation of 200 dragon knights in a short period of time, but it must not last for a long time. No matter what kind of spirit stone is burned as energy, he cannot fight 200 dragon knights. War of attrition.


A few minutes later, the Dragon Knight roared again, and countless sword lights fell in the air. The sword lights smashed into the ground, shattering some of the organs Xing Feng arranged in the ground, and the sharp claws that broke out of the ground also broke and turned into pieces. Suddenly, it became a pile of wreckage on the battlefield in a blink of an eye.

"Good good!"

With a grinning smile on his face, Xing Feng flipped the compass gently, and roared: "What kind of dragon is just a group of flying insects. In that case, let you feel what a real powerful crossbow is like!"


He snapped the compass suddenly, and suddenly a whole buzzing sound was heard from the earth north of the Great Wall, and then the turf turned over, revealing a series of brilliant crossbow arrows, no one controlled, but the crossbow arrows The sharpness is chilling, and they are all strong bows and crossbows, and there are Mohist inscriptions on the arrow clusters.

"be careful!"

I looked into the air and shouted in a low voice: "With the strongest defense, this attack must be blocked!"

"Yes, my lord!"

More than a dozen dragon cavalry officers almost gave orders together, and suddenly the Feixue Sword Formation, which was good at attacking in the sky, was transformed into a defensive posture. A strand of golden dragon scales appeared under the Feixue Sword Formation, holding up the entire formation. In the next second, the Mo family's crossbow arrows on the ground shot swiftly, like meteors in the cold night.

"Peng Peng Peng~~~"

Each crossbow arrow is an impact storm. Suddenly, the flying snow sword array composed of 200 dragon knights in the air is like a clear divine sword, constantly beating with silver ripples, and the rhythm of each ripple means a mutual energy mutual. At this moment, these 200 dragon knights seemed to have completely become the protagonists on the battlefield.

After three consecutive volleys, the aura of the Feixue sword formation suddenly dropped by at least 40% in the air, and the inscription crossbow arrow formation on the ground also lost its luster, and the inscription power was exhausted and could no longer be used.

"Sword out!"

A dragon cavalier roared, and in the next moment, countless sword lights slashed down on a section of the Daring Wall that had been slain to the unguarded. For a while, it was like a knife slashing on steel, sparks splattered everywhere. People are even more sure that the entire Great Wall of Death is actually just a refining artifact, it's just such a large artifact, I have never seen it before.

With the clanging sound, more and more sword marks appeared on the wall, and deeper and deeper. The swords of the dragon knights seemed to divide the entire Daring Wall into two.

"A bunch of bastards!"

Mohist Xing Feng roared, his body straight up in the sky, and his five fingers spread out. On each fingertip, there is a flashing pattern of inscription pattern, and the colors are different. In turn, there are the marks of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, and one of the five fingers, the entire Great Wall of Death. They were all trembling, and in the next second, it seemed as if they were about to be uprooted. The entire Daring Wall began to lift off the ground, while a large group of us on the wall became unbalanced and could not stand firmly.

"what happened?!"

Lin Xi was shocked, and hurriedly leaped up, blasting down with a heavy sword, but it didn't have much impact on the rise of the entire Daring Wall. It was a little bit delayed.

"Xing Feng is going to take the Great Wall to death?" Qing Deng frowned.

"Seems to be!"

I suddenly pressed a palm on the ground of the city wall, and the streamer behind me was a little bit if I could do a little bit of strength, but it seemed to be useless at all. The tendency of the whole wall to rise from the ground did not change!


He said directly: "It's time to pull out the sword with all my strength. This must-have Great Wall can never let Xing Feng take it back, otherwise I won't know which direction it will be in next time."


Suddenly, the entire sky seemed to be split, countless landscapes swept across from the south, and in a blink of an eye it turned into thousands of sword lights and slashed down on the wall of the Great Wall of Death. Amid the loud noise of "Peng", the Great Wall of Death continued to crack and sink. When it hit the ground heavily, the wall was chopped into three sections by a sword that was not heard by the wind.


Xing Feng stood in the wind blankly, his expression was aghast, and he never thought that the artifact of the Great Wall would be cut off.


At this moment, a ray of heavenly light bloomed in the sky, strands of golden text flowed, and then an old voice said in the void: "Mo family disciple Xing Feng has fallen into the magic way, and the magical tool'Spirit City' has been damaged, so he takes it back. !"

Xing Feng hurried away without a trace.

Ji Er, a big golden hand swept down from the air, picked up a longer section of the Great Wall of Death and retracted it from his sleeve, and then picked up the second long section of the Great Wall and put it in his pocket, but it was in this one. When the big golden hand stretched out to the third spiritual city magical weapon where we were, a ray of sword light fell from the sky, and the magical phase of this hand was cut off.

"The disciple has made a mistake, shouldn't it be repaid to the world? Would you like to take it away?"

It was the voice of a soft woman. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

I remember that it was Senior Sister’s master and also my master, Bu Xuanyin’s voice.

For a time, in the outer sky that day, the voice of the sage of the Mo family was a little embarrassed: "In this case, the rest will be given to little friend Lu Li."


Bu Xuanyin's voice disappeared, and the voice of the Mo family saint also disappeared.

Just under our feet, this section of the Great Wall of Death, in fact, the Mohist treasure named "Lingcheng" quickly became smaller, turning into a small city and falling into my palm. For a while, countless players fell from the wall that suddenly disappeared. The screams became a piece, no one thought that a version of the mission called "Dream Great Wall" eventually disappeared!

The final winner is naturally me!

This unmasked master is actually very good to me...</div>

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