Zhan Yue

Chapter 1490: Luoxia Peak

Above the sky, I can sit on the golden border in my spare time. With only a bamboo pole in my hand, I have the artistic conception of fishing galaxy. I lazily asked, "Who is the next destined person?"

"Dawn Valley."

Sylvia held the booklet and said: "The Liming line in the rules of Cultivating Light in the Dawn Valley is authentic and famous from the world, but there are not many people, so they did not send any disciples in the battle of Lishan. Help!"

"who said it…"

I grinned: "Lin Xi joined the war, she is from Liming Valley."


Sylvia put her hands on my shoulders, a pretty face approached, and smiled: "So the adventurer named Feng Canghai also participated in the war. He is still a disciple of the Palace of Eternal Life, but we still live forever. The temple has been ransacked. As the Lord of the Dragon Region, our bowl of water must be leveled!"

"Be flat."

The corners of my mouth twitched, and said, "But let's forget about Dawn Valley, I don't have the guts to rob Dawn Valley, and I also ask you two to raise your hands, just treat me as the lord of the Dragon Realm!"

Sura rolled her eyes: "Then the next one is a sect called Zhenyang Mountain. This sect is located on the Luoxia Peak of Luming Mountain. It has many disciples and has a very poor reputation."


I was stunned for a moment: "Isn't it a decent person, why is the reputation still bad?"

"Huh, there are too many things to deceive people, and the disciples of Zhenyang Mountain do too many things to steal the blessings of others and ignore the lives of others after they go down the mountain. Some disciples even raise beautiful women in the mansion, and often go down the mountain. There are too many things to rob civilian women. I have heard about it a long time ago." Sylvia pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Actually, Master Yunyue had thought of destroying Zhenyang Mountain with a single sword, but it is estimated that Zhenyang There are many immortal realms on the mountain, and the ancestor is a quasi-divine realm, who will give people a word, and this has not taken that step."

"Okay, then Zhenyang Mountain!"

I lightly shook the shoulders of the two of them, and the sky fell in the direction of Luming Mountain. After landing with a "Wh", I saw a distant mountain covered with red maple forest, and there was continuous flow of fire flying out of the mountain, as if to escape. .

"It's not good, the people from Zhenyang Mountain are going to flee!"

As soon as Sura gritted her teeth, the sword in her hand was half out of its sheath.

"No need."

I frowned and said, "Master Fuyu, if you haven't started working on Zhenyang Mountain, any monk who runs away is you, Monarch Lumingshan, who has neglected his duty, hurry up!"


A wisp of mountain weather flowed, Mu Tiancheng appeared in front of me, just as I lightly pointed the sword in my hand, the distant Luoxia Peak was directly sealed by a wisp of mountains and water, and immediately the Zhenyang Mountain monks who tried to escape. The impact of "Peng Peng Peng" on the prohibition of mountains and rivers caused bloodshed, and some people even yelled, "Mu Tiancheng, you have eaten so much incense from my Zhenyang Mountain, but now you don’t think about your old feelings, so help you to abuse. Is it?"

"Yo yo yo"

Mu Tiancheng grinned and said, "It's rare, that a group of clowns on Zhenyang Mountain still use idioms, it's pretty good!"

I laughed: "Thanks!"

Immediately with Sura and Sylvia stepped into the area of ​​Luoxia Peak, just stood in the air, frowning at the pavilions and buildings on the Luoxia Peak. The smaller half of Luoxia Peak was covered with truth. The architecture of Yangshan is extremely luxurious, and the caves are connected, the aura is exuberant, the medicine garden is dazzling, and it is an incredible mountain gate.


I was amazed: "Luoxia Peak's spiritual energy is actually stronger than that of the Palace of Longevity."


Sylvia frowned and said: "The gatekeepers of Zhenyang Mountain have always been accustomed to sneaking and petting their dogs. It doesn't matter if they don't mention it. The things on this Luoxia Peak are more than 80% from all over the world. Zongmen has been operating on Luoxia Peak for many years. It is quite normal to have such a background. It is said that the treasures of any deacon and elder in Zhenyang Mountain are much richer than the general sect master. "

"Just right!"

I laughed and said, "If nothing else, in the battle of Lishan, Zhenyang Mountain was not out alone, right?"


Sylvia nodded: "Even before the Dragon Region battled Lishan, the people on Zhenyang Mountain had already cleaned up and fled southward once the human race was defeated."

I shook my head: "That said, it's really loyal."

Sura and Sylvia covered their mouths and laughed.

At this moment, a ray of blue light rose into the sky from Luoxia Peak. He was an elder in the middle stage of the quasi-sacred realm. He wore a cyan robe, and he was quite immortal, with his hands behind him, faint. Said: "I am the ancestor of Zhenyang Mountain, the lord of the Dragon Region. This is why I have done something wrong in Zhenyang Mountain. Or, I have offended the Dragon Region somewhere in Zhenyang Mountain."


I shook my hand and said with a smile: "Zhenyang Mountain and Longyu Well do not offend the river water. I am here on behalf of Longyu not to instigate the teacher, but to give Zhenyang Mountain the honor of the Three Realms!"

The ancestor of Mount Zhenyang sneered: "You don't need to show off these tricks. The people in the mountains of Zhenyang Mountain are all seekers. I only ask about the ways of heaven, not about human affairs. The battle of Lishan is between mortals. If the Lord of the Dragon Territory uses some common life avenue to teach, it’s not necessary."


I nodded: "Since the words are open, there is nothing wrong. The ancestor said that he only asked about the heavens and not about human affairs. Well, human beings are the spirits of heaven and earth, and the aura between heaven and earth is indispensable to human beings. You are truly Yang. How much of the mountain's accumulation of so much in the past few years comes from the world. I don’t need to say more about it. After eating so much, let’s forget about the last sentence."

The ancestor of Zhenyang Mountain sneered and said: "What does the Lord of the Dragon Realm want?"

"Not so much."

I frowned and said, "As much as you eat and throw up, I want all the treasures on Zhenyang Mountain. You can go if you want, and I will not stop you."

"Too much bullying!"

The ancestor gritted his teeth: "Your Dragon Domain really treats us as no one on Zhenyang Mountain."

As he said, a whisk slid out of his sleeve, and with a light wave, the whole Luoxia Peak was echoed, and a ray of golden guarding formation rose into the sky, covering the entire Luoxia Peak like a pagoda. In it.

"If there is a kind of sword, open the Luoxia Peak!"

The ancestor sneered: "Otherwise, get out."

I grabbed my nostrils, looked at the two beauties on my left and right arms, and said, "If we can't clean up Zhenyang Mountain, we won't have to go to other mountains to catch the autumn breeze."

Sura raised her eyebrows: "First, tell me how far we have been cleaned up, Sylvia and I can work well."

"I don't care about Luoxia Peak, but I want all the treasures on Luoxia Peak."

I glanced at them: "That's all for the request, you can figure it out."

Sura gave me a sullen look and said, "Sylvia, you protect the mountain, I want to use swords and everything that dared to resist, all turned into dusty powder, how?"


Sylvia smiled slightly, raised a finger, and suddenly a ray of silver ruled power fell on the top of the mountain like a needle, and then the entire Luoxia Peak was covered with a layer of looming silver dragon scales. A large formation, and this major formation appeared directly below the opponent's mountain guard formation. With respect to her cultivation base, the Silver Dragon Queen was obviously too tall.


Sura raised the flame divine sword, and the first sword light containing flame fell into the air. The moment the sword light hit the mountain guard formation, the ancestor was already vomiting blood and the whisk in his hand was also beaten. Broken many roots, a mid-stage quasi-divine realm, even if the big formation is opened, and all the immortal realms work together, they still can't stop Sura's sword slash.

When the second sword was raised, the faces of the Zhenyang Mountain disciples on the top of the mountain showed a look of despair.


The sword light shook heavily, and the cracked texture on the mountain protection formation spread densely. Suddenly, the entire mountain protection formation exploded like a cracked porcelain vase, and Sula's sword still had at least half left. The power of his heart, my heart asked me: "I really want to kill this ancestor, can I kill it, will there be any consequences?"

"Fart consequences, kill!"

"it is good!"

As soon as the sword light fell, the ancestor of Zhenyang Mountain in the sky had no time to escape, and instantly turned into a rain of blood in the sword light and sprinkled on the top of Zhenyang Mountain.

"So happy..."

Sura turned to look at me, winking like a silk: "The feeling of killing is still so good..."

I frowned: "You **** give me a murderous look."


She slapped her lips and said with a smile: "You will kill me only if you let me kill. Don't worry, Sura has always been behaved."


I was too lazy to talk to her, stepped forward, and said in a deep voice, "Sect Master Zhenyang Mountain, don't get out yet."


A middle-aged monk at the peak of the immortal realm stepped into the air, frowning and said: "Your dragon domain has already killed our ancestor, do you really want to kill me Zhenyang Mountain...what do you want?"

"I said it a long time ago."

I took out a Three Realms Glory Order and lost it. UU read www.uukanshu.com and said: "Accept this token, Zhenyang Mountain will hand over all the treasures and treasures, so that you will not die, and then Zhenyang Mountain disciples will walk. Be careful when you are in the arena and do less bad things. Someone in the sky is watching, and some people in the world are staring. If you do too much evil, you will definitely die."

He gritted his teeth: "I see, Dragon Domain is a holy land on earth, and Zhenyang Mountain is ordered to be!"

I took Sula and Sylvia down, followed by a good deed "Mu Tiancheng" behind me, a golden body with a very stable breath, holding the Shanjun Longsword in my hand, slowly following me slowly.

"Mr. Nanyue will looting Zhenyang Mountain as well" Sect Master Zhenyang Mountain asked, suppressing his anger.

"Not interested in."

Mu Tiancheng glanced at him and said, "Luoxia Peak where Zhenyang Mountain is located is within my jurisdiction. It's just that Lord Benshan is the emperor's emperor's **** of mountains and waters. No matter what happens on the mountain, otherwise, you **** will be treated as soon as possible. Packed up."

Sect Master was frustrated, and did not dare to say more, this Nanyue Mountain Monarch actually had nothing to dare to do. He used his sword to kill countless enemies, and he had long been famous in the world.

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