Zhan Yue

Chapter 1491: Donation from Dawn Valley

Zhenyang Mountain is worthy of being the sect of a colony of snakes, insects, rats and ants. The gates are full of wild dogs digging for food. After we ransacked all the caves, gates, and pavilions of Luoxia Peak, the treasures we got were not ordinary. Rich, only the top-grade spirit crystals are enough to have 1000+ roots, the middle-grade spirit crystals also have 6000+ roots, and there are 3000+ pieces of various magic weapons and artifacts. In addition, there are 8000 rare and exotic herbs in various large and small medicine gardens. + Strain, fill up one of Sylvia's storage bags.

It can be said that although Zhenyang Mountain ranks fourth on the mainland, its background is deeper than that of the No. 1 Palace of Longevity.


My body slowly rose into the air, I looked down at a group of Zhenyang Mountain disciples and the desolate Sect Master, and smiled coldly: "If anyone seeks revenge on the Dragon Realm, the next time I see you, Zhenyang Mountain will destroy the gate."

Everyone was shocked, but the lord succumbed to his hand and returned to the cave mansion in despair.


Above the sky, three people are sitting side by side.

"If Zhenyang Mountain really dared to take a black hand against the people in the Dragon Realm, let me handle the matter of destroying the door." Sura leaned on my left arm, stroking Jianfeng, and said: "This battle is a trick. My murderous intent has regained, and I am so uncomfortable. If the matter of killing the door is handed over to me, I guarantee that Zhenyang Mountain is really killing the door, and a mouse or a cockroach will not want to live."

I have a black line: "Okay, take away your murderous aura."


I looked at the sunset in the distance, and said with a serious face: "Some things may need to be told to you, Sura, you entered the Tao with the body of an undead, although the flame swords and the flying snow sword formations currently cultivated are also regarded as branches of the right way, but After all, you can’t escape the influence of the rules of death, so the hostility in your heart is always your number one enemy. Senior sister may not have time to tell you about these things. I told you the same thing. You must deny yourself, otherwise. , You, the Fire Demon Queen, can't walk far on the avenue, and if you don't accept your temper, you may not have a chance to enter the Ascension Realm in your life."

Sura blinked her eyes and nodded her head: "Well, I heard it, and I remember it."

Aside, Sylvia smiled and said, "So... Fortune-teller Lu, do you look at me? Do I think Xiao Xixi has a chance to step into the Ascension Realm in this life?"

I tilted my head and glanced at her: "You are the person who has the most opportunity to pass on Shi Bailong's mantle. Did Senior Sister Yun teach you the white dragon technique before she ascended?"


Sylvia was a little lonely, looking down at the clusters of lights in the world, and said: "Does Master Yunyue think I can't be used to much...so I never thought about teaching the white dragon technique? If that's the case. , Sylvia disappointed Master Yunyue..."

I looked at her. The silver dragon queen who has been walking in the world for many years and who is familiar with the world seems really sad, so she couldn't help laughing: "What are you thinking about?"

Sylvia knelt on the canopy, turned to look at me and said, "Isn't it?"


I shook my head: "Senior Sister Yun is not that kind of person, and she won't really be disappointed in you. You Sylvia has been in charge of Five Lei Teng to guard the Dragon Region for many years, even though the Dragon Region was divided into two swords by Lin Hai and Feltuna. Four dollars, you Sylvia did not let the Dragon Realm fall. This resilience and endurance will definitely not disappoint Senior Sister Wang Yun. As for she did not teach you the White Dragon Technique, there should be other reasons."

Sylvia's beautiful eyes appeared with fresh water mist: "What's the reason?"

I thought for a while and said, "Why do you have to practice the White Dragon Technique? Although Shibailong is one of the Ancestral Dragons, it is not your direct ancestor of Sylvia. The bloodline of the Silver Dragon clan and Shibailong may not be similar. Yes, if you teach you the White Dragon Technique, you dare to say that it is really a good thing? Maybe it will take you on a more laborious and laborious road, so I think so, the biggest reason why Senior Sister Yun does not teach you the White Dragon Technique , Because she hopes that you can rely on your own ability to practice the silver dragon technique that truly belongs to you, and that is the magical power that truly belongs to your own life."

"Silver Dragon Technique..."

Sylvia muttered to herself. After a while, she looked towards the sky with tears streaming down her face and said: "Master Yunyue, Sylvia will definitely not let you down. She will definitely assist Lu Li and take care of it together. This side of the world..."

I lay on my back on the sky, and said: "When the senior sister was there, we had her in every situation, whether she came out or had a sword. No one can treat us in the Dragon Region, even if it’s the Ascension Realm who wants to covet the dragon. Yu also has to weigh whether his neck can be cut by the White Dragon Sword, but now it’s different. The senior sister was forced to ascend and may never be able to return again. Our family seems to have suddenly lost their parents, so we It is necessary to work harder and be more united. Only in this way can the Dragon Region withstand the wind and rain, and be able to fight the remaining powerful thrones."


Sura nodded gently, looked at me with a pair of beautiful eyes, and smiled: "You really are the lord of the Dragon Realm~~~"

Sylvia smiled and nodded.

I looked helpless: "Am I alright? It's just that the elder sister is gone, and now I have to take the lead. I can only do what I didn't want to do before."

"Yeah!" The right and left arm nodded together.

I clapped my hands and got up and said, "Alright, don't rest, look for the next victim. This book contains hundreds of sects. We extorted each other one by one. Actually, it's physical work. You both give it to me. Cheer up!"

"Okay, let's go!"


Therefore, for the next three days, taking Sura and Sylvia to robbery everywhere, and the pockets bulged day by day, I felt that the life of the Dragon Region was getting better and better, and the Three Realms Glory Order in his hand became more and more. Little, by the third day, it can’t be sent out. The remaining small sects are really useless. I feel that the pure money of the Three Realms Glory Order that I handed over may not be worth the fare, so I went to the back. The smoother it goes, even some sects have only three or five people. Master and a few disciples have been sitting in front of the mountain gate and waiting for us for two days. Taking away the Three Realms Glory Order, the Master also shouted: "The common people in the world are our responsibility, and we are not alone!"

On the fourth day, return to the Dragon Realm.

In the command hall, counted and obtained, a large number of spiritual crystals were transported into the warehouse by the dragon knights in the dragon domain treasure house one by one. The rank and the exuberant degree of aura are evaluated by me, Sura and Sylvia. Under my suggestion, the rating is from one-star magic weapon to seven-star magic weapon.

Among them, the one-star magic weapon is the kind of treasure that has just warmed up the weather and has a magical atmosphere. This kind of magic weapon is an entry-level treasure for monks, suitable for "newcomers." Scholars are quite suitable for this kind of magic weapon, and with the increase in the level of the magic weapon, the seven-star magic weapon is incredible. It is already a treasure that is enough to make everyone in the world jealous. There are only seven or eight in total, and many of them. It was taken down from the ancestors and suzerains of other people. In the Dragon Region, there are not many people who are qualified to obtain the seven-star magic weapon and refine it into a life item, only the top dragon knights and dragon knights. Only qualified.


Then came the heavy work. A group of people divided into categories. After storing these magic weapons one by one, they began to count the current practice of many practitioners in Longyu. Each person's realm level, practice direction, and kendo achievements are listed one by one. On one occasion, Lanche's search operation with Sura and Sylvia was called an act of "rebuilding the world". On the one hand, the monks in the world knew that no one would want to be alone when the catastrophe came. On the other hand, it was a lot of To enrich Dragon Domain’s inventory.

Today, our dragon domain treasure house has never been enriched, with 13000+ high-grade spirit crystals, 10w+ medium-grade spirit crystals, 50w+ low-grade spirit crystals, and 5w+ pieces of magic weapons. The foundation of the entire world is gathered together, and according to my plan, we must at least cultivate more than one hundred immortal dragon knights and a large number of dragon realm champions in the void realm, these people in the future battle formation It is the main force, the Feixue Sword Formation concluded will also be more invincible and invincible. Concentrating the advantages of the group against the throne, I am afraid that this is the only way to fight against people like Fan Yi.

I was busy until the evening, and the roster statistics work was still less than halfway through, and it finally made me feel the hard work of Senior Sister Yun at the beginning. These statistics can not be obtained through the star eye, but need to be understood one by one. , Inquiring about the training situation of the dragon knight and the dragon domain champion is a very huge task.

At this moment, a dragon knight pushed in and said respectfully: "My lord, Liming Valley has sent an envoy and said he wants to see the lord."


Sura was taken aback and smiled: "We didn't collect protection fees in Dawn Valley. What do they mean at this time, sending envoys to settle accounts with us?"

"do not care."

I got up and said, "Please come in."


Soon after, when the two dragon knights came with the people from Dawn Valley, I was stunned. Walking ahead was a beautiful girl in exquisite armor and a cloak, with a sword hanging beside her. Who is it if it's not Lin Xi? And behind her are the two guardians of Liming Valley, a man and a woman, both of them seem to be getting older.


I looked dumbfounded: "Lin Xi, why are you here?"

Lin Xi pursed her lips: "I'll just say how busy these days are~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don’t have any time to accompany me. When I returned to Shimen, I heard that Longyu had recently ransacked the major sects. I was going to be mad. Master said that Longyu must be very short of money now, otherwise he would not do it, but alone did not come to ask us about the gate of Liming Valley, and I don’t know who I look down on, so let me represent Liming. Gu came to the Dragon Realm to offer our heart from Dawn Valley."

After speaking, Lin Xi said, "Uncle Li, please report our donation from Liming Valley."


Uncle Li unfolded a scroll and said: "This time, Dawn Valley donated a total of 2,400 high-grade spiritual crystals and 8,000 medium-grade spiritual crystals. In addition, an additional 20 high-grade artifacts, 1,200 medium-grade artifacts, and low-grade artifacts were donated. 7000 pieces, these are almost all of Liming Valley's family properties, don't be too small to look at the Dragon Realm!"

How could it be too small here!

I directly gave a thumbs up: "Lin Xi, Liming Gu is really... the demeanor of the famous sect, so that Master is even more glorious, holding Yu Huaijin, and admiring it! Come, let us be left. All of the Three Realms Glory Orders are presented to Liming Valley, they are worth it!"

Lin Xi has a black line.

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