Zhan Yue

Chapter 1497: On merit

I strode to the meteor, took Sura into the hall, and walked straight along the red carpet to the forefront, at the forefront of the ministers. The dragon region is a holy land on earth, and the lord of the dragon region does not worship the emperor on earth. This is what Sister Yun left behind. I have nothing to worship, so I just nodded lightly and said: "I'm here this time, there is a little thing."

"Uncle Emperor."

The new emperor Xuanyuanji got up, bowed a Confucian gift, and said, "I don't know what's going on with the emperor this time?"

"Material matter."

I'm straight to the point.

"His Royal Highness King Xiaoyao."

Among the civil servants, one of them was the young man Geng Han, respectfully saying: "The lower officials have already made quite clear the matter about materials last time. The treasury is very tight in terms of training materials, and even we are struggling to train talents in academies by ourselves. Because of the situation, it is not that we do not want to give the training materials that Longyu needs, but we really can't afford it. Please forgive me."

"It's true."

The new Secretary of the Imperial Mountain and Sea Department salutes respectfully, saying: "Our Mountain and Sea Department has always been responsible for collecting spiritual crystals, heavenly materials and treasures from all over the world. There may be some surplus before, but at Lin Xiangguang’s Academy, it is for us. After a lot of cultural activities have been added to this half of the world, the spirit crystals in the Shanhaisi treasury have really been completely exhausted. Even so, it is still a situation of making ends meet, and Shanhaisi, who is responsible for searching the world’s treasures, has traveled all over the famous mountains, rivers, mountains, mountains, rivers and lakes. In every corner of the bargain, his legs were broken, and he still couldn't support the current huge expenditure situation."

Lin Hui got up from the prime minister's seat, bowed to salute, and smiled: "His Royal Highness, it's true, we are not stingy!"

My nostrils are up to the sky: "What do you mean? It's just a little material. Our Xuanyuan Empire has been stingy to this point? I haven't been emperor for a few days. You ungrateful kings are fighting against the so-called sage of hearing the Tao. Fan Yi, I can only do this. This is what my husband asked me to do. Lin Hui didn't dare to violate it."

"Huh, you all know that you have moved out of Fengxiang to suppress me. Have you become more capable?"

I raised my eyebrows and said with a smile: "Which one is bigger than the Great Emperor Baiyiqing and Liuhuo? Which one is bigger, the Lord Xiyue Mountain or the Lord of the Dragon Realm? Let's talk about it, let's talk about justice, which one is bigger?"

Zhang Lingyue, Wang Shuang, and Nangong Chi, the three kings of the empire, were also known as the "three big doglegs" of the imperial court.

Sura held back a smile. She probably never thought that the temple of the human race would be so interesting.

Si Konghai, Zhang Yichou, Ding Yuchang, Lin Huang and other old officials also clasped their fists together: "Yes, it's still Liuhuo the big emperor!"

Lin turned back with a black line, and the court was already down. He gently brushed his sleeves: "Well, since all the adults think that His Royal Highness Xiaoyao is reasonable, it may be that the original picture was really too ridiculous before. Yu Yu apologizes. At the same time, all the spirit crystals and magic weapons in the Shanhai Division's inventory are given to the Dragon Yu.

Worthy of being a disciple who doesn't hear the wind in white clothes, the same kind of yin and yang!

I laughed and said, "Forget it, to be honest, during this period of time, I led Longyu to reorganize the world and issued precious Three Realms Glory Orders to many sects in the world to commend them for their contribution to the human race. All major sects, sects, and ancestral courts are unanimously supported. They are rushing to take out their own collections, and they can’t wait to empty their homes to Longyu, so I can’t look down on Shanhaisi’s inventory at all. You keep it for yourself. Bar."

Lin Huizuoyi: "As expected to be the Liuhuo Emperor who led the empire to almost flatten the top ten thrones. The demeanor of a generation of virtuous monarchs is indeed admirable!"

On the side, Sura turned a blank to not bear the atmosphere of court proceedings that was full of "yin and yang" and "cynicism".

"In that case, what does your Highness want to come here today?" Lin asked back.


I looked at everyone and said, "Dragon Domain currently has a lot of training materials, enough to make this generation of young rookies stand out one by one. Coupled with the promotion of kendo cultivation, the strength of this generation of Dragon Domain young fighters will be improved. Quite terrifying, but our own training background is not enough. What we have to face is the Fan Yi Legion, which has the throne blessing. It must be supported by a large number of inscription equipment. This time, we want to ask for some inscription swords. , Arrow clusters with inscription patterns, shouldn't it be a problem?"


Lin Hui nodded immediately, and said, "If there are only some inscription-patterned swords and inscription-patterned arrow clusters, it is really not a big problem. I don't know what your Highness said, what are they?"

I thought for a while, and said, "Not many, half a million newly created inscription swords, plus 4 million inscription arrows clusters, isn't it too much?"


Lin Hui fell directly back in the chair, "Is this called something?"


Sikongyu and Zhang Yichou also coughed, saying that they were really too much.

Only the three big dogs clasped their fists together: "Are you too many? Today, our Xuanyuan Empire’s academies and inscription academies are all over the world. The masters in the academy, the teachers in the academy, and some outstanding disciples are all capable of engraving inscription swords and inscriptions. Arrow clusters, besides, the soldiers and horses of the Dragon Realm are there. For the 500,000 people, an inscription sword is not too much, right?"

Lin Hui was about to vomit blood: "But there are too many...When can we prepare so many inscription utensils?"

"It doesn't matter, Longyu will not force you. We are reasonable and can deliver it slowly."

I said in a deep voice: "Let’s do it, in ten days, you will first deliver 200,000 inscription swords and 1 million inscription arrows clusters. These are all urgently needed for the battle in the dragon domain. You can’t neglect it. The 50,000 inscribed swords and 500,000 inscribed arrow clusters were delivered to the Dragon Domain every month, and the settlement was settled in half a year. Even if our Dragon Domain has placed a large order for the Xuanyuan Empire, what do you think?"


Lin Hui was a little speechless: "Orders without money?"

"It doesn't matter what you say."

I smiled, and said, "Dragon Region has contributed to the battle of Lishan Mountain. These are compensations from Xuanyuan Empire to Dragon Region, right?"


Lin Hui nodded this time with a sincere attitude.

Sikongyu, Zhang Yichou and other officials also nodded one by one. They wrangled in court for profit, but in the end, when it came to the point, no one would deny Longyu's account.

The battle of Lishan is an unprecedented battle.

If you really want to discuss the merits of the Lishan World War, UU Reading www. uukanshu.com The dragon domain accounts for 50%. The death of eight hundred dragon knights and 200,000 dragon fighters is the price of blood. Senior Sister Yun’s sword slashes four thrones in succession. Domain, Lishan will lose.

The Xuanyuan Empire occupies 20%, and the four mountains have a stable situation. They guard the mountains and rivers at the expense of mountain monarchs and mountain gods. Countless legions have lived and died. It can be said to be extremely tragic. At the same time, fighting the gods and demons with manpower is itself a kind of The act against the sky, the battle of Lishan, the performance of the human race is remarkable, and it does not shame the prestige.

Players accounted for 20%, and tens of millions of players in the national server battled Lishan, and millions of cavalry smashed the forest. Without the player's effort, Lishan would not be able to win.

The remaining 10%, returned to Shishi, Shiratori, Shizun Xiao Chen, and others, as well as the surrendered Sura, the Great Tengu, etc., without their efforts to severely damage the throne, the damage to the human race and the dragon domain would be even more serious.

The battle of Lishan has become a masterpiece.

And I, the Lord of the Dragon Realm, is a swordsman in the post-throne era. I hope everything goes smoothly, I will not humiliate my mission, and I will not disappoint the senior sister who looks down on the world from the sky.

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