Zhan Yue

Chapter 1498: Titan Guling

Real time one week later.

The Dragon Region has successively received batches of inscription weapons from the Xuanyuan Empire, 250,000 newly created inscription swords, and 1.5 million brand-new inscription arrows, which has already solved the urgent need of the Dragon Region. At this moment, even if Fan Yi really joined forces with Ghost Emperor Qin Shi to attack, the Dragon Region might not be unstoppable.

In reality, in a week’s time, the rate of temperature warming unexpectedly exceeded that of Stareye’s supercomputing. Ocean currents sent warm summer monsoons. With the landing of a typhoon, the rate of temperature warming on the Chinese territory actually accelerated. In just one week, it has risen from minus fifty degrees to minus fifteen degrees, and minus fifteen degrees is already the limit that the human body can bear.

As a result, in the morning of this day, the government broadcast echoed over the city of Suzhou. The outdoor temperature has reached minus fifteen degrees. Residents can already walk out of the room to feel the warm sunshine when the warmth is well maintained.

So, we didn’t go online in the morning. Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan, Gu Ruyi, and sister were all wrapped in thick down jackets. A Fei and Dad each put on warm clothes, and I relied on the physique of God Transformation Realm. It was still in autumn clothes. At the moment when the door was opened, a cold current rushed to his face, but it was no longer an unbearable temperature, it was just very cold.

Outside, the ground is covered with a thick layer of snow. The blizzard has not yet melted away. The snow is 40 cm deep. In a city like Suzhou, even 10 cm deep snow is extremely rare. Not to mention the whiteness in front of me, so Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan, and Gu Ruyi were all very happy. My sister rubbed hands and smiled: "Would you like to have a snowball fight?"


Lin Xi quickly nodded and smiled: "All girls beat boys?"


Shen Mingxuan and Gu Ruyi agreed together, while my father sat on the balcony with his mobile phone and said with a smile: "You play, let me see the latest situation in the company."

"it is good."

The yard at home is very large, much larger than that of the studio, and it's amazing.

A Fei and I looked at each other and smiled, each squeezing a ball of snow.

"and many more!"

Shen Mingxuan raised his hand and said, "First of all, A Li is not allowed to use the power of the God Transformation Realm, otherwise there is no need to play, we will just eat snow cakes."


I nodded: "However, the physical body of the Transformation God Realm is also very strong, faster and more accurate than ordinary people. I can control my power, but I can't deliberately beat it, right? Shen Mingxuan?"

"Yes, just don't work hard!"



After the sister gave the order, the three people searched for bunkers one after another, some hiding behind the rockery, some hiding behind the flowerbed, but A Fei was very energetic and said: "Actively attack?"

"Must, you attack, I cover."


A Fei galloped away, like a little wild donkey just released from the stalls, with a lot of snow in his clothes. The first snowball was thrown in the direction of her sister and Lin Xi, and Lin Xi reacted faster and hurried to hide. Behind the rockery: "Sister, be careful!"

"It's not a big problem!"

After bending over to avoid A Fei’s snowball, the elder sister quickly replied, hitting A Fei’s face with a "pop", and Lin Xi also sent one out, hitting A Fei’s chest, the magical wish also appeared, a snow The ball hit A Fei's face. For a moment, A Fei cried out bitterly, and fell directly on the ground: "Fucking firepower is so fierce, Ali, don't just watch, firepower reinforcements!"


I directly flew out a snowball the size of a ping pong ball, and hit Shen Mingxuan’s forehead with a "pop", and immediately dumbfounded her, and hurriedly backed away, but no matter where I could escape it, it continued within three seconds. After eating five of my extremely precise snowballs, I was hit in the buttocks, chest, shoulders and other positions, worse than ALFY.

"You dog Ali!"

Shen Mingxuan covered his face and ran away, smiling and cursing: "You are too dog, so just aim at me and fight alone?"

I held the snowball and said, "I can't help it, my sister and my future wife are afraid to fight. Ruyi is a soft girl again. I can't bear it. If you don't beat anyone!"

A Fei leaned forward and backward with a smile.


While covering his face, Shen Mingxuan ran for his life while pouting his mellow buttocks, and said loudly: "Set the fire, first get rid of Ali, and then clean up the dregs. Isn't it easy?"


Everyone gathered the fire together, the wife and sister were unambiguous, and Ruyi threw it fiercely. Coupled with Shen Mingxuan's counterattack, the flurry of snowballs all over the sky killed them for a while, which was quite scary.

"All right? Brother!"

A Fei covered his face and laughed, unable to bear to see me being beaten.

I laughed too. Although I didn’t use the power of the God Transformation Realm, my eyesight, speed, and power were all otherworldly. My feet made footprints on the snow, my right hand was raised, and I slapped it. One by one the snowballs were broken into pieces of snow, and even the snowballs that were not thrown correctly I moved across and broke them one by one without falling.


Shen Mingxuan was holding a snowball in his hand, with a dazed expression: "What kind of reaction speed is this? Can't it be fun?"


I was also at a loss: "I didn't use the power of the Transformation God Realm. It's just that I already have a reaction speed now. Why can't I still say I can't play it?"

Lin Xi said, "It seems... really can't afford to play?"


I nodded: "Go ahead and please everyone!"

With that said, Xinshou threw out four snowballs as a counterattack, but of course they missed. But when their snowballs came in chaos, I was like a defender in the penalty area, with my hands behind and my face facing forward. Time is also the intensive sound of "pop, pop", and I caught all the snowballs with my face, a face of snowflakes.


Shen Mingxuan laughed so that his stomach hurts, and squatted down: "It's not working, it's not going to come, it's not coming, laughing makes my stomach hurt..."

Lin Xi, elder sister and Ruyi also laughed together. They couldn't afford to play this time, so I backed away angrily: "Okay, things that can't be helped. I won't participate. You fight A Fei, A Fei, come on, for the man. Glory."


A Fei fought back, but it seemed like the result was the same. Every time he stretched out his head, he had to touch him. Like me, he used his face to pick him up. In less than ten minutes, he had a swollen nose and begged for mercy and stopped playing.

In a short period of time, Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan, and Gu Ruyi's three mm pretty faces flushed, panting, and the amount of exercise is almost done, but they still don’t want to go online, so a few people walked onto the street together. On the road, there was already Many people are shoveling snow and clearing streets, and the operation of the entire city is slowly recovering.

Everyone felt that this matter was very meaningful, so they helped to shovel snow together. In the morning, all of them suffered from backaches and backaches. I was the only one who was okay. Snow shoveling, with my magical powers in the realm of gods, blew one. The tone can clear a large area, but it hasn't stopped everyone. Everyone should experience something.


At noon, when I returned home, the robot summoned by Stareye had already shoveled all the snow in the yard. There was some vitality in the whole house, but many flowers and plants in the garden were frozen to death and they were all wilted. How much can survive, as for noon, the KDA base delivered a sumptuous takeaway meal, and the family ate another full meal together.

In the afternoon, it's time to go online and struggle.


The character appeared in Fanshucheng Square, looked at his level, and suddenly felt bored. At level 355, he had already passed through the robbery. The main commonly used skills are all at level 15. It can be said that this account is long Already standing on the top of the world, as for equipment, a set of Returning to the Ruins, plus the dominance-level Tianyuan Ring, is also the strongest in the entire server, and the current equipment does not need to be iterated.

Looking at the rankings again, Lin Xi, Infernal Dawn, Feng Canghai and others who have been upgraded the fastest have reached level 350, and it only takes one week to reach the full level of 355. In Yilu Guild, it is more than 320. More and more players have successfully crossed the robbery. As the game progresses, more and more advanced equipment and items appear. Many people are willing to work hard, and the 320-level robbery is not a big problem.


A ray of fire fell from the sky and turned into the appearance of the Queen of Fire Demon Sura. She frowned and said, "Do you feel that a corner of this world is undergoing a certain change? Not very good, Fan Yi is making a ghost again. "


I took a deep breath and felt the breath of the world as sitting in the sky. Sure enough, the air transport from the north turned rapidly, as if it had encountered a heavy turbulence, and said: "Is there a situation in the north?"

"Well, go to the sky, go and see?" Sura asked.

"Okay, let's go."

I reached out and grabbed her wrist~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The next second, I was already on the sky, and in a blink of an eye I was already standing on the sky, my eyes looked down on the world, and soon I saw the dark clouds rolling in the north. , After seeing through the clouds, the end of a snowy area appeared in the field of vision, and then there was a glacier and a great wilderness, without an end, and at this time, a figure floated.

Dressed in white, holding a double-bead sword, there is throne air circulation at his feet, it is Fan Yi.


Fan Yi lightly raised his head and looked into the sky. It seemed that he had spotted the prying eyes on the sky. He just sneered, then stepped out and stepped into the depths of the glacier mountains. In the middle, he gently tapped the glacier with the white jade scabbard, and for a while, there seemed to be something in the ice layer responding, and then strands of golden text appeared under the glacier, and the mountains began to tremble.

"Is it enough?"

Fan Yi smiled slightly and said: "After being expelled for so many years, you couldn't compete with Ning Sheng above the heavens back then. How come after so many years, Ning Sheng has long since turned into dry bones, you still hide in the depths of the earth to sleep forever. The Titan Guling, who is known as the invincible in ancient times, is really addicted to sleep and does not want to wake up?"

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