Zhan Yue

Chapter 1499: Ancient gods


Some kind of response came from deep underground.


Fan Yi sneered, and said, "I have to pretend to be dead after eating this king’s two written luck? In that case, how about giving you four written luck? If you pretend to be dead again, then you can die here completely. You have nothing to do anymore!"

As he said, Fan Yi hit the ice layer with his scabbard again, and immediately countless golden cultural luck infiltrated under the ice layer, dyeing the whole land into a golden color, and at this time, I could feel even chewing from under the ground. Voice, under the ice layer, there is a certain creature enjoying the cultural luck given by Fan Yi. What would it be in return?

"For the rest of my life, you will listen to my orders, how about?!" Fan Yi yelled.


There was a groaning voice under the ground, as if to agree.

"For the rest of your life, you will be immortal, you will become the masters of a world, you will become true gods, and you will set the rules of the mortal world. Now, let this king wake up!"

Fan Yi's scabbard hit the ground again, and suddenly the entire glacier land shuddered.


Numerous layers of ice cracked, and deep underground, an unusually majestic and heart-palpiting breath was recovering. In a blink of an eye, glaciers collapsed, and under the glaciers, a group of people were covered with black air currents. , Couldn't see the chaotic creatures clearly, they were full of ancient divine aura, ruthless and cruel, standing in the sky and the earth, the figure of the behemoth made people feel chilly.

One after another, more glaciers collapsed, and a group of ancient gods named Titans with huge aura appeared.



Fan Yi stood in the wind, overlooking the Titan Guling on the ground, looked up at the sky, and mocked: "What if you see it? Can you, the occupant of the sky, change anything?"

I retracted my vision and sat gently on the canopy.

"I didn't expect it?"

Sura also sat beside me and said, "Even Lin Hai may not have noticed. At the deep end of the Northern Territory of this world, there will be a group of ancient gods sleeping. Fan Yi has now reached a deal with these ancient gods. Gulin’s allegiance is exchanged for the four-performing text. If nothing else, the war will start again soon."

"The power of these Titans don't know how."

I frowned and said, "We have never dealt with each other, will we just be defeated?"

"Hard to say."

Sura shook her head and said: "I can feel the grievances and anger of these ancient gods, and they only have divine nature and not human nature, so it is impossible to expect them to be merciful to the world. The reason why Fan Yi awakened them, Presumably, an agreement will be reached. The more the alien demon army gets in the world, the more these ancient gods will get, and the more they will spare no effort to stand on the side of the alien demon army. In short, it must be quite troublesome."

I gritted my teeth, thinking about the place where the abyss mace turned into a ray of golden light condensed in front of me, slowly turning, looking at the abyss mace, I couldn't help but feel a little stunned, and let out a sigh.


Sura looked at me and smiled and said, "Don’t you still have any expectations for these ancient gods? Or, you want to negotiate a deal with them so that these ancient gods can attack the Throne of Demon. Are they divided into mountains and rivers?"

"Will not."

I shook my head and smiled: "Sura, I have refined this abyss mace into life, do you know who the previous master of the abyss mace is?"

"have no idea."

Sura smiled: "I'm just a little throne in the world. How can the puppet in Lin Hai's hands know too many things in the sky."


I raised my hand to grasp the abyss mace, and said, "The previous owner of the abyss mace was Ning Sheng, who was sitting in the ancient heavenly court. In the end, Ning Sheng died with a group of ancient gods in the first battle. It happened that Fan Yi awakened this group of battles to death. Sleeping ancient gods, so as long as the abyss is on my body, these ancient gods must be mortal enemies with me, the kind that never ceases to die."

Sura was taken aback, and couldn't help laughing: "This...this makes people unexpected... It stands to reason that the abyss mace being refined by you is a great blessing, but the cause and effect brought by the blessing is actually this way. It will be confirmed soon, and it really is fate!"

"You can still laugh?" I was speechless.

"What if you don't laugh?"

Sura glanced at me: "I am a person who has experienced life and death. I have experienced the greatest despair a long time ago, so the rest of my life is only one death for me at most. What's so scary? It's you... an age. Gentle quasi-spirit, great time, if anything goes wrong, in fact, even I would feel heartache."

I laughed at myself: "I said I have experienced something more desperate than death, do you believe it?"

"What's up?"

"Time is trapped, there is only a ray of divine consciousness left in the whole person, and I have been imprisoned for decades." I looked at her and said: "The greatest despair is not death, but can't die if you want to die, you can only let the pale time Baptism of the soul, that pale feeling...you won't understand, it is not painful suffering, it is endless despair..."

Sura looked at me faintly, and said, "No wonder that breaking through the realm will be so fast..."

I pursed my lips: "Stop talking nonsense, we should also plan how to deal with it."



But at this moment, the human air wave below the ground was surging, and strands of dark golden figures slowly walked in the northern night sky. Among them, a huge golden figure suddenly raised its arms, and suddenly a sharp wave of air was straight. Cut to the direction of Dragon Domain!

"So fast!?"

I directly pulled Sula's arm and rushed down the dragon domain.

"What is it?!"

Above the dragon realm, Sylvia had already vacated, full of dragon energy, holding the five thunder vine formation talisman, the "peng" made a loud noise, the huge thunder and lightning vines intertwined, fiercely blocking the attacking dragon from afar. This golden wave of air in the domain, when the air wave splashed and shattered, the dragon domain also violently shook, it was too cruel, this time, the entire dragon domain was affected!

"How about, Sylvia?"

I landed on the observation deck with Sura and turned to look at the silver dragon queen in the wind.


Sylvia's aura was slightly disordered, but she was still able to resist it. She raised her head to look into the distance, her beautiful eyes shining with golden light, and said: "What's the origin, so sudden?"

"A group of ancient gods who have been sleeping for many years." Sura said: "Be careful!"


At this time, I had jumped to the sky above the Wu Lei Teng Formation. Looking from a distance, there were five ancient gods in total, all with bare hands and bare hands. Their bodies were dozens of feet high, and they were covered with dark golden golden light. , There are wisps of gray chaotic air flow on the body, and a pair of golden eyes look at Longyu from a distance, without saying a word, without a trace of emotion.

"What do you mean?"

Sura also rose into the air, filled with the majestic breath of the pinnacle of the Quasi-God Realm, raised the long sword in her hand, and looked at me: "May I ask the sword first?"

"Yes, just don't get into trouble yourself."


The next moment, Sura turned into a ray of golden light and broke through the air, and then a blazing sword light ran across the sky, cutting straight to the strongest ancient god.


These ancient gods could not speak, their bodies moved, and a huge dark golden arm flanked to block. Su La succeeded with a sword in the rumbling light of the sword. The ancient **** was smashed back hundreds of feet, slid a deep gully on the ground, until he raised his hand to support the top of a mountain behind him, then stopped, and when he turned to look, there was still nothing in his eyes. Feelings, but it is clear that the murder is better than before.


Another ancient **** bent down suddenly, his body turned into a golden light and flew at a speed far beyond the limit of his size. With a fist, Sula's petite body was blasted away, and then the other two ancient gods flew away. Ben, full of golden light, hit the Wu Lei Teng array heavily.

"Tom Tom——"

In the loud noise, the Dragon Territory shook sharply, while Sylvia was angry, and with a light swing of his palm, dozens of vines shot out, blasting the three ancient gods back again and again.

In the next second, the five ancient gods stood far away, staring at the Wu Lei Teng formation on the periphery of the Dragon Realm with misty eyes. They did not attack or retreat. They lasted for nearly five minutes, and turned around one by one. Retreated into the wilderness, retreated from the area of ​​the open forest and sea to the territory of the Northern Territory.


"What's the meaning?"

Sylvia fell by my side, frowning and said: "Just hit and go? I'm going to try to kill one."

"No need to try."

I shook my head: "Killing one will not help. There are at least hundreds of such ancient gods in the realm of alien demon. They only sent five to kill them this time, just to test the foundation of our Dragon Territory."

At this moment, four consecutive vigorous sword lights flew in the air, and the "pumppeng" cut down on the five ancient gods who were retreating quickly, and cut off the outer shells, but they couldn't deal with it in a short time. It caused fatal injuries.

The four great mountain monarchs had their swords at the same time, but they seemed to be unable to help these ancient gods.

This is even more tricky.

"It's a big trouble, it's coming soon." Sura said.


I frowned and said, "After the trial is over, when Fan Yi's preparations are completed, I am afraid it will be the second longest battle against Lishan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ or the battle between our Dragon Domain and them."

"Can you beat it?" a young Dragon Knight asked.

"Five is tricky, how do you beat one hundred?"

Sylvia glared at her, indicating that she was talking nonsense.

The Dragon Knight was speechless, and said: "That's it for his subordinates to fight to death."

"It's best not to die."

I was sitting on the observation deck with a sullen face. When Senior Sister Yun was there, she had a high level of kendo and she had many ways to defend against the enemy, but when it was my turn, she felt like she could not cook without rice.


"Want Wang~~~"

At this moment, a pug yelled at us from a distance under the observation deck, wagging its tail frantically.

Sura's eyes lit up and she smiled: "The big tengu said he has a way."

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