Zhan Yue

Chapter 1500: Big Tengu's Way


Everyone fell down and surrounded the big tengu.

"Dog brother!"

I looked excited, touched the dog's head, and smiled: "Is there any way you can solve the predicament in front of you?"


The big tengu wagged its tail frantically and yelled again.

With a dazed expression on my face, I turned around and said, "Playing the piano to the cow... Sura, do you have any way to communicate with Brother Dog?"

"Just enter the mood of the big tengu."

She stepped on lightly, and suddenly a flame barrier was erected around the world. This world happened to be connected to the mood of the big tengu. Right in front of our eyes, the pug seemed to get up. The body began to swell and transform. It is a big tengu that is tens of meters high, and its fur is full of killing and killing, and it has sharp teeth, and it looks down at us like this.

"It can be said."

I hugged my arms and smiled and said, "What is the solution?"

The big tengu groaned for a few seconds, and said, "Fan Yi, a little bunny, awakened a group of sleeping ancient gods. Originally, these gods would not wake up in this life and were in a state of absolute death. These ancient gods themselves are the condensate of the ancient times. Once they use their full force, the power is unimaginable, and even some stronger ancient gods can reach the strength of the early stage of the ascension realm."

Sylvia held his chin with one hand and smiled and said, "It is true. In the Dragon Region, we may be able to rely on the advantages of our own world to fight against it. However, once we leave the Dragon Region, our Dragon Region and Human Race will also be added together. It may not be the opponent of these ancient gods."

Sura said: "The current initiative has been firmly grasped by the territories of different demons. They can attack the Dragon Region and Lishan, and retreat to attack the human territories such as the western continent. On the contrary, we are now in an absolutely passive position. "

I still look at the big tengu: "So, Brother Gou, do you have a way to restrain these ancient gods?"


The big tengu said in a deep voice: "The so-called ancient gods are actually just the conclusion of various rules in the ancient wilderness. In the words of later generations, they are a product of divinity. It is possible to call it a god, and it is also possible to call it nothing. Yes, they were originally a simple rule, and they existed freely between the ancient world and everything."

"What happened later?" I asked.


The big tengu smiled and said: "Later the human race rose, the saints came out in large numbers, and the generations of saints made rules for the heavens and the earth. Sinking into the eternal world, and in their counterattack, the heavenly saints tried their best to kill, and these ancient gods fell one by one. The last batch of ancient gods, also known as the most holy, Ning Sheng, suppressed them all in the same way. , Then came the story in front of you, Fan Yi awakened these purely divine ancient gods, but you could not awaken the ancient saints who returned to the dust to repress these evil gods."

"Stop talking nonsense."

I frowned: "Stop selling it off, what's the way you said?"

"There is a kind of power that might be able to restrain the majestic divinity in these ancient gods, and this power comes from...speaking not close, saying not far away."

"Where?" Sura asked.

Looking at the sky above the sky, the big tengu seemed to miss the past, and said: "From my hometown, that piece of mountains and seas...the legendary mountain and sea secret realm!"

"Mountain and Sea Secret Realm?" I was slightly startled.


The big tengu said with a stern face: "The legend of the mountains and seas lies deep in the mountains and seas. It is a paradise that everyone knows, but no one can reach. In one era, the origin of the power of the two is the same, and in the secret world of mountains and seas, there are still a group of mountain and sea spirit beasts that originated from ancient times. Once these spirit beasts can be found and their power can be combined, it may be enough. Against the threat of ancient gods."


I frowned, nodded and said, "Then how do you get to the secret realm of mountains and seas? Do you have a way?"


The big tengu said: "My big tengu clan is born with the magical powers to swallow the heavens and the earth, although I am now hit back to this form by Lin Hai's mortal blow, but the magical powers are still there. Just give me 2000 high-grade spirit crystals. When I swallow these spirit crystals in one bite, I will be able to tear open the entrance to the mountain and sea secret realm. At that time, adventurers in the world can step into the mountain and sea secret realm and look for their own mountain and sea spirit beasts. , And once the imprint of mountains and seas possessed by the spirit beasts is integrated, it will be reborn!"


I groaned and hesitated.

Our Dragon Territory blew the autumn breeze through the whole world, and directly emptied the family of this world. Only then we obtained a total of 13,000 high-grade spirit crystals. Most of these high-grade spirit crystals have been consumed by the young talents of the Dragon Territory. There is not much left, but it is enough to support the expenditure of 2,000 roots. Is it just worth it? As the lord of the dragon domain, I have to calculate this account.

"In the mountain and sea secret realm, those spirit beast marks are so powerful?" I asked.


The big tengu said: "Some of these spirit beasts are even a myth. Can they be amazing?"


I nodded and thought about it. It shouldn’t be a loss to spend 2,000 high-grade spirit crystals to open up a version of the secret world of mountains and seas for the national service. After all, if a large number of people in the national service integrate the imprint of spirit beasts, the strength will really reach " "Reborn", the biggest beneficiary is undoubtedly ourselves.


The big dog smiled slightly and said: "There are some things that I can only say to you, my brother!"


Sura was a little speechless: "Disgusting, then let's go."

With a touch of her hand, she led the crowd to withdraw, and suddenly I was the only one in the mind of the big tengu.

"What's the secret, Brother Dog?" I asked, looking up at him.

With a fierce face on the big tengu, he laughed and said: "There are many spirit beasts in the mountain and sea secret realm, and each of them has supernatural powers. In the past, in order to compete for a ranking, it can be said that the sky was dark and dark. In the end, five top kings were decided. The spirit beasts are, in order, the blue dragon, the head of the four sacred beasts, the Baize that connects all things, the unicorn that is the head of the four spirits, the Kunpeng who is hanging down in the sky, plus the patriarch of our big tengu clan, huh, think back then... "

"Wait, stop blowing!"

I hurriedly stopped him and said, "I always feel...there are four king-level mountain and sea spirit beasts, the big dog is actually your own invented and added it, right?"

"What are you talking about?"

The big tengu was embarrassed about being said to be the central thing, and said: "My big tengu people swallow the sky and eat the sun, and disdain to argue with those idiots, but don't say that it is useless, I really want to tell you the secret Yes... Once you enter the mountain and sea secret realm, don’t keep your eyes on the mountain and sea spirit beast. Although the spirit beast is powerful, it is a beast after all. As my brother, you should pursue the stronger one in July. Target."

A move in my heart: "What is the stronger goal?"

"God corpse!"

The big tengu looked solemn and said, "The reason why the mountain and sea secret realm is called the secret realm is because there are too many hidden secrets. For the existence of the gods, after the fall of these gods, the corpses are immortal and still have spirituality. Once approved by these gods and the fusion of the marks of the gods, their promotion is more than just reborn?"

I couldn't help being awe-inspiring: "God's corpse?"


It nodded gently: "As far as I know, there were the remains of ancient gods such as Xingtian, Wang Hai, Zhibi, Xia Geng, etc., left in the ancient secret realm. When these divine corpses are manifested, we must try our best to fight for it. It can be said that the approval of any divine corpse is stronger than the fusion of spirit beasts under the king!"


I nodded: "Thank you Brother Dog, this secret is really pretty good, I remembered it!"


The big dog said in a deep voice: "Then it shouldn't be too late, immediately prepare 2,000 high-grade spirit crystals, and watch me open up an entrance to the secret world of mountains and seas for you. After that, everything depends on chance."



Stepping out of the big tengu's state of mind, I nodded at Lan Che: "Immediately prepare 2000 high-grade spirit crystals!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Lan Che turned and led the crowd to the Dragon Territory Treasure House, and returned in less than ten minutes. A group of dragon knights behind him were holding heavy spirit crystals, and their faces were full of dismay. They really gave the big tengu a mouthful of these spirit crystals. Swallowed, still somewhat reluctant.

"Really decided?"

Sylvia frowned and said, "2000 pieces, top grade brother!"


I waved my hand gently, and said, "I can't bear my daughter-in-law to catch the wolf. For the sake of the mountain and sea secrets, it should be a fight. Give all the high-grade spirit crystals to the big dog!"


A lot of spirit crystals are placed in front of the big tengu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and it still looks like a pug, wagging its tail involuntarily.

"Dog brother!"

I squatted aside and looked at it: "Stop wagging your tail, let's get started? You don't intend to use this form to devour the spirit crystal, do you?"


The big tengu gave a low drink, and the earth dog suddenly exploded, and the gray rays of light skyrocketed, instantly condensing a ten-meter-high body, with a hideous expression, opened his mouth and sucked a lot of spiritual crystals into his mouth, chewing it, like It’s like eating rice, but after frantically swallowing a bunch of spirit crystals, its body began to swell up, and its throat bulged!


He spit out a breath full of white brilliance and rushed straight into the open space in front of the Dragon Domain Hall. The white light instantly broke through the boundary wall. Inside the boundary wall was chaotic space rules. A few seconds later, there was another loud noise, breaking through the second boundary. Wall, the more chaotic space raged turbulently, but the breath of the big tengu was too clear, and once again penetrated seven or eight boundary walls, and with a crash, there was a beautiful scene of mountains and seas on the other side of the space crack. It was the mountains and seas. Mystery!

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