Zhan Yue

Chapter 1507: Xia Geng's Corpse

The latest website: Fifty Gods Corpse!

Seeing this, my heart trembled. I don’t need to say more about the value of this corpse of the gods. Although it is not the top ten corpses, it is still quite powerful. According to my estimation and the big tengu, I got the mark of the corpse. Inheritance is better than the imprint of the spirit beast platform in most cases, and it can even be said that under the four king-level sacred beasts, the corpses of the gods are counted.

The four great beasts of kings and ten great corpses are just barely gripping their wrists. Perhaps the value of king-level beasts is not comparable to the top ten great corpses, and the status of the fifty corpses should be second to that of king-level beasts, but The one that is higher than the S-level spirit beast is in the middle of the two, so the value of the corpse of the gods in front of you is definitely higher than that of the snake!

Moreover, the number of **** corpses is small, and it is fate to meet!


Examining it, Si You's total vitality is 1 billion, and he is a full-level boss. The overall strength is equivalent to that of a mountain-sea level boss. It is very deadly for ordinary players. There is no need to talk about single kills at all, but for me, it can be challenged. , I even singled out the Guixu-level BOSS, is it still a matter of the mountain-sea-level BOSS?

Kill it!

"Little nine, come on!"

An arrow rushed up, and he thrust the blade of the Vulcan into the heart of Si Youshen's corpse, but felt a soft feeling, worthy of being a corpse, this flesh was already between the real and the imaginary. In seconds, he was severely beaten on Shifeng by an old fist!


The body of the quasi-shen realm directly smashed Shi Feng, and then the corpse of Si Youshen galloped towards him with an angrily look, and said with a grin: "Only you, want to kill me?"

He seemed to be holding a bright moon in his hands, using ancient secret methods!

I didn’t hesitate, the shape of the mountain and the white dragon wall opened together, and the white dragon wall lay across, directly hitting the moonlight to smash, and then there was a set of fish in troubled waters + grass and trees all soldiers + the sound of the wind and the raging cranes, double-edged dancing, "cracking" There were fierce waves of air around Si Youshen's corpse, blood loss in melee combat, and the speed was very fast!

The magical powers of Xiaojiu were fully activated, and a wisp of sword aura fell from the sky. After I reached level 355, Xiaojiu's level rose all the way. Now it is 330+, and his attributes are too mad. The magical powers are activated indiscriminately. Wuying goes to Wuxiang for simple output, using my master as a MT, without any guilt. Fortunately, Xiaojiu’s output can almost reach more than 90% of mine, and it will definitely surpass me after level 355. This master is somewhat lonely.

As a result, in less than 20 minutes, the blood bar of Si Youshen's corpse was cut up by me and Xiao Jiu. After a low growl, he fell down with a groan, "I'm not reconciled..."

The next moment, the body of the corpse disappeared, leaving only a trace of the soul imprint with a faint golden luster.

[Siyou Imprint] (Fifty Divine Corpse): A ray of Divine Soul Imprint from the ancient mountain and sea period. Once merged, you will gain Siyou’s Divine Soul Inheritance. After accumulating a certain amount of mountain and sea aura, you can summon Siyou Faxiang in a short time. Assisting in the battle, greatly enhancing their own strength.


The golden light of this imprint is destined to be a good thing!


A message came from Lin Xi: "I have entered the ten-layer mountain. You should have reached the first-layer mountain, right?"

"No, I'm still in Wuzhongshan."

I laughed: "I was delayed by a little thing again."


Lin Xi was taken aback and smiled: "Excuse me, what's the little thing like this time? Show me!"


I stretched out my hand and shared Siyou's mark with her. The next moment, Lin Xitan opened her mouth slightly and was stunned: "Fifty Divine Corpses? Wow... It's so amazing, it makes people feel a little tempted... That's... …It’s just that the two words “sacred corpse” look a little crippled. If these two words can be removed, I might consider fusing this imprint of the soul.”

"You are really a perfectionist with obsessive-compulsive disorder."

I grinned and said with a smile: "I don't pay attention to that much. When I get the mark of the top ten corpses, I will merge directly and don't care about anything, hehehe~~~"


Lin Xi pouted: "Keep on going, I will have to work on a heavy mountain in a while, do you think we are going to meet each other or go hunting separately?"

I thought for a while, and said: "From the emotional point of view, meet first, after all, I want to be with you to explore every detail in the game, but from a rational point of view, the hunting area of ​​each safari is larger, and you can meet high-level spirit beasts. , The chance of a **** corpse is higher, what do you think?"


Lin Xi stubbornly cut the railway: "Let's go hunting separately, and then meet and join forces when we encounter unsolvable goals!"



Throwing Siyou's mark into the package, he continued to run wildly in the direction of Yizhongshan.

As a result, apart from the huge crowds of monsters rushing forward, there was nothing to gain. First, although these ordinary monsters are weak, they are numerous. They are also destined to be cleaned up if you want to attack the boss in the inner map. Monster, otherwise it will be quite uncomfortable.


After rushing to the top of a mountain, the front was overcast with clouds and vigorous spirits, and a heavy mountain finally arrived. This is a huge prototype map, which is larger than any of the surrounding maps, and this huge circular map has no signs. There are no coordinates and directions. It is a multi-angle mirror design map. Even if two players have map screenshots for comparison, they may not be able to find each other. In fact, Lin Xi said that he wanted to meet with me. In fact, it is so easy.

Pulling the reins, rushing down the hill, began my adventure in a heavy mountain.

In the sky, the clouds were rolling and lifeless, and when I opened the eyes of the Shifang Hot Wheel, I could not confirm exactly where the corpse of the gods resided. After all, the entire map of Yizhongshan was a lifeless picture. The aura can not be confirmed, the aura of the entire map is very strong, so I can only try my luck by walking!

So, the horse ran along the edge of the map, shrinking the route a little bit to achieve the result of "full map scanning". Although there may be S-level and fifty gods corpses refreshed in the 2-10 heavy mountains, but the one in the mountain The foundation must be the most profound, this is undoubtedly confirmed!


Open the eyes of the fire wheel in ten directions and try to find some clues hidden in the map!

Half an hour later, when I was about to run and break my leg, suddenly a ray of flame in the eyes of Shifang Hot Wheel came out from the depths of the side forest, and then my heart beat violently for a few times. There was a sign that the Lingxu was in a certain place. It seemed to capture a certain fiery breath in an instant, there must be something there!

So, riding a horse galloping away.


As I rushed into the jungle, one after another flames flew, and the "flaming fruits" hanging on the trees suddenly opened their eyes. They were all flame bats, level 355 monsters belonging to the market level. Kill them from all directions, which is more difficult. Is it necessary to use red deer to rush the city to kill them? It doesn't seem necessary to kill a chicken with a sledgehammer!

As a result, the shape of the mountain opened, and the damage was stubbornly rushed toward the breath position that my Lingxu captured in an instant. After tens of seconds, the moment I rushed out of the woodland, there was a huge giant in the clearing. The fire-red egg is giving birth to new life. At the moment I rushed to it, a pair of fire-red wings burst out of the shell, and then soared into the sky!

Suzaku, an S-class spirit beast!

I was so excited to see that I finally found an S-class spirit beast again!

"Go, Xiao Jiu!"

After a hack, one of the sacred beasts from the mountain and sea era fell to the ground and turned into a mark. The spirit beast is easy to kill!

[Suzaku] (S-level): The mark of the spirit beast, after fusion, you can obtain a part of the strength of the Suzaku. After accumulating a certain amount of mountain and sea aura, you can summon the spell of the Suzaku in a short time to greatly enhance your own strength.


Get it!

As soon as I held the Suzaku's mark, I felt a little satisfied, so it was very good. Suzaku is a holy beast, and girls should like it very much. This mark can be given to Shen Mingxuan or Ruyi.


At this moment, a message came from Lin Xi: "Hey, I guess what I just shipped?"

"What!? Send me your husband to see!"


She sent a flaming red mark, which was the mark of an S-class spirit beast "Nine-Tailed Fox", and it was really shipped. Today, Lin Xi and I have pretty good luck.

"Actually, I also shipped it."

I replied with the mark of a Vermillion Bird. For a while, Lin Xiqiao blushed and smiled: "Wow, at a glance, Ming Xuan and Ruyi have the marks? Next, they only need to walk to the top of the mountain. ."

"Indeed, they have to be found."

"The map is so big, it's really hard to find..." Lin Xi felt helpless.

"Actually, it's not difficult."

I smiled and said: "I thought of a way just now, that is, if you want to find me and I have to remember my current position, I should make a standard vertical tangent to the nearby Ichieyama boundary. Then walk to that point and wait for you at the foot of the border of Yichong Mountain. You can run a circle along the border of the map for at most 30 minutes. During this time, you must meet me, and then we go along the vertical tangent to the previous coordinates. ,What do you think?"

Lin Xi opened her beautiful eyes: "My husband is really a man of science and engineering, very powerful..."

I have a black line on my face: "Go on!"



Put the Suzaku's mark into the package~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Continue to go on horseback hunting in the map of Yizhongshan, and no one was encountered along the way, which shows how dangerous this map is. , The general players come here to single-handedly, the pressure will be great, but it should not be more than that which really prevents them from mixing up the mountain.

Twenty minutes later, just as I was galloping in the jungle, a blue light burst into the distance, and then a ray of spear light separated the jungle, severely chopped and chopped on my body, and the horses and men flew out and hit the jungle. Among.

"Where is the rat, dare to step into my territory?"

In the distance, a headless **** corpse urn with a spear and a heavy shield said angrily.


[Xia Geng]: One of the ten great corpses of the mountains and seas. Chengtang attacked Xia Jie in Zhangshan. The beheaded Xia Geng was still able to walk, and finally fled to Wushan.

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