Zhan Yue

Chapter 1508: Riding a face deal

Latest website: Here comes the top ten corpses!

It’s just that, what I never expected is that the ten great corpses did not hibernate somewhere waiting for the player to attack, but took the lead. When I stepped into his territory, I did not hesitate to launch an offensive, even, this A headless ancient warrior with a cyan armor, a spear, and a heavy shield is more like a lord of a hunting territory.


The war spear was raised, and the second cyan spear light flew straight through the jungle.

This time I was prepared. The shape of the mountain + the white dragon wall opened almost instantaneously. There was a loud noise, and the person carrying the white dragon wall was slid back and slid by the light of the spear for nearly ten meters before stopping. Not far away, Xia Geng's corpse leaped up with a low shout, and his battle spear raised high, condensing a blue wolf magic pattern in the air, a heavy spear fell, and he shouted in a low voice: "The offender is dead!"

This spear is a proud skill and should not be greeted!

At the moment when Xia Geng’s corpse fell with a spear, I went straight up, and a white cloak floated behind me. In an instant, MISS dropped this very fatal blow with the 2-second evasion effect of the white robe skill. I pierced into the shoulders of Xia Geng’s corpse, and suddenly broke out three karmic fire disasters + enemy hunter's front + giant dragon hit three combos. At the same time, with the opponent's head up, I instantly volleyed behind him, double The blade was pulled out, and it was another quick and beautiful backstab.

As a result, the two sets of skills completely knocked out at least 50W+ of the blood of Xia Geng's corpse, but his blood bar did not move at all, still staying on the 100% blood line, the blood is really not as thick!

Get poisoned! Hard kill!

To kill the ruins-level boss, the first problem is to restrain his blood recovery, and then slowly consume it. Otherwise, if you are singled out, you will not want to kill the ruined boss in the next life. Fortunately, the poison in my package is not a little bit. , After all, it’s self-owned, so when I bring the potion, I just think about the more the better.

"Little nine, come on!"

The seven-star begonia directly defeated the enemy, and in the next second, purple and poisoned texture appeared on the corpse of Xia Gengshen, and I continuously inserted bloodthirsty flags around it, and on the one hand it improved. Own attack output, on the one hand, you can quickly use the bloodthirsty flag + shadow fold effect to move continuously to avoid damage and find the opportunity to attack.

Now that you have encountered the ten great corpses, whether it is Xia Geng or any ancient deity, you will definitely take it, so don't miss it! After all, the top ten **** corpses are already the top existences in the mountain and sea secrets. Once the spirit of Xia Geng's corpses merges, the effect should not be inferior to the king-level spirit beasts!

Soon after, more than ten bloodthirsty flags criss-crossed in this jungle, and I transformed into a realm and turned into a shadow. The speed has been increased to the extreme, taking advantage of the inferiority of Xia Geng’s corpse in melee combat, and constantly Contained, for a while, this **** corpse roared back and forth, and the spear was wrapped in wisps of cyan brilliance, and the killing aura was strong.


It was another violent blow, and it was a small-scale attack of 5×5 yards. In an instant, my vitality dropped by one-third. At the same time, the eyes of Xia Geng's corpse were fierce, and his hands were raised. , Jumped, launched a quick jump!

Can't eat this hurt!

Between the lightning and flint, I instantly leaped the shadow to a bloodthirsty banner on the right wing, and turned around with the sound of wind and cranes + grass and trees are covered by soldiers, but Xia Gengshen’s corpse is a 355-level Boss of the market, regardless of this, the battle axe and spear directly fought a group of grass and trees. The **** swept away, and he threw the spear with a low growl, and the light of the spear came to the vicinity of his back in a flash.

At this moment, my heart is chilling, and this attack method is too simple and rude!

In an instant, the ashes barrier + the shining shield wall opened, and with a bang, the person with a dagger rolled over with a bang, and the blood line fell straight to the point where only 20% were left, it was fatal!


A mouthful of the level 10 life potion produced by Nanmu Keyijia instantly recovered 55% of the vitality, but he didn't dare to take the next blow of Xia Geng's corpse. He "peng" was dragged by the wisps of golden shadow and thunder and lightning, and used it directly. The shadow jumped and moved to the left, and then gave the BOSS a set of side blows. At the same time, the black-clothed boy Xiao Jiu let out a low drink, and a heavy sword fell from the sky, and fell on Xia Geng's corpse. On his back, an excess injury figure was shot.

"That's it, Xiao Jiu!"

I unconsciously cheered up my Eudemons, while moving quickly under my feet, I avoided Xia Geng’s corpse twice in a row. At the same time, I turned around and slammed a bottle of femme fatale on the opponent’s face. Continued With the poison effect that inhibits the blood return, the wind is blowing under the feet, and it is flying like electricity. You must not be hard to deal with this top BOSS, otherwise you will die miserably.

Less than two minutes later, the blood bar of Xia Geng's corpse dropped to 98%, which means that I have a chance to kill this ruins-level BOSS, but it consumes a little bit more, and must remain fully alert throughout the entire process. It may be mentally stressed. In other cases, unless it is a continuous crit attack, I will not die, but I am wearing a five-sacred suit, and the hidden attributes of the suit must have a crit reduction effect, so this battle is To a certain extent, it will be quite stable, and Xia Geng's corpse will be solved within two hours, and the problem is not big!

And even so, I still have more than six hours of stay time, and maybe I can challenge a stronger BOSS!

As a result, a cyan spear light whirled in the jungle, and besides, the brilliance of my skills such as rumbling, fishing in troubled waters, and the three disasters of karma continued to flicker, and battles continued.

Fifty minutes later, as in the previous calculations, the BOSS has 50% of the blood left. The total blood of Xia Geng’s corpse is about 4 billion to 5 billion. Based on the output power of me and Xiao Jiu, it’s about The rhythm of 1% vitality every minute, and the end of the battle in 100 minutes is the most smooth state!


A piece of news came from Lin Xi: "Lu Li, are you fighting Xia Geng, one of the top ten corpses?"


I trembled all over: "How did you know Lin Xi?"

"Someone broke the news on the forum."

She frowned and said: "Moreover, many high-level players have already entered Yizhong Mountain. This news came from Fenglin Mountain. I suspect that some people from Fenglin Mountain may be at the scene where you played the boss. You pay attention to safety."


So, while confining and attacking the boss, I opened the eyes of the ten-point steamer to hunt the surrounding jungle. Sure enough, a figure appeared in the field of vision shortly afterwards, on an ancient tree in the dense forest, and opened his legs. Standing between the branches of the ancient tree, wearing a suit of armor, holding a long sword in hand, and a lazy smile on his face, who else would it be if it wasn't Feng Canghai?

In addition, there is not only Feng Canghai, but also on an old banyan tree about ten meters away from him. There is a person sitting on the trunk, wearing armor and holding a black long sword, looking at my direction playfully. It was Xiong, the deputy leader of the Dragon Cavalry Palace, a man who was not well-known, but was quite strong.

Misfortune does not come singly!

If there is no BOSS, I don’t care if Feng Canghai and Zixiong are added together. On the one hand, it is the suppression of equipment and level, and the other is the suppression of realm. Feng Canghai Immortal Realm, Zixiong Cave Void Realm, in my place The front of the quasi-shen realm is not worth mentioning, but now Xia Geng’s corpse has only half of the health bar left. It is a pity to give up at this time, even if I went to kill Feng Canghai and Zixiong, when I came back, BOSS Most of the blood has returned to full blood after leaving the battle, which is too worthless, so I can only take the risk.


The Thunder God's blade was held in a virtual grip, and at the moment when Xia Geng's corpse war spear was parried, the Vulcan's blade pierced into his abdomen fiercely. At this time, he smiled loudly in the distance: "Feng Canghai, Zixiong, since they are so destined to meet in Yizhongshan, why hide in hiding?"

"I found out..."

Feng Canghai leaped out of the forest, with extraordinary aura, sitting on his shoulders with the changing form of a blood-retaining true dragon, holding a sharp sword in his hand, and having the demeanor of a generation of masters in his steps.

Zixiong shook his head and smiled, and he rode out of the forest with his sword, saying: "It's really a coincidence that I met this scene here. Tsk tusk, ten **** corpses Xia Geng, the value should not be lower than Bai Ze and Qinglong. Right?"

"It's true."

Feng Canghai smiled and said: "Lu Li, it stands to reason that we should congratulate you for holding Xia Geng's corpse, but... In principle, this is a public map. Resources belong to everyone, and players can compete for it, so you say it should What to do?"

I couldn't help but sneered: "Feng Canghai, we have cooperated so many times in the battle with the alien demon army. In the end, you still haven't given up the dream of being the first in the national uniform?"

"Why give up?"

Feng Canghai raised his eyebrows: "You may not necessarily be the number one in the world. After you ransacked my teacher, I understood this truth. Being a human being, you can't rely on others. Only your own fists are strong enough to be the real truth. "

I smiled: "Don't you think you can kill me?"


Feng Canghai shook his head: "The full-level, thunder and fire double-blade, five-mountain set, plus the ruined Hydra phantom, it is too strong, I have almost no chance of winning in singles, but if I and the child bear leader are willing to deal with each other, you It’s the same thing that can’t beat Xia Geng’s corpse. On the contrary, as long as we have enough patience, League Master Zixiong and I will join hands to kill Xia Geng’s corpse."

"Yes, you can."

I nodded and smiled: "If you think you have a chance, then try it!"

"Try it!"

Feng Canghai smiled slightly, the chaotic aura lingering above the blade.

Zixiong's body sank and made a gesture of charging immediately.

"Wait. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

Feng Canghai smiled suddenly: "It seems that the odds of winning are still not too great, or else... You will sacrifice it, Lord Zixiong, and merge with an S-level spirit beast mark first, how about?"

Zixiong trembled: "What do you mean? The leader of the wind already has an S-level spirit beast mark?"


Feng Canghai's five fingers, a flaming red mark shining brightly, smiled: "It's just an S-level spirit beast mark. If you want to, accept it, and then help me get the mark of Xia Geng's corpse, you and me. They are all the management of Fenglian, and it is reasonable to cooperate in the secret realm of mountains and seas. Do you think it is okay?"

Zixiong's expression was uncertain. After a few seconds, he smiled and said: "Yes, but I originally planned to fight for a king-level spirit beast. I can sacrifice a little for the leader of the wind, but once I get the corpse of Xia Geng After the mark, you need to add another market-return-level equipment to me. If you think it can, we will sell it!"

Feng Canghai nodded and smiled: "Deal, merge now, be quick!"

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