Zhan Yue

Chapter 1509: Coming!

Latest URL: "Yeah~~~"

I watched the play from a distance, as if this rather dirty deal had nothing to do with me.

The imprint in Feng Canghai’s hands showed a wispy image of a spirit beast, a human face and a sheep body, and two pairs of horns protruding from the top of the head. Next to the image of the spirit beast, there are strands of golden ancient patterns, which are very common on the jade ware of the Liangzhu culture and the bronze ware of the Xia and Shang period. It is nothing but gluttony.

"I actually have to add a piece of equipment to the market."

Feng Canghai said angrily: "Leader Zixiong is really a businessman, doing good business, this spirit beast mark is just right for you, gluttonous and insatiable."

Zixiong touched his nose: "It's a cooperation, why bother?"

He immediately began to merge the emblems. Soon after, the imprint of the spirit beast turned into a ray of golden light and flew into the center of his eyebrows. The next moment, a system announcement bell echoed in the sky above the mountain and sea secret realm map——


System Announcement: Congratulations to the player [Xiong] for successfully fusing the S-level spirit beast mark [glutton] to obtain magical powers [Swallow], [greed], etc., all attributes +75%, total resistance +100%, and some activations Spirit beast divine power!



Strands of golden gluttonous patterns revolved around Zixiong's body, and just above his head, there was a majestic gluttonous pattern rising to the sky, raising his head and roaring, as if to swallow the world.


Feng Canghai smiled and said: "After fusing the mark, the value interface of Shanhai Aura will also be opened. It will be full of 100 points, so now you have 100 minutes to transform, don’t be stingy, kill Lu Li in ten minutes. In the remaining 90 minutes, it shouldn’t be a problem for us to slowly clean up the corpse of Xia Geng’s god.”


Zixiong looked at me and said with a smile: "Lu Li, I'm sorry, I didn't intend to target you, who made me a member of Fenglian? Besides, the top-level maps of the Secret Realm of Mountains and Seas should have been full of battles. , All kinds of PK are fun, everyone is amiable, it is meaningless, just so, I also want to test whether the legendary July Liuhuo is really invincible."


I smiled slightly: "Learning skills, I support it, it will help players exchange experience."

Feng Canghai nodded: "Well, Lu Li deserves to be Lu Li, he really understands the righteousness."

I glanced at him: "Feng Canghai, you are also really hypocritical. You want Xia Geng's corpse to speak directly. Why do you pretend to talk so much nonsense? I won't let you **** it."

Having said that, I directly spent 5000RMB and sent a national service announcement——


System announcement (July Liuhuo shouting): All members of Yilu in the mountain and sea secret realm are able to enter Yizhongshan at full speed, and die Feng Canghai and Zixiong. In addition, in the mountain and sea secret realm map, one deer faces Fenglin Volcano and Dragon Cavalry Hall declare war, but anyone who sees these two guilds can just kill them!

In the guild, suddenly became impatient.

Qing Deng: "Lu Li, what happened, so angry?"

Slaughter Fanchen: "Damn, you understand at a glance, Zixiongren hasn't returned from the mountain and sea secret realm. Most of them have joined forces with the hypocritical villain Feng Canghai to deal with Xiaoqi."

Lin Xi said: "Well, you guessed it, Lu Li is fighting Xia Geng, one of the top ten corpses. Feng Canghai and Zixiong are fighting together. Even Zixiong has integrated an S-level mark in advance and wants to use the power of the S-level mark. Deal with Lu Li."

"Depend on!"

Haotian said angrily: "Too shameless, right? Two-to-one is fine, one of them has to transform and fight again?"

Lin Xi said solemnly: "So, people in Yizhongshan, if possible, try to go to support Lu Li as much as possible. Lu Li, would you like to describe where you are now?"

I thought for a while: "Because there is no coordinate and no map direction, I can only confirm the latitude of the circle on the map of Yichongshan. The approximate distance from the center of the circle is 78%, and the distance from the boundary is 22%. Come here if you can. There is no need to force anyone who does not come. After all, it is too difficult to kill monsters of the market rank, and your own safety is the first priority."

Slaughter Fanchen: "I see, here it is!"

Calories: "coming!"

Haotian: "Come on!"

Clear the lights: "Come on!"


For a while, I was quite moved, but this calculation method is actually not very accurate. The map of Yichongshan is too large. This 1% warp deviation may be several miles, and the battle may not be visible, so it can only rely on luck. Yes, it’s best for someone to reinforce it. If no one reinforces, it depends on whether I can change my fate.

If it doesn't work, transform into the body of the gods, kill Feng Canghai and Zixiong for two hours, and then re-emerge after the period of weakness!


Behind him, Zixiong stepped out and summoned a golden gluttonous figure soaring to the sky, with complicated gluttonous patterns flowing around him, as if he was putting on a layer of armor for him. He rode a horse to kill, and said with a smile: "Lu Li. , Sorry, please take the move!"

At the moment when I was smashed by Xia Geng’s corpse with a spear and flew back, Zixiong directly predicted the point of landing, and activated his charge skills with a "chi" sound. Blade guard defensive effect.


During the retreat, I suddenly slammed my double-edged blades into the ground, forcibly stagnated the retreat, and abruptly stopped the retreat speed, so that Zixiong "peng" knocked out a MISS, but it floated in MISS. At the moment, Zixiong directly descended with an extremely accurate sword down galaxy, this time there was no way to avoid it.


This damage is a bit scary, does an S-rank spirit beast mark increase so much? Moreover, the damage increase effect after Jianchui Xinghe is destined to be even more terrifying!


Sure enough, in the next second, Zixiong blew out a whirling slash at extreme speed. Suddenly, I only felt a sharp pain in my waist, and I felt like I was about to be slashed. A number of injuries floated on the top of my head.



I never thought that one day I would be beaten with so much energy and blood by the player. At the same time, I suddenly sank behind me and was hit by a spear from Xia Geng's corpse. He flew out again in an instant, and Xia Geng's corpse roared. He jumped up, and struck again with a fierce spear.

I did not evade for the first time, but waited for about 0.5 seconds. Sure enough, just as I was about to take a step, strands of golden sword aura of "Shu" surged from all directions, and then my body was nailed by the sword intent and couldn't move. .

Gui Yuanjian!

Sure enough, Feng Canghai had already learned Guiyuan Sword!

However, I have been waiting for this hand!


Almost the moment the Guiyuan Sword began to lock, the prisoner dragon broke and solved in an instant, and then his body froze, feeling like being enveloped in an ice cave. The flanking Zixiong's sword pointed at it, and he laughed: "Eat a devouring magical power. !?"

For an instant, the body seemed to be sucked by something, even the Dragon Po’s ability to ignore negative effects seemed to be suppressed, and then the blood bar exploded, directly exploding nearly 200W+ of blood. , There was still blood in an instant!

"It's now!"

Feng Canghai's sword light swept across, and sword down galaxy + whirling slash + star-devouring **** broke out together. As long as I eat these skills, Transformation will not be able to protect me, and I will definitely be killed!


It was another bottle of life-saving level 10 life potion. When the blood returned to more than half of the time, I waved at Feng Canghai and Zixiong, and smiled: "Goodbye, goodbye!"


Leap back, the white clothes effect is activated!

In an instant, the BOSS's hatred against me disappeared, and in an instant it became the hatred against Zixiong and Feng Canghai. In the next second, the war spear slammed on the gluttonous face!


The corpse of the gods shook the mountains and seas of spirit beasts, this kind of picture somewhat gave people a feeling of returning to the ancient times.

"Think beautiful!"

Feng Canghai smiled faintly, raised his hand and smashed a bottle, a wisp of silver dust spilled out, directly turning dozens of yards around into an insightful area. It turned out that the square in Fanshucheng was rumored to be practiced by alchemists. A dust potion that can break invisibility was made, and it really appeared now.

"It doesn't matter!"

I turned around abruptly, and my double-edged blade was inserted into the back of Xia Geng's corpse. This melee is just a melee. The boss belongs to me. As long as I kill the boss, the mark of Xia Geng's corpse belongs to me!


"Kill Lu Li first, leave the boss alone!"

Feng Canghai quickly commanded, but he didn't seem to be able to move it. Zixiong still smashed Xia Geng's corpse with one sword and one sword, saying: "No... Damn, it seems that there is a bug. Xia Geng's corpse keeps beating. What should I do? And I feel a little bit controlled by the mark of gluttonous food. When I get close to Xia Geng's corpse, I can't help but beat him. These two had enemies in ancient times?"

Feng Canghai rolled his eyes with anger, "I asked you to join forces with me to PK off Lu Li. How about you and the people who study ancient myths?"

"I'm so..."

Zixiong got angry, swung his sword and hacked, and also chopped down Xia Geng's corpse and also chopped me down.

I laughed, as long as I dodge Feng Canghai’s attack, it’s easier now. The two-edged blade has been cruising around the BOSS and can concentrate on outputting, while the black-clothed boy Xiao Jiu turned into a sword light, "Peng "Pengpeng" shakes on the huge body of a blood-retaining true dragon in the air. In the contest between the two ruins-level phantom beasts, Xiao Jiu has the upper hand. As for Zixiong’s wild-level phantom beast, the first Time was shattered by Xiao Jiu's set of swordsmanship!

As time passed bit by bit, the blood bar of Xia Geng's corpse continued to decrease, and the only thing I had to pay was consumables, and when Xia Geng's corpse had only 1% of blood remaining, Feng Canghai was already A little desperate, Zixiong is even more desperate, not to mention a lot of mountain and sea aura, maybe he can't get the piece of equipment that Feng Canghai promised to return to the market.

"Child bear!"

Feng Canghai roared: "I'll see it in a while, stand on the treasure, understand?"

"I know!"

Zixiong frowned and said, "Don't worry, I can hold Lu Li's offensive, and I can't die!"

The reload that incorporates the S-level mark is so confident!

The so-called standing treasure is nothing more than when the treasure is dropped and the opponent stands on it. I, the owner, cannot pick it up unless I kill the opponent or push the opponent away, because the treasure is protected for a long time. Five minutes, as short as one minute, if I can't get it during this time, the mark may belong to the other party.



Suddenly, Xia Geng's corpse let out a miserable cry and hung up!

At this moment, Feng Canghai rushed forward, trying to stun me ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But just as I speeded up and avoided, Guiyuan Sword came again, and this little astonishment In the meantime, Zixiong had already wrapped the gluttonous method and stood firmly on the treasure, laughed and said, "Come on, knock me away if there is a kind!"

Feng Canghai stepped back without saying a word: "If he dares to approach, he will attack with devouring supernatural powers, but you must stay within the Xia Geng mark!"

"I know!"


I gritted my teeth and carried my double-edged blades. In the situation of Transformation + Shadow Transformation, the force cut can not cut the opponent, because the additional protection and recovery effect of the spirit beast is unimaginable, and the magical power of the mark of gluttony can kill the enemy. In fact, the release of this version means the fact that the unintegrated players cannot beat the integrated players, coupled with the support of the wind and the sea, basically no one can understand Zixiong standing there.

At this moment, he rode out of the jungle diagonally.

"Damn, really shameless, two to one!? Really when we are all alone?"


Haotian is here.

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