Zhan Yue

Chapter 1512: 4 big beasts

Latest URL: "Why, no?"

Haotian Sword Blade pointed and said with a smile: "Quickly come down and die, don't let us wait for a long time!"

"Looking for death!"

The rain master went straight down in the sky, with his arms open, and the whole person was like a bird with wings. At the moment it came, countless rain filaments condensed into a long sword, and it fell from the sky, crackling down.

"Be careful!"

I suddenly moved horizontally, holding a bright white dragon wall in front of Haotian, and shouted in a low voice: "Your defensive skills will be used again later, staggering the time with mine."


Haotian sank slightly: "Ready!"


In the air, the moment when the flying sword condensed by raindrops was finished, Haotian directly swept to it with a charge skill, and then the sword descending galaxy + whirling slash + purple thunder explosive flame sword raged continuously, and my shadow leaped to it. Behind the rain master Pingyi, he turned around and it was a set of crazy output. At the moment when the rain master Pingyi woke up from the vertigo of the charge skill, a fish in troubled water suddenly fell from the sky, and suddenly the top ten **** corpses in feathers fell into one again. In chaos.

The two blades flipped over, splitting **** waves. On one side, Xiao Jiu, a young man in black, continuously wielded his long sword, bursting out wisps of sword light that shook the BOSS. As for Haotian, he also summoned his own summoned beast to help. It's a prehistoric BOSS-class flame tiger, with its sharp claws dancing wildly, and it has done a lot of damage.

"Two ants, dare you?"

Just when I missed the devil's catastrophe, the rain master suddenly jumped up, his body soaring into the air like a blue mud loach, and suddenly stepped out of an ancient formation at a position ten meters in the air, his face was full of writings. I was furious, and said: "In this case, there is no need to be polite to you! Come on, feel the heavenly power of raining and moving clouds in the ancient times!"


A ray of lightning tore through the sky, and the entire surrounding sky became gray. Then countless clouds rolled densely, countless rain pillars swept across the earth, and the wind continued, and Haotian and I were both in the ravages of this ancient spell. The strip brushes straight off.


Haotian summoned the Weapon Blade Guard, and said in a deep voice: "If we play this way, our response will never keep up. I don't have that much money to buy a full-level life potion..."

"Don't worry."

With a palm of my hand, a bottle of sad and crisp breeze wafted with the wind, and in a blink of an eye, it spread between the sky and the earth, and the rain master Pingyi in the sky gave an "um" sound. After the sword eyebrow star glanced in our direction, his eyes He fell down as soon as he closed, and he was actually recruited. Although he woke up in less than three seconds, in fact the spell he had summoned to cast the rain cloud had been broken!

"Cut him!"

Haotian and I once again furiously output one after another. In an instant, the health bar of the rain master’s screen fell to 90%. It turns out that this ruins-level legal system and summoning BOSS really can’t hold me and Hao. The two choppers of the sky, as long as they are forced to fight us close, it is almost impossible for Yushi Pingyi to have any chance of winning.


"In that case..."

A few minutes later, the ancient **** rose into the sky again, with a look of disdain in his eyes, and said: "Since there is already someone who can threaten the god's safety, it is time to invite him out."

I frowned: "Who is he?"

"You know it."

With that, Rain Master Pingyi took the initiative to leave the battle, ignoring the 50-yard BOSS battle rules and flew into the distance.

"Damn, ran away!?"

Haotian was shocked: "What to do?"


I directly summoned the Wu Hachi and chased after the horse, and Haotian also instigated the Abyssal Warhorse to follow along. The rain master was in the air, and the heavy rain fell wherever he flies, and we only need to follow the dark clouds and heavy rain. That's it, so he galloped like this for nearly ten minutes, the rain master in the air was unhappy, and his expression was full of impatient: "It's really two annoying flies!"

As he said, he suddenly looked at a white mountain in front of him, couldn't help shaking his body, and immediately swayed his body to lower the height, unexpectedly bypassing the mountain subconsciously.


I was slightly startled: "He has scruples about this area in front?"

"Yes, it's pretty obvious."

Haotian said solemnly: "Boss, will there be any treasures in this area? Do you want to explore here? Anyway, the Rain Master Pingyi was scared by us, and he didn't dare to come."


But at this moment, a bright silver figure flew up from the jungle on one side, and then a ray of sword light slashed through the body of the rain master Pingyi, dragged it down, and turned into a beautiful figure riding a white deer. , It was Lin Xi who had arrived to join us.


The rain master Pingyi squinted in the air: "Here is another one? The secret world of mountains and seas is really causing chaos in the world, huh, wait and see!"

With that, he flew to the distance again.

"Lin Xi!"

I stepped forward and smiled: "I finally met!"


Lin Xi turned to look at the rain master, and said, "This... ten **** corpses, don't we chase it?"

"Stop chasing."

I stretched out my hand to point to the white mountain range behind me, and said, "If no accident, there should be oil and water in this mountain range, or let's go take a look?"

"Also, let's go!"


So, Lin Xi and I walked in the front side by side, while Haotian rode a horse to follow not far behind, and smiled: "Tsk tsk, follow the two bosses...this sense of security is too full!"

Lin Xi and I were too lazy to pay attention to her, and we asked each other about their gains. The big gains were not much. Only one of my Xia Geng's marks was considered the top income in this map. As for the remaining S-level spirit beasts, they could only be regarded as inferior. , The height of Lin Xi and me is simply insignificant.


Five minutes later, I stepped into a white jungle, where the plants, trees, flowers and leaves were covered with a layer of holy white, and I walked along a path, and soon it was prompted on the small map.


System prompt: Please note that you have entered the secret map [Baishou Mountain]!


"Baishou Mountain?"

Lin Xixiang and I took a look and found it a little weird. This is the first time I saw the map in the picture. It stands to reason that the maps here are all marked as a single mountain.

Haotian frowned and said: "Bai Shoushan... always feels that it is about to ship. Let's... speed up? So as not to be caught by others quickly."


Although I am confident, with the strength of Lin Xi and I, we can sweep the map together. Besides, with the addition of an auxiliary Haotian, it is basically a **** blocking the existence of the killing **** in Yizhongshan. After all, this picture is too big. It is difficult to find each other. Lin Xi also found us through the vertical line ratio scheme. And Feng Canghai, Zixiong has been killed off the map. What kind of master can Feng Canghai find to us? What about threats? It's too difficult.

Go up the mountain slowly along the mountain road.

As we walked, strands of golden ancient characters continued to emerge on the mountain road below, and the spiritual energy in the mountains was not so rich, it was about to form water droplets. When we walked to the mountainside, suddenly strands of ancient formations appeared. Densely appeared in the surrounding mountains and forests, giving people an unprecedented sense of oppression, and then an old voice said: "Forbidden land, no one can enter!"

I frowned, took a step forward, and said, "The three of us went into the mountains to find immortals, please forgive me, senior!"


The voice laughed and said: "You and I are not of the same race, where are the seniors? Going forward is the world beyond heaven and earth. If you dare to step into it, you will be arrogant."

"Got it."

Lin Xi smiled slightly: "Let's just make a break."


The voice hummed coldly and stopped talking.

"Really going to break?"

Haotian was cautious: "I always feel that this place is very dangerous!"

"Not necessarily."

I walked a few steps forward again following the stone steps covered with ancient golden words, and said, "It may just be a test set by a sacred beast. How can I do it if I don't go over and see?"

"Then go..."

The three moved forward again.

After walking for about two minutes, suddenly the entire Baishou Mountain trembles violently, and then the voice rang again: "Why do you ask? Why don't you listen to dissuasion?"

I raised my head and said, "The sages in the secret world of mountains and seas, the spirit beasts bred by the mountains."

"Then you can go!"

The old voice shouted in a low voice: "There are no spirit beasts here, there is only one guilty person who was expelled from Shan Hai Jing!"

I frowned.

Lin Xi gently pulled my wrist and whispered, "There is only one spirit beast that has been expelled by Shan Hai Jing, he is Bai Ze!"

"That's easy to say."

I raised my eyebrows lightly and smiled: "Senior Bai Ze, will you show up for a while? If we don't get the mark today, we people are destined to not leave, what do you think?"

"Huh, all beings are mediocre, but that's all."

Bai Ze said lightly: "If you want to get a mark, just go climbing."



I walked in the forefront, and the continuous "Peng Peng Peng" launched the transformation, shadow transformation and ashes barrier~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Xi followed closely behind, and Haotian carried the sword and rode on an abyss. Behind the Horse Palace.

As a result, without taking a few steps, there was a low roar in front of him. The sky and the earth were filled with endless cyan luster. Then a mountain peak not far away buzzed, and a huge dragon entwined around the dangerous peak. Above, a huge head and whiskers looked at us swayingly, with a majestic sense of oppression.

King-level spirit beast, blue dragon!

Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of hoofs in the distant air, and a huge figure fell across the sky on the hillside not far away. The lion head, antlers, and moose's body were covered with dragon scales, and the holy spirit was dazzling, with an invincible look. Staring at us.

King-level spirit beast, unicorn!

After a few seconds, the sky and the earth were dim. There was a giant bird spreading its wings in the sky, covering the sky and obscuring the sun. Sometimes it turned into a big fish swimming in the sky, fickle and immense.

King-level spirit beast, Kunpeng!

The mountains and seas, the four great king-level spirit beasts, are they all here?


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