Zhan Yue

Chapter 1513: Invincible Mark of Xia Geng

The latest website: "Through it, we will see the future."

Bai Ze’s voice seemed very vague, and said, “Is what you want is what you want? Or, you people with short lives and busy people have never thought of what you really want. What is it?"

Lin Xi was a little messy, looking at the three king-level sacred beasts, he liked all of them, her beautiful eyes were full of confusion and confusion.

Haotian clenched a fist: "Well, then? We all want it, hahahaha~~~"

Both of them were so happy by the sight that suddenly appeared in front of them.

I don’t have to open the eyes of the ten-pointed fire wheel, I can feel it only by relying on the shadow spirit ruins that have been refined and become the ruins of the gods. The breath of the majestic sacred beast is too real, otherwise Lin Xi's intelligence would not really believe it.

"Calm down, both of you are fake..."

I tugged Lin Xi's little hand, turned around and kicked Haotian, reminding me: "It's all an illusion!"


Lin Xi was taken aback for a moment, and then her pretty face blushed.

Haotian shook his body and said, "Can't it? It looks real."


At this moment, a figure fell on the mountain road hundreds of meters in front of us, looking like an old man in white robe, holding a scroll with golden glow in his hand, smiling on his face, and said: "What you see is what you get. , Can you get through your own heart? Well, if you want the spirit beast in the endless mountains and seas, then you will be fulfilled!"

As he said, he lightly shook the scroll in his hand, and suddenly countless gleams of light flickered between heaven and earth, and suddenly the entire Baishou Mountain was shaken, and the roar of countless spirit beasts was heard in the distance, among the mountains, one figure after another. Appeared, the S-level spirit beasts gathered together, including the shadow beasts of the gluttonous beasts, the beasts of the dragon, the ridicule of the wind, the dragon, the emperor, the chaos, the dragon, and even the beasts of the gluttonous, qiongqi, and candle dragons that have been fused by the players. Appeared in the mountains one by one.

Immediately afterwards, the mountains trembled, and a large group of spirit beasts emerged, such as snakes, fire beasts, scorpions, insect relics, Zhu Wei, armadillos, Zhongshan gods, fathers, and so on. Spirit beasts of various grades appeared. For a time, this Baishou Mountain became extremely lively, and it had become a gathering place for many mountain and sea spirit beasts. The aura in the mountains became more and more vigorous, and there was a splendid atmosphere everywhere.

"Please take it yourself?"

Bai Ze looked at us and smiled slightly.


"No need!"

I looked at the scroll in his hand and said with a smile: "What you hold in your hand should be the legendary picture of the ghost of Bai Ze. It is said that Bai Ze knows the foundations and spells of all the spirit beasts in the world. It’s true, Bai Ze really deserves to be Bai Ze, and the skill of playing illusion is also top-notch, am I right?"

"So what?"

Bai Ze raised his head and squinted, and said with a smile: "Only you are worthy of telling me the great way?"

"Unworthy, not worthy for the time being."

I laughed, lightly a palm, and said: "But if you break your law, there should be no problem, let me try it!"


In my hand, an abyss mace revolved and appeared. The next moment, I directly hit the mountain road with the abyss mace, and there was a loud noise, and the magical power of the abyss mace bloomed and turned into a golden ripple enveloping the entire Baishou mountain. The cracks and textures appeared one by one, and the foundation of some spells was understood one by one. At the moment when I gently turned the abyss mace, the bodies of a group of spirit beasts disappeared, including the blue dragon, unicorn, and Kunpeng. Disappeared.

"It's a pity, it's really fake." Lin Xi frowned.

Haotian drew out the long sword: "There is nothing to say next, I'm ready to dry Bai Ze."


On the mountain road, Bai Ze watched his law being broken, squinted at the abyss mace in my hand, and smiled: "What is my Dao, but it turns out to be the weapon of the ancient Ningsheng. This is not surprising. , However, it is true that you can break my law, but can you break my law body? If the law body is not broken, you will never get this precious mark!"

As he said, he suddenly screamed, his body crouched down and turned into a snow-white holy beast with the figure of a unicorn, with double horns and a goat beard. It was the legendary Baize Dharma body!

"Finally the topic!"

As soon as my body sank and entered a fighting state, I smiled slightly and said, "Lin Xiaoxi, after this Bai Ze is knocked off, do you like the White Ze Mark? If you like it, it will be integrated for you."

Lin Xi was very energetic: "I like this imprint as much as I like you!"

I was stunned: "Isn't that the favorite in the legend?"


Lin Xi smiled and nodded.

Haotian held his forehead: "Damn, this is too disgusting, can we bachelors without girlfriends still have a way to survive?"


The next moment, Lin Xibing and I were divided into two directions. The blazing sun sword shot and the fish in the muddy water almost fell together, but Bai Ze raised his head and laughed wildly, covering his body with a layer of cyan radiance. The effect of great control is indeed Azure Dragon's magical power of immune control!


As soon as I swept over, the Shadow Leap appeared behind Bai Ze. The double-edged blade flipped abruptly and it was an output skill, but before the skill was finished, I saw a white-tiger sumo wrestling face-to-face, hitting straight on the chest. , Suddenly the whole person flew out, and the health bar also dropped by nearly 40%, which is too cruel!

In the other direction, Bai Ze raised his front hoofs, trampled out a storm, and violently knocked Lin Xi back in the state of White God, and Haotian, who was charging not far away, was given a tip by Bai Ze before he even got close. He pushed it back and hit a pile of rubble, and the blood bar disappeared by 89% in an instant, which was miserable.

"That's not right!"

Lin Xi summoned the Heavenly Sword Umbrella to block Bai Ze's onslaught, frowning: "The four king-level sacred beasts...different from ordinary spirit beasts, they all seem to be of the market level!"

"That's right, 5 billion qi and blood are from the ruins!"

As I attacked the cover, I said in a deep voice: "This Baize's combat power is even stronger than the Xia Geng corpse I killed before. We have to get up to speed, otherwise we won't be able to fight."


But at this moment, Haotian returned blood while frowning and said: "Baishou Mountain is not very stable here. Someone in the guild said that they saw Feng Canghai working with Baili Ruofeng and vigorously and vigorously. The three people were searching in the jungle, even Hearing they said they were going to find a map called'Baishou Mountain', it seems that our Xingzang here has been discovered by other assassins who are in charge of spying on intelligence."

"No way."

I frowned, turned abruptly and threw a mark directly at Haotian, and said in a deep voice: "Haotian, you come to fuse the Xia Geng mark, and then you will take the charge of Bai Ze's offensive, and Lin Xi and I will assist in the attack. We strive to get rid of Bai Ze in about half an hour!"


Haotian caught the imprint of Xia Geng’s corpse and returned the imprint of Siyou at the same time. His face was full of confusion: "Boss, don’t regret it. These are the ten imprints of the corpse of the gods. If you combine one with one less, you won’t have it if you give it to me. The ten great corpses are imprinted, and Bai Ze returns to Lin Xi. In this way, you may be exhausted from the bamboo basket. Don’t you want to incorporate an S-rank Suzaku imprint in the end?"

I looked speechless: "You just need to merge and fill up the blood to start the war, you need to take care of the other? Follow the order, am I the deputy leader or are you the deputy leader?"

"Okay! The senior officials crush people to death, my younger brother is obedient..."


The next moment, Lin Xi and I resisted Bai Ze’s fierce attack, and Haotian began to merge the imprints. In less than ten seconds, a ray of blood and mighty spirit rose from behind Haotian, followed by a ringing ring. Above the system map——


System Announcement: Congratulations to the player [Haotian] successfully integrated the ten **** corpse imprints [Xia Geng], and obtained magical powers [Chunlei], [Singhuo], [Cultivation], etc., all attributes +100%, total resistance +150 when transforming %, and activate a part of the divine power of Xia Geng's corpse!


"Damn, invincible!"

Haotian gave a low voice, and the whole body was plated with a layer of golden brilliance. Behind him, the blood-colored Xia Geng's fascination rose, and there was a strand of golden luster flowing around the blood-colored fascination, which appeared to have both killing and sacred aura. Coming over, he shouted in a low voice: "Boss, Lin Xi, lord, step aside and leave it to me!"

A fierce sword fell, a golden spring thunder was wrapped in the sword light, and it rose on the ground with a sound, causing a large-scale sword slashing effect. With a blade pointing, he shouted in a low voice: "Farming?"

Suddenly, strands of golden divine plough shuttled past, like a red deer rushing through the city, continuously inflicting shock damage on the target in front of him.

Hey, the fusion power of the ten great corpses is indeed invincible!


Holding the double-edged blades, I signaled to Lin Xi again that I can't rely on Haotian alone. The sooner we solve the battle, the better!


Haotian's sword light flashed by, smashing countless fires into Bai Ze's body, causing continuous burning damage. Obviously, in this attack on Bai Ze, Haotian is definitely the first output and the main force of injury, especially It is the fusion effect of the ten great corpses. It’s too explosive~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It more than doubles his blood bar, and it is full of resilience. Bai Ze’s attack hits Lin Xi and me, it hurts. Hit on Haotian's body is almost like scratching.

Haotian at this moment is like a god!



Lin Xi was a little dumbfounded, and gritted her teeth and said, "After I destroy Bai Ze, I still have about one hour in the secret realm. Haotian is about the same. If I can meet a top-level **** corpse or spirit beast during this period of time, Okay, we can easily help you navigate it, and then you will be invincible in the secret world."

I nodded: "Kill Bai Ze again, otherwise everything will be beautiful!"


Bai Ze is also miserable. He is clearly the top spirit beast, but the opponent he faces is too strong. Let alone the strongest of the two players, Lin Xi and I. There is also a Haotian that incorporates the mark of Xia Geng. The ten great corpses may not be comparable to Bai Ze, but the settings after the fusion of the mark are very strong, so it is almost Haotian pressing Bai Ze to beat, and Lin Xi and I are responsible for the crazy output on the side, the speed is not so fast!

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