Zhan Yue

Chapter 1520: Battle of Longji Mountain

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After discussing for a while, including how many troops were dispatched to guard the front of the battlefield, how many troops were dispatched to defend the Dragon's Back Mountain that was about to be captured, and the arrangement of the heavy artillery, etc., all discussed clearly, until then, finally there was a bell ringing in the system master. Above the city, the belated system announcement bell still came——


System Announcement: Please pay attention to all players, the version of the mission [War of Dragon's Back Mountain] is about to start. It’s a battleground with the Territory of the Alien Demon. As long as we take the Longji Mountain, we can continuously cast more inscribed weapons and obtain an absolute advantage over the Territory of the Alien Demon in terms of equipment. This battle is very important, please Be sure to prepare properly! The version mission will be opened on time at 12 AM. At that time, we will usher in the repressive attack of the alien army. In this event, the alien army will dispatch high-level units. The drop includes the level 280 skill book and the level 320 skill book. As well as Guixu-level equipment, please give it a go, braves!



I took a deep breath, and there was nothing left to set up next, so I smashed a teleporting scroll in Chaoge City at Yilu Station, and then I saw Lin Xi, Calorie, Qingdeng, Slaughter Fan Chen, Haotian, Yueliuying, etc. , A group of people are under the star-catching stage, waiting early, just as soon as I appeared, Fan Chen smiled and said: "It's finally here!"

Yueliu Ying chuckles: "As soon as the ringtone of the version mission rings, I know that it is Brother Xiaoqi who has a new action."


I smiled and said, "I want everyone to come here to do a pre-war mobilization. I don’t care about other guilds, but all of us in Yilu must participate in the battle of Longji Mountain. After all, we will fight in the future. It’s not just the alien demon army, there are even more terrifying opponents, so you must be fully prepared."


The crowd nodded lightly.

I took a deep breath and said, "I have some skill books here, Lin Xi, Kamei, and Qing Deng. You three will see how to allocate them."

With one hand, 11 Sighing Barriers, 9 Sighing Flames, and 9 Sighing Hearts appeared in their hands together. Everyone was stunned. Basically, it was the first time everyone saw a level 320 skill book. After all, Most of the players who enter the mountain and sea secret realm are struggling for the imprint, and there is almost no one who has such a wealth of time as me to return to the secret realm of the ruins.

"Depend on……"

Haotian frowned and said, "Boss, where did these 320 skill books come from? I have never seen it before in the market..."

"Return to the Ruins Secret Realm."

I didn’t hide it, saying: "There is an entrance at the center of Yizhong Mountain in the Secret Realm of Mountains and Seas, and inside it is a map called the Secret Realm of Guixu. There are 320 skill books. These skill books are all brushed out by me in the secret realm of Guixu, Lin Xi, you assign them."


Lin Xi took a bunch of skill books into her arms, and then said: "Sigh, I will learn a book first?"


I smiled slightly: "There are two important considerations for the allocation of these advanced skill books. The first is personal combat effectiveness and high enough level to qualify for the skill book first. The second is the fusion of imprints. These skills The book gives priority to the imprint fusion of players, to improve their output and survivability, so that they can have a better performance in this battle of Longji Mountain."


Lin Xi nodded and selected the list one by one. Shen Mingxuan, Gu Ruyi, Haotian, and Jiuge have all integrated their marks. Naturally, they are the first choice players to obtain one copy of Barrier of Sighs and two copies of Flames of Sigh, followed by integration. Yixue with the A-level Yingyu mark, as well as the End of the World Moker who integrated the A-level 狻猊mark, and then a vote of the person who integrated the B-level imprint. In the end, squeezed a little from the skill book and gave it to the light and the card. Sister, Slaughter Fanchen, and Yueliuying each sighed the barriers. Although these Yilu soul figures do not have the mark of fusion, they have strong personal strength. Their greater role in the battlefield is to command and boost morale, so they must live on the battlefield.

In addition, Qingshuang, Nuanyang, and Tianchai each get a copy of Sighing Flame, and Qinghe, Ciwang, and Xiaoqian each get a copy of Heart of Sigh, and each has its own gains. The rest is the powerful mark of the new skills on the battlefield. Out of it.

"It's seven o'clock in the evening."

Lin Xi glanced at the time and said, "Everyone still has about four hours to go to the vocational training center to practice their skill proficiency, and strive to upgrade their skills to level 4-5 before the start of the war, so that the power will increase a lot."


Qing Deng took out a training iron sword from the package, and smiled: "It's not too late, let's go!"

So, not long after, in the training ground behind the east square of Fanshucheng, there were a deer of players fighting with wooden piles, people who sighed and sighed the barriers, and Shen Mingxuan, who kept shooting arrows and casting spells in the flames of sighs, Gu Ruyi and others, at this stage of the game, everyone's level and equipment are not lacking. What is lacking is high-level skills. Once the skill level of the Sigh series increases rapidly, it will be enough to keep away from other players.


I also competed with a wooden man stake, launching sighing barriers again and again. For a time, the entire training center looked very gorgeous. More than a dozen sighs barriers continued to flicker, and golden shields and armors circled around the player, gorgeous. Extremely, many players who passed by are watching, pointing and pointing, all are at a loss, don't know where Yilu got so many high-level skills.

Moreover, from the battle tips, it can be concluded that although everyone summons are barriers of sighs, it is obvious that Lin Xi, Qing Deng, Kamei, Haotian and others summon stronger barriers of sighs, and I, Slaughter Fanchen, Yueliu Ying, etc. The Assassin’s barrier of sighs is slightly weaker, and the toughness value is slightly inferior. It seems that the toughness of this skill is determined by the nature of the player’s armor and professional relations. Among them, as a Paladin, the barrier of sighs he summons is called the barrier of sighs. The strongest, thick layer, you can see that it breaks at a glance.

"It's still not as good as humans!"

Slaughter Fanchen waved a dagger to attack the wooden pile, and at the same time summoned a new barrier of sighs, and smiled: "It is also a barrier of sighs. Ours is definitely not as durable as the heavy armor series. It can be seen at a glance."


On the side, Jiuge also summoned a barrier of sighs, saying: "Our barriers seem to be much thinner."

I am annoyed: "Okay, don’t pick and choose, it’s good to have a sigh of barriers, and you want to be as resistant as other people’s reloading? Think about the state of our assassin career before, and how decent it is. Is it the shielding skills of ”


Moonstream Firefly chuckled: "In the future, we can drive through the barrier of sighs. This heavy barrier can not only improve survivability, but also greatly enhance resistance and control the effect of resistance. It means that once we open the barrier of sigh, it will be difficult to control. ."

"This is really important."

Jiuge said solemnly: "The time when our assassins charge and fall into battle has finally arrived."

A few people were ecstatic, feeling that Yilu's assassin group finally ushered in spring.

Lin Xi smiled and didn't say anything.

Qing Deng said spicily: "Tsk tusk, do you really think that the age of assassins is here? No, no, no, can you play the sighing barrier again? I think it’s difficult, the mage and the sharpshooter sighed. Can you handle the violent output of Zhiyan? I think it is difficult... Assassin, a sneak attack is enough, and you want to charge as handsome as our reloading? Don't dream, choose a career carefully before playing the game next time! "

Slaughter Fanchen almost vomited a mouthful of old blood, Yueliuying and Jiuge frowned, trying to single out Qingdeng.

I coughed and said, "A Deng, why don't you close the door when you break your mouth? Although the assassin's teamfighting status is indeed not as good as that of the fighters, but... the three assassins next to me, which one do you think you can Can you beat it?"

The corner of Yueliu Yingying's mouth raised: "I don't think any one hits him will be a problem."

Qing Deng was very sad and afraid to speak~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After all, although his Qing Deng Yilu’s status is high, almost second only to the three leaders, he relies on his personal prestige and the commanding position in the guild. Talents of the "handsome" type, but Slaughter Fanchen, Yueliuying, and Jiuge are all outstanding in the Assassin group. Fights are never false, and they can all be called "fighters". If you really want to single out, Qing The odds of winning for the lamp are actually extremely unoptimistic.

"Practice your skills!"

Lin Xi said, "Don't talk about some or none."


The leader spoke, everyone was honest, and continued to practice their skills hard.


At night, half past eleven.

After the "ding", my sigh barrier has risen to level 6. It is good to have a skill necklace, and it is completely ahead of the others by level 1. Lin Xi, Qing Deng, Kamei and others all have sigh barriers at level 5, but they should be pretty good. Not bad, it is bound to be able to play a strong force on the battlefield.

"It's almost time!"

As soon as I received the double-edged swords, I said solemnly: "Repair equipment, buy medicines, ready to go to war, directly send the teleportation formation on the west side of Longji Mountain."

"Well, let's go!"

Everyone left one by one, preparing for each.


Eleven to forty.


I did not walk through the teleportation array, but directly descended from the sky to Longji Mountain. I saw that the west side of Longji Mountain was already full of players and NPC armies, while the east side was still in an empty state, and the land of the aliens did not seem to be aware of it. The movement on the human side is attributed to the mountain, water, and air transport created by the sacrifice of the wind. It claims to encompass the world and directly obscures the breath and scenery of the territories of the human race. It cannot be seen from the outside world at all, unless it is someone. Dare to venture into the territories of the human race.

But it's different now.

The Four Sacred Mountains guarded the mountains and rivers, and the throne did not dare to enter the territories of the human race without authorization, let alone other evil spirits.

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