Zhan Yue

Chapter 1521: 1 section of the Great Wall

The latest website: Standing on the top of the mountain, overlooking the west, crowds of people, the sound of horses neighing, and the sound of iron hooves are endless. Countless players have begun to climb the mountains and are about to enter the unopened Longji East side map, and farther away Countless Terran craftsmen and Minbi have also appeared in the field of vision. Lines of carriages are connected to form a long dragon, filled with various stones and woods for the construction of mountain shrines and emperor closures. The Xuanyuan Empire’s national power is indeed strong and can do it. To prepare for all of this so soon, looking at the entire Magic Moon Continent, this is the only one.

Just as I was feeling emotional, there was a ripple in the lake of my heart. It was from Sura’s heartfelt voice: "My lord, Longji Mountain is about to break out. A big battle is about to break out in Longji Mountain. Will our Dragon Realm rush to help?"


I nodded and said, "But there is no need for the army to crush the realm. Dragon's Back Mountain is just a local war, so...Sura, you lead a team of the strongest hundred dragon knights in the Dragon Realm. These hundred people must be skilled. Is there a kind that can be a sole player in the formation of the Flying Snow Sword Formation, is there currently?"


Sura smiled and said: "After looting the world last time, our cultivation materials are not lacking. Many dragon knights have already broken into the immortal realm. After the formation of the Hundred Dragon Cavalry Group composed of Immortal Dragon Cavaliers, they have been practicing and practicing the Flying Snow Sword Formation for some time, so they can naturally use it quite skillfully."

"That's good, you directly bring them to Longji Mountain to help fight, just listen to my orders."



Soon after, the roar of giant dragons came from the direction of the Dragon Realm, huge figures straddling the sky, and Sura swept across the sky and smiled: "How to arrange?"

"Take them to rest behind the mountain first, and they will naturally notify you when they need it."

"Yes, subordinates obey!"

Sura clasped her fists, turned around and carried the Excalibur Flame Sword.

At this time, at exactly twelve o'clock, the golden boundary wall in front of us disappeared, and the entire western boundary of Longji Mountain has appeared in our field of vision. The rolling mountains, the open plains at the foot of the mountains, jungles and other terrains are reflected one by one. In the distance, in the direction of Maple Forest in the North, there was a dull sound of war drums, and the alien demon army had discovered it.

"Quickly, occupy Longji Mountain!"

A general rushed straight up the hillside. It was Zhang Lingyue who stretched out his hand and waved and shouted in a low voice: "Conclude a position on the west side of the mountain and prepare to contain the charge of the alien army!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Countless soldiers of the Flowing Fire Corps crossed the mountains in an endless stream, and just in the air, a fleet of spirit boats appeared, and the spirit boats were filled with densely packed heavy artillery.

Zhang Ling flew over and said respectfully: "My lord, how are these heavy artillery arranged?"

"Wait first."

I frowned and said, "There will be a place for heavy artillery."



On the mountains, the human army is gathering more and more. On the grass on the west side of the mountains, the iron knights of the Knights Templar are already galloping horizontally and horizontally. The sword glowed in the moonlight with a terrifying cold light, and the all-inscription sword, waiting for a fight with the alien demon army, to contribute to the country!

The wisps of mountains and rivers swirled on one side. Soon, all the four mountain monarchs appeared on Longji Mountain, but Longji Mountain is not part of the empire on the geomancy map, and the mountain gods are not entrusted, so the four mountains When the monarch's Law Bodies arrive at Longji Mountain, they are all suppressed by the rules of heaven and earth, and their power can only be exerted by up to 50%.

The wind is silent, Mu Tiancheng, with a confident face, the veteran Guan Yang holds a sword in his hand, his expression is calm, but Shanhaigong Nangong, who has just been enshrined as Dongyue, is also a little cramped. Casting a certain look, he smiled and nodded in greeting, Nangong knew it, so that he truly looked like a Dongyue Mountain Monarch, pressing the hilt of his sword, and Yuan Jiangyue stood on the top of Longji Mountain.

"They are coming."

He didn't hear the wind, dressed in white, with his hands behind him, looking at the forest in the dark night of the north from a distance.


I nodded, I can actually feel the rhythm of the throne's luck.

Just in the distance, strands of golden streamers shuttled through the jungle, spinning constantly, surrounded by a throne rising, and above the throne was the swordsmith Han Ying. Back then, this throne was almost shattered by the finger of Senior Sister Yun. It seems to have been completely repaired now, with strong luck, and Han Ying, the swordsmith on the throne, seems to have returned to his peak state.

However, he is still not in the Ascended Realm, and the four mountain monarchs will be able to fight together.


Han Ying held a black long sword standing on the edge of the throne, with a cold expression, and smiled: "In July, the fire and the wind remain silent. Do you dare to invade my borders and die? I will not go to you, but you Dare to find me Han Ying's bad luck?"

I frowned: "Han Ying, you can be regarded as a model of modest and great tone in the realm of alien demon."

Han Ying's expression darkened: "July Liuhuo, are you looking for death?"

"That's not it."

I hugged my arms and smiled and said, “I’ve been looking for death since we first met? It’s a pity that you are not capable of killing me in the realm of different demons. You have not been able to kill me so far. It's so heavy, it came with the wind just now and almost didn't suffocate me to death."


Mu Tiancheng laughed, with a brilliant golden body, and said: "In terms of quarreling, King Xiaoyao and Fan Yi have fought too much, and they have unknowingly learned some of the essence. Needless to say, this swordsmith Han Ying is dumb and dumb. The mouth is definitely not King Xiaoyao’s opponent, maybe he was so angry that King Xiaoyao’s words were given to him by accident."

Han Ying endured his anger: "July Liuhuo, do you really think that you can occupy the entire Longji Mountain? You don't want to divide Longji Mountain evenly. Now you have to stretch your hand to the west. It seems that you don't want it at all on the east side."


I deeply agree: "It must be unwilling to split equally. This mountain and river originally belonged to human beings. When the ancestors of my Xuanyuan Empire reclaimed the wasteland on this land, they were not in the realm of your alien demon. You are just a group of tourists, sooner or later. It will be wiped out."

"July Flowing Fire!"

Han Ying roared, and suddenly slashed a sword in my direction, and a ray of red sword light spread across the sky.


The body trembled without hearing the wind, and in an instant, the fascinating aspect rose, and a touch of honest mountain weather rose above the ground in front, abruptly blocking Han Ying's sword, and at the same time, the wind was also pulled from the sincere hands of the female officer holding the sword. The white jade sword came out and returned a sword, forcing Han Ying to shake out a sword flower to resolve it.

In general, the wind will not be able to beat Han Ying, but it may not be defeated quickly.

"good very good!"

Han Ying gritted his teeth: "The forehead on the eastern side of Longji is empty, there is no danger to guard, no wood to rely on, I want to see how you can stop the millions of troops in my northern maple forest!"

As he said, he waved his hand: "Little ones, attack!"

In the distance, the dull sound of war drums rose to the sky, and it was coming.



Zhang Ling frowned: "My lord, we have no danger to defend here. Are we really trying to resist the tide of the alien demon territory on the flat ground? This is too costly..."

"It won't be insecure."

I smiled slightly and said: "The order goes on, the whole army advances, and prepares to rely on the Great Wall to defend it!"

"Great Wall?"

The wind did not smell for a moment: "Where is the Great Wall?"

But immediately, he stretched his eyebrows and smiled: "So that's how it is, the Great Emperor Liuhuo is really careful, and I admire it!"

At the next moment, I was already soaring into the sky, my body staying in mid-air, and a third of the Great Wall spirit weapon appeared in my hand. This spirit weapon has never been used since it fell into my hand. Isn't it a godsend opportunity this time? ? So, when I activated the Great Wall of Death, a terrain module appeared in front of me. I could extend the length of the Great Wall on my own. Just right, from the east side of the front mountain range to the east-west Luming Mountain, it formed A triangular arch protection situation.


With a scream, the Desperate Great Wall straddled the air, crushed heavily, and suddenly rose up in the jungle. The changes of the walls "made out of nothing" appeared. As if they had life, a Great Wall grew up in the jungle like this.

"Depend on……"

The Qingdeng, Haotian and others who rushed in front suddenly strangled the truce horse, all of them looked shocked.

"What are you waiting for?"

I volleyed with a smile: "Entering the Great Wall to the death, now we are the defender!"

"Niu Bian!"

Qing Deng gave a thumbs up in the air, and then laughed loudly: "Go, I'm going to eat meat on the Great Wall, I like defensive warfare best!"

I turned to look at Zhang Lingyue: "What are you waiting for? We have ordered our heavy artillery battalion and Shengong battalion to enter the Great Wall of Death. As long as we stay on the Great Wall for a day and night, the landscape will become the same. At that time, the land of the aliens does not want to cede Longji Mountain. I can only cede."


Zhang Ling was more happy, turned around and raised his sword, and laughed: "Brothers, settle in the Great Wall, and resist the alien army based on the defense of the city!"

The crowd was mighty.


Fighting the Great Wall together ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A tide of players flooded in, and heavy artillery was also refreshed on the wall with the falling of the transport boat. There were more and more players on the wall, and the inside of the wall was still still There are a large number of players who can't rush to the wall and can only serve as alternates, waiting for a place on it to go up again.


I lightly landed next to Lin Xi, looking at the north, with the sound of war drums roaring, the birds in the jungle started flying, and a layer of black covered the ground. Has come.

"how to spell?"

Not far from the side, A Fei held the staff and said, "What should I do if Han Ying cuts me down for a while?"

"Don't worry, people don't need a sledgehammer to kill chickens!" Qing Deng comforted.

A Fei grimaced: "That's good, that's good~~~"

At this moment, above the billowing clouds in the air, someone pressed their heads and craned their necks to look at the Great Wall of Daring Death sneakily, and said: "Oh, there are so many people here, who are you trying to scare to death? ?"

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