Zhan Yue

Chapter 825: letter of introduction

Around five o'clock in the afternoon.

The scene was finally processed, the broken traffic lights were replaced with new ones, and the bodies of the four executors were transported away one by one by the KDA people. At first, this kind of executor’s specimen material was what KDA wanted wholeheartedly. , But it seems unnecessary now. There are too many specimens, and it is almost impossible to study.

At this time, the entire KDA people had treated me with respect. Except for Wang Lu and Haotian who would joke with me, Qin Feng, Yu Yi and others were in awe of me, even Tie Hanyi told me. All the words are polite, not to mention the ordinary KDA staff, their attitude is not generally submissive.

"Land from."

A middle-aged man with documents in his arms stepped forward, looked at the small garden behind me, and said: "Do you live here? The previous battles did not cause any damage to this place, right? If you have any, please mention it, some will It’s not a problem to find someone to repair and maintain. Even if you want to open up the courtyard, it’s not a problem. We can find the relevant part to apply."

"Isn't it necessary?"

I am a little embarrassed.

Wang Lu smiled: "This is also the kindness of Chief Li, it doesn't matter. You are now the hero of KDA. If you have any requirements, please mention them. We will try our best to satisfy them."

I shook my head and smiled: "No need, really no need."

"okay then."

Chief Li walked forward, handed a business card, and smiled: "In terms of hardware, if you have any requirements, you can find me at any time."


Looking at his distant figure, I couldn't help frowning: "What is he doing, so passionate..."


Wang Lu glanced at me with the look of a monster, and said: "Don't you know how high your status is now? A KDA master of the Sun Flame Realm easily killed three executors. This period of time Since then, there have been seven or eight commendations given to you by the red-head file. Don’t you really think that others won’t fawn on you, do you?”

"So it's like this..."

I grinned and waved my hand: "I don't want to be contaminated with these worldly things. If there is anything related to it in the future, you can just push me out."


She nodded gently: "So, you are going to hire me to be a secretary or something? Remember to pay a salary~~~"

"Look at you greedy, as if KDA won't pay you."

"Huh, the more the better!"

With her arms akimbo, she also has a different and moving style. In fact, KDA’s salary is really high. Although I didn’t pay much attention to it, it seemed that KDA’s basic salary plus subsidies and rewards last month gave me enough. With a salary of up to 26W, Wang Lu shouldn't be as low as possible. There is always a 10W salary.

At this moment, the three people walked out of the villa. Lin Xi walked in the forefront and smiled: "Lu Li, is this... your friend?"


Wang Lu immediately looked at me with provocative eyes, lowered her voice and laughed: "Would you like me to hold your hand and say it's your girlfriend, let you go back and kneel on the keyboard?"

"Fuck off..."

My heart trembled, and said, "Don't play this kind of joke, I never want to see Lin Xi angry and disappointed again."

"Huh, infatuated little fool..."


Although Wang Lu said so, she still walked forward generously, dressed in professional attire, holding a pile of documents containing executor data in her right hand, and took out her work permit from her pocket with her left hand and pointed at Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan, Gu Ruyi showed it and said with a smile: "Hello, I am Lu Li's immediate boss, the deputy captain of the KDA Sunan branch, and my name is Wang Lu."

"Hello there!"

They made the move first, but Lin Xi didn't know what to say, and her face blushed: "My name is Lin Xi..."

Wang Lu chuckled: "I know you, hum, there are really not many people who don't know you..."

Shen Mingxuan and Gu Ruyi also smiled and said their names, and then Shen Mingxuan raised an eyebrow and said, "Ali, we decided to eat hot pot in the studio at night. Now we are going out to buy side dishes. Do you want to go with us? Huh?"

"of course!"

I nodded happily: "If I don't go, what if you are molested by the stinky hooligans?"


When everyone was speechless, I turned around and said to Wang Lu, "Sister Wang Lu, I won't accompany you. Our studio is going to have dinner, so please be busy."


Wang Lu looked at our back and said: "Envy..."


At about six o'clock, the studio.

The mandarin duck hot pot was simmering in front of you. Everyone was eating hot pot and watching TV, while the news was showing what happened in the afternoon. The terrible attack methods of the three executors in the screen have been mosaicked. , But I was holding Xiao Bai, with Yang Yanjin rising all over, but there was no coding.

Shen Mingxuan held a piece of tender tripe, pursed his red lips, and said: "I didn't expect that the noise in the afternoon was so loud, it was all on the Central News..."

"Finally, the above is no longer hiding."

Lin Xi pursed her mouth, pinched a piece of hot luncheon meat for me, and said, "But it doesn't matter if you code the bad guys, why should you code Lu Li's face as well?"

I couldn't help being speechless: "I don't want to be on the Central News. The best coding is. This is a kind of protection for me."

Gu Ruyi watched the picture on the TV and muttered: "Lu Li... can he really set himself on fire?"


I raised a finger in front of Ruyi, with a "swish", a blazing sun burst out, and smiled: "Let the boss light a cigarette..."

Suddenly, Gu Ruyi pursed his small mouth: "Huh!"

As a result, without blowing it out, she couldn't help laughing: "I don't smoke! This fire... why can't it be blown out?"

"This is the fire of life in the Yangyan realm. If you can blow it out, you will be hell..." I was silent.

On the side, Lin Xi said: "This time, the news only reported that three colonists attacked the public facilities in the urban area, and then said that the KDA members broke up the colonists’ intentions in the first place. This was because they wanted to use the colonists’ intentions. Under the guise, to reassure the people?"

"It can only be the."

I stuffed my luncheon meat into my mouth, and said, "If the people were to know that an executor who was a hundred times more powerful than the colonists appeared in the city, do you think it would be panic?"

Suddenly, Ruyi asked with a worried look: "Then... will our normal life really be completely disrupted?"

"Not for the time being."

I shook my head and said, "Unlike the cloners of the past, the cloners are a group of lunatics, attacking humans everywhere, and the executors are different. The executor's name tells everything, they are just tools to execute the target. , Everything is targeted. The reason why there are four executors today is related to the game, indicating that someone does not want Lin Xi to save Senior Sister Yun's soul."

Shen Mingxuan and Gu Ruyi were at a loss.

Lin Xi looked at me solemnly, and said, "Actually, I have thought about this too. If you say this, you will be more certain of this assumption. Otherwise, it would be too coincidental to explain."


I nodded and said with a smile: "In short, everyone will stay away from starry sky missions in the future. People with cultivation skills like me will do the adventures, and we will carry them when the sky falls. It's okay, everyone just lives a good life."



After dinner, go online.


The character appeared in the dragon domain. Let’s go to the fifth revolution first. I was level 160 and met the requirements of the fifth revolution, so I hung the double daggers from my waist, strode into the dragon domain hall with a stride, and opened the door. When I saw Sylvia still lying lazily in front of the fireplace, stretched out, such a peerless stunner was lying there like a lazy cat.

Senior Sister Yun was sitting in a chair, and Lan Che by the side was sorting out the overwhelming documents for her.


I was surprised: "Lan Che is still here?"


Lan Che also looked at me: "Why can't I be here? This is my home!"


I was a little puzzled: "Aren't you... you are not the eldest princess of the woodland elves? Why not stay in the Avalon forest to rebuild the kingdom of the woodland elves, but still still in the dragon domain?"


She pouted: "I like Longyu, can't you? And my mother asked me to stay here and continue to follow Master Yunyue's practice."

"Ah, I remember..."

I looked out the window and said meaningfully: "Generally speaking, when the two powers have diplomatic relations, the weaker party will send its own prince, princess, elder son, etc. to the other's city as a pawn, or say It’s called a proton, which actually means a hostage. Wouldn’t you also be a hostage..."


Lan Che jumped up and had a brain collapse on my forehead. His face blushed and said, "You are so shameless! I just want to follow Master Yunyue's practice. For practice, the strongest holy magician of the woodland elves may be far away. Far less than Master Yunyue, do I have any problems here?"

On the side, Senior Sister Yun Liwo smiled: "Alright, Junior Brother, don't tease Lan Che. One is the commander-in-chief of the three armies of the Dragon Region, and the other is the princess of the woodland elves. Look at what you two look like now. Like a child!"

As she said, she looked at me: "Nothing does not go to the Three Treasures Palace, let's talk, what's the matter?"

I grinned: "I almost forgot a big event, Senior Sister, I am strong enough now. If I want to get a stronger professional level, can you help me advance?"


Senior Sister Yun smiled slightly: "After the last breakthrough, I have seen through the avenues of mortals. Now whether you are an assassin sneaking in the dark night, a mage running the five elements, or a sword that cuts through the sky and the earth. Master, I can advance for you!"


I stepped forward and said, "I'm ready!"


She groaned ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said: "Want to become an ancient assassin is very simple, you only need to pay me one hundred thousand gold coins, and then I will write a letter to take you to Dongyang City, you Just go to the vocational training center in Winter Sun City and find the Master Assassin to write to him."


I was speechless, the sentimental sister said so much, and finally let me go find someone to advance to the profession of assassin! However, without this letter of introduction, I would not be able to get promoted. After all, I am an Assassin in Shura, and I have no "student status" in the Human Race, and most people don't recognize it.

Endure it!

I directly took out one hundred thousand gold coins and threw them to Senior Sister. I said solemnly, "Sister, please write a letter as soon as possible!"


She immediately sat down, glued the ink with a quill pen, and wrote a letter of introduction on a piece of letter paper "Shushasha", she was timeless and beautiful, just like hers.

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