Zhan Yue

Chapter 826: Cultivating the White Dragon Wall

Dongyang City, vocational training center.


The master assassin with the yin bird in his eyes stood on the corner of the second floor, looking at me with cold eyes, and the head of the master assassin was bald, and the middle of his head seemed to have been split before by someone. With golden rings, it doesn't look like a good person.

"Are you the July Flowing Fire of the Dragon Region?"

"Is there a problem?"

I spread my hands: "Don't I look like it?"

"It's not like."

He chuckled and said, "I thought the man who led the Silver Frost Legion to defeat the Scarlet King Flamingo Corps and the Fire Kirin Corps had three heads and six arms, but he didn't expect to be so ordinary."

"Nothing unusual?"

I suppressed my anger and said, "Then, this lord, can you please promote me to a career for me?"


He smiled slightly: "Since it's Master Jing Yunyue from the Dragon Region, I can only do so. After all, I can't beat her."

As he said, with a wave of one hand, wisps of shadow brilliance passed by, and dark texts rose under his feet, making the whole person even more sinister and cunning. In fact, the assassin was like this. In the previous version of the game, the assassin was like this. Even being called a thief, he is not a good person. As for me, a clamorous, chivalrous assassin is obviously quite rare.


A ray of golden light fell from the sky, and the promotion was completed!


System reminder: Congratulations, you have completed the fifth job rank, won the title of "Ancient Assassin", and completed the upgrade space development, you can continue to gain experience points!


System Announcement: Congratulations to the player [July Flowing Fire] for successfully turning five. Since he is the second player to successfully turn five, he will get rewards: Charisma +5, Merit +4000W!


That's it!

I took a deep breath and felt a little faintly uneasy. What does this mean? What is the completion of the ascension space development? Could it be... After the player reaches level 160, if the player does not turn 5, he can no longer gain experience? Fortunately, my task of turning five was clean and neat, and I was successful in turning five when I gave the money, but what about the future? Level 200 is said to be an ascension mission, all of which are to complete the task of crossing the robbery. Is it true that if the player cannot complete it, he can only stop at level 200 for a lifetime?

This... you still have to guard against things like the system card player level. I believe that the Destiny Company definitely does it. The group of dog colleagues in the planning department, in addition to the collective PC, counts the planning of these crooked things. I'm more active, and I don't know how to think of those messy things one by one.

"Master, do you have no skills to learn?" I asked.


Sitting cross-legged, he looked incomparably profound, and said, "The gentleman can help himself."

"Self-service NMLGB..."

I secretly slandered. It seems that the assassin's Rank 5 skills need to be exploded by myself. Anyway, the game is like this. If you have the ability and full skills, you can only use the low-level basic skills to ask for more blessings. It’s always been the case. It’s not just a game, but in reality, you can live whatever you have.

When I walked out of the vocational training center, I saw a familiar figure not far away, it was Lin Xi!

At this moment, Lin Xi did not ride the white deer, and stood on foot in the training ground, holding the sword of the archangel with one hand, and the purple thunder and lightning flashed all over his body. The next moment, the sword of the archangel flew out with the thunder and Yan Jin wrapped in it. Against a wooden pile in front of him, crackling continuous damage was hit, a ray of sword aura wrapped in purple thunder and lightning raged, rushing horizontally and horizontally for seven times in a row.

Purple Thunder Blast Flame Sword, these five rank skills are a bit powerful. Perhaps, it can directly change the position of the future swordsman. Before, the swordsman was reloaded in the front row just like the knight, and served as the front row role. At most, he used the maneuver. Skills such as slashing, fireblade breaking and attacking the opponent's heavy equipment are used as penetration characters, but it is different now. The purple thunder blasting sword is a sword attack that can directly hit the opponent's back row and let the sword directly The taxi not only reloaded the front row, but also threatened the terrible presence in the back row.


I smiled slightly: "The skill of Rank 5 is gorgeous."


Lin Xi turned around and saw that it was me, and smiled: "Why are you also here to advance professionally?"

"People are under the low eaves..."


"Lin Xi, are you practicing skills?" I asked.

"Well, I want to use the Purple Thunder Blaster Sword to reach level 6-7 in one night, so that it can be used directly in actual combat during leveling and PK, but the increase in skill proficiency is so slow, I always feel that It looks like you rushed to level 6 at most tonight."

"Look for me at the skill level. I'll go and ask for a skill necklace for you."


She smiled sweetly: "Waiting for you!"

So I rushed all the way to the Great Sanctuary, and stretched out my hand to A Fei, who was practicing with great concentration and engraving the inscription: "Bring the skill necklace, Lin Xi is going to use the fifth skill."

"Damn, I'm also doing the inscription pattern technique!"

A Fei looked sad and indignant, but he obediently took off the skill necklace, and said, "See the ignorant dog thief! When will she run out of it?"

"Return it to you before supper."

"It's okay..."

He grinned, and said with a mean smile: "By the way...you and Lin Xi seem to be getting better and better recently, how is it, have you taken it? It stands to reason that it is almost the same."

"Fuck off!"

I have a black line: "Not yet!"

"Hahaha, waste material! Return the first assassin in the national uniform, bah!"


I stepped forward and knocked over his stall.

"your sister!"

A Fei was busy in the back, looking frustrated, and I went away.


Next to the vocational training center, the training ground.

After Lin Xi put on the skill necklace, she immediately went to continue practicing her skills, and I walked under the courtyard wall not far away, and jumped down on the eaves, like a stone carving squatting on the eaves like a mocking wind. At the corner, open the skill bar and continue to practice the White Dragon Wall.

At the moment when I confirmed my cultivation, with a "swish", my body entered a cultivation illusion, sitting on a piece of blue rock protruding from the clouds, surrounded by an endless white dragon cruising in the sea of ​​clouds, sometimes exposed. The head sometimes reveals a section of the body, with sharp claws crisscrossing the sky and into the earth.

And there are strands of life symbol of Shibailong appearing around, obviously in the game, but I feel that my blood is boiling, and it is really boiling. The body in reality also senses this extremely powerful force, Shibai The dragon's unique skill is really extraordinary!

In this way, the whole person was immersed in the comprehension of Shi Bailong's power. After a while, I could faintly feel a ray of heat flowing in my body, and the sound of a deep dragon chanting from time to time came from my ear. The wisps of life symbols seem to have life, slowly turning into small white dragons, swimming around in the same place, but when I concentrate on looking at them, I find that they are still symbols, and they seem to have never moved. Over the same.

This state is very strange, but I know that I have entered the "state of penetration" of the power of the first white dragon, and the process is quite smooth, as if I was born to fit this power perfectly.

After about an hour, the progress bar of skill training has increased to 10%, which is not bad.


Suddenly, a high-pitched dragon roar exploded in my mind, and when I opened my eyes, I saw a white dragon flying from bottom to top in front of me. I didn’t know it was tens of thousands of meters in length. There is no end in sight, and just behind the body of the white dragon, the wisps of milky white air flow rhythmically, forming an indestructible barrier.


My heart trembled. At this moment, I can clearly feel the power of the White Dragon Wall. Yes, it must be the White Dragon Wall!


I secretly rejoiced in my heart, my current advancement should be considered the first glimpse, 10% of the progress, the first glimpse of the mystery of the white dragon wall, has an unimaginable use for the next complete penetration.


I don’t know how long it took. I just felt that my whole body was immersed in a kind of majestic and vigorous power. With the gentle stretching of the pores, when I opened my eyes, I lowered my head and found that my body was actually I became the body of a white dragon, without any skin anymore, replaced by white dragon scales surging with chaos. Even when I raised my hand, I saw a pair of dragon claws full of dragon scales and milky white air currents. !

"how come?"

I was taken aback. I only felt that my blood was full of power. It was not comparable to what I used to be. No, I just cultivated a white dragon wall. Why now I seem to be incarnate as a white dragon. What does it mean?

"Lu Li, Lu Li~~~"

At this moment, someone called me and pulled me back to reality. When I looked down again, the white dragon body and white dragon claws disappeared. I was still myself, flesh and blood, and under the eaves, Lin Xiti Holding the sword of the archangel, he smiled and said: "What are you doing, so focused, it's almost one o'clock already, don't you want to withdraw it?"

"Huh? A little bit?"

I was stunned. Before I knew it, I had been cultivating the White Dragon Wall for six hours, and the progress of the skill awakening was as high as 61%. No wonder there was such an anomaly in front of me!

"It's one o'clock!"

I took a deep breath and smiled and asked, "Lin Xiaoxi, how many skills do you have?"

"Level 8!"

She used her index finger to compare with her thumb~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and smiled: "Hurry up!"

"It's really super fast, it's completely ready for actual combat, right?"

"Well, you don't have to deliberately practice again, you will naturally be able to upgrade to level 10 in PK and leveling."

"Well, get ready to go offline."

I touched my stomach and said, "No wonder I feel a little hungry. I thought I just slept in the game. It was accidentally six or seven hours."

"What the **** are you doing?" she asked.

"Practicing skills."

"Do skills still need to be practiced?"

"You don't need it, my need, after all, I am a master of the Xian family."

"Bah, take me to dinner!"


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