Zhan Yue

Chapter 827: Double White Dragon Wall

The next morning, I woke up early and prepared to use the whole morning to awaken Bai Longbi. However, the moment I got up, a strange phenomenon occurred all over my body.

Under the morning light of late autumn, when I sat up, I felt as if there was a cool force under my skin pulsing. It was definitely not the power of Yang Yanjin, so I gave a "Huh" and immediately raised my arms. Observing carefully, the power in the body is moving, and when he vomits lightly, the wisps of white cloud-like scenes are condensed around his arms one by one, as if the body is coated with a layer of aerosol.

"What the hell?"

I was stunned for a moment. My body followed this force and slowly released the force, and I saw the continuous aerosol crystals a centimeter away from the skin of my arm, turning into a translucent and bright translucent crystal, with a solid appearance, but In fact, it is a kind of solidification of Qi, the crystals are very thorough, and the majestic power is unimaginable.

At this moment, I couldn't help but jump in shock, this scene is too familiar!

White Dragon Wall?

how is this possible? I obviously only comprehended the White Dragon Wall in the game. How can the energy of this kind of wall protection be condensed in reality? Obviously there are two systems, how could such a fusion happen?

Try it first!

Suddenly raising his left arm, the coolness in the body came into being. In a blink of an eye, a milky white penetrating protective wall condensed around the arm, and the right hand was lightly squeezed. Yang Yanjin whirled around his fist and blasted out against the left arm. Punch!


With a soft sound, an unimaginable scene happened. This kind of thing like fighting each other, my right fist blasted all the punches, Yang Jinjin was actually blocked by Bai Longbi, and even this punch blasted out the steel. The dull clanging sound of the collision, this punch also has at least 30% of my Yangyan strength, so it was actually cancelled out?

try again!

Take a deep breath and use 60% of your strength this time!


There was another dull sound. This time, the sun was flying around, and the curtains were almost lit. Still, the white dragon wall on his left arm perfectly defended the offensive.

Do not believe it, come again!

This time, ten percent of the power was transported, and when the right fist blasted out, the fist wind whirled, like a flame vortex blasted out.


This time, the fist is full of strength, and the whole room has a "buzz" that is affected by the impact of energy, but the white dragon wall condensed on the left arm is still safe and sound, but the arm under the white dragon wall has a slight tingling feeling. , You know that this punch is my ten percent strength, it's just as simple as numbness?

The White Dragon Wall is too strong. This is equivalent to another word for me to attack myself. I can perfectly defend myself by relying on the White Dragon Wall alone. Even if the opponent runs out of strength, I may still be in a state of motionlessness.



He took a deep breath, calmed the turmoil in my heart, put on my autumn clothes, went upstairs and knocked on Lin Xi's room door: "Lin Xiaoxi, what do you want to eat, I will buy breakfast for you."

"Breakfast porridge is fine, I'm washing my face, thank you for your hard work!"

"What are you polite."

Then I went out and strolled in the street, but my heart was full of excitement because of the white dragon wall. No, I must go to Shi Bailong to ask for it after I go online for a while, so I was walking in the middle of the white dragon inside. The wall power is constantly flowing turbulently in every vein along with the torrent of Yang Yanjin, and gradually spread all over the body, blending with my body.

It's no wonder that I slept so sweetly last night, that's how it turned out, I got the power of the White Dragon Wall imperceptibly overnight.

Therefore, during the step, the body is surrounded by faint white clouds and mist, walking and practicing without moving, and every time this white dragon moves around the body, it is slightly strengthened, and it grows stronger and stronger. look forward to.

Soon after, after having breakfast with Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan, and Ruyi, they were all busy with their own tasks, and after I handed over the skill necklace to A Fei, I immediately teleported the Dragon Realm.



The moment the character appeared in the dragon domain, a breath surging in his chest seemed to resonate with a certain majestic power in the Dragon Valley. My heart trembled suddenly. It was the mighty power of Shi Bailong. So, I was already Do you have the power of the white dragon?

As a result, Shi Bailong was in front of the altar, and Senior Sister Yun and Sylvia were there, standing beside him.

"July Liuhuo, what's the matter?" Shi Bailong asked faintly with his eyes closed.

"I would like to ask Master Shi Bailong for some advice."

"Just ask."

"Yes." I stepped forward and stood shoulder to shoulder with Senior Sister Yun, and said, "Master Shi Bailong, I'm in the process of comprehending the White Dragon Wall, but something very strange happened this morning, you know, My body has undergone some subtle changes in the world I am in. I seem to be... I can use the White Dragon Wall in another world. What is going on?"


Senior Sister Yun and Sylvia were shocked.

After a few seconds of silence, Shi Bailong said in a leisurely voice: "When heaven and earth luck arrives, multiple worlds are beginning to merge, maybe what you think is just one world, besides, I taught you Bailongbi The essence of the mind, and the white dragon wall was originally one of the important methods of the white dragon art. If you want to learn the white dragon wall, you will naturally derive the power of the white dragon as you practice. You and the body of another world It's just a body, so what's so strange about it that can trigger the white dragon technique?"

My heart trembled and I was a little speechless. Then I wondered how could I not come here in Suzhou urban area to make noises and rumors. But this is only limited to my heart. If I really ask, I am afraid that Shi Bailong will not be able to answer, and I also know that Bailongbi is indeed different from others. Maybe the wind is screaming, the dragon is determined, and the grass and trees are all soldiers. Such skills are just virtual data of Magic Moon, but Bailongbi should be a real power and method.

"Are there any doubts?" Shi Bailong asked.

"No more."

I clasped a fist neatly, and said, "Thank you, Lord Shibailong, for the method!"

"Cultivate hard!"

Shi Bailong glanced at me lazily and said, "In the entire Dragon Region, only you and Yunyue have practiced the technique of the White Dragon. In the future...when the Dragon Region disaster is approaching, you should take on the heavy responsibility together with Yunyue."

"Yes, I understand!"

Senior Sister Yun and Sylvia seemed to have something to tell Shi Bailong, so I didn’t say much, turned around and left Dragon Valley, and came to the vicinity of the Dragon Domain Hall, one of them jumped on the roof of the Dragon Domain Hall. , Sitting on the high observation tower above the hall, you can already see the scenery far beyond the dragon domain, just soak in the sun, sit down and continue to understand the white dragon wall.

The white dragon wall in reality has already taken shape, and the white dragon wall in the game has not been cultivated yet, so the speed must be accelerated, after all, the two are equally important.

However, after acquiring the White Dragon Wall, my ability in reality is indeed quite against the sky. Maybe even Master Lin Cheng is not my opponent at all now, and that mysterious Huang Lao, um...if there is a chance. , I will calculate all that account back!


The whole person was once again immersed in the insight of the white dragon wall, and the rules of the white dragon technique rose up in front of my eyes, as if raining water into the body, at this time I no longer regarded the scene in front of me as a game. Now, those powers not only nourish the body of Shadow Shura, but are they nourishing my body in reality?

Shi Bailong, this time really gave me a great fortune.

However, the appearance of Master Xiao Chen last time was also very important. After the enlightenment is over, I will go to see him. I forgot about it yesterday. What a shameful disciple...


Near noon, with a "ding", the awakening was successful!

At this moment, the white dragon wall in the skill bar was shining brightly, glowing with a bright silver light, and it became one of my skills in the true sense!


Suddenly stood up from the observation deck, with a thought, I activated my new skill, and the left dagger was swiped toward the front. Amidst the sound of "buzzing", a white dragon wall appeared in front of me, accompanied by Move together according to my body movements, protecting one side from any attack. The White Dragon Wall is not a pure defensive damage reduction skill, but also a perfect immunity skill. Unless all the toughness is knocked out, it will be against someone. Attacks in one direction are 100% immune!

This is much stronger than the Glory Shield Wall and the like, and in the huge white dragon wall in front of me, as if there is a transparent white dragon swimming, there is a faint sound of the dragon roaring, This time, what the senior sister and I have learned is the white dragon wall that contains the essence of the white dragon technique, the kind that can resist the attack of the leader's soul!

Bai Longbi has greatly improved me, but it has improved the senior sister even more. If I encounter the leader the next time, the senior sister will definitely not be caught off guard and helpless the last time!


Take a deep breath, take a step forward, and step into the sky vortex of the full achievement system.

In the sky, auspicious clouds linger in the sky, turning into a vortex arching the figure above the sky. That is the figure of Master Xiao Chen. I looked up and knelt on one knee, saying: "Master, thank you for yesterday Shot, if you didn't do it, I'm afraid Lin Xi would have encountered an accident."

"No thanks."

Xiao Chen’s aura of immortality, standing proudly on the sky, said: "Lu Li, I can sense that Lin Xi’s bond with you is very deep, and there is even more than one bond. Many things have happened to you before. Maybe even you don’t know, so Master Yu Linxi and you will do everything we can to help."

"Thank you, Master!"

I bowed my head again ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said, "Master, I have a question. How did you travel to the real world and bring me here?"

"real world?"

Xiao Chen was startled, and smiled: "Perhaps it is the real world to you. It is the same to Master, but it is just a small world in the great world. The reason why Master can do this is because of the heavens. The power of the wall is slowly collapsing, carrying the entire world, and the power of the entire universe is rapidly attenuating and dying, so the boundary between different planes is getting thinner and thinner, so that the power of the master is enough to shuttle through it. But... my soul strength is still too weak. After this time, I am afraid that I will not be able to help you for a long time."

"Master has helped me a lot."

I looked at him sincerely in my heart, and said, "Master’s kindness, no repayment!"

He smiled faintly: "Master does not ask for anything in return. He only hopes that you and my master and apprentice can contribute to the Dao before it collapses."

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