Zhan Yue

Chapter 829: Athletic League

Lin Xi took the archangel's sword with the full-level inscription from A Fei, turned around and smiled and said, "Is there something wrong?"


Feng Canghai said: "There is indeed something to do. I want to invite you and Lu Li to an event in Shanghai."

"Oh, what event?" I asked.

Feng Canghai said: "As you all know, the launch of the virtual competitive league, the competition of virtual games has not been very optimistic, especially our online games, the major clubs are basically bitter tears. Many large-scale competitions have not passed the review, so in order to promote the popularization of large-scale competitions, we and the local government jointly established a virtual sports league. This is a national organization designed to provide a home for virtual sports enthusiasts. If the establishment can be successful, I think it will be a huge boost to the entire industry and the entire industry’s ecology."

Mars River smiled and said: "We have invited many celebrities and big coffees in the game to participate. The Dawn of Purgatory, the Charm on Paper, The Floating Life Wanren, Yanshi Doesn't Attack, and the troubled times will all participate. If you can If you invite the two giants of Yilu to participate together, I believe it will create greater momentum for the virtual competitive league. This is really a feast for virtual game lovers. Come on, tomorrow afternoon. It’s okay to live in Shanghai, and the organizer will arrange accommodation."

"is it?"

A Fei weighed a pair of bracers in his hands, and smiled: "Feng Canghai, don't you forget your Fenglin Volcano's attitude towards Yilu some time ago? At that time, you were going to suppress Yilu's rise. Now, How embarrassed to invite Lin Xi and Ali to participate in your activities? Are they necessary?"

Feng Canghai was slightly embarrassed, and said: "There has never been any suppression, but the resources in the game are limited. Fenglinhuo and Yilu are both the top guilds in the national service. It is normal for healthy competition to exist. In fact, there is no need to over-interpret. ..."

"Say one thing and do another thing." A Fei said coldly.

Lin Songyan gritted his teeth and pressed his palm on the hilt of the sword, as if he couldn't wait to rush forward with a sword to slash A Fei.

However, the Martian River is quite calm, like a gentleman, smiling slightly and said: "There are some things that everyone can tell without telling them. Why should I say that if a deer is in the position of Fenglin Volcano, I believe Lin Xi will do it too. The same choice, after all, many things are overwhelming. Feng Canghai is sitting in the position of the leader of Fenglin Volcano, so he can only choose that way. However, this time we really sincerely invited the two giants of Yilu to participate. , After all... If it lacks the support of Yilu, this virtual competitive league will always feel that something is missing."

Lin Xi was told to move, and turned around to give me a look.

I nodded and smiled: "Then go, just one afternoon, Lin Xi, we will leave tomorrow morning, and we can also wander around Shanghai to see the Bund and so on, and we will go there in the afternoon."


When he heard that he wanted to go out with me, Lin Xi readily agreed.


Feng Canghai clapped his hands lightly and said with a smile: "Then...I will report the names of the two of you to the organizer?"


I nodded.

Although I don’t deal with Feng Canghai very well, sometimes I still have to take care of the overall situation. After all, for a guild as big as Yilu, there will always be someone to stand for Yilu. If we don’t participate in all the industry events, Yilu’s popularity will inevitably be affected. Sometimes, even though I don't like it, I still have to do it. With so many people following me and Lin Xi, we must be responsible to them. Only when Yilu's status continues to improve can they get the most benefits.

"Then, we will see you tomorrow."

Feng Canghai waved his hand and said with a smile, "Martian River will send you the invitation letter later."


Feng Canghai and others left.

I frowned, and my heart bounced a few times for no apparent reason, just like some kind of foresight. Could it be that the launch of this virtual competitive alliance will have any tricks? It shouldn't be, after all, it is a large-scale event, and there are not so many media. No one dares to make trouble in this kind of occasion.

So, I was free in the afternoon, and I went out of the city with Lin Xi's two Rank 5 players to brush for a while, and kept brushing until the evening, when the aunt delivered food again.

The second floor of the studio.

Seeing Shen Mingxuan happily going downstairs to get the meal, I couldn't help but smile, turning around and whispering in Lin Xi's ear: "You said, Auntie gives us food every day, although it is delicious, but how tired!"

"It's mainly money to get..."

Lin Xi glanced at me and said with a smile: "Do you know how high the salary our studio pays aunt?"

"do not know……"

"Accounting for nearly 30% of our studio's financial expenditure, what do you think?"

I was stupid: "Isn't Auntie with a monthly salary of more than 100,000?"


"Then how many boys don't want to work hard..."

She chuckled and gave me a soft punch: "What do you think about every day?"


At dinner time, the chicken stewed with mushrooms is still so fragrant.

"Are you going to attend the press conference in Shanghai tomorrow?" Shen Mingxuan asked.

"Yes it is."

I nodded: "Lin Xi and I will leave in the morning and come back around the evening, so... Let’s do this, tomorrow morning, Shen Mingxuan, you and Ruyi will go with us, I will send you to my house, you two will be with me It’s time to eat and play games at home. When it comes to evening, Lin Xi and I will come back as early as possible to catch up with the dinner together, and then we will return to the studio together after dinner. How about?"


Shen Mingxuan was taken aback: "Why is it so troublesome?"

"I'm just a little worried."

I frowned and said, "What if you and Ruyi are in danger when I am away? God knows when the executor will act again, but if you were in my house, it would be different. There is a Yangyan Intermediate Experts protect you, and the security protection system near my home is also very strong, equipped with a lot of good bodyguards, and the distance to KDA is also close. You will be much safer in my home."

Ruyi pursed her red lips, her pretty face blushed slightly, and said, "Ming Xuan, since Lu Li said that, we'll be obedient."


Shen Mingxuan smiled and said with a smile: "But obedient is your proud attribute, my proud attribute is disobedience, but forget it this time, I know the general situation, if A Li said so, then go and feel the local tyrant. The living environment of the home."

I laughed and said, "Well, tomorrow you go and play casually, it's okay."



The next morning, I didn’t play games. I got up early and drove in the studio’s business car. Stareye drove my car to follow behind, and went to my house like this, and arrived home before 8:30. Now, my sister Ouyang Yeyan greeted me at the gate and smiled: "It just so happened that I was not going to work today, and I was staying at home with our two little beauties."

Suddenly, Ruyi's pretty face flushed, and Shen Mingxuan also rarely blushed. It seemed that after being praised by a beautiful woman like my sister, she couldn't bear it anymore.

In the living room, I put down my mobile phone nearby, got up with a briefcase, and smiled: "Ah Li is back?"


I nodded: "Dad, are you going to work?"

"Yes, there is a board of directors in the morning, how about you? Would you like to go to the meeting with me."

"I can't go, Lin Xi and I promised that Feng Canghai will go to Shanghai today to participate in the press conference of the virtual sports league."

"Oh, I have heard of this organization."

He smiled slightly: "Also, take part in more activities and don't stay at home all day. I have told your sister many times."


The elder sister smiled and said: "Dad, go to the meeting, don't talk about these old-fashioned words, Ali and I are about to have calluses in our ears."

Father smiled: "Then I'm going out."

Watching my father's car slowly drive out of the gate of the manor, I also stood up: "Sister, Shen Mingxuan and Ruyi are handed over to you. You can arrange them at will. Lin Xi and I will go to Shanghai to participate in the event."

"Drive slowly, let Stareye drive automatically, I feel that your driving skills are not as good as Stareye!"


"Hahahaha, go ahead, I am mainly worried about Lin Xi's safety, and I am not worried about your thick skin."

"Sure enough, my sister."

I grinned, grabbed Lin Xi’s little hand, and went out. I sat on the poison and put the seat back. After I set the navigation, I gave it to Stareye Autopilot. I was still happy, so I was in the car with Lin Xi. It’s better to lie down and swipe your phone together than to drive by yourself.


The car roared all the way and arrived at the Bund less than ten o'clock in the morning.

I parked the car and took Lin Xi around for a long time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even in the scenic spot, many people recognized Lin Xi and asked for a group photo, which scared us to flee, but at noon I had a Western meal in a nearby restaurant, and watching Lin Xi carefully cutting steak, I always felt very pleasing to the eye.

When I was eating western food with A Fei before, his posture of cutting steak was like digging out dung, which always made people feel uncomfortable.

After eating, we drove again to the venue.

Thanks to the support of the local government, the press conference of the Virtual Sports League was held in the high-end convention center in the city center. It was quite tall and even I almost didn't park in the parking space. After finally finding the parking space, I hurriedly dragged the beautiful women. My friend went upstairs. When we appeared at the entrance of the venue, a young and beautiful staff member brightened his eyes and greeted him like this: "Lin Xi, July Flowing Fire?"

"It's under." Lin Xi and I said in unison.

Immediately, the staff member MM laughed from ear to ear, and said: "Okay, come with me, let's sign in first, and then receive the tag and enter the venue!"


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