Zhan Yue

Chapter 830: 8 performers

"Aqi, Lin Xi!"

Entering the venue, I immediately heard someone calling from a short distance. Looking closely, it was the troubled times of the War of Troubles. His appearance was the same as in the game, but not as burly in the game. On the contrary, it is in reality. Fongxian in troubled times is very slim and full of bookishness, which is very different from the image in the game.

"Leader Fengxian?"

I smiled slightly, and immediately led Lin Xi to walk over, while the troubled times Fengxian stretched out his hand and pointed to the side position: "Come on, it just so happened that you and Lin Xi are next to me!"


Glancing at it, sure enough, on the seat next to Fengxian in troubled times are July Liuhuo and Lin Xi, and next to Lin Xi are the charms and the dawn of purgatory on paper. Almost all the strongest people in the national clothes are here.

"how are things?"

In troubled times, Feng first turned and smiled and asked, "Not bad, right?"

"It's okay, drifting away." I said.


He was stunned: "Drifting away? No way...you are dignified..."

Having said this, he immediately lowered his voice and said: "The dignified Destiny Group's young boss, and Yilu's deputy leader, is now at your peak of prosperity, why are you still drifting away?"

"The situation on another plane." I downplayed.

Suddenly, he was relieved in the troubled times. He was also quite a restrained person. He smiled slightly and said: "I saw you on TV. Although I have coded it, I can tell from the appearance and appearance that it is you, and in the news. Encoding is useless, and the videos that go viral on the Internet are not encoded. Although the official has always refuted the rumors that the video was made by P, I don’t see it."

"You know it again."

I glanced at him and said, "Have a good meeting, stop gossiping."


He laughed and said, "Don't worry, I know it in my heart and I won't talk nonsense."

As he said, he sat in a dreadful manner, with a serious look, and stopped talking.


Not long after, player representatives and media entered the venue one after another. About ten minutes later, a group of people who looked like ZF officials also entered the venue, and they were accompanied by Feng Canghai. Surprisingly, beside Feng Canghai, there were two young people who knew each other, one was Zhou Datong, and the other was Zhao Shanhai from the Bremen Group.

My heart trembled, I whispered to Lin Xi on the side: "I suddenly felt that we made a wrong decision and shouldn't be here today."

"Yes it is."

Lin Xi looked ahead with a pair of beautiful eyes, and said, "Today we are here to set up a stage for others to sing."


Just in front, Feng Canghai and Mars River sat in the second row in front of us. They sat in the same row with the bosses of major groups, and the first row was basically leaders, so I glanced at it. In the past, Feng Canghai and Martian River were the only two player representatives sitting in the second row, and the rest were all in the third, fourth, and fifth rows.

"Is this a set of noodles?"

Troubled Times frowned first, apparently quite dissatisfied with the seating arrangement, while the two people who were on paper with us and the Dawn of Purgatory frowned, but did not express their dissatisfaction clearly.

Soon after, my heart jumped, and I clearly felt a breath that was much stronger than ordinary people entered the venue. Turning around and looking around, a familiar figure stepped into the venue. It was Huang Yuan who entered the venue side by side. There is Zhang Yi, the executive president of the European division of the Tianming Group. This competition league has a huge lineup, and they are also invited.

From a distance, Huang Lao glanced at me with a touch of complexity in his eyes, and he sat in the middle of the first row with Zhang Yi honestly and unceremoniously.


At this moment, a red glow appeared on the watch. It was a warning light, but I couldn’t directly use the watch’s projection and dialogue functions in the venue. It was too ostentatious, so I took out a pocket from my jacket pocket. The earphones were inserted into the ears and said, "What's the matter?"

"The energy fluctuation of the performer was found in the venue!"


I was slightly taken aback and stopped worrying so much. I reduced the image of the watch as much as possible. I saw an image of the venue projected about five centimeters above the watch and marked the target performers one by one, standing on both sides of the venue. And some young people behind who looked like bodyguards, all in suits, there were a total of eight people, two on each side, and four in the back.

"Lu Li, what's the matter?"

On the side, Lin Xi had already noticed that my expression was wrong.

"It's okay."

I gently pressed the palm of my hand on her little hand, and smiled: "Some programs of Star Eye have gone wrong, it's okay, don't worry, it will be corrected automatically."


Another place, the charm drawn on paper smiled at me, and he stretched out his hand and said: "I am Xue Jing, the deputy leader of the mythology draws charm on paper, July Liuhuo, hello~~~"

"Hello there."

I stretched out my hand and shook her, then stretched my hand farther away: "Song Yan, hello."


Song Yan smiled and nodded, and after shaking hands with me, he said: "Shen Mingxuan, how is she recently... okay?"

I couldn't help but wonder how to answer.

Lin Xi smiled and said: "Lu Li and Shen Mingxuan are just colleagues in the studio, and they are not very familiar. If you ask her how Shen Mingxuan is, he can only tell you nothing to comment."

Song Yan couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed: "Then you always know Lin Xi."

"I have nothing to say..."

With an apologetic face on Lin Xi, he fully considered Song Yan's feelings, and said: "No way, Shen Mingxuan said that she has never felt for you, and emotional matters can't be forced, so we are not allowed to friends around us." Add to the flames', you know...I don't know anything about Shen Mingxuan. After all, I can't betray friendship."

Song Yan was a little lonely: "Is that so?"

Lin Xi smiled faintly: "Don't worry about her, don't worry, this guy has eaten and slept all day long, or is playing games, but he is happy, and you don't need to worry about it."

"That's good."

Song Yan smiled: "She's fine."

Farther away, Song Yan is next to Yanshi who does not attack. He seems to be a very early show young man, even a bit of a middle-aged temperament. Listening to the dialogue between Yilu and the leader of the two major guilds of Mythology, I think it is quite uneasy Yes, no one paid attention to him at all, and just beside Yanshi's non-attack, she was a big beauty, wearing a long skirt, with a pretty good temperament.

Su Xiaohan, even she is here.

"Su Xiaohan?" I asked with a smile.


She smiled and nodded: "Lu Li, Lin Xi, how are you!"

Lin Xi was taken aback, and smiled in surprise: "Sister Xiaohan, it turns out that you are so beautiful in reality, much more beautiful than in the game!"

Su Xiaohan was a little embarrassed: "No, it's Lin Xi that you are beautiful."

"No la."

Although Lin Xi said so, his expression and expression are clearly "that's natural." This guy is not generally confident in his appearance, but in fact it is the same. Lin Xi's beauty belongs to the consensus, basically no disagreement.


"Aha~~~ It's so lively today!"

I stood up and said, "While the meeting hasn't started, can I take a video of the meeting place or something?"


In the front row, Feng Canghai smiled and said: "You are the deputy leader of Yilu, you have the final say, feel free!"

"Okay, thank you!"

So, when I stood up and took out my mobile phone, I directly dialed the video call with Wang Lu, and then raised my mobile phone aloft. It looked like I was shooting a live video, but in fact, it was mainly focused on the eight executors. While filming on his body, while using headphones, he whispered to Wang Lu, "I'm optimistic, eight of the people in suits standing on both sides and in the back row are executors."

"Oh my God……"

Wang Lu was shocked: "Where is this? There are so many executors, what is their purpose?"

"have no idea for now."

While shooting with a smile, I said, “I’ll send it to you. It’s in a venue in Shanghai, the venue of the Virtual Athletics League conference. KDA’s technical department quickly cuts into the network and monitors it in real time. I hope you Being able to control the situation, don't make any trouble, otherwise, so many top players and leaders here will all be hostages."

"Do they know?" Wang Lu asked: "I mean, the controller of the executor."

"Not sure for now."

I glanced at Zhou Datong and then at Zhang Yi. I was a little confused. I don’t know which of the two is the owner of this group of executors. Zhang Yi is more likely to have the most resources and has the most connections in China. Guang, as for Zhou Datong, although Haimeng Industrial is rich in wealth, it always feels that it does not have the courage to control the terrible existence of the executor.

People like Zhou Datong can play money games in games, or women in reality. With him, I’m afraid I can’t play a big project, and the executor is obviously a big project.

"Don't act rashly, Lu Li!" Wang Lu said.

"rest assured."

I smiled and said, "I won't take the initiative. Today, I can protect everyone in the venue from leaving peacefully. Thank goodness. I don't want anything else."

"That's good, don't let them see that you see the executor."

"Don't worry, no, I'll hang up."

"Well, I will control the information over there and control every move in the venue in real time. The Shanghai KDA branch will also quietly touch it, but you also know that if something really goes wrong, it's mainly on your own."

"Got it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ With that, I hung up the video.


Soon after, the press conference officially began.

At the beginning, the leader gave a speech, followed by Zhang Yi’s speech on stage. After all, neither father nor sister came to this press conference today, so Zhang Yi’s position is the highest among the people from the Tianming Group, and he is also the best representative of the Tianming Group. As for me, although I have a lot of shares in the group, I am actually not a member of the Tianming Group and have been "expelled".

Soon after, Bremen Group Zhao Shan Haitai gave a keynote speech. As expected, the result was similar to what I had previously guessed. The so-called virtual competitive alliance is actually a "professional player training group" jointly funded by Zhao Shanhai and Zhou Datong. Feng Canghai and Feng Linhuo, behind him, are the "800,000 Forbidden Army instructors" hired by this training group. The so-called press conference is nothing more than a layout.

However, just after Zhao Shanhai's speech was over, a bodyguard stepped forward and whispered a few words to him. The bodyguard was one of the executors. It seemed that everything was coming to light.

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