Zhan Yue

Chapter 836: Battle of Northern Liang Province


A ring of bells rang over the main city, and finally, the two main cities were opened at this moment, and as the bells reverberated, the "Fanshucheng" and "Eight Desolate City" in the teleportation NPC dialog box flickered together. , So I directly confirmed that, with a breeze engulfing the body, the body turned into sporadic brilliance and rushed to the sky, and entered the shuttle tunnel. In the shuttle tunnel, countless players turned into a little bit of stars, looking endless, like an ocean. The same can be seen.


A beam of light fell in the new city, and the next second I was holding a pair of daggers and stood in the east gate square of Fanshu City with white light, and beams of light fell around, and countless players came to this place. A major city, and along with the impact of the collision volume, more and more people teleported outside the teleportation array, spreading towards the square, city gates, and avenues.

Hurry up, or it will be blocked!

"Lin Xi!"

Looking at Lin Xi not far away, I yelled, "Go now."


Lin Xi held the long sword and instigated Bai Lu to squeeze forward to clear the way, while Shen Mingxuan and Gu Ruyi rushed out of the crowd together, and it took nearly a minute to squeeze out the crowd, and came to the beautiful and sunny Great Sage. In front of the hall, the appearance of the Great Sanctuary of Fanshucheng is almost the same as that of Dongyang City, but it is much larger. The area is about 3-5 times the size of the Great Sanctuary of Dongyang City. The gate is dotted with blue dragon sculptures. The inscription pattern emerges shiningly, not ordinary holiness.

In the direction of the East City Gate, there is a line of strong soldiers on the wall. The battle flag belonging to the Xuanyuan Empire is flying in one piece. Although this city of books is the capital of the country, it is very close to the north, and it may be attacked by the alien army at any time. The long-distance raid, so the strong defense is also expected, not to mention this is the capital of the country, even if it does not guard against the alien demon army, the defense force is definitely first-class.

"It is said that……"

Gu Ruyi wore a fitted robe, perfectly outlined the concave and convex lines, holding the staff, looking at us and saying: "After the new main city is opened, there will always be some high-level tasks hidden in various NPCs. , How about we go find it and see if there will be any gains?"

"Okay, I think so too."

Lin Xi held the archangel, pointed the long sword in the direction of the imperial city, and said, "Let's walk along the city avenue.


So, the four people walked side by side, and after not getting far, a guard passed by, and a guard at the side of the road had a gentle smile: "Welcome all adventurers to the Fanshucheng. If you want to settle in this In the main city, talk to any city guard, and just choose to bind the player's identity to the city!"

Lin Xi was taken aback, and smiled: "I almost forgot about such a big thing. Let's bind the player identity first. Now it's different. We are the players in the main city."

Everyone agreed and talked with NPCs one by one to confirm that their identities were tied to Fanshu City. In this way, our city reputation, military rank, and scrolls of city return will be linked to Fanshu City one by one. What more cumbersome procedures.


Along the city road all the way forward, not only us, but also many players galloping on the road, they are all riding warrior players, no one is stupid, and they all want to get a lot of highs in the first time when Fanshucheng opens. I’m not in a hurry. In fact, I’m a member of the Dragon Realm. I have never lacked high-level quests. What I lack is a deep foundation of the game that can make me stronger and stronger. Enough to fight against the leader.

It seems that the guide in the dark has indeed come to the opposite of mine.

At this time, solemn background music rang in our ears. Just as we looked up, a huge statue of great solemn stood beside the city avenue. It was a man in armor with a flying robe behind him and a sword in hand. The veteran, his expression looked extremely gentle, but there was a trace of firmness in his eyes.

On the base of the statue, a line of words about the life of the statue is inscribed-

Ding Fan, a famous general of the human race, titled Fan Gong, the first master of Fanshu City, after more than a dozen **** battles with the alien demon army, eventually fell on the battlefield for the home of the human race, and was pursued by the human emperor as "loyal and loyal." "Public", has been sheltered by the human race for generations.


"Ding Fan..."

Lin Xi looked at the huge statue in the sky, thoughtfully, and said, "It's a character from the Destiny Era. I didn't expect it to be inherited into the magic moon."

Shen Mingxuan looked up at the statues in the distance. They were all famous masters of Fanshucheng. He smiled and said, "Should we read the life of the statues one by one? In this way, the task will be given by those all-pervasive guys. Grab it all."

"Let's go."

I pointed to the front and smiled: "Let's go and see near the imperial city, maybe there is a task."


As a result, when we came to the front of the palace, we saw a series of flying horses galloping past, and entered the palace like this, and a palace guard looked at my rank and immediately held a fist respectfully and said: "My lord, Why are you still wandering here, something happened in the northern border!"


I was taken aback for a moment: "What happened to the North Border?"

He lowered his voice and said, "Don't you know? Just two days ago, a royal chaos broke out in the Scarlet King's Court. It is said that Jin Tairan, the lord of the Golden Kingdom, was attacked and killed on the main hall. In addition, Haizhi The kingdom and the kingdom of thunder have also been breached, and the leader of the kingdom has already begun to go into exile. At this moment, the Scarlet King's Court is already in ruins. Your Majesty is calling the group of ministers to prepare for action!"

There really is action.

I frowned: "Can you let us in and have a look?"

He was taken aback, his face full of apologetics, and said: "My lord, you are the rank of General Protector, and you are also the deputy commander of the Silver Frost Legion. Naturally, you are qualified to be ranked above the court. It is just these few flower-like adventurers. , I'm afraid it's just..."

Lin Xi had a black line: "Dislike our low rank?"

The guard hurriedly laughed and said: "No, it's just that the court has the rules of the court. Either it is a minister who has been called by your majesty, or the rank and official rank meet the requirements, otherwise you will not be able to enter the court."

"Got it."

Lin Xi said: "Lu Li, then you go in to find out the news. I will take Mingxuan and Ruyi around to see if there is any opportunity that can trigger it."


I smiled and nodded: "Don't worry, maybe I can bring you a good fortune. In short, you first wander around and familiarize yourself with the map of Fanshucheng, so as not to get lost in circles when doing tasks in Fanshucheng in the future."

"I know, go now~~"


The main hall, the voice of the court, civil and military officials stood.

At the forefront are two of the three princes. Their status in the court is second only to Longwu and Baiyiqing, and next to them is a prince. Half of the twelve princes are in the empire. Column, the rest should be guarding the border. As for my position, a deputy commander of the mere district and two people holding the stars were arranged at a position near the door. This time I stayed honestly, just to see if there is any. Oil and water can be fished.

Above the hall, the wind is silent and the voice is clear, standing by the dragon chair, holding the scroll, and saying: "After a short half year of war, the twenty-nine kingdoms of the Scarlet King Court have long been torn apart, the kingdom of gold and the sea. The Kingdom of Thunder, the Kingdom of Thunder, etc. have all been destroyed. According to the intelligence of the scouts, the alien demon army is busy conquering the wild tribes in the depths of the Northern Territory. It is temporarily unable to take action, so this is our complete annihilation of the Scarlet King. The court, regain the heaven-sent opportunity of Northern Liang Province!"

Fu Yu Gong Mu Tiancheng clasped his fist and said: "Please, your Majesty deploy troops, I have been waiting for this day for too long!"


Xuanyuan Ying got up from the dragon chair, took a step forward, holding the sword of the emperor, with a vigorous look in his eyes, and smiled: "According to the battle of Maguan, we have regained the entire centaur plain and will be huge. A piece of the territory of the empire is included in the territory of the empire. Now that the western plains have been renovated, and the western long history mansion has been established, it is now a god-given opportunity to step down the Scarlet King’s court."


Giant Ding Gong Yiping smiled and said: "If your majesty can regain Beiliang province, it will be the first time in three thousand years, it can be called an emperor through the ages!"

Xuanyuanying had a deep gaze, and said: "Listen! The Emperor Flame God Legion, the Templar Knights, and the Parliament National Legion went north to participate in the war, leaving only the Imperial Forest Army guarding the Imperial City. In addition, the four major provinces were drawn from the Silver Frost Legion and North The Desert Legion, the Yunxi Legion, and the Yinping Legion went north to participate in the war, and the corresponding supplies were dispatched by the Ministry of War. In addition, a convening order was issued to convene the best in the adventurer's guild to join the battle in Northern Liang Province!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"


At this moment, I stepped forward and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, can you give me a copy of the summoning order?"


Xuanyuan Ying was taken aback, and then smiled: "July Liuhuo, you are an imperial minister and one of the commanders of the Silver Frost Legion. Do you need a summoning order?"

"Yes, you only need one." I said.


Xuanyuanying nodded and smiled: "Fengxiang~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I bestow a summoning order for Master Liuhuo in July!"


The wind blew forward, holding a crimson calling order with a brush with black letters on it, and the system immediately asked me to enter the name of the guild participating in the war, so I happily wrote "One deer has you" four Words, the summoning order turned into a roll of paper and fell into my parcel, with a reminder: The members of the guild [One deer has you] can enter the battle map of Northern Liang Province!


That's it!

The Northern Expedition of Terran did not trigger any system version missions at all, but obviously, if players participate in the final annihilation of the Scarlet Royal Court, they will definitely get a lot of benefits. At least brushing merit points, experience points, etc. is definitely more oily than brushing ordinary maps. Yes, and for a guild such as Yilu, the value of collective action is far greater than that of lone rangers.


System reminder: Please note that the [Battle of Northern Liang Province] will start in 120 minutes!

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