Zhan Yue

Chapter 837: Brother and sister, long time no see!

When I shared the summoning order in the guild channel, everyone was suddenly boiling.

Qing Deng: "This is... version mission?"


I shook my head and explained: "It can be understood as a hidden mission, which happened to be triggered by me. The human race is about to launch a war of extermination against the Scarlet King's Court. Under normal circumstances, players cannot enter the Scarlet King's Court map, but I did it. Zhang Zhaohui is here, so all of us can enter the Scarlet King's Court map and participate in the battle to destroy the kingdoms of the Scarlet King's Court. It will open in two hours. Everyone must gather in the northern part of the Northern Wilderness Province in two hours and prepare. Open up."

"Cool!" Slaughter Fanchen said concisely and concisely.

Haotian smiled and said: "I didn't expect to take a big deal just after entering the Fan Book City, boss, besides our Yilu, are there other guilds participating?"

"Not yet, wait for them to trigger it." I thought for a while: "And it shouldn't be a guild that is eligible to trigger. A weak chicken guild such as the Dragon Knight Palace will only add chaos in the past."

"Hahahahaha, indeed!"

Lin Xi coughed and said, "Two hours later, at one o'clock in the afternoon, we will have lunch earlier."

"Eat on time at twelve o'clock, teleport over after eating, and wait for the battle to begin."



At noon, I had a box lunch. Although it is very cheap, the taste of the stewed kidney bean meat is deep in the essence of Huaiyang flavor. The taste is quite good, so that the three MMs in the studio gave me a quarter of the rice, as if Everyone has to lose weight, but I am the only foodie in the studio.

In the afternoon, after drinking a little drink, they went online separately. The task is important!

Go online, buy potions, repair equipment, etc. on the east square of Fanshu City. Not far away, A Fei has already occupied a stall in front of the Great Sanctuary, and there is no stall around him. There is only him who is a big general. The tattoo master's booth is there.


I carried my double-edged blade forward, frowning and said, "Everyone's stalls are far away from you."

"I asked for it!"

He stretched out his thumb and lifted it up, just bends to himself, and smiled: "If there are too many stalls, customers may not be able to find where my stall is. So, these friends from the rivers and lakes are all Give me a little thin face, the chief inscription artist of the national clothing, try not to stand within five yards of me, just try to mix a familiar face. Fortunately, I can save some money when I seal the inscription here."

My thumbs up: "Niu×……"


He hurriedly closed the stall: "But today I will not do business, I will go to Beiliang province with everyone to regain my native land~~~"

I was speechless for a while: "If you go or not, it shouldn't affect the overall situation."


He insisted and said: "It is true that it does not affect the overall situation, but it affects my own mood. As a human race law cultivator, if I don't go to the front line to contribute my strength at this time, wouldn't it be a whole unity? The deer's joke."

I laughed and said, "Just don't hang up. I'll go too. See you on the front line."

With the movement of the teleportation array, a few seconds later, my figure appeared in the teleportation array on the front line of the Northern Barrens Province. In the distance, the sound of horseshoes shook the sky, and countless human iron knights were gathering quickly. In addition, there was also a bright armor on the east. The legion is coming fast, and from a distance, the banner of the Silver Frost Legion is already here.

"Yilu, gather here!"

In front of him, Lin Xi carried the archangel and instigated Bai Lu to stand on a large piece of snow and gently draw a line on the ground with a long sword. It feels a bit of a prison, and everyone in Yilu would naturally not find it funny, but all of them. The assembly was very solemn, and a large group of people gathered in a blink of an eye. In terms of execution ability, Yilu is now second to none in the national service.

Without him, every time a deer participates in the action, everyone will always have a very generous gain. In each event, the deer is also a top-notch guild. The guild’s treasury is also quite rich in oil and water, and there are even a lot of deer. Players of, have a high attendance and must be there for events. Not only are they the main force during the day, they are also members of the night battle group. They all become liver kings. After earning a lot of guild contributions, they exchange treasures from the guild treasure house, and then sell the treasures for real gold and silver. Lived the life of the legendary "professional player".

In fact, for many "game dogs", professional players are definitely a dream, especially those who are frustrated everywhere in their lives, are not good at talking, and are not good at interacting with others. Once they become game enthusiasts, the only thing they can do is The dream is about becoming a professional player, being unfettered in the game, and don't have to endure the humiliation of low eyebrows and flattery in life. Why not do it? Although everyone is a member of society and often has to face the hypocrisy of constant tolerance and falsehood, not everyone should be proficient in the so-called so-called so-called so-called so-called so-called sleek sophistication, cultivated human feelings, and have their own pursuits. It is enough to give play to one's own social value.



In the distance, the iron cavalry of the Silver Frost Legion came from side to side, and the front was amazingly Wang Shuang riding a mighty horse, dressed in silver armor and holding a spear, if it weren’t a bit ugly, I’m afraid it’s true. It felt like Jinmachao, followed by Tianqiying under the control of Qin Zhan, Shen Gongying under the control of Zhang Lingyue and others.

"grown ups!"

Zhang Lingyue immediately arched his hands and said with a smile: "You have arrived!"


Wang Shuang stepped forward and smiled: "Brother July Flowing Fire, I am still worried that you will not come! You know, the group of dog thieves in the Scarlet King's Court have counted the organs one by one. This time we went deep into the hinterland of the Scarlet King's Court. Go and destroy them, if you are not there, I am afraid that the Silver Frost Legion will lose a lot of brothers in vain. It is great that you can be here."

I raised my eyebrows and said, "Brother Wang Shuang, what is the strategic goal of your Majesty for the Silver Frost Legion this time?"

Wang Shuang held his spear and smiled: "In the sacred edict that your majesty gave me, it just said that after the Silver Frost Legion left the North Pass, it has been attacking and killing towards the northeast of the Scarlet King's Court, until the border of the open forest and sea. Completely include all the southwestern corner of Beiliang province into the empire's territory, and all the **** kingdoms that pass along the way will be destroyed, and those who have obtained the first level of the king will be crowned!"


I couldn't help but laugh: "This time, some of them have been entrusted. The Scarlet King Court has more than 20 countries. It is enough for us to entrust dozens of princes here, and soon the princes will be worthless~~"

Wang Shuang looked open and smiled heartily: "Why don't you care? The man should serve the country on the battlefield. As long as he can wipe out all the thieves of the Scarlet King Court, is it so important to have any title?"

"It makes sense."

I nodded and smiled: "It's about to start, get ready to go!"


When I walked to the front, I came to Lin Xi and said, "Lin Xi, we will act together with the Silver Frost Legion. If Yilu and the Silver Frost Legion can complement each other in this mission, everyone will lose less."

"Hmm~~" Lin Xi nodded happily.

And Wang Shuang looked at the tens of thousands of "masters" behind Lin Xi, couldn't help but smiled, clasped his fists and smiled: "Brothers and sisters, long time no see! I didn't expect you to be the commander-in-chief of the adventurers. You are disrespectful!"

Suddenly, Lin Xi's pretty face flushed, and she whispered in a low voice: "Oh, I'm called my younger brother and sister all of a sudden..."

I laughed and said, "I'm gone, leave Beiguan, and then kill all the way to the northeast!"



Ahead, just after everyone left the North Pass, the time to attack has arrived, and a message suddenly came from my ears--


System reminder: Since your guild [Yilu has you] is listed as one of the guilds of convening order, you have won the main task [Recover Beiliang Province] (SSS level)!

Task content: Go to the Northern Territory and launch a battle against the Scarlet King's Court. The more enemies you kill and the greater the accomplishments, the more rewards you will eventually get!


"It's done!"

Lin Xi couldn't stop being happy, almost cheering, and smiled in the guild: "A SSS-level task is manned, isn't it?"

"Yes, lord leader!"

Everyone laughed, everyone was happy. This SSS-level task is different from the version task. The version task distributes rewards based on the player's contribution. It also means that the top 100 players on the list may gain more than SSS. Level task rewards, but the future players may be rewarded quite not optimistic.

The task at hand is different. SSS-level tasks have a lower limit. For players who are not in the top ranks, this task is obviously more real, and the rewards are no worse.


After leaving the North Pass, a large number of NPC cavalry scattered, among them were the cavalry of the Flame God Legion in groups, holding the king flag high in their hands, and rushing to the west, the sound of horse hooves shook the valley, very scary~www.wuxiaspot. com~The Flameshen Legion is an army controlled by Xuanyuanying himself. The real "Imperial Forest Army", with a total strength of 400,000, claims to be invincible. The reason why the Xuanyuan clan is able to continue to grow in the temple and parliament is still stable today. Sitting on the throne, the Flame God Legion can definitely be regarded as a great contributor.

Whether it is the Knights Templar under the name of the Temple or the National Army under the name of the Council, no matter how strong it is, it is no better than the 400,000 Flame God Legion that has experienced hundreds of battles, not to mention that Xuanyuan should be cultivated to the sky, which can be said to be outside of Senior Sister Yun. The first human being, in the Xuanyuan Empire, his strength is the absolute stabilization temple, the top master of the council, in other words, as long as Xuanyuanying is still there, it is impossible for anyone to grasp the royal identity of the Xuanyuan clan.

After exiting the Beiguan, I rode a Thousand Miles Mingyue Horse, and just galloped into the territory of the Scarlet King's Court with the Yilu and the Silver Frost Legion.

In the distance, a city full of blood-colored royal courts is shrouded in the twilight with fireworks, shrouded in the flames of war, and the river on the west side is full of corpses. It seems that there has been a **** battle there, and countless corpses drifting in the river, smelly The skyrocketing is unbearable, and further ahead are barns that have been burned out, and villages that have been empty.

The Scarlet Royal Court, which had once flourished for a while, even almost wiped out the Black City, eventually declined due to civil strife, which is sighing.

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