Zhan Yue

Chapter 838: 1 lady

Passing all the way, the country close to Beiguan was already destroyed. We even saw only a few remnants and generals along the way. We hadn’t even seen a serious Scarlet King’s army. After passing the national borders shown on the map, the land of a new member of the Scarlet Royal Court appeared in front of him-the country of the wild.

"Wild Country?"

Holding the rein with one hand, I looked at the fertile field in the distance, and smiled: "I don't know how wild it is!"

Lin Xi smiled: "I don't know, after all, I am a lady."

I glanced at her: "It's not like when you cut people in the game~~"

"Huh, you are not allowed to say!"


While we were chatting, the plain in front of us was covered with dust, and the sound of horseshoes could be heard from a distance. A warhawk knight descended from the sky and said: "Master Qi, is a frontier cavalry regiment in the country of wild. Approximately 20,000 people!"

"Okay, business is here!"

I raised my hand and said: "Silver Frost Legion, immediately put up a defensive formation to meet the enemy!"

"Yes, my lord!"

With the sound of the army's drums, the rhythm of "dongdong——dongdong——" means that it is an order to defend in situ. Suddenly the Tianqi camps in the front row retreated, and the heavy infantry of the iron infantry battalion in the back row emphasized one by one. The shield stepped forward to form a long shield formation, and the second row was an attack line pierced with at least five meters long spears. Afterwards, there was a bow and arrow formation formed by a group of soldiers from the battalion of Shenyong. They used their bows and arrows to prepare. Shoot!

On the Yilu side, it’s almost the same. From the establishment of Yilu to the present, we have developed into an eighth-level guild with 20,000 people in the main league. Everyone has experienced many battles, and there is nothing in this kind of encounter. Panic, the front row reloaded players lined up one by one, and even the left wing and rear reloaded players lined up, supporting each other with the Silver Frost Legion, forming an iron barrel array, waiting for the opponent's cavalry to attack.


"It's the Silver Frost Legion of Human Race!"

Among the opposing cavalry, a warrior wearing a blood-red armor with blood-red eyes, roared: "Bastard! Are you here to destroy our country of the wild? Is it tolerable, brothers, prepare to charge? , Kill this group of human **** without leaving!"


With the sound of horseshoes, the opposing cavalry launched an attack on us. Although it is said to be 20,000 troops, the number of troops refreshed must be more than this because of the participation of players. Perhaps the number of people attacking the Silver Frost Legion's position is indeed two. Ten thousand, but at least thirty-five thousand rushed to Yilu's position to take extra care of us.

But even so, the 20,000 light cavalry charged the 28W male division of the Silver Frost Legion, and I don't know who gave them the courage!

"Peng Peng Peng—"

When I was thinking about who gave them the courage, the light cavalry of the wild country had already hit them. They only wore pieces of incomplete armor. The protective effect was far inferior to the heavy cavalry of the Flamingo Corps, so they were hitting the silver. When the Frost Legion was in the position, a large number of cavalry were pierced with long spears, one by one hanging on the tip of the spear like a candied haw, and still twisting, and most of the horses covered by the archery rain of Shen Gongying were hit by arrows. Roaring, scattered away.

In just three waves of impact, more than half of the 20,000 cavalry regiment was killed, but the Iron Infantry camp remained unmoved. It was said that the cavalry restrained the infantry, but under the perfect formation defense of the Iron Infantry, this sentence seemed to become Empty talk.

On the player's side, the defense of the Yilu position is stronger. After a large number of light cavalry rushed over, they became the target of everyone's merits, especially Gu Ruyi, Shen Mingxuan, Qingshuang, Nuanyang, Tianchai, Leng Yuxi, etc. Everyone grew extremely fast during this period of time, and each of them became heavy gunners. With full firepower, they were extremely terrifying, and the light cavalry on the other side was going to be beaten to death in an instant.


"too strong!"

In five minutes, the opponent's warlord was already injured, clutching his severely injured arm with a tragic expression, and said, "The Silver Frost Legion is too strong, brothers, withdraw, go back to the county town!"

"Want to go?!"

Wang Shuang took out his gun and shouted in a low voice: "Tianqi Camp, follow me to chase and kill, not leaving one!"

Zhang Lingyue turned and looked at me: "My lord, can you hunt down? Is the commander a bit impulsive..."

"It doesn't get in the way."

I smiled and said, "There is a plain in front of me, there is no place to ambush, Tianqi Camp is faster, and we can eat them all in our sight."

"That's good... the subordinates have been taught!"

As I expected, as soon as the people of the Tianqi Camp came out, the other light cavalry could not run, and they were quickly torn to pieces, and there was a strong **** atmosphere everywhere on the grass.

"keep going!"

After Wang Shuang gave the order, he turned around and came to me. The two guards opened the map and said, "Brother, how do we fight next? On the map, the opponent's city is already marked quite clearly."

I took a look at the map and said, "Split the troops. There are five prefectures ahead. Yilu and I attacked one. The remaining four were captured by 50,000 troops led by Wang Shuang, Zhang Lingyue, Qin Zhan, and Chai Lu. After the capture is complete, we will gather on the east side of the river in front of us, and we are ready to attack the capital of the wild country."


Wang Shuang's expression was stern, and he glanced at me meaningfully, and said, "I have a question, and I want to ask your opinion."

"Just ask."

"What do you think...After we have captured the county city, what should we do with the civilians in the Scarlet Royal Court?" Wang Shuang said.

I was a little at a loss: "Huh? Your Majesty should have mentioned the details before setting off!"

"Yes it is."

Wang Shuang said solemnly: "Your Majesty’s original intent was... the people of the Scarlet King’s Court had practiced martial arts since childhood, especially those who practiced blood skills. As long as the city and materials don't need people, otherwise, those in the Scarlet Royal Court will become our burden instead."

"What does Brother Wang Shuang mean?" I glanced at him.

Wang Shuang was holding a spear, his eyes full of pride, and said: "Although I, Wang Shuang, is not a famous general in the world, as a soldier, I just fight on the battlefield. If the opponent is also a soldier, I, Wang Shuang, will never be soft, but if I am unarmed. The common people... I, Wang Shuang, will never be able to attack the common people. This is not what a man did!

At this moment, I had to look at him high. Although my "righteous brother" is a "crude man", he can definitely be regarded as a benevolent general. After one city, you will surely slaughter the city. What is the difference between this and the executioner, in fact, deep down in my heart, I also disagree.

"Brother, what do you mean?" he asked.

I smiled slightly: "You are not afraid of someone leaking the secret, will your majesty be held accountable for your resistance to the decree?"

"If this is the case, I am willing to shoulder it!"


I nodded and smiled, and said, "Well, every time you pass a city, all the civilians who resist will be cut off, but if there is no resistance, just expel them from the city. There is no need to kill them all."

Wang Shuang's eyes lit up: "Brother, do you think so too?"

I couldn't help being a little speechless: "Do you look at me like a murderer who kills people like hemp?"

"The appearance of you as Shura is still very similar."



The soldiers were divided into five groups. Lin Xi and I led a deer to point directly at a county town in front of him, while Wang Shuang, Zhang Lingyue and others were going to capture the other four county towns. At this time, the troops must be divided, otherwise too much time was wasted. , And this is just one of the kingdoms that attacked the Scarlet King Court, and there are more to come.

Ten minutes later, the soldiers approached the city. This county city was not too strong, and when we were approaching the city, the interface showed that there were only about 8,000 defenders in this city. The previous 20,000 cavalry should also be the defenders here. The army, unfortunately, has been completely killed by us directly on the plain.

"how to spell?"

Looking at the city wall in front of the light, he said: "This city wall is quite strong. We don't have a ladder, and few people can go up."

Calorie said: "Strike?"

"Yes, strong attack."

I stretched out my hand and pointed to the city gate in front, and said, "The durability of the city gate is only 200 million. After a while, Lin Xi and I will lead everyone forward and attack the city gate. The treatment in the back row will keep up. Ruyi, Shen Mingxuan, you guys The long-range attack of the city will also work with us to set fire to the city gate for durability. We will chop down the city wall in one minute, and then we will be able to pingchuan."



I took the lead. When the Qianli Mingyueju rushed to 40 meters below the city, there were all kinds of flying arrows and rolling stones falling from the sky. However, this threat was too weak. After canceling the mount, I raised it with one hand, and the sound of "clang" A bright white dragon wall was condensed in it, and the rolling stones suddenly hit the white dragon wall, just like hitting some kind of outer wall of the sky, and they were instantly shattered into dust!

Tsk Tsk, the White Dragon Wall is indeed different~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is a defensive martial art with strong lethality.

As a result, under my protection, a large number of melee masters such as Lin Xi, Qingdeng, Calorie, Haotian, Slaughter Mortal Dust, and Yueliuying rushed to the city gate, waving their swords to attack the durability of the city gate, and I myself With a double-edged attack, what I didn't expect is that the endless wind can also superimpose the wind mark effect, and the city gate will be durable and straight away!

Behind him, the Yilu Paladin team headed by Tianya Moke and others stood against the shield wall to block the arrows and rolling stones falling from above. At the same time, they continued to step on the healing skills such as the light messenger, which greatly improved everyone's Reply, and when Gu Ruyi, Shen Mingxuan and others in the back row began to output, the city gate will drop faster!

Just 39 seconds!


With Lin Xi's sword, the city gate fell directly toward the inside!

"Into the city!"

No one thought that under Yilu's fierce attack, this county city would be destroyed without even holding on to it for a minute!

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