Zhan Yue

Chapter 844: Wind Kirin Corps

"Jie Jie!"

Accompanied by a loud hawk sound, under the shining sunset light, a war eagle knight descended from the sky. It was the scout sent by the Silver Frost Legion. The war eagle floated forward and the knight leaped from the eagle's back and clasped his fists. The commander, the subordinates have just spotted that Chen Bing of the Wind Qilin Corps of the Kingdom of Wind is in the plains about 30 miles away in the north. Where is our only way to attack the Kingdom of Wind? They have already set out to be with us. Prepared for a decisive battle on the plains and woodland terrain."


Wang Shuang frowned and said, "Are they going to fight with us?"

"Yes it is."

I looked at the sun and said, "It's not just a field battle, but a night battle."

On the side, Zhang Lingyue said solemnly: "The Wind Qilin Corps, known as the strongest trump card regiment in the Kingdom of Wind, has a total force of 300,000. Although it may be reduced after the turmoil of the Scarlet King Court, it is not much. I heard that the horses of the Fengqilin Corps are all the legendary unicorn horses. It is a kind of horse with a small amount of wind and unicorn bloodlines. The night vision is extremely strong, and it is extremely strong and has strong endurance. The best in riding."

Tianqi Camp commander Qin Zhan frowned and said, "Huh, is the Wind Qilin Corps intending to defeat our Silver Frost Legion in the decisive battle in the plains?"

"They want to be beautiful!"

Wang Shuang gritted his teeth and said: "What is the Wind Kirin Corps in a small area? As long as our Silver Frost Legion fights to the death, I don't believe that our Silver Frost Legion will fight undefeated Wind Kirin Corps!"

"Maybe it can be defeated, but the loss will definitely not be small."

I frowned and said, "Besides, the Wind Qilin Corps is waiting for us. It must be quite confident, and there may be reinforcements, so I don't think the Silver Frost Corps has to face them head-on."

Wang Shuang was taken aback: "Then...what shall we do?"

I stretched out my hand and pointed behind me, and said: "The advantage of the wind unicorn is local combat, and we understand the supply and terrain better than us, and our advantage is the army of adventurers. It is better to let my army of 20,000 adventurers go first. Our positional warfare strength is strong enough to fight the Wind Kirin Corps. When the Adventurer Corps bites the main force of the Wind Kirin Corps, the Silver Frost Corps soldiers will encircle and suppress the Wind Kirin Corps in three ways. Perhaps they can defeat the Wind Kirin Corps in one go."

Zhang Lingyue's eyes lit up: "My lord, how do you divide your troops?"

I looked into the distance and said: "The Iron Infantry Camp and the Shen Gong Camp were merged together, and then they were divided into two. One part attacked from the left wing and the other attacked from the right wing. The 100,000 cavalrymen of Tianqi camp circled towards the distance and directly Attacking the rear of the Fengqilin Corps, we work together in four directions, and we are not afraid that the Fengqilin Corps will be undefeated!"


Wang Shuang laughed: "Today, we will fight a tough battle with the Fengqilin Corps!"


A deer position.

After understanding my thoughts, Lin Xi said, "It means, let us play the main force this time, right?"


I smiled and said: "The 300,000 wind unicorns are elite, if they are refreshed to us, it is estimated that there will be as many as millions. Everyone can have a lot of experience. Isn't that good?

"To be honest, I have been waiting for too long at this moment."

Clear the light and stroke the hilt of the sword lightly, saying: "If there is no more large-scale battle, my sword will be rusty, hahahaha~~~"

"Don't worry, your sword will be cut to the point of collapse in a while."

"Hahaha, it's best!"


In the night, Yilu kept a perfect lineup and kept advancing. Before long, the night fell completely, and there was only a bright starlight between the sky and the earth. A torch was lit on the edge of the woodland in the distance in front of us, and dense formations were formed. In the whole film, those soldiers and horses of the Fengqilin Corps have even heard the neighing of the horses from a distance.

I took the double dagger and walked in the forefront, saying: "Keep the lineup not to loosen up, they will soon launch an offense in a while."


In the front row, the reloaded players looked solemn, carrying their weapons, and did not rush forward. They marched slowly with the team's array until they were less than two hundred meters away from the Fengqilin Corps, and they could even see clearly. The other person's face is gone.

Amid the sound of horseshoes, a Fengqilin Herald with a flag behind him galloped up, frowning, looking at our group of players, frowning and saying: "I thought it was the main force of the Silver Frost Legion. I didn't expect it to be a group of players. I don’t know the so-called adventurers, what are you doing on this battlefield, are you looking for death?"

"What do you mean, look down on people?"

Haotian raised his eyebrows: "We didn't come here to find death, but to talk to the mother under your command!"


There was a fierce light in the eyes of the messenger: "What are you guys, dare you to speak up here?"

I took a step forward slowly and said, "You are not qualified to talk to me at your level. Hurry back and let your commander order the attack, otherwise, we will kill it!"

"Are you the July Flowing Fire?"

The messenger sneered: "Since the deputy commander of the Silver Frost Legion is already here, it seems that this is a mercenary of the Silver Frost Legion, or, when Wang Shuang appears, let him cry for you first! "

"Really a strong-mouthed king."

Lin Xi frowned: "I didn't expect NPC to be so boring."

"It's not boring, it's not boring, it will be lively after a while."

I laughed: "Wait, it's going to start!"



In the distance, the sound of horses' hoofs roared, and a large number of cavalry soldiers from the Wind Qilin Corps began to refresh in the woodland ahead, and they galloped in endlessly, forming one piece.

"The battle is on!"

I spun with my two blades, and immediately collided with the opposing heavy cavalry, and there was a violent crash behind me. The wind unicorn heavy cavalry had already exchanged fire with Yilu’s frontline reloading players, but after the real collision , It was discovered that Yilu was indeed stronger. Facing the ace cavalry of the Kingdom of Wind, our line of defense was unmoving. The close combat in the front row and the remote control, output and treatment in the back row were coordinated in an orderly manner. , The team state is surprisingly good.


Lin Xi was on top of the white deer, gently pinching the sword art with his left hand, and suddenly the purple thunder surged all over his body. In the next moment, countless purple flying swords sprang up around him. The "puffy" killing was in the large group of cavalry in front of him. Inflicted massive damage, the health bars of that group of cavalrymen dropped like a pump, and their skills were not ordinary gorgeous!


Haotian looked envious: "Boss Lin Xi, this is...Fifth Rank skill?"

"Yes it is."

Lin Xi said: "Five rank swordsman general skills, purple thunder explosive flame sword."

"Too ruthless..."

Qing Deng said angrily: "This damage is worse than the large AOE of the mage. It is a pure spike skill!"

"It's not that the skill is strong, but Lin Xi's offensive power is too strong." I glanced at him and said: "Clear the lantern, if you use this skill, I'm sure it won't have such a terrifying killing effect."

"Life has been so difficult, why do you have to break it?" Qing Deng plucked his nose, with a look of irritation.

I laughed: "Keep fighting, we must stay steady!"


In the distance, the forces of the Fengqilin Corps began to press on all the way, not only the heavy cavalry, but also the heavy infantry and archers. Suddenly, the soldiers and horses of the Fengqilin Corps were suppressed in front of the deer position, even in the air. A group of figures appeared. It was their warhawk knights who launched an archery attack on us in the air, but their attack power was weak. Basically, the team therapy could completely ignore it.

In the front row, the pressure began to increase sharply. The bloodline of many reloaded players has even fallen below 50%. There are even dozens of reloaded players who have been caught off guard by spikes. The strength of the Fengqilin Corps is indeed very strong. Can make Yilu feel such a strong sense of pressure, but it is obvious that Yilu still earns, because we have eliminated more enemy troops, and the experience and merit points of these NPCs are far better than ordinary monsters, especially among them. Some of the heroic warriors and soldiers, the kind with stars, the experience bar soared by 5% after killing one is not a dream, it depends on whether you have such good luck.

"Offensive! Offensive! Offensive again!"

In the back row of the Fengqilin position, a general wearing golden armor holding a halberd, roared: "Let these unexplained adventurers feel the threat of death, send them all into the soil!"

Time is almost up.

I was slashing in the crowd while looking around. Sure enough, under the starlight, a shadowy figure appeared in the distant fertile field. It was the silhouette of the Silver Frost Legion marching rapidly. In less than five minutes, the two wings of the wind Qilin The fire broke out, and the attack of the Silver Frost Legion had begun, and the shouting and killing sounded loudly.


A warhawk knight descended from the sky ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and shouted to the golden armor general: "Master, the forces of the Silver Frost Legion suddenly appeared on our left and right flank, launching a fierce attack!"

"What are you so worried about? The second legion and the third legion were passed on separately. The Silver Frost Legion used terrain and tricks to defeat the Flamingo and the Fire Kirin. Does it really think that hard power can defeat our Wind Kirin? It's a foolish dream!"



The melee has completely begun. In fact, the Silver Frost Legion does not need me to command. Wang Shuang and Zhang Lingyue are good players in commanding the battle on the spot, and Qin Zhan is the cavalry charge, and the highest commander of my legion The responsibility is to formulate a strategy before the war begins. Once the strategy is established, they can execute it. As for myself, I just stay in the deer position to gain experience. The rest is nothing to do with me.

About ten minutes later, the horn of the Tianqi Camp's offensive sounded from afar, the Tianqi Camp of the Silver Frost Legion, and one hundred thousand cavalry launched an attack. The earth was trembling, and the participation of the Tianqi Camp became a straw on the battle balance. , Completely let the victory lean towards the side of the human race.

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