Zhan Yue

Chapter 845: Frost Flag

Two hours later, the melee began to end. The impact and defense that the Fengqilin Corps can launch is relatively rare, while Yilu is full of food. Almost everyone has gained a lot of experience and merit within two hours. Value, as for the Silver Frost Legion, the Iron Step Battalion in the front row, the Divine Bow Battalion in the back row, and the Tianqi Camp in the back row roundabout attacks, many NPC soldiers have been upgraded or upgraded. After a big battle, the whole Although the Silver Frost Legion also suffered losses, its overall strength had increased by at least one level.

An army of hundreds of battles, more and more courageous, this is well proved in the game, even if there is a loss, but the surviving NPC soldiers are getting higher and higher levels, stronger and stronger, with an enemy Shidu is no longer a problem, and if such an army of hundreds of battles goes to war again, I am afraid that it will really end up in all battles.


"They lost!"

Soon after, Wang Shuang carried a blood-stained spear and rode in front of the crowd. Looking into the distance, the plain before dawn was still dark, but a group of soldiers of the Fengqilin Corps could be vaguely seen. In the scene of defeat, the Qilin Corps of this battle wind killed at least 70% of its troops in this area, and there was not much left to go back.

Zhang Ling raised his bow, stretched his brows, and smiled: "After this battle, the myth of the Wind Qilin Corps no longer exists. It can also be said that the Kingdom of Wind has lost the front of the Silver Frost Legion in the first battle. The strength to contend."


The veteran Chai Lu carried the blood-stained war blade, and smiled: "The biggest crisis I'm waiting for in the territory of the Kingdom of Wind has been resolved."

Wang Shuang turned to look at me and said, "Military teacher, what's next for us?"

I was stunned, and said: "Wait for the heavy troops and directly besiege the City of Wind, the capital of the Kingdom of Wind. There is no other choice."



At that time, it was already more than 11 o'clock in the middle of the night in reality. Everyone played for a whole day, and many people were tired.

"The battle in the Kingdom of Wind will not be too fierce."

I said in the guild channel: "Tomorrow, those who have to go to class, work, and other things can go offline. The Night Fighter will stay, and join the Silver Frost Legion to attack the City of Wind, and strive to take this city overnight."


Everyone nodded, and Shen Mingxuan on the side said: "Lin Xiaoxi said just now that I want to eat roast duck, so I ordered a roast duck takeaway. It will be here soon. Let's take a rest. The NPC army’s siege equipment needs I estimate that it will take at least an hour or more."


Soon after, everyone went off the assembly line to rest, and the people at Yilu Studio couldn’t stand it anymore. Under Lin Xi’s order, everyone went on and off the assembly line in the plain. When the helmet was taken off, Shen Mingxuan’s cell phone rang. Now, the roast duck is here for takeout. As for taking takeout in the middle of the night, it naturally falls on me.

Five minutes later, on the second floor of the studio, the packaging boxes were opened, and boxes of roast duck and condiments were still kept in front of them, which still kept the residual temperature, crunchy and fragrant. Everyone started to wrap the noodles. Maybe they were really hungry. In the middle of the night, it’s totally unbearable to encounter this kind of northern delicacy. Southerners are not used to eating Beijing roast duck at first, especially the smell of scallion dipping sauce, which is completely a forbidden area, but After trying it, I found that the aroma of roast duck perfectly harmonized with the aroma of green onion and sauce, and the mellow skin on the top. This bite is happy and like a fairy.

"Will it be online later?"

Lin Xi asked.

"Actually, it can be unnecessary."

I thought for a while and said, "Next, I will hand it over to Qingdeng and the Night Battle. The Kingdom of Wind has lost its strongest Wind Qilin Corps. No matter how strong the army is in the City of Guarding the Wind, it can’t be stronger. Moreover, you have seen the silver frost army’s siege methods. The first round of saturated artillery made the defenders on the city lose their resistance, and then the ladders and carts attacked, and often the opponent’s defense forces can be paralyzed in just one round. It’s okay if we don’t go. It’s better to sleep well and wait until tomorrow to see the end of the event."

"Yes it is."

Shen Mingxuan said: "I took a look before going offline. The big map of the Scarlet King Court has been annexed by our Xuanyuan Empire. One day and night, there are less than 10 countries left in 29 countries, and the conquest rate of the territory has reached 77. %, after the Kingdom of Wind is taken down, I feel that I can indeed receive the task reward by getting up early tomorrow morning."


Lin Xi smiled and nodded: "Since everyone doesn't want to make progress and don't want to get more mission rewards, then go to sleep. I am also sleepy. I have been running around with the NPC army all day, and this version of the activities is too tired. ."


I just stuffed a dough filled with roast duck into my mouth and said, "I'm sleepy when I eat and drink enough to sleep."


As a result, everyone didn't want to fight, and went back to the room to wash up and sleep.

After lying in bed, I was originally thinking about the tracking of the executor and the extraordinary plan, but after understanding that there was no progress for the time being, I didn’t bother to think about it anymore. Perhaps it was a whole day of war in the game. I felt a little drowsy, and fell into a drowsy sleep after touching the pillow.

When I woke up, I felt refreshed, I only felt that my whole body was full of abundant power, the kind of power that could kill ten Zhou Datong with one punch.

Get up to wash, it's raining outside.

After going upstairs, I saw Lin Xi wearing a little white skirt with a curvy figure wrapped in a long skirt. She was really charming. She picked up a small umbrella and said with a smile: "Let's go, Ming Xuan and Ruyi are here. Wash our faces, shall we two go buy breakfast?"


When I was about to pick up another umbrella, Lin Xi gave me a sideways glance: "Why, can't I get you under my umbrella?"

I immediately understood, and chuckled softly: "Understood, my wife!"


She grabbed my hand and walked into the elevator. After going downstairs, she handed the umbrella to my hand, and I naturally moved the umbrella holding hand toward her chest a little, Lin Xi held my right with both hands. Arm, with a sweet smile at the corner of his mouth, said: "What do you want to eat?"

"I want to eat some meat buns today."

"Well, good~~~"

Walking on the street like this, while holding an umbrella, I adjusted my pace to keep up with Lin Xi’s rhythm, and felt the soft and elastic touch constantly coming from my elbows. I couldn’t help but think about it. Do you feel like a girlfriend? This is too happy, no wonder ALFY is so happy about this...


Lin Xi suddenly raised her head and glanced at me, then smiled and asked, "Laughing so annoying...what are you thinking about?"

I always blushed: "Lin Xiaoxi, your chest... is so big..."


She flushed her pretty face, wishing to find a seam to get in, staring at me with a pair of beautiful eyes, and said: "You said that, it makes me embarrassed, what should I say..."

"Praise you, just say thank you."

"Oh, thank you, Straight Steel Man!"

"You're welcome, Sister Lin Xi."


The red glow on her beautiful face has not faded, and she is too lazy to entangle with me. She continued to hold my arm and walked forward, saying: "Lu Li, when facing the executor and the guide, are you really afraid? ?"


I was taken aback, and then smiled: "To be honest, with my current ability, I am really not afraid when facing the executor, but when facing the leader, I am really afraid. I am afraid that I will never have time to be with you anymore. Up."


Lin Xi's eyes reddened, and the arm that was holding me tightened, and said, "Then don't you rush forward in everything, okay? You are the only one who has the ability, aren't the others in KDA also very good?"

"Lin Xi..."

I turned around, looked at her seriously, and said: "The rest of the KDA are indeed very good, but they are far from me. I don't want to watch them die, so when I need it, I will definitely rush. On the first one, do you know what I mean by these words?"

Lin Xi looked at me with a pair of beautiful eyes, and the next moment he took a strong bite on the back of my umbrella hand. The pair of beautiful eyes turned red and said, "I knew I couldn't speak of you!"

"You bit someone, my wife is a dog?" I asked.

She rubbed the back of my hand with clear imprints, and asked, "Does it hurt?"

"a little bit."

I curled my lips. In fact, if I used the "qi" in my body to resist, Lin Xi wouldn't even be able to bite her skin at all, let alone leave a mark.

"Let's go, buy breakfast."



Soon after, I went back to the studio to have breakfast with everyone and went online.


My character still appeared on the battlefield yesterday, and when I opened the big map, I found a big sword collision sign in the area of ​​the Wind City ahead, indicating that a battle is taking place there, so I waited until Lin Xi and Shen Mingxuan After Gu Ruyi went online, he immediately summoned Qianli Mingyueju, took Ruyi, and Lin Xi, who had brought Shen Mingxuan, galloped towards the City of Wind.

At the end of the plain woodland, a majestic city stands tall. There are craters and broken swords and halberds everywhere outside the city, and there is also a battle flag of the Kingdom of Wind. Obviously, it has experienced a whole night of fighting, and it is in the Wind. On the wall of the city, a "Shuang" flag and a "King" flag of the Silver Frost Legion are hanging on the wall~www.wuxiaspot.com~ My lord, you are here! "

Zhang Ling Yuece immediately went forward and smiled: "An hour ago, we had already captured the City of Wind. The Lord of the City of Wind did not resist and was willing to surrender and withdraw from the capital of the City of Wind by himself."


I nodded, but felt that something was wrong again, looked up again, and said in surprise: "Zhang Lingyue, I have a problem."

"My lord, please!"

I stretched out my hand and pointed to the fluttering flag on the city wall, and said, "Since the Kingdom of Wind has returned, why is there only the Frost Flag of our Silver Frost Legion hanging on the city? It stands to reason that more empire flags should be hung. Ah, after we captured the capital of the wild country before, isn't it like this? Is there any reason for this? Don't tell me that the imperial battle flag is used up."

"Not really."

Zhang Lingyue looked solemn and said, "This matter is also bothering his subordinates."

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