Zhan Yue

Chapter 873: Molin Knight

Three o'clock in the afternoon.

The pioneering knights and the monsters of the pioneering ghosts attacked the city for three hours, and they also gave us three hours of experience and merit points. Many people have already made full profits. After all, in the version activities The monster's reward amount has been increased by more than 50% by default, or even doubled, so although everyone has been refreshed for three hours, they are a little tired, but they are all red.

Ahead, the spawning speed of the monster group in the open forest sea has obviously begun to decline, and the pioneer knights and pioneer ghost soldiers who have rushed out of the jungle have also begun to become sparse.

"In three hours, I earned a total of 1100W merit points.

Slaughter Fanchen stood in the front of the queue, his double blades were covered with blue blood, and he smiled: "I may not be able to do so many feats in a day."


Clear the lamp and nod: "I also cut the merit value of 1000W+, cool!"

Calorie is holding the sword: "I'm slightly less, 900W+, hey... There is no prehistoric weapon, it feels a little bit missing, look at the boss of Lin Xi, she has the sword of the mountain and sea level archangel in her hand, and she feels that she is at least three hours Cut 1500W merit value."

"Say less."

Lin Xi looked back and smiled: "1900W is too much."

Slaughter Fanchen was taken aback: "I'm going, isn't there more Lu Li?"

I took a look: "2500W+, what's the matter?"

Everyone rolled their eyes together.

Yueliu Ying smiled and said: "There is no need to compare with Xiaoqi brother, his attack attribute is really abnormal, and Dawn Blade defaults to double the attack on the alien army, how do we compare? I think you reload players If you want to catch up, catch up with Lin Xi. Although she has an archangel with a lot of increase in attack power, it's true, but more importantly, she has a lot of AOE skills. Do you have the fifth rank 160 skill, Purple Thunder Flame Sword?"


Haotian sighed: "I don't know why, so far there is no map to refresh the rank 5 skill book on the big map. It seems that in addition to Lin Xi's purple thunder explosion sword, the other major professions have 5 rank skills. There are no heads, so that there are already a lot of Rank 5 players at level 160, but no one has learned the skills."

"It is estimated that we have to wait for the opportunity."

Qing Deng held the Yunlong Halberd, and said: "It should be accompanied by the new map after the version change, and the brand-new monsters may explode the 5th rank skill. However, I hope this moment comes as soon as possible."

Gu Ruyi was taken aback: "Why?"

Shen Mingxuan chuckled: "Because the idiot Qing Deng holds the Yunlong Halberd in his hand. The Purple Thunder Flame Sword requires a sword weapon to be activated, hahahaha~~~"

Clear the black line at the end of the lamp: "Why expose it..."


At this moment, in the depths of the distant forest, the dull sound of "dongdongdong" came again, and then a low and hoarse voice came from the distant sky: "The Immortal Legion, attack, It’s time for the southern humans to see your edge."

Here comes the immortal legion!

My heart shuddered. This is the second-ranked legion in the Northern Alien Territory, which actually made me look forward to it a little.

Just in the north, the sound of hoofs came from far away, and then the whole earth was trembling. Amidst the gloomy light, a group of undead heavy cavalry all covered in pure black rushed from the open forest sea, in my ten directions. What Huolun can see right now is a group of war beasts covered in black scales. They look like unicorns, but they have an aura of demons and evil all over their bodies, and the beasts are riding on their backs. The knight, holding the scarlet sword in his hand, has a cold and murderous look in his eyes!

Just as these cavalry were running, wisps of death appeared above them, and the momentum was compelling, giving people a sense of pressure that was almost out of breath.

"Fuck... it doesn't look good!" Qing Deng frowned.

Lin Xi glanced at me: "Lu Li, read the attributes earlier."


I immediately instigated Wu Hazhen to go head-on. When approaching the opponent's cavalry about 150 yards, I immediately turned around and left. The Shifang Hot Wheel Eyes had already captured the opponent's attributes and made it into a picture book to share with Yilu. In the guild’s public channel——

[Mo Lin Knight] (Mountain and Sea Monster)

Level: 172

Attack: 50000-70500

Defense: 70000

Qi and blood: 50000000

Skills: [Nightmare Combo] [Sword Qi Aspect] [Chaotic Demon Scales]

Introduction: Molin knights, most of these people are the once excellent earth knights and sky knights of the human race, and strong men who cultivated fighting spirit. After their deaths, their corpses were taken in by Stuurem, and they were resurrected as new deaths. The knights, and their mounts were transformed, tainting the death bloodline of the ink unicorn, and finally grew dark scales. The bloodline was fused by the ink unicorn bloodline, and became the existence of unscrupulous unicorns, but this is what makes these ink unicorn knights. Become fierce and domineering, almost swept across the north without rivals, and became a trump card in the hands of Sturem the Immortal


Mountain and sea level!

Who would have thought that the first wave of troops dispatched by the Immortal Legion would actually be of the mountain and sea level!

"The position may not be held."

I looked back at Lin Xi.

Lin Xi also glanced at me with a frowning eyebrow, "Quickly come back and guard first. If we really can't keep it, let's withdraw to Yanmen Pass."


I pulled the reins and returned to the position with the Wuqizhi. Then I pointed my dagger forward and shouted in a low voice: "It's a mountain-sea-level monster. Take up all your abilities and keep it for as long as you can! Don't underestimate the enemy, you must underestimate the enemy. hang!"

Everyone was shocked, and their shields were lifted up one after another, and their bodies sank, as if they were approaching an enemy.


The fierce and heavy sound of horseshoes, as if hitting the heart of each of us, just far away, Mo Lin knights crushed in black, the first to bear the brunt was the Flame God Legion, the Knights Templar, and the Mo Lin knights. Next, the two legions were like corrupt lotus leaves in the water, shattered by the constant impact of the torrent, and felt that they would be unstoppable in the first place.

In the **** sword light, Mo Lin Knight didn't say a word. He just waved his sword to launch a fierce attack. The Nightmare Combo is an enhanced version of the normal combo. It hurts six times in a row, and the damage of each attack almost exceeds 100,000. In an instant, the heavy infantry in the front row of the Flame God Legion turned into remnant blood, but they had no chance to breathe. The next second, Mo Lin knight was surging with invisible sword intent, and pointed his sword straight at the sky, "Quiet. The golden sword qi of "chichichichi" descended from the sky, crackling like raindrops in the battlefield. Suddenly, the heavy infantry of the first echelon of the Flame God Legion was almost directly "cleared", and they couldn't resist it at all!

"I go……"

Qing Deng looked at the tragic scene in the distance, and said: "The NPC army is going to be defeated."

"Yes it is."

I nodded: "I'm coming at us right away, ready to defend against the enemy!"

Everyone sank one after another. Right in front, the densely packed Mo Lin knights rushed straight into our deer position from the huge open space between the Flame God Legion and the Templar Knights!

I stood up for the first time, riding Wu Hachi, standing about 10 yards in front of the position, using my body to attract damage, mountain and sea level monsters, everyone is afraid, but I have nothing to fear, after all, it’s just a normal level monster. No matter what, the two blades flicked, and a triple stabbing of the three disasters of karmic fire broke out. The three daggers crisscrossed the monster group, causing the blood bars of a group of Mo Lin knights to brush straight away.

In the next second, with the impact, three consecutive Molin knights all "pumpply" hit Wu Hachi's body. Fortunately, my comprehensive attributes were strong enough, so I held on without moving. The next moment, Mo Lin Knight’s strange wave directly impacted on a deer position behind him, and the violent clashes continued. The heavy cavalry players faced off against Mo Lin Knight’s big killer, each with their own damage, but the line of defense of the Deer position was instantly destroyed. The impact moved back nearly three yards, a bit tragic!

"Be careful, the nightmare is coming!"

Lin Xi carried the sword of the archangel and charged and stunned a Mo Lin knight. He slammed to the next one without stopping. With the sword in his hand raised, the purple thunder explosion sword shrouded the monsters and exploded, and then his body sank and lifted up. A storm of swords, one person attracted at least dozens of Mo Lin knights to attack, buying time for everyone.

I suddenly raised my hand, and fished in troubled waters to control the front line of assassins such as Slaughter Fanchen, Yueliuying, Jiuge, etc., to prevent them from being strangled by the Mo Lin knights. Although these assassins are confidently on the front line, they are actually too Easy to be killed by a spike, several Mo Lin knights launched a nightmare combo + sword energy, this offensive is not ordinary fierce!

Sequentially, I will unleash rumors, rumors, grass and trees, and dragons on my continuous defense line, either to increase damage and attract hatred for everyone, or to provide injury-bearing units and share the damage. Anyway, my deputy leader will do everything that I can do. It can be regarded as a whole-hearted activity for the guild, instigating Wu Hazhen, rushing back and forth on the front line, and doing everything he can to save Yilu's position~www.wuxiaspot.com~ However, the Molin Knight is indeed too strong, a nightmare. The combo broke out, directly turning many reloaded players with weaker combat power into remnants of blood, and the sword strangulation that followed the air whizzing down was completely deadly, so that many reloading players directly attacked it in the first place. He was killed by the bombardment by the golden sword qi, and he didn't even have a chance to be treated.

"Fuck, what a terrifying offensive power!"

Everyone wailed for a while. In fact, when looking at the attributes, everyone should have been enlightened. The stone swords that Lin Xi and I encountered before were also mountain-sea-level monsters, but their attack power was only 6W. The Molin knight in front of us was good, and we broke through directly. At the upper limit of 7W+ attack power, this is already the level of a prehistoric boss. A group of prehistoric bosses use sword energy, who can stand it?

"Strengthen the injury reduction, the treatment keeps up!"

Qingdeng waved the Yunlong Halberd to kill the monsters, and shouted commands: "Don't panic, think about it, this is a mountain-sea-level monster, it may explode golden equipment, don't you want to be shining with gold tonight?"

The crowd roared in low voices: "Of course I do!"

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