Zhan Yue

Chapter 874: One breath of life

After a while.

The chaos in the early stage of Yilu gradually stabilized, and the healing and damage reduction skills have finally connected to the rhythm, but even so, an accidental still will still have casualties, especially the reloading players in the front row, there are people in almost every second Being severely wounded or even killed in battle, the golden sword auras falling densely in the air seemed to be killing their lives. These Mo Lin knights were indeed too fierce!


Under the staggered cutting of the two daggers, the head of a Mo Lin knight flew up in the air, and the final blow actually completed the killing effect. This was the first Mo Lin knight killed in our deer formation. There was a small pile of gold coins, just looking at the output of gold coins, and the merit points and experience points were very rich. As a killer, I accounted for the majority of them, and the rest of the team were divided a lot.

"Tsk tsk..."

A Fei raised his staff to attack, and said in admiration: "It's a mountain and sea level monster. If I can mix like this all the time, I can mix around level 3-4 today."

Shen Mingxuan kept shooting with the bow, and his beautiful eyes shook his head: "Following the experience of A Lihun? Shameless, look at how miserable A Li is, being rubbed by a group of Mo Lin knights..."

In the battlefield, Mo Lin Knight’s nightmare combos and basic attacks never stopped, and a new Mo Lin Knight launched a charge in the distance, so the "Ding Hai Shen Needle" on my front line was indeed swayed back and forth. This is also true. There is no other way, but as long as Lin Xi, Qing Deng, Calorie and I can support it, a deer position will be able to hold it.


About ten minutes later.

Ahead, the seven to eighty thousand Flame God Legion’s troops are about to be cut and killed. I rarely see the defeat of the Flame God Legion. Most of them have already died in battle on the battlefield. The Mo Lin knights are not only in numbers. The reason is the same. Although the Flame God Legion is strong, it neglects practice in combat methods and training. Aside from equipment and equipment, in fact, the reason is the same. The fighting quality of the Flame God Legion is not as good as that of the Liuhuo Legion. Especially when they are fighting against the Alien Demon Legion, they lack experience and panic. This is the point that the Firefight Legion is much stronger. After all, it is an army that originally belonged to the Far Eastern Province. The Pioneer Legion and the Flame Legion have never dealt with each other less.

"No way..."

A ten thousand captain only had one arm left. He was stunned by the sword of the Mo Lin knight and flew away. The blood and tears in his eyes were intertwined, and he roared unwillingly, "My brothers are all finished. Do we continue to work hard, sir?! The number of people we brought out is less than 10,000 left..."

Among the crowd, Lin Xiuwen, the deputy commander who constantly splits the Mo Lin Knight into two with a sword in his hand, has an angry look on his face, but he is unwilling to face the reality even though he is unwilling to look at the gradually submerged position in front. Gritting his teeth, he said: "We can only retreat. Send the order, the troops outside the pass of the Flame God Legion, slowly retreat into the pass!"

In the distance, the Knights Templar suffered heavy losses. The 70,000 or 80,000 heavy cavalry who went out to meet at this moment only had less than 30,000. Countless masterless mounts ran back and forth on the battlefield, full of sadness.

"Knights Templar, retreat!"

Finally, less than four hours after the battle with the Pioneer Legion and the Indestructible Legion, the Flame God Legion, Templar Knights, and Council Army, the most elite of the human race, all withdrew to Yanmen Pass. Only a large number of players remained outside the pass to defend their positions. .


"The NPCs are gone, what are we waiting for!?"

In the distance, the leader of Yunhaixuan Xianyi angrily raised his sword and shouted in a low voice: "Yaozi, you are responsible for leading the queen, and the rest will follow me back to the gate immediately. If we don't leave, we may not be able to get in!"

As he said, his pupils enlarged violently, his eyes patrolling the battle formation: "Huh, where's the waist?"

Among the crowd, a young marksman frowned and said: "Report to the leader, the deputy leader of the Northwest waist king has already withdrawn his own people into the barrier ten minutes ago."


In the other direction, Lu Tiehan, who had been missing for a long time, carried a broken sword, and led Wang Yaozu and others to ride a horse, and shouted: "Mo Lin Knight is too fierce, I suspect that I can't beat it in singles. Long Yinshan Everyone retreats, and can run as fast as they can. If you run slow and get killed, you can blame yourself for not exercising~~~

Pan Tuo back directly activated the swift movement skill and ran like electricity.

"Turtle son, run faster than Lao Tzu!"

Farther away, Dawn’s original rock-like position was constantly being smashed by Mo Lin Knight’s impact. In a blink of an eye, it had fallen apart, as if it had been gnawed by a hyena, Dawn Jin’s face became more and more ugly. With the sword in his hand hanging down, he sighed: "It can't be stopped, and many T1 guilds can't stop it. Let's withdraw. There is no need to do fearless struggle outside the city."


Po Xiaochen nodded: "Retreat!"

One after another, the guilds below T1 retreated one by one on the ground outside the city, and the remaining T1 guilds seemed to be angry with each other. Although the overall defense line outside the city has been riddled with holes, everyone is busy extending and connecting each other. , But always reluctant to retreat with a sigh of relief, even if it suffers a huge loss, everyone is known as the T1 guild. At this time, the comparison is strength and toughness. Whoever retreats is embarrassed!

In addition, there is a "LIVE" mark in the upper right corner of the interface, followed by the avatar of the beautiful anchor "Feier". The total number of people watching the live broadcast has exceeded 2000W. At this time, many people are watching the performance of a group of T1 guilds in the national service. No one wants to retreat in time, after all, this is too shameful.


Night fell.

On the whole front, there are wisps of golden light falling in the air like rain, and when it falls into the crowd, it turns into a lethal golden sword energy. The positions stretched for several miles are everywhere. It's already a bit horrible.

"Aren't we withdrawing yet?"

In the Promise Guild’s position, Yanshi is invisible and only residual blood is left. He retreats to seek refuge with a dagger, while speaking to the Yanshi in the front row without attacking loudly: "If we don’t attack, if we don’t withdraw, I’m afraid the loss will increase further. , Is it possible that we Wuji want to learn from the silly group of the troubled times war alliance, wait for the front row to die before retreating?"

Yanshi did not attack and lifted his sword on the front line, with a low voice: "Support for a while, now the people from the guilds of Yunhaixuan and Breaking Dawn are retreating. There are people everywhere in the gates of Yanmen Pass, even if we did not. The door is walkable."


At this moment, the Dragon Knight Palace Guild not far away was even more chaotic. Their line of defense was cut into seven or eight pieces, and they were constantly penetrated by Mo Lin knights. Each Mo Lin knight brandished **** swords in the crowd of players. Zhong rushes to kill, where the sword light rises, there must be someone head landing, with a puff of blood, and constantly arousing the golden sword aura in the sky, these Mo Lin knights are like the incarnation of Changshan Zhao Zilong, who want to be in the Dragon Cavalry Hall. Seven in and seven out of the crowd.

"It must be withdrawn!"

On the front line, the Penghao people slashed back and forth with a sword. They were also covered with blood cuts by the ink unicorns. Their eyes were about to split. He said: "Boss, let's retreat, and we will continue to fight like this. The front row will soon be consumed. In order to fight for a T1 fame, there is no need at all!"

"To shut up!"

Zixiong frowned.

Not far away, under the protection of a group of Paladins to kill monsters, the poetry and wine years, with chills in his eyes, said: "Testi, what do you mean by these words? Who is fighting for the sign of T1? This is ours. Working for the dignity of the national uniform! Youdao is a person who lives in a breath, an event that was defeated by the alien demon army within four hours of resisting outside the customs. Does our national uniform lose such a person?"


Xia Chongyubing said: "Leader is also reasonable, Penghao, I know your starting point is also good intentions, everyone should say a few words, now it is important to defend the enemy, don't care about those."

The Penghao people snorted angrily, and slammed their sword to the other side, but the entire guild position of the Dragon Knight Palace was falling apart, and they could only rely on a group of super-powered players such as Zixiong, Penghaoren, ghost walkers, and doing whatever they wanted. Under pressure and lingering, this kind of loss is indeed too great. Nearly a hundred people fall down almost every second. It can't be supported for a few minutes at all. In fact, it is unnecessary.


In the end, the guild known as T1 in the national service, the first to retreat was myth.

Holding a sword in his hand, riding a war horse, and using a shield to block damage for everyone, he said in a deep voice: "There are more and more Mo Lin knights, and the outside of the city has become unsafe. The back row covers the front row and slowly retreats. To minimize the loss!"

The Dawn of Purgatory held the bow, and kept shooting and retreating the Mo Lin knight in the charge, frowning and said: "Everyone, follow up, don't fall behind, falling behind is committing suicide at this time, don't hesitate!"

The enchantment of the painting on paper is also holding the sword and responding to everyone's retreat.

No one thought that the myth known as the national service quasi T0 would actually take the lead in retreating.


Qingdeng snorted lazily ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and laughed: "The two guys, the Longevity Art and the Dawn of Purgatory, are really pragmatic. They retreated decisively after seeing the war damage began to expand. The ticket holder of Longqi Palace doesn't know how much stronger it is."

Haotian waved the Canglong Axe and asked, "Boss, when will we retreat?"

"Not urgent!"

I watched the situation on the two wings of the position were relatively stable, and said: "We Yilu can still afford the immediate price for the time being. Let's resist for a few more minutes. We will retreat when there is a gap in the gate. Before we retreat, everyone Shrink the formation, retreat slowly, and fight against the city gate, and just keep it free of worries."




With the retreat of the myth, the old T1 guilds such as Prague and Fengman also retreated one by one. Then, the Dragon Knight Palace no longer bite the bullet and retreated almost at a rate of defeat, followed by the Wuji and the troubled times war alliance. Before long, there were only two big guilds, Yilu and Fenglinhuo, standing beside Yanmen Pass outside the city.

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