Zhan Yue

Chapter 886: Final battle

In the early morning, the fog was so full that people could hardly see the scenery ten meters away.


"The fog is too much!"

In the distance, a messenger with a flag in hand galloped: "Your Majesty has a purpose, no legion is allowed to leave the position without authorization!"

On the side of the Flowing Fire Corps, Lin Xi led a deer to shrink the lineup, occupying only a position less than 500 meters in length, just arching beside the Flowing Fire Corps, watching the fog floating in the forest, she squinted. A pair of beautiful eyes, said: "The fog is too big, but if we don't do it, will the alien demon army also know how to do it? Will it, the alien demon army is waiting for this moment?"

"do not know."

I shook my head: "These are all things decided by the top, I don't know much about it."


At this moment, a peerless force suddenly surged from the direction of the wind coming to the city, and then a blazing radiance was exploded in the high altitude, which penetrated thousands of mists like a blazing sun. Suddenly, the sky appeared in general, and just behind the blazing brilliance, a magical appearance of a flame phoenix emerged.

That's right, it's Senior Sister's Fire Phoenix Art.

The fog in the woodland was almost instantly dissipated, turning into dew and falling on the grass. Senior Sister Yun’s current strength is simply unimaginable, and only a single Fire Phoenix Art has dispelled the fog surrounding Fenglaicheng for dozens of miles. And at the moment when the fog cleared, I saw the distant jungle swaying, and the sound of "Shushasha" continued to be heard. Then countless Molin knights, pioneer knights, and pioneer ghost soldiers had already rushed out of the jungle border and headed towards the human race. The army rushed over.

My heart was chilling. It turned out that the alien demon army had already taken action. They actually wanted to use the obstacles of the morning mist to launch an offensive against the human army. However, Senior Sister Yun’s action seemed to have caused the alien army’s raid plan to stop there. bankrupted.


In the air, wisps of blood-colored light spread, and in a blink of an eye, it condensed into the appearance of the immortal Sturem. His body is extremely large, holding the immortal blade and the hammer of death, his eyes are full of rebelliousness and ferociousness, huge. Faxiang just soared in the air to the north of the city, like an ancient demon **** about to destroy the city, quack laughed and said, "Xuanyuanying, since you are going to fight here, you want to turn this place into your resting place, my lord. Of course you have to complete you! The warriors of the Immortal Legion, attack me, completely shred them, and make people realize that they can only be controlled and only serve as food for our Holy Demon Legion!"

With the roar of horseshoes, countless Molin knights rushed out of the jungle, like a tide, this time the number was full of mountains and plains, and more, almost at least three times the force of the attacking Yanmen Pass. It was indeed a decisive battle!

"Peng Peng Peng—"

In the rear of the major legions, the sound of heavy artillery is constant, and the heavy equipment of the human race has always been the trump card, and the heavy artillery is the trump card of the trump card. Therefore, it can stand up against the repeated attacks of the alien army because of the countless heavy artillery on the wall, as well as the bed crossbows, arrow towers, etc., and it is precisely because of these creative weapons that people can follow the powerful demons. contend.

There was also the sound of heavy artillery from the rear of the Liuhuo Corps. Our army of only 50,000 people is so small that there is no arrangement of heavy artillery battalions. Fortunately, Xuanyuanying did take special care of us and directly transferred from the rest of the army. The two heavy artillery battalions were placed behind the Flowing Fire Corps, with heavy firepower, which made the Flowing Fire Corps bear less pressure.


Holding the Yunlong Halberd by the Qing Lan, he made a solemn voice and said, "Brothers, Knight Mo Lin is here again, ready to defend the enemy!"

Everyone put on a defensive posture one by one, ready to meet Mo Lin Knight's charge, the back row was already ready for remote control and firepower, so they once again shook with the Mo Lin Knight army.

On the defensive line of the Flowing Fire Legion, groups of Mo Lin knights charged, the iron cavalry "pengpengpeng" hit the heavy shield, and some directly hit the spear, directly pierced, facing the powerful Knight Mo Lin, the sergeants of the Iron Step Battalion did not let it go, they just withstood the shield so hard, blocking the first wave of impact abruptly.

"Be careful!"

Someone shouted: "Mo Lin Knight's swordsmanship is extremely high, everyone is on guard!"

Before the words fell, strands of sword light pierced the gap between the shields, and some directly penetrated into the chests of the soldiers of the Iron Steps. Some people were killed in the first time, but the positions of the Iron Steps were seamlessly connected to each other. If someone is killed, there will be a substitute. The entire first line of defense consists of three layers, which are intertwined with each other. This is the nameless formation that Chai Lu has figured out by himself, but it is also very useful. It is as difficult to break through the defense line of the iron step camp. !

"Shen Bow Camp, change the inscribed arrow, aim and shoot!"

Zhang Lingyue rode a war horse, raised his bow majesticly, "chi" a fiery red anger filled an inscribed arrow, and then the inscribed arrow shot out, like a meteor, the "pengpengpeng" went through three consecutively. The body of the Mo Lin knight brought out a series of damage numbers exceeding 1000W, and then exploded in the crowd, erupting a super destructive storm that was equivalent to the self-destruction of a flame thorn.


I was dumbfounded. Zhang Lingyue's cultivation base is really getting higher and higher. Each of his arrows has such power. He has indeed become the pillar of the Liuhuo Legion. As long as Zhang Lingyue is there, the entire Shenyong Camp will be It was as if it had been reorganized. In the entire arrow rain, each arrow seemed to be guided, each looking for its target, and puffed into each Molin knight without covering the armor. The neck, face, arms and other positions of his neck, immediately after the inscription pattern erupted, suddenly exploded to pieces and splashed with blood.

The wind is screaming!

Plants and trees are all soldiers!

Fish in troubled waters!

Standing at the forefront of the Flowing Fire Legion, I was secretly pleased while attacking. In fact, the combat power of the 50,000 Flowing Fire Legion was definitely one of the best in the Xuanyuan Empire. Even when I encountered such a terrifying mountain and sea level monster as the Mo Lin Knight, I was still only With its hard power, the wind and water rose. When other legions encountered the Mo Lin Knights and suffered heavy losses, the Flowing Fire Legion had already gained a little suppressive advantage!


The strange wave violently impacted. Among them, about 50% were Molin knights, and the remaining 50% were pioneer knights and pioneers. The appearance of two prehistoric monsters can be regarded as a slight relief from the pressure, and the people of Yilu no longer resemble. It had suffered heavy losses as before, and only 50% of the enemy groups that needed to be dealt with on the front line were Mo Lin Knights, which was much better.

Therefore, for Yilu, this is another godsend opportunity to make merits and experience.

Everyone waited for most of the night, and finally waited until this moment after six o'clock in the morning!

However, on the battlefield far away, the guilds of Fenglinhuo, Promise, Myth, and Fengmang may not have been so good. Even Fenglinhuo was a bit embarrassed. Feng Canghai led Fenglinhuo to assist the Knights Templar. The main battlefield position, but the Knights Templar suffered heavy losses under the impact of the Mo Lin knights, and Feng Lin Huo does not need to mention it.

As for other guilds, they are not easy, as long as there is a place where Mo Lin Knight refreshes, there will be players' ghosts and wolves howling.

decisive battle.

By nine o'clock in the morning, the major legions had suffered heavy losses, and the major guilds had also reduced their staff. The continuous impact of the Mo Lin knights was like flooding the dam, causing the positions of the major legions to continue to be squeezed and moved. Fortunately, the situation on Yilu's side was good. Until nine o'clock, Lin Xi and Ruyi and I were still dominating the list with obvious advantages.

1. July Flow Fire Rank 164 Assassin Points: 777297

2. Lin Xi level 163 swordsman points: 498732

3. Free level 162 mage points: 442488

4. Dawn of Purgatory Level 163 marksman points: 431122

5. Mingyue level 161 marksman points: 401828

6. Feng Canghai Rank 163 Swordsman Points: 398772

7. Mars River Level 161 Master Points: 397162

8. Yanshi has no intentions. Level 161 Master points: 372829

9. This fish is not a fish grade 162 Master's points: 366620

10. Clear Frost Level 161 Master Points: 361111


The dawn of purgatory is indeed very strong. After the decisive battle begins, he participates in the battlefield again, and the points start flying all the way. Depending on the situation, he will surpass Ruyi before the event ends, and may even surpass Lin Xi. As for surpassing, I basically have no chance to surpass me. In addition, Shen Mingxuan finally entered the top five in the rankings, which is worthy of the ardent expectations of Lin Xi and me. The painting charm on paper was squeezed out of the top ten because of professional relations. Our Master Qingshuang of Yilu was on the list. It's rare to be among the top ten in the overall rankings. In this way, five players in the top ten are already Yilu people, enough to make the rest of the guild ashamed.

In this battle of Northern Liang, if it can be held, Yilu is destined to be the biggest winner, but if it can’t be held, Beiliang is gone. Will this event continue to reward players? I'm afraid no one knows this anymore.


"Are you sleepy?"

On the channel of Yilu Studio, Lin Xi smiled and asked, "Are you tired?"

"It's almost dead."

Shen Mingxuan almost closed his eyes and shot an arrow, and said, "I don't know how long the event will end."

I said: "If you can't hold it, just go offline and sleep for a while. Your body is the capital of the battle. If you don't want this top five ranking, then go to sleep."

"Don't, what you want..."

Lin Xi smiled slightly: "No matter what, I have to squint for a while after lunch, and sleep for an hour is considered a rest."


I deeply agree: "I will sleep for a while after lunch~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I am in a good spirit now, and I will be responsible for the online night battle for a while."

"It's not a night battle, it's a day battle."



The wind came outside the city, and the fierce battle continued.

At this moment, the fronts of the Indestructible Legion and the Pioneer Legion have all opened up, like a big net that encircles the entire Fenglai City. The scene overlooking from the sky is very scary, Human Race, Dragon Realm , Woodland Elves, the armies of the three major races combined are at least several million, but even so, they are still surrounded!

Stuurem the Indestructible, this second-ranked king is indeed extraordinary, and his ambition is much greater than that of Valen the Pioneer.

In the game, it's night again.

At this moment, a lot of flames appeared in the distant shadows, and a group of players suddenly felt chills: "No, that stuff is coming again?"

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