Zhan Yue

Chapter 887: Dignity

In the distance, “wheels of flames” appeared in the forest, and caused clusters of wildfires in the forest to burn. In a blink of an eye, a whole flame thorn demon appeared in everyone’s field of vision, facing the defensive square of the human race. Rolling over, there is a feeling of black clouds pressing down on the city, but this time, the human race can no longer give up. Abandoning the Yanmen Pass can continue to fight in depth, but if you abandon the Fenglaicheng, it is equivalent to further the war on the human territory The hinterland cited.

"It's the flame thorn again!"

On the right front, Lin Xiuwen, the deputy commander of the Flame God Legion, was holding a war blade, his eyes full of anger and helplessness, and said: "The self-detonation power of the Flame Sting Demon is extremely powerful. We must not let them approach the position, sir, we should arrange the dead as soon as possible. The battalion is ready to make an assault, and block the flame stingers out of the position."


Amidst the crowd, Shanhai Gong Nangong slowly nodded and said, "Vice Commander Lin has fought with the Flame Sting Demon. You understand the nature of this evil spirit, and you will be in charge!"

"Yes, my lord!"

As soon as Lin Xiuwen raised his hand, everyone in the dead camp that had been prepared immediately carried heavy shields and spears protruding from the array, and they also passed through the two-wing player guild formation, forming a sparse assault formation one by one in front of the position, but After all, this is just a stopgap measure. If the Death Camp exchanges with the Flame Sting Demon 1:1, who knows whether the Human Race has made a profit or a loss, what if there are hundreds of thousands of Flame Sting Demon in the family? Doesn't it mean that the entire Flame God Legion should be compensated.

Of course, Lin Xiuwen can be called a famous general, and there is no other way.


"Flame Sting Demon..."

The more Zhang Ling held the bow, he rode his horse and stood by my side, squinting at the flame wheels in the distance, and said: "These beasts...have taken our Yanmen Pass?"

"Yes it is."

I waved my hand gently: "Pass the order, the ballista tactics are ready to be implemented. In addition, order all the Tiebuying brothers on the front line to advance 20 meters forward, at least three meters apart from each other, and a little flame thorn demon breaks through. After our blockade, at the Iron Step Camp, use flesh and blood to block these flame stabbing demons!"

"Yes, my lord!"

In the distance, the flame wheel is rolling around the realm, which makes people feel like they are about to suffocate, especially a group of players from Yilu. Everyone has seen the power of flame stingers in Yanmenguan, Huoling County, and Hongyan County. The strongest part of alien creatures is their self-destruction. The AOE kill caused by self-detonation can make a group of players empty blood. It can be said that two flame stingers detonate together. Few people in the whole server can withstand this explosive force. What's terrible is that the player fights with the flame thorn demon, as long as the flame thorn demon explodes, the player can't get a little experience value or merit value. The flame thorn demon is shameless and deceitful, and it is simply the ancestor-level existence of white prostitution.

"Prepare to defend against the enemy!"

Zhang Lingyue raised his bow and shouted in a low voice: "Brothers in the front row, all kneel to defend and turn around!"

Suddenly, a group of heavy infantry knelt down on one knee, leaning their shields on their shoulders, and stabbing their spears forward, while the people from the second row of Shenyong camp also knelt on one knee, keeping their arrows on the string, their eyes dead. Staring straight ahead.

Zhang Lingyue furrowed his brows: "Prepare the ballista position, aim at the target directly in front of him, and absolutely not allow any fish to slip through the net. When the flame stinger enters a range of 60-100 meters, it will be launched immediately, and it will be quickly filled after launch. Prepare for the next projection!"

"Yes, my lord!"

For a time, the "squeaky" bowstrings of the crossbow stone cannons were tightened, and the huge rocks were on standby, as if the ancient battle bows were drawn into a full moon to ambush the tide of beasts. In the next moment, countless flame stabbing demons. Bypassing the positions of the Silver Screen Legion and the Flame God Legion, they rushed straight toward the position of the Flowing Fire Legion, densely packed, not so much!

"Launch free and fight!"

Zhang Ling held the bow, and rushed all the way to the front line. He also knelt on one knee. The bow in his hand was "buzzing" with wisps of fighting energy. He said in a deep voice: "Have a bow and arrow above the realm of heaven. Brother Hand, I'll concentrate on shooting those flame stingers that have exceeded the range of the ballista, don't let them get close to the position!"


The next moment, the flame thorn demon got closer and closer, and suddenly the full-stringed ballista "fluffy" fired one after another. Pieces of round giant rocks passed over our heads at extremely fast speeds, just like this with a long parabola. The posture of falling into the monster group of the flame thorn demon, in this second, my heartbeat almost stopped, looking at a large pile of rocks, my heart shouted again and again: "Blast! Blast! Blast! !"


The first blast came from about 80 meters away, and then, dense blasts continued to explode in front of the position of the Flowing Fire Corps. In an instant, one after another, the shock waves continued to hit the positions of the Yilu and the Flowing Fire Corps, and Ballistas were fired continuously. Blocks of huge rocks hit the rolling flame thorn demon, instantly causing the flame vortex in the thorn demon's abdomen to burn violently, and then triggered a self-detonation, just like countless heavy artillery bombarding the battlefield, but, So dense and shocking!

Zhang Lingyue's eyes were staring forward like eagle eyes, and his hands skillfully slid the bow and set the arrows. With a fire flew out, a "fish that slipped through the net" flame thorn demon exploded directly on the spot, but it took less than 0.5 seconds. , Zhang Lingyue had already fired a second cluster of arrows with a strong sinking force. One second later, the next fish that slipped through the net exploded. Along with Zhang Lingyue, there were about a dozen generals from the Shengong Camp shooting arrows one by one. Come to shoot the flame stingers that crossed the blockade of the ballista cannon, and the cooperation with each other has reached perfection.


In the front row, everyone in the iron step camp kneeling to defend, looked back, watching Zhang Lingyue and other archers with gratitude and excitement in their eyes. Obviously, the less Zhang Ling shoots an arrow at this time, there is an iron step battalion armor. The warrior is about to reincarnate as the "dead warrior". This is a real life-saving grace. Of course, in more battles, the Tiebuying people build positions with flesh and blood and guard the bow and arrow positions behind them, which is also a life-saving grace. .

In the direction of Yilu, a group of players also knelt down to defend. Even Lin Xi got off his horse, led Bailu, and with Bailu, kneeled gently in front of the position on one knee, evading the trajectory of the ballista. Over the heads of Yilu everyone, "swiftly" flew a series of dense ballistas, blasting the flame stingers to explode again and again.

At this moment, my heart was completely relieved.

The ballistas on our position are quite dense, and the technology of these ballistas is also very mature. The accuracy is not ordinary. Basically, they can hit the moving flame thorn. Just in front, the flame thorn is about to attack us. More than 99% were directly "dropped" by the crossbow cannon, and the rest were "re-fired" by a group of soldiers from the Shenbong camp headed by Zhang Lingyue, so that waves of heat hit the position, but There were no casualties at all from Yilu and Liuhuo Legion!


In the air.

The flying boats volleyed into the sky, and the sides of the flying boats were engraved with the emblem of the Imperial Inscription Academy. At this moment, there were about a hundred flying boats in the air, almost exhausting the wealth of the Xuanyuan Empire. Hundreds of heavy artillery volleyed into the air, blasting the Flame God Legion, the Templar Knights, the Silver Screen Legion, and the Yunxi Legion in front of them, but... still can't stop the attack of the Flame Stinger, because the density is too low. .

"For the human race! For the homeland!"

A group of dead soldiers of the Flame God Legion rushed forward with heavy shields and spears, followed by a sound of explosions, leaving dark pits on the ground, and flame thorns accompanied the young life, just like this time and time again. The disappearance in front of the eyes, basically the people who caused the self-detonation, all ended up with no bones, and at most, there was only a torn, molten shield left over.

On the battlefield, explosions sounded one after another, which was destined to be an extraordinary morning.

In the true sense of the human race, a desperate confrontation with the main force of the alien army!

In the position of the Flowing Fire Corps, the stone ballistas are constantly being fired. We don’t have to worry about the number of stone cannons, because the stone masons chiseled out mountains of stone cannons overnight. In addition, at the rear of the Flowing Fire Corps, if you listen carefully, you can still hear the "ding". The sound of "ding dong dong", those thousands of stone masons working in two shifts, still provide us with stone cannons endlessly.

In the air, on a royal flying boat.

Xuanyuanying’s familiar figure appeared. This time, he was dressed in a military armor and looked heroic. He held a king’s sword in his hand and his eyes were squinting. He just looked at the position of the Flowing Fire Corps and saw how we blocked the flame stabbing demon. Attacking, at this moment, Xuanyuanying's eyes were full of admiration, and he nodded gently and said, "The idea is really good~~~"

On the side, Feng Buwen smiled slightly: "So, your majesty has a really good vision, and he caught the little fellow July Liuhuo in the crowd at a glance."

Xuanyuan Ying smiled~www.wuxiaspot.com~ didn't say much.


The battle has begun to heat up, and more and more flame stingers are spawned in the distant woods, like a fiery red tsunami, about to sweep the human position, and the foremost position responsible for defense, of which the Silver Screen Legion has withstood the most attacks. Nangong Chi has clearly sent enough dead soldiers, but it is still not enough. Swarms of flame stingers rushed into the line of defense, and exploded in a crowd of heavy infantry holding shields, suddenly full of destructive energy. Swallowed by the waves, groups of soldiers died.


Nangong Chi's eyes were already red, and he shouted in a low voice: "Fight for the first corps, don't want it, rush to me to suppress their attack, this group of beasts... beasts!"

In front of the Silver Screen Legion, a large number of soldiers went to death. They formed a line and rushed forward, but in a blink of an eye they were blown away by the flame stingers, and then the second long dragon line behind them rushed forward. Miwai turned to ashes once again, so repeatedly, and died in pieces, but everyone turned a blind eye to it, and was already numb.

Just die, and dignity cannot be abandoned.

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