Zhizhou: \"You're An Official, But You're Raising A Bunch Of Demonesses?

Chapter 65 This Country Is Getting Old! Gift? How About Sending The Minister To His Highness?

Chapter 65: This country has grown old! A gift? Would it be good to present the minister to Your Highness?

In any era, strategies must align with the times.

Ideas that are thousands of years ahead of their time, when placed in the present, can only be considered absurd.

Lan Xi shook her head abruptly, no longer asking Bai Yu about another strategy.

She was well aware that this was something she could never comprehend or reach in her entire life, a realm of thought beyond her grasp.

She couldn't imagine what a world of equality for all, with complete wealth sharing, would look like.

As Bai Yu said, it was truly useless to her.

She suppressed the impact of the world Bai Yu had just described on her.

Her gaze became more serious as she looked into Bai Yu's eyes and said, "Bai Yu, do you know what my ideal is?"

Bai Yu: ........

How come both the boss and the second-in-command are eager to have a heart-to-heart talk about ideals?

He was just a working class guy!

Why did leaders always think that having a conversation with subordinates about ideals and painting a rosy picture would improve their impression?

If they had the time, they might as well give me more money.

"It's fine if Your Highness wants to speak," Bai Yu replied.

Lan Xi lowered her gaze slightly, as if thinking of something beautiful, and smiled, "If I were the ruler, I would protect my people, ensuring that everyone has a peaceful and prosperous life, with enough to eat and wear, and a life of abundance. The people would all take pride in me, the Qianyuan Dynasty, and together we would create a prosperous era of Qianyuan!"

She loved the people!

As the eldest princess, after receiving the expectations of the people and receiving praise and love from the administration, she had the idea of becoming a wise and benevolent ruler.


I am deeply impressed by Bai Yu's theory of governing the people.

However, looking at it from the perspective of the king, upon careful consideration, I feel that what Bai said is not wrong.

She doesn't know if her feelings are right or foolish.

"How so?"

She looked at Bai Yu with some anticipation.

How should I put it?

Should I say that they are truly siblings?

Their expressions are so similar.

But their ideals are completely different.

"It's great, but it's difficult."

Lan Xi's ideals are even greater and more challenging than her brother's.

Conquering cities and overthrowing regimes only require bravery and ambition.

But creating a prosperous era requires unparalleled talent and courage.

She wants to be a wise ruler who will be remembered for eternity!

Having such ideals is actually not easy.

To overcome personal desires, to resist temptations, and to confront some of the base aspects of human nature...

If Lan Xi were born as the second generation ruler of a newly established dynasty, her stage would be much larger.

But given the current conditions...

It can only be said that her ideals are lofty, just like her as a princess, but reality is like her in men's clothing.


Lan Xi asked unwillingly.

Bai Yu asked her in return, "Your Highness, what do you think of the current emperor's rule?"


Lan Xi was taken aback and pondered for a moment before saying, "My father, the emperor, has exhausted his efforts and governed diligently, showing love for the people. He is a qualified ruler!"


Bai Yu nodded gently and said to Lan Xi, "I am about to become a subject, and I fear speaking too much might lead to trouble. So, I won't comment on Your Majesty."

Xi: .........

"Your Highness, let me tell you something, and you will understand."

"When I was on my way to the capital for the imperial examination, I encountered three bandits."


Lan Xi's face changed, and he became anxious, asking hurriedly, "Are you alright?"

Bai Yu shook his head and said, "If I were in trouble, I wouldn't be standing here in front of Your Highness."

"The bandits are inherently good people, not villains!"

"Then why did they turn to banditry?"

"There was a sudden tragedy in their family. Both their parents died, and they had no money to bury them. They had no choice but to turn to banditry."

"Do you think, Your Highness, that in the prosperous era you envision, such things will happen?"

Xi: .........

"In times of rise and fall, the people suffer. The reality is like this, even in a powerful country."

"Although Qianyuan appears to be flourishing, it is actually plagued by internal and external troubles. Do you think your grand ambition can be realized?"

"Your Highness, think carefully. The 'people' in my writings, among the Five Arts of the Weak, do not refer to ordinary people like these three brothers!"

"The 'people' who should be weak are becoming fat and strong, draining the country!"

"This is not Your Majesty's fault, because it has been too long! Throughout history, the rise and fall of dynasties have been like this."

Bai Yu shook his head with a gentle tone,

But in Lan Xi's ears, it sounded like a thunderbolt, "This country is sick, it has been for nearly three hundred years. Wise and foolish rulers alternate. Just like Your Majesty, you have grown old."

A dynasty of three to five hundred years is already considered old.

"The wind blows..."

He extended an arm and slowly leaned over.

His voice was deep, but it entered Lan Xi's heart.

When Bai Yu finished speaking, Lan Xi trembled: "It has fallen!"

Silence. The room was eerily quiet.


"I am just a scholar, I haven't even finished the imperial examination!"

"It's just some pessimistic nonsense, Your Highness, don't take it to heart. We were just chatting and talking nonsense."

"Your Highness and Second Highness are both people with great vision. At least, there is no problem when it comes to you!"

"By then, both you and I will be buried in the ground. Thinking about these things is useless."

Then, Bai Yu laughed casually,

His expression was as carefree as ever, as if those piercing words were just a dream.

Lan Xi was a bit dazed,

But soon, she snapped back to reality,

And suddenly grabbed Bai Yu's hand, urgently saying, "Bai Yu, can you help me?"

She knew very well that what Bai Yu said was not nonsense.

He was very clever!

At least, smarter than her!

He could see the crux of many problems, his words were clear and incisive.

Upon careful consideration, she could gain something from what he said!

She didn't want her homeland to be as precarious as Bai Yu described!

So... she definitely needed Bai Yu's help!

Bai Yu: ...

This family, why do they always like to deceive others?

Should I say they truly are siblings?

The words, the mannerisms, they are exactly the same.

He shook his head.

A beautiful girl is always better than a strong man.

He advised Lan Xi, saying, "Your Highness, if you want to be a good king, please do not casually ask others for favors."

Coercion and temptation... any of these methods are more effective than asking!

Lan Xi suddenly trembled and let go of Bai Huang's hand.

"Oh my~ Isn't today a poetry gathering, Your Highness~"

"Life is short, enjoy it while you can!"

"Why are we discussing these troublesome matters instead of enjoying the beauty of life?"

Bai Yu lightly laughed and said to Lan Xi, "Hmm..."

Lan Xi shook his head, as if he had thought of something, and said to Bai Yu, "Bai Yu, if I help you handle the matter you mentioned earlier, what gift will you give me?"

Well, the eldest princess is quite clever, she understands with just a hint.

Add ten more points.

Bai Yu glanced at her, focusing on her graceful figure.

With a somewhat flirtatious smile, he said, "How about I offer myself to Your Highness?"

However, Lan Xi's pupils contracted.

Suddenly, she leaned forward,

Staring at him intently, her breath becoming heavier, she urgently asked, "Really?!"

If it's true,

Even if she has to push aside all the admonitions of the court, she will still overthrow the Xin Yuan Marquis's residence.

Bai Yu:………

Uh-oh, looks like I've encountered a nymphomaniac.

How can this prince not understand any sense of romance!

I want to play poker with you, but you want me to work overtime, 996 style!

"Uh... cough cough cough!"

Facing Bai Yu's strange gaze,

Lan Xi seemed to have realized it too, suddenly paused, and couldn't help but cough lightly.

Even her pretty earlobes were a little flushed.

Why does this person always tease her?

But this kind of person... seems not unacceptable!

Lan Xi has always been devoted to state affairs, working hard to be a good monarch.

She has no time to think about romantic relationships.

As the eldest princess, she naturally has a high status,

and there is a constant stream of courtiers proposing marriage to her, but none of them catch her eye.

But now...

The sixteen-year-old boy in front of her has only seen her twice.

Yet he can easily touch her thoughts and barge into her heart with his domineering manner.

It's really hard to find someone like him in the world.

He's truly, very special.

"...Your Highness, I heard that the flower courtesan from the Fengyue Tower will appear tonight for a singing and dancing performance. Is it true or false?"

Bai Yu really doesn't want to talk about these messy state affairs.

Worrying about this every day, thinking about that... it's better to enjoy life with a down-to-earth attitude.

He changed the topic and leaned closer to Lan Xi, playfully asking.

"What's your name again? Hu Yuer?"

Leaving aside other matters, the capital city is very prosperous, and the openness is quite high.

The entertainment industry is very developed.

The reputation of the Huayue Tower is very widespread.

As one of the most famous courtesans there, Hu Yuer, like a popular young actress in a previous life, also has countless fans.

Numerous literati and young gentlemen are infatuated with her, spending a fortune to watch her dance.

Bai Yu has heard of her and often talks about her, but he has never been there or seen her.

He likes beautiful girls, but he doesn't like chasing after stars.

Lan Xi: "Hey! You just flirted with me! And now you're asking me about the top courtesan at Huayue Tower?!"

Prince Lan Xi suddenly felt a bit annoyed, "Really, she will come."

After all, those literati and scholars love these kinds of things.

Beauty, scenery, and wine (a promise). This is also a way to discuss elegant literature and art!

"Hey~ Is she really as beautiful as the rumors say?"

"Compared to Your Highness?"

Bai Yu asked with some anticipation.

"Hey! That's impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"Your Highness is the most beautiful person I have ever seen~"

Bai Yu frowned, looking indignant, and said with conviction.

But these teasing words unintentionally brought a smile to the princess's lips.

She has heard many compliments before.

But for some reason, this particular one resonated with her.


"What's wrong with you?"

However, at this moment, Bai Yu's expression suddenly became strange.

She couldn't help but ask with concern.

"It's nothing, just got bitten by someone."

Bai Yu touched her nose and explained.

"Ah? Bitten by someone?"

Lan Xi: ?

There was no one else in her room, so what was this person talking about?

"It's nothing, really!"

The little snake in her arms closed its mouth,

displaying a pouting expression in a very human-like manner.

Long Zhi: The young master is so eloquent, he fooled Long again!

He said I was the most beautiful before!

PS: I can't do it anymore, brothers,

huffing and puffing, I'm exhausted!

It's almost 20,000 characters, barely passable!

I'll make up the rest tomorrow!

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