Chapter 66: You Are Different! Everyone's Admiration

"The sky is getting late, Your Highness. Shouldn't we end the poetry gathering soon?"

"I want to watch a performance!"

Compared to the domineering and arrogant Second Prince, the gentle and elegant Grand Princess was indeed easier to get along with.

Bai Yu had pleasant conversations with her, avoiding discussions about state affairs altogether.

They chatted casually, discussing poetry, literature, gossip from the capital, and interesting experiences from their respective upbringings.

They enjoyed each other's company and got along harmoniously.

A leader with charisma is naturally a good thing! Especially when it comes to a beautiful princess.

Lan Xi glanced at him and said, "Are you in such a hurry to meet the courtesan?"

During today's formal meeting with Bai Yu, she gained a lot.

In fact, it far exceeded her expectations, as if her entire mindset had been forcefully shattered and changed.

She deeply understood how extraordinary this sixteen-year-old boy was.

He possessed a level of thinking that ordinary people couldn't comprehend, and he had a strategic vision far beyond the average person in this world.

He was highly intelligent and quick-witted.

She also understood why her father valued him so much.

Perhaps her father's evaluation of him was still too low!

Truly a rare minister in a thousand years.

Of course, Lan Xi was different from Lan Su.

Before her identity as a servant and someone aspiring for a high position, she was a woman in the most beautiful years of her life.

Aside from the interests and political factors that bound them as ruler and subject,

there were also some other feelings.

Beauty also loves heroes.

Lan Xi admits that this young man, whom she has only met twice, has truly captivated her heart with a unique charm.

"Hey, Your Highness, are you jealous?"

Bai Yu asks with a smile.

Xi: ........

Why are you so clever?

What's the point of saying it?

This person really has no shame!

But strangely enough,

It seems like he got it right!

So angry, so angry, so angry!

"Bai Yu, how do you think I look today?"

After the laughter and teasing, this conversation should come to an end.

Xi sighs lightly and looks at Bai Yu seriously.

"Ah? Wow...... Does Your Highness really want to marry me?"

Bai Yu's eyes light up and he can't stop laughing, saying, "Your Highness is truly beautiful! I am willing to be your husband!"

"Um... Your Highness, as a husband, can I have multiple wives and concubines?"

But immediately, he hesitates a bit and says, "I can't hang myself on a crooked tree!"

Xi: ........

You're the crooked tree!

"That's not what I meant!"

Lan Xi scolds him with a glance.

He likes to make jokes and pretend to be foolish.

She doesn't believe that he doesn't understand the meaning of her words.

Father Emperor said that as long as she gains his approval, she will be the crown prince!

"Your Highness is indeed outstanding."

"Compassion and kindness are abundant, while dominance is lacking. With great aspirations and virtuous governance, he loves the people and is diligent and humble. His abilities are outstanding, and he has the potential to serve a wise ruler..."

Bai Yu thought for a moment and stopped being careless.

He smiled and spoke to the expectant princess.

For now,

This princess loves the world, the country, and the people even more... surpassing her love for herself.

Bai Yu knows his place and would not use trivial romantic feelings to take advantage of her.

He cannot be like her, nor can he judge her.

The aging Qianyuan is fortunate to have this princess.

Although she is still immature in some aspects, no one is perfect. She can still learn and become better. With proper management, she can prolong the life of the country for a hundred years.

"Is that so?"

Bai Yu is full of compliments.

Hearing Bai Yu's praise, Princess Lanxi's heart is inexplicably filled with joy, and her smile becomes more unrestrained.

Different people's words carry different weight.

Some people's praise is just flattery, not worth mentioning.

But some people's praise is worth more than a thousand pieces of gold.

And Bai Yu's praise is the most valuable to Lanxi.

"Is it really important?"

Bai Yu shook his head at her. "Your Highness, if you want to be a king, the most basic thing is self-confidence! A king does not need to care about others' evaluations."

The princess hesitated for a moment and gently bit her lip.

But she still stubbornly looked at Bai Yu and said, "You are different."

Bai Yu: ...

Does this woman understand the subtleties or not?

Why is she so good at gaining favorability points?

Do you have to go all out to gain points just by meeting someone?

"Have you met Lan Er?"

"Can you tell me what you said?" Lan Xi paused and tentatively asked Bai Yu.

"E=?" "It's Lan Chi!"

"Ah... Second Prince..." Bai Yu responded, meeting Lan Xi's gaze.

Bai Yu suddenly felt like he was being fought over by two pursuers.

Lan Xi didn't have much dissatisfaction with Bai Yu liking other girls.

However, he was wary of Lan Chi.

"What's the matter?"

"I generally don't discuss private meetings with others."

Bai Yu shook his head lightly, "Your Highness, don't you want our conversation today to remain between us?"

Lan Xi: ...

"But I can tell Your Highness that your score is higher."

"My score is higher?"

Lan Xi was momentarily stunned, not initially understanding the meaning behind the words.

Then he understood and couldn't help but smile.

The beauty smiled, truly surpassing all flowers.

To be honest, does the beautiful girl not realize her own charm?

Of course, your score is higher!

The beauty smiled gently, "That's enough!"

"Bai Xiong, you're here!"

"Hahaha, I've been waiting for you!"

"Let me tell you, this Lan Yue Pavilion is truly amazing. I saw it today..."

By the time Bai Yu saw his little companions, it was already dark.

Li Jinghao greeted Bai Yu.

With a hearty laugh, they engaged in friendly small talk.

However, there was not a single question about what Bai Yu and Lan Xi talked about.

"Master Bai..."

As Li Jinghao spoke, a quiet woman gently tugged at Bai Yu's clothes, trying to reduce her presence.

"Hey? Miss Yao Yun, you're here?"

"Where did you run off to? I've been looking for you for half a day!"

Looking at the suddenly appearing beautiful girl, Li Jinghao couldn't help but exclaim.

"Over there..."

In fact, she had been here all along.

Yao Yun casually pointed in a direction and brushed off Li Jinghao.

"Is this the Falling Moon Terrace?"

The trio regrouped, and Bai Yu looked at this place with great interest.

In ancient times, there was no electricity, and the lighting conditions were extremely poor.

When night fell, apart from spending time with family and sitting by the warm stove, there were basically no entertainment options or nightlife.

But the Lan Xige was an exception.

When night fell, the waiters had already hung up lanterns, making the place brightly lit.

In addition, Lan Xi always chose a day when the moon was full and bright to hold the poetry gathering.

Today, the sky was cloudless, and the moon was shining high, casting a layer of silver brilliance on the ground.

And the most eye-catching thing was in the center.

A huge circular jade platform lay on the ground, surrounded by unknown night gems, emitting flickering lights from the sky.

Flowers fell like snow, creating a beautiful and enchanting scene, as if it were a fairyland.

It is rumored that this is a rare stone that fell from the sky, cut open to reveal jade in the middle.

Under the moonlit night, the radiance scattered, and the brilliance lingered, as if the moon had fallen to the ground, hence its name, Falling Moon Terrace.

Every year, the poetry gathering of the talented and virtuous would eventually gather here.

On the night of the full moon,

Scholars appreciate this beautiful scenery and compose poetry in response.

Although the productivity of this era is not as advanced as in the past,

Bai Yu admits that at this moment,

such a scene is truly breathtaking.

Tonight, the renowned courtesan will also ascend the magnificent stage created by heaven and earth, performing a song and dance.

Just the thought of the beautiful woman and the beautiful scenery is enough to intoxicate one's heart.

During the day, it is mostly used by scholars to make friends, chat, and explore.

Nighttime is actually the time when the poetry gathering officially begins,

Bai Yu arrived very late,

By this time, most of the scholars in the entire garden had already arrived.

They gathered in small groups, discussing and joking with each other.

"Could you be Mr. Bai Yu?"

"I have long heard of your name, and today I see that you are truly talented and outstanding!"

"Meeting Bai Yu in person is truly a fortunate event for me!"

"Bai Yu?"

"I have read your poetry, and it is truly excellent!"

"Being the top scorer in the imperial examination is well-deserved. I admire you wholeheartedly."

"Bai Yu, the top scorer?"

"Sir, your knowledge is profound and impressive!"

"You will surely excel in the palace examination!"

Several people recognized Bai Yu and couldn't help but approach him, wearing friendly and flattering smiles on their faces.

They greeted him and praised him excessively, almost showering him with flowers.

Li Jinghao, who was standing beside them, was taken aback.

This is different from what was agreed upon!

Before coming here, he had heard many rumors and met many people.

When it comes to Bai Yu, the local intellectuals in Beijing are often proud and unwilling to accept it. They think that he is just lucky to have gained an advantage, but it's not worth mentioning!

In the poetry gathering of the literati, he will definitely be given a hard time.

But what about now?

What's going on?

Is this what you call finding fault?

Even if you make sarcastic remarks and create a tense atmosphere, at least put on a poker face. That would be considered living up to the previous rumors.

Every scholar who meets Bai Yu greets him with a smile.

This flattering and fawning behavior is even more loyal than a loyal dog!

They surrender so easily!

Can't literary people speak properly?

They can't even praise someone properly!

Li Jinghao feels that when he first met and chatted with Bai Yu, his casual compliments were surpassed by these people.

So angry, so angry, so angry!

It's one thing to lose in exams, but to lose in praising people!

The strange desire for victory has increased.

"I'm exaggerating, I'm exaggerating!"

"Bai Yu, a mere commoner, still needs the support of his brothers!"

"Brother, your literary talent is outstanding, and you have an extraordinary demeanor!"

Bai Yu is not surprised by this.

With a professional smile on his face, he bows to the people who greet him.

People carry others in a luxurious sedan chair,

He actually doesn't have so much unnecessary aggressiveness,

If you're good, I'm good, naturally everyone is good.

In fact, the reason is very simple!

When you are strong enough and have a high status, you will find that the people around you are all good people. Everyone treats you kindly and greets you with a smile.

There are many fools in this world, and many people who lack foresight. There are also many stubborn individuals.

However, such people basically won't stand here.

This poetry gathering will be called "The Elite," but in fact, it has already filtered out a large group of people.

The people who can come here are all quite talented.

Before meeting Bai Yu, perhaps there was some arrogance, perhaps some disdain for mediocrity... Perhaps there was even a thought of showing off in the poetry gathering and asserting dominance over Bai Yu, an outsider.

After all, who among us is not a genius?

If an outsider like you comes to the capital and wins the competition, it would truly be a slap in the face for all of us.


Today, as I walked to the entrance of the Moon Embracing Pavilion and saw the plaque with Bai Yu's name on it,

If there are still such thoughts,

Perhaps it's time to seek treatment for your brain.

This world is very real, and the people here are very real. Nobody is foolish.

Now, the Grand Princess has put up a plaque there, asking a group of people to write poems praising Bai Yu.

This is clearly telling everyone,

I really like this person, so all of you praise him for me!

This is the Grand Princess we're talking about! Not just any ordinary prince or princess!

There is a high probability that she will be the next ruler.

Apart from a few eccentric individuals who indulge in art, the ultimate goal for scholars is to pass the imperial examination and become officials.

Otherwise, you are just a frustrated Confucian scholar.

Yesterday, she was just a seemingly plain and ordinary talented student from another city in the company, so it was fine to mock her.

But today, she is the center of attention for the top leadership. Are you sure you want to offend her?

There is no deep-seated grudge, so what's the point of not getting along?

Let's all be friendly and get along. Is that not good?

Why do you have to act crazy and deliberately provoke her?

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