Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 924: Turning point (1)

In March of the first year of Wu Zhenxing, the battle of Wangyuan Bridge was used as a turning point. The southwestern battle lasted for four months and entered the strategic counterattack period of the Huaxia Army.

The battle for and the fight against the road was carried out at the same time as the "peace negotiations" for the exchange of prisoners. Although it is an exchange of hundreds of prisoners, it still costs a lot of effort on the screening list of the Kim. On the third day after the start of the negotiations, the various departments of the Huaxia Army arranged four roads to extend in the direction of Huangming County and Yushui River, and to open up the road of pursuit.

The deployment of the Jurchen army was equally rapid. At the same time as the Huaxia Army marched forward, the Golden Team supported the white squad, and made up its weapons, posing a slap in the face of a comprehensive attack and a ruin. In the first few days, such a posture was extremely determined. In several key areas, the Jurchen troops once launched a strong attack. The offensive was fierce and fragmented, and the dogs were staggered.

If you look from the back, such sophisticated methods of attacking have once confused many people - of course, can not be said to be purely attacking, if the Jin people really do not want to die, must be in spite of everything into the Chengdu Plain, then the gold people in the long run There is a possibility that I will not be able to go home, but at least in the short term, I can still create a lot of trouble for the Huaxia Army. Because of this, the Huaxia Army’s actions in the first few days of March are relatively cautious, and because of Jin’s attitude Realistic, the work of Li Rulai and other Han will be actually delayed.

This situation naturally cannot last for too long. On the sixth day of March, as the teams of the special forces of the Huaxia Army have been advancing steadily and steadily, the situation of Jurchens in the front line can no longer be stretched. On this day, with the pull-off rate leading the frontline army to launch a general attack, the main force of the Jinjun began to withdraw, the moment of the poor view, the dozens of mountains in the battlefield instantly boiled up.

From Shiling to Xiukou, the offensive troops suffered intensive shelling, and half of the remaining rockets were approved for use. Tens of thousands of Han troops were blocked in front of the battlefield, and the Han army’s rebellion became a battlefield at this time. Part of the key.

A few days ago, the result of the war in Wangyuan Bridge occurred. Even though a large number of the bottom soldiers in the Jinjun were still unclear what the meaning was, the Han army was strictly blocked from the news, but Li Rulai, a senior general, waited for the whole The ins and outs of the matter are still clear. If there is a rumor that the Jurchens are about to withdraw at the beginning, they will still be suspicious, but on the sixth day of the sixth day, the true intentions of the Jurchens will become clear.

The large-scale offensive on the front line made a lot of sounds. The end of the scene was very strict with Li Rulai and others. However, under the spy operation of the Huaxia Army, the necessary information was handed to the eyes of several key generals.

For this time, the conditions given by the Huaxia Army are not tolerant. Once anyway, the Han army must immediately enter the battlefield, responsible for completing the counterattack, containment and annihilation of the Jinjun forward troops. In terms of various rules, this is a replica of the name of Liang Shantou, which needs to be replaced by life. As they all realized that the war was entering a critical stage, Li Rulai and others once wanted to sit on the ground, but the negotiations of the Huaxia Army did not compromise.

Responsible for rebelling against Li Rulai, Xu Shaoyuan, a Chinese military officer who once worked in Ning Yi's work in the secretarial office, had already successfully contacted Li Rulai twice. On the sixth day of this day, due to the strict supervision of Jurchen, this letter is intended to be written by letter. Li Rulai issued the last night, but the other party was so vast that Xu Shaoyuan and his guards exchanged their identity in the eyes of the Jurchen, and the two sides were able to meet directly.

After conveying the requirements of the Huaxia Army, Li Rulai sank and began to complain, such as "the brothers are not strong in combat", "the golden dog is very strict, it is difficult to tell everyone to do it", "the speed of the up and down Different from sending death to the cloud, when it comes later, there are threats of "we don't fall, tens of thousands of people are on the road, you are also very troublesome", Xu Shaoyuan just shook his head indifferently.

"The command and the general ginseng have already made a decision. Before the night, you don't go anyway. We launch an offensive and kill you. You fake anyway, work does not force you to block the road, we kill you like this. This is the second plan. The plan is already done." Xu Shaoyuan said, "Mr. Ning let me bring you a few more words."


"Mr. Ning said that for a long time, you were the generals of the Wu Dynasty. You should have defended the country and the horses. You didn't do it. Of course, you have your own reasons. You can say that for more than a decade, no one has been there. There was a beautiful victory in front of the Jurchen. But this victory is there today."

"Hua Xiajun took the road out of a road. If you want to go, take your life and take up the dignity and personality that you have lost for more than ten years to fulfill the obligations of a soldier. Of course, if it turns out, you take it. If you don't get up, you feel that you can trouble people. It only shows that you have no value to live... For many years, Huaxia Army has never been afraid of trouble."

The unrelenting words brought by Xu Shaoyuan made the other side's face somewhat unnatural. Li Rulai was silent for a long while, and the people sent Xu Shaoyuan out, but when Xu Shaoyuan left, he added a sentence: "You also Go back and ask Mr. Ning... He is doing this, and when the wall falls, don’t hesitate to push everyone?”

After the darkness, in the Han army camp, a large-scale uprising broke out. About a quarter of the troops made the first attack on the Jin Guo forces, and another quarter followed. On, and more troops are caught in a huge chaos.

The Yan Yan Sa, who was in charge of the Han army, led the pro-guards to collide with the rebellious Li Rulai, and then smashed out from the heavy encirclement arranged by Li Rulai.

In the mountains of the vast mountains, fierce competition is unfolding. During this period, most of the members of the first division and the second division shouldered the task of blocking the detachment of Shiling and Xiukou. The fourth division and the fifth division were the best at the field, and led by Ning Yi. Thousands of people have successively invested in the barriers, attack and annihilation of the Jinjun army.

On the sixth day of March, there were about 7,000 people who attacked the six nodes on the retreating mountain road in the first time. By the eighth day, the scale was expanded to 13,000. In the first ten days, the forces that attacked the front gradually reached two. Wan, the front of the attack directly extends to the complex rainwater creek.

From Wanganqiao to Jiange, a distance of less than one hundred miles, the speed of the marching army can only be reached in one day, but nearly 100,000 Jinguo troops were stopped on the winding mountain road.

In fact, in view of the retreat, I understand that the unfortunate surrender of the gold team and the generals has also made a fierce and tenacious resistance. At this time, although the Huaxia Army took out the firearms of the era, in the rugged mountain road, the power of the firearms was finally reduced to a minimum. The chasing Huaxia Army troops walked along the more rugged roads than the roads, and they were able to carry as many weapons and materials. Their advantage was that they could block a certain army by capturing a certain point, but in the combat area. On the other hand, Jin Jun’s number advantage has come back again, and he does not even need to fear the firearms of the Huaxia Army too much.

Because of this cognition, in this retreat, the practice adopted by Yan Yanzong was not to rush to escape, but to divide and mobilize the various units in the Jinjun. He defined the task to each commander. Once encountering the resistance of the Huaxia Army, it will stop to gather the superior forces on the part and swallow this part of the Huaxia Army.

From the point of view of the military law, I have to admit that such a response is quite correct, and it also reflects the old-fashioned and difficult life of Yan Zonghan’s life. But what he did not consider or even think about is that, from the moment of the retreat of the army, the invincible army of the Jurchen army, which has been polished for 30 years by a generation of people, such as Yan Yan, and Yan Zonghan, finally began to collapse. .

The difficulty of invading the southwest all the way before can also be said to have met the enemies that are evenly matched. After all, the Jinjun also had a difficult battle before, and the power of the enemy even made them feel excited. But this moment, the army of the number of people Turning to retreat, invisibly illustrates many problems.

The "sense of insight" in some generals is still maintaining and inspiring morale. In the local mountain battlefield, the killing is still violent and fierce. The Jurchen troops rushed to the Huaxia Army who stopped the road. The generals took the lead and wanted to be The army that withdrew to kill a road, and it is necessary to use the superior forces to cooperate with this spreading mountain road to swallow the Huaxia Army piece by piece.

But the situation is undergoing subtle changes. Even if the cold weapons are rushing each other, the Jin people are defeated again and again in the battles they were good at, and the Jurchen fighters who are not afraid of death are cut down in a pool of blood. Some soldiers who have begun to cherish life have chosen to break and flee.

This change was immediately fed back to the former headquarters of the Huaxia Army: although the Jurchen's response is still extremely hot, some of the generals' strategists have even become more active than before, and the combat stifling is still arrogant, but in scale. In the case of cooperation, there is often a situation of recklessness or collapse, and they are gradually losing the cohesiveness and resilience of mutual cooperation.

"...When the Jurchens who are used to barbarism begin to pay attention to the number of people, it shows that the downhill road they have taken has begun to become obvious."

At the beginning of March, Ning Yi’s orders and tune were spread throughout the army, and soon afterwards he reached the side of the Jinjun: “The next thing we have to do is to make a little piece of land on the mountain road for a hundred miles. Remove their dignity and let everyone in them know clearly. The so-called invincible is already an outdated old joke!"

The quality of the Jurchen as the peak army of this era is disintegrating, but for the ordinary army, it is still a nightmare. On March 11th, the speed of the pull-off speed on the front line, the Sabal troops began to withdraw after the huge loss, and the Han army, which was originally blocked in the rear, became the lamb before the beast.

Although he was subjected to oppression from both sides, Li Rulai and others who did not dare to withdraw were stubbornly resisting. However, after a day of slaughter, they pulled out and Susan still led the team to kill Li Rulai’s camp. Anyway, the Han army suffered heavy casualties.

This is a good thing for Li Rulai and the Han army. Even after many years, he once said: "The people who survived can finally pass the Huaxia army."

After the death of the brother-in-law silver surgery, the speed of the white towel was pulled out, and the battle was fierce. However, from the way he transferred his troops, the woman really stayed in a state of great sobriety and reason. He encouraged the military with a gesture of mourning, and after cooperating with the temple, he resisted the first of the Fifth Army of China. The pursuit of the second division.

The situation in front of the mountain has gradually become difficult in the fierce battle.

For Jurchen's evil words, the scout's battles continue in the mountains with complex terrain. On a sunny day, occasionally you can see the spread of mountain fires, and the smoke rises. If the rainy mountain road is slippery, it is even more difficult. From time to time, the Huaxia army that was killed by the road was smashed, or land mines were buried, or at a certain key point, it was occupied by the Chinese army. The front of the attack was going on, and the follow-up army was surrounded by mountains and valleys. On the road, in such a situation, occasionally there will be a cold gun flying out of the woods, hitting a general or leader, and crowded, it is difficult to avoid.

Yu Yu still led the scouts and elite Jurchen soldiers to run in the mountains, blocking the pursuit of Chinese soldiers, and causing trouble for the chasing Chinese troops in a certain period of time. On March 14th, the scouts led by Yu Yu encountered the first regiment of the Second Brigade of the Fourth Division of the Huaxia Army. This was the elite group of the Huaxia Army. Later it was called the "Ghost of the Victory Gorge" - defeated in the rainwater stream last year. In the "swallowing fire" operation of the squadron, the regiment, under the leadership of the leader Shen Changye, stopped the enemy in the victory gorge and then withdrew the main force, and the casualties were halfway.

At that time, the head of the company, Shen Changye, died in the battlefield between the mountains one month after the victory of the Shengli Gorge. Now he is the head of the second battalion, Qiu Yunsheng. After the rest of the team, he commanded the troops to start operations.

Yu Yu is the old general who follows the rise of A-Bing. This is the oldest hunter. If you cross the mountains and cross the mountains, you can hit the enemy even in the dark night. Qiu Yunsheng was born as a farmer and his family died in the escape of the Central Plains. He was then recruited by Tian Hu troops. After attacking the Xiao Cang River, he joined the Huaxia Army. After the rest, he let his troops rely on the top of the terrain to fight, and they relied on The advantage of the previous survey, with a company, bypassed the most dangerous and slippery mountain road, and uncovered the rear of the surplus.

After the end of the battle, people smashed out the remaining bodies in the dead.

The news spread throughout the battlefield, of course, for the Jinjun troops, it can only be regarded as a bad news.

This will not be the only bad news in March.

On March 16th, Daxu died in a battle of leading soldiers.

For more than four months in the entire southwestern battle, the arrogant Jurchen general was thinking about reporting hatred to the righteousness in the northwest, and the Chinese military has also made several targeted plans. But until the end, such things never happened. The two sides did not have a direct confrontation on the battlefield from beginning to end.

On the day of March 16th, Daxie led his soldiers to attack the back of the division on the road to a small highland named Yuling~www.wuxiaspot.com~ trying to surround and drive away the Huaxia Army nailed to the mountain road on the hillside. Go out. The Huaxia Army was defended according to the ground, and the battle was played for a long time. The rear tens of thousands of troops were blocked and stopped. Dalai personally organized three charges.

In the attack that was about to advance to the top of the mountain, a Chinese soldier who was seriously injured in a pool of blood was attacked. At that time, there were eight Jurchen warriors around Dalai, but on the extremely fierce frontline, who They failed to respond, and the two sides changed their knives. The long knife of Daban passed through the chest of the Chinese soldiers who had thrown down. The Chinese soldier’s knife was cut down in front of the door. The helmet was pulled out of the gap and half of the head was opened on the spot.

The killing did not stop because of this night, the Huaxia Army occupying the mountain was left under the bombardment of the cannons that the Jurchens had been dragging, and the road ahead one mile away was subsequently occupied by the Huaxia Army soldiers. They dug the road and buried the mine.

Hundreds of thousands of people are crowded on the sprawling mountain roads. It is like a giant snake that is too large to drill too thin a ramp. Every attack of the Huaxia Army is like setting a nail on a snake. Due to the influence of the terrain, the scale of each kill is not large, but every battle must stop the snake almost completely.

Both sides are experiencing tremendous losses, but as time progresses, the Jurchen troops are entangled, and the day is even more anxious. At this moment, the soldiers have been recognized from the generals, the original hunters, It has completely turned into a prey. The large and bloated Jinguo troops began to rush to escape, and the Huaxia Army, which had a small number of people, had already rushed up like a skeleton, and to tear the prey into a skeleton.

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