Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 923: No return (below)

When the setting sun is about to fall, the town of Duxi in the north of the Yangtze River is lit up.

The original antique bluestone house has now set up a banner, and the female generals and the iron floats are in and out of the town. On the outskirts of the town, the continuous military camp has spread to the mountains in the north and the banks of the river in the south.

The leader of the Jurchen East Road Army, who was triumphant in the north, was stationed in Jiangbei at this time. In the daily celebrations and hustle and bustle, waiting for the full crossing of the million Han slaves in the Nanzheng. It was only in the last few days that the lively atmosphere cooled down slightly.

Regarding the information sent from the southwest, the high-level generals headed by Zong Fu and Zong Yi are undergoing repeated and re-enactment, and they have made cognitive adjustments as the news has improved. More than three thousand miles away, these messages once made the triumphant East Road generals feel incomprehensible.

Even though the East and West Army and the "court" on both sides of the East and West are in direct or indirect confrontation, but suddenly heard the huge setbacks suffered by Zonghan and others in the southwest, the generals of the East Road Army will inevitably produce rabbits and foxes. sense. More intense than this feeling is the confusion and uneasiness of things in the southwest that they cannot grasp and understand.

Even in the opposite state, occasionally there are large and small frictions, and occasionally ridicule, but for the strength of Zong Han and Xi Yin, the generals of the East Road Army believe that there is a concept. It is in the arrogance of temperament, seeing Xi Yin is always a strong martial arts here, he has always been recognized by Zong Han, Xi Yin and other people, at most, I feel that it is not inferior.

After the death of 30,000 people lost to the hands of Ning Yi 7,000 people, the whole army was captured, and the oblique protection was killed in front of Zong Han. For the demon law made by Ning Yi, the winners of three thousand miles away are unimaginable. Even though the intelligence will state the new firearms of the Huaxia Army, they will not be in front of Zong Fu and Zong Yi’s eyes. I believe that there are invincible firearms in this world.

Of course, there may be some new firearms. At the same time, the end of the face of the slanting insurance is not appropriate, and the sinister ambitions of the sorrows and sorrows have finally led to the horror of the 30,000 people who have been wiped out by the army. This must also be attributed to Zong Han, Xi Yin's mismatch is not the case - such analysis is the most reasonable idea.

There are Zonghan and Xi Yin’s sitting in the town, and the female West Road Army is certainly the team that once stood in the world. But in the east, in addition to Zong Fu and Zong Yi, who were in the princehood, the qualifications were better than those of Zonghan and Xi Yin. Most of them were under the command of the veteran army. . In the past, the affirmation and respect of Zong Han and Xi Yin were the same thing. However, if the other party was defeated, the people here would enter it, but they did not think that they would fail in the face of the same situation.

"...The whole army of Wangyuan Bridge is annihilated, and more is the recklessness of Baoshan King!"

In the past few days, there have been many analyses of thousands of miles of war, and many people’s eyes are also accurate and sinister.

"...the army is fighting, facing the sinister sinister name of the world, the choice of Yan Yan oblique protection is the whole army rush. Three thousand horses give up the land and cross the river, knowing that Ning Yi slowly mobilizes the troops is to lead On the hook, he was self-sufficient and eager to meet. He arrogantly chose Ning Yi's carefully selected battlefield, thinking that many people can win. He is a fool at Ning Yi..."

"...To say that there should be a lot of experience in dealing with firearms, or to choose to enter the army on a rainy day, or to use a light ride to break through. I have never seen Baoshan King have this arrangement, and this defeat is taken by myself..."

"... 30,000 people defeated in front of Ning Yi, it is indeed a major event that shakes the hearts of the military, but can't you fight this? Look at what is written on this newspaper! Blow! I only say a little - if Ning Yi The firearms on the fire really have the power to destroy the earth. After the sword pavilion, the mountain road is winding. He is guarding the mountain pass and killing. If there are such firearms in my hands, what is my gold country? I will go to the cloud in the next year. —"

"I see... the second half of this year is enough to level the clouds..."

"The road is far away, I have such a weapon to destroy the earth, but I still have such a labor expedition. I have to look at the scenery on the road... or next year, maybe the people have not arrived yet, let us surrender." ......"

The generals sent information or anger or anger over the southwest, but something that was really brewing behind the news was hidden under public opinion.

The undercurrent is brewing under the seemingly ordinary water surface.

Through the window of the otter, Wan Yanzong is watching the Yangtze River gradually becoming darker, and the huge ships are still on the river not far away. The Wu dynasty woman who was rarely dressed and forced to sing and dance was sent down. The brother-in-law Zong Fu was silent at the table.

"...The news from these two days, I have always been...somewhat unbelievable, Baoshan was killed in front of the battle, Marshal Zonghan... actually began to turn around and flee, fourth brother, this is not his disposition, when did you ever Have you seen such a sticky? He is... a hero with a big brother."

Zong Yi looked outside: "...he is old."

"...I saw him before, I didn't notice this. I thought the battle in the southwest, he has the determination to never stop..."

"He is old." Zongxi repeated, "I am old, so I want it to be safe. If it is only a small setback, I will see that he will move forward, but he has met a close opponent, Ning Yi defeated Baoshan, face to face After killing his son, Zong Han felt that... My Jurchen had met the real enemy. He thought that his strong man had broken his wrist and wanted to keep his strength to return to the north... The emperor, this is old."

"Yes." Zong Fu thought for a moment and nodded. "When the father came up, no matter how powerful the enemy is, it just rushed up, and there are big brothers... In the early years, they met. What must win the game, stick to the battle for a lifetime, it is possible to think like this when I am old... Hey, I thought that God will persuade him, how is this time..."

"How about Gu Shen!" Zong Yi looked back and looked resentful. "I gave him 30,000 cavalry. He won't bring me back to see how I deal with him!"

In Zong Fu’s heart, Zong Han and Xi Yin still have Yu Wei. At this time, there is no connection to the word “handling”. Zong Yi thought for a moment, said: "Emperor brother, the number of ministers in the past few years has increased, some sounds, I wonder if you have heard of it."

"Wenchen is not a good match with Gu Shen, the old man..."

"Xi Yin is fascinated by Sinology, and Han studies can't be seen until he sees him." Zongxi sneered. "I am so good at getting the world right away. I may not be able to rule the world immediately. I want to rule the world. I need to repair the merits of writing." Xi Yin Han studied profoundly, but because a lot of brothers and uncles read more books on him, but after the self-improvement of the world, the Quartet courtiers came down, Xi Yin... Hey, he is only the person who understands Sinology, the most The one who can fight!"

"..." Zong Fu listened and nodded.

"I said that I have to get the world right away. I can’t rule the world right away. What are you talking about? Let’s make a big gold, the old one is slowly out of date. Sticky, Xi Yin, including you and my brother... these years are fighting and killing To say that there are more and more troops and weapons are getting better and better, but it is to deal with a martial art in the district. It has been delayed for a long time than the Liao Dynasty. Why?" He paused, "The set of Zonghan and Xiyin." Slowly, it will be out of date..."

Zongtang frowned.

"In the past, when I left the curtain, I told this about it. I have to wait for what the Western Court, the old things, sooner or later, like snow. Even if this time south, the previous Zonghan, Xi Yin made that. The fierce gesture, you and my brother should be aware of it. They say that they want to set the battle for the world. In fact, it’s not a matter of awareness: this world is too big, it’s hard to kill all the way, and it’s going to go slowly. Zong Han Xi Yin, this is scared."

Zong Fu also frowned: "You can fight and kill, you still need strength."

"It is to be brave, but it is very different from before." Zong Yidao, "When you were young, you were still playing in the mountains, and there were no long things in the house, and you should be hungry in the winter." Hungry Jurchen man. At that time, when I waved my hand, I went to kill and killed it, so my Jurchen was able to make a reputation that was invincible. After playing for decades, Liaoguo hit it down, everyone has their own The family room, with care, and then to the battle, the vibration of the arm, the nature of life is less."

Zongxi sneered: "Zong Han, Xi Yin and others regard this as the catastrophe of my Jurchen family. I feel that I have lost this courage. I am in danger of being in the mountains. But these things are human nature, come to This step is what this step looks like, and it can be violated! They think that without the lifelessness brought by the long thing, there is nothing left, but I don’t see it this way. How come over for hundreds of years?"

"You can get the world right away, and you can't rule the world right away. This is the truth! We don't have the bachelor's life like the 20 years ago, but the brave force on the battlefield, can't really only be bachelor to come out. On the battlefield. There are military laws, incentives, training, the country is big, and what is it... The merits of education, the warriors who are willing to fight for me, see how we find ways to practice it."

"Zonghan, Xi Yin only know that they are going forward. They are old. When they meet the enemy, they will be unbearable in their hearts. They think that they have encountered the affliction of Jin Guo. But these days, the outside world is right, if Baoshan is not that. I have the courage to do anything, I have to give Ning Yi the right place, Ning Yi can play so smoothly! He is a little change, don't rely on a lonely bridge, 30,000 people can escape!"

"...Imperial brother, I just figured out these truths at this time. I remembered it in the past, and I don't want to admit it myself." Zong Yidao, "The results of these years, the emperor, look at you, the room is folded. In the black flag, the words are broken into the black flag, the silver technique can be folded into the black flag, Zonghan is defeated in the southwest, and the sons are killed. These generals, in the past, are under Zonghan, one is better than the other, but The more powerful, the more I believe that my previous tactics are not wrong."

"Through a courage and brave force to move forward, it just slammed to the extreme. Although it defeated the Liao people and defeated the Wu dynasty, the opponents of the rigid and soft economy of Shang Ningyi eventually lost one after another. In fact, I think, in the end, the world is changing, they are not willing to change, and slowly, they will take the road. Twenty years ago, they waved and said, rushed up, the big guy went up Twenty years later, they waved and said that they rushed up, and there were fewer people who were desperate. There was no way."

He was arrogant in his temperament. At this point, he said that he was carrying his hands and his hands were calm. The room was a little lonely, and both of the brothers were silent. After a while, Zong Fu sighed: "In these few days, I also listened to others talking privately. It seems that there are some truths... But, four brothers. After all, after three thousand miles, why is it not so good?"

"I am only speculating in my heart." Zong Xiao smiled. "There may be other reasons for it. It may not be possible. Hey, it’s too far apart, and the southwest is frustrated. Anyway, it’s too long, and many things can only go back. In any case, you and me, this is fortunately not to be insulted. At that time, you have to look at Zong Hanxi Yin, how to tell me, and explain this to your Majesty."

When he said that, Zong Fu couldn’t help but smile, then he shook his head: "Eating."

In fact, when talking about Zonghan’s side, Zongfu Zongyi’s seemingly anxious, high-level generals are also discussing and deducing the situation. The celebration of the triumph has stopped for it, but in private. The mood of the celebration did not stop, but the women were called to the room to have fun, and they did not gather in public to celebrate.

The brothers exchanged ideas and sat down for a drink. At this time, it was the night of March 14th. The night swallowed the skylight, and the lights on the Yangtze River spread in the distance. Each ship carried the fruits of their victory and triumph. Only in the middle of the night, a boat that was subtending quickly drove toward Duxi, and someone woke up the ancestral temple in his sleep.

In the south of the Yangtze River, there was a mess.

A rebel army with the name of the black flag sneaked into the Han army camp outside the Zhenjiang River. After slaughtering a Han dynasty called Niu Tuyu, it caused confusion. Nearly 20,000 artisans’ camps were opened. Hannu fled in the night and fled.

"Black flag?" After hearing this name, Zong Yi still stunned.

After the Jurchens ravaged the south of the Yangtze River, the families of the people in various places were ruined. The rescuing of the rebel army was a lot of anti-Golden flags, but they really dared to do it to the Golden Man, and because there were rules and regulations, they could still succeed. In January, some people used the black flag to gather in the Jiangnan. The ancestral sect was in the heart, but today the other party actually ran to save people, but also made trouble...

... Is this black flag true?

After a moment, he became angry with his hesitation for a moment: "The order is promoted! Since there are still people who don't want to die, I will fulfill them -"

In the early morning, the order to annihilate this army and the fugitives has already reached the south of the Yangtze River. The gold team that has not crossed the river has moved again on the land south of Zhenjiang.

In the middle and late March, the Huaxia Rebels led by He Wen entered the Jurchen Camp and saved the news of nearly 8,000 captured Han people in Jiangnan. The Jurchens therefore launched a new round of massacre. The name of the fair party is accompanied by the raging armies and blood, and soon after, it enters people's field of vision.

At the same time, a terrible feast of blood and fire is blooming in the mountains of southwest. Just as our vision was cast into the world, the fierce killing and hedging did not stop for a moment in this stretch of mountain roads.

In order to fight for the rise of the Golden State's national war ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to erase the last hidden dangers of the Golden State, in the past few months, the army led by Yan Zonghan has suddenly entered this mountain, and at this moment, they are For the same thing, go back along this narrow and winding mountain road. When entering, they are fierce and passionate. When they are retracing, they are still like beasts, but they are more blood, and in some ways even tragic.

No matter how frivolous the people are thousands of miles away, this moment happened in the mountains of the southwest, and it is indeed the struggle of the strongest people of this era.

"……Meow meow meow."

At the moment of receiving the essays from Lin'an, the fire of "Dilijiang" crossed the night sky, and the red around him turned his head and looked at Ning Yi, who raised the letter and made a strange voice.

“Hey?” she asked. “What happened?”

"Just kidding... brutal, treacherous, crazy, tyrannical... How can I do this?"

Not far away, the flames burst open between the mountain roads under the night, raging and burning.

"...the bastard, filthy me..."

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