Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 922: No return (middle)

In the first year of Wu Zhenxing, March 11th, the area around Taihu Lake still stayed in the traces of war and raging, and never eased.

In the past six months, the war and the massacre have ravaged here over and over again. From Wuxi to Suzhou to Jiaxing, a rich and splendid city was opened several times in the city gate. The Jurchens raged here. The Wu Dynasty army recovered here and then changed hands again. One after another massacre, looting again and again, from the end of Jianye to the beginning of the revitalization, seems to have not stopped.

More than a million Han Chinese died in the winter of last year. The same number of Jiangnan craftsmen, strong men, and some beautiful women were arrested by the Jin Jun and pulled to the north as trophies.

The large-scale war and search stopped until February of this year, but even after the Jurchens had enough to eat and drink, the situation of the Jiangnan land was still not alleviated, and a large number of displaced people formed a mountain, and the ethnic group pulled up. In the army, people delineate the land and plunder the rest of the world as much as possible for their own livelihood. The smashing and frequent killings and conflicts still appear in every place in this once rich paradise.

Forgive us for not looking at our perspective for a long time. During the long nights of this long war, many people suffer more than every day in the Pacific.

After more than two months of running away from the escaped people, He Wen felt the endless night that seemed endless. Unbearable hunger, the raging pain that can't be alleviated, people eat their own or other children in despair, many people are forced to go crazy, there are still enemies in the back.

Constantly escaping and swaying, the organizational capacity of the new emperor, who claimed to guard the people, was not ideal. He did not see the hope of solving the problem. Many times, the price of a strong man’s broken wrist was also the death of a mortal-like people. He is in it and can't think about it.

After leaving the prison, he had already abolished one hand. Without any strength, his body had already collapsed. The original martial arts did not exist. A few years ago, he was a Confucian man of both civil and military interests. He could not boast that he had seen people, but he asked himself to be firm. The corrupt officials of the Wu Dynasty made his family ruined. His heart did not have much hate. He went to kill Ning Yi and was unsuccessful. When he returned home, who could prove it to him? The pitch in the heart is innocent, and in reality, the wife and the daughter are scattered. This is his fault and failure.

But the road to escape, the hunger and powerless suffering often make him utterly mournful, this pain is not temporary, not strong, but continuous powerlessness and anger, anger but powerless Tearing. If he is allowed to stand in an objective angle and analyze everything in a cold and calm manner, he will also admit that the new emperor has indeed paid his great efforts. The army he led, at least also tried to keep his head ahead. Stronger than people, no one can resist.

But he was wrapped in a crowd of people who fled. Every moment he saw blood and mourning. After people ate human flesh, it seemed as if the soul had been erased, and it was suffering in despair. Seeing that the wife, whose wife can no longer run, made an animal-like scream, witnessing the mother’s death after her death, like a walking dead, falling to the ground after being touched by others, her voice will be in the mouth. The constant resounding in my sleep, holding on to the heart of any remaining conscience, makes it impossible to sink into any peace of mind.

Is this enough?

Did you really try your best?

He will remember everything he saw in the southwest.

The same life there is difficult, people will save food and eat, will hungry and thrift, but people's faces will have a different look. The army named after Huaxia faces the war, they will meet, they face sacrifice, accept sacrifice, and then the survivors enjoy the joy of peace.

He remembered the righteousness of countless people in the southwest - including him, they asked Ning Yi: "Where is the people! How can you expect everyone to be right, everyone makes the right choice!" He would think of Ning Yi’s cold-blooded answer that he was criticized: "Then they must die!" He Wen once felt that he had asked the right question.

Many questions answered by Ning Yi, He Wen could not come up with the correct way of rebutting. But this problem alone reflects the cold blood of Ning Yi. He Wen does not appreciate such Ning Yi. For a long time, he also believes that from this perspective, people can despise Ning Yi - at least, not standing with him.

But when many people are chased and killed, because of all kinds of bleak reasons, there is no weight to die, but he will remember this question.

They are going to die.

Jiangnan has always been rich, even after more than half a year of war and raging, it has been tossed over and over again. There are not many people who have escaped from this moment. Some of them are even the big ones. They used to have a good life. There are even beautiful hearts. They fled, cried, and died, and no one gave any preferential treatment because of their goodness.

Even the army of the Wu Dynasty, the one in front of it has already played quite hard. However, is it enough?

The enemy chopped over, couldn’t stop it, and died. It’s meaningless to talk about hardships and reasons.

- If Ning Yi is next to him, maybe he will say this kind of cold to the extreme. But because of the fear of death, for so many years, the southwest has always been strong, using every strength of everyone, hoping to survive the war. The people born in the Wu Dynasty, no matter how good their reasons are, no matter how incompetent they are, it makes people feel guilty.

They are dead.

Ning Yi looked at him: "They have to die."

One day in January, the Jurchens came over and the people fled without aim. The helpless He Wen saw the right direction, shouting around with a hoarse voice, but no one listened to him until he Shouted: "I am a Chinese soldier! I am a black flag army! Come with me!"

The people who heard it followed, and then passed on a hundred and ten. On this day, he led many people to escape to the nearby mountains. When the weather is going to be done, people are shrouded in hunger, and He Wen is uplifting. On the one hand, he arranges the mountains in the early spring to find better than the food without food. On the other hand, he collects more than a dozen weapons and wants to follow the Jurchen people nearby. Surrender the Han army squad to grab the grain.

All the way to escape, even if the team is strong and strong, there is no strength at this time. It’s a habit to go further on this road. It’s not a habit to go forward. But there is no other way. He Wen told the people about the record of the Black Flag Army and then promised: “Just believe me!”

With more than a dozen people who were uneasy, he found a team of nearly one hundred surrendered Han troops, and reported to him the transfer information of the Han Shizhong brigade.

At that moment, He Wen was ragged, weak, thin and thin, and a broken hand became more and more powerless. The leader of the team did not despise it, and put a warning in the weak voice of He Wen.

Soon after, He Wen took out a knife, and before the surrender of the Han army, he wiped the neck of the general, and the blood spurted out in the light of the bonfire. He took out the black flag that had already been prepared and raised it high. In the darkness around the mountains, there are torches that illuminate one after another, and shouts come and go.

More than 100 people put down their swords and guns.

This is the beginning of his flag. If he is looking for his pure thoughts, He Wen is actually not willing to erect this black flag. He has not inherited the black flag, but it is just a cry in his despair. But after everyone gathered, the name could no longer be changed.

The war is burning everywhere, as long as someone is willing to erect an umbrella, and soon after, there will be a large number of migrants to vote. The Yijuns are rubbing against each other, and some even take the initiative to attack the Jinhan Army, which is still abundant. It is the most fierce one in the Rebels. He Wen is an army like this. He recalls the southwest. The training content and organization method of the army will be deployed to the displaced people. If you can take the knife, you must take the knife. After forming a formation, you will never retreat. Cultivate the mutual trust of your comrades, meet from time to time, recall the sweetness, and accuse the Jurchen. Even a woman or a child, he will certainly give people a collective job.

The team that hastily organized is extremely rigid, but it is enough to deal with the nearby Jinhan army. It is this style of work that has made people more convinced that He Wen is really a member of the legendary army. In just over a month, the number of people gathered has expanded. People are still hungry, but with the birth of all things in the spring, and the principle of fair distribution of He Wen in this rabble, the people in hunger do not need to eat and eat.

The important member of the new emperor, Cheng Zhouhai, once found He Wen, and he stated that Zhou Junwu’s reluctance to leave and the determination of the rejuvenation of the Wu Dynasty, and He Wen talked a lot about Southwest China - He Wen did not appreciate, in fact Cheng Zhouhai did not understand, and He Wen’s heart did not hate the new emperor of the Wu Dynasty. Many times he did his best. He’s heroic gesture outside Jiangning City, and finally the Zongfu’s besieged army was beaten. However, trying your best is not enough.

On the other hand, he is actually not willing to mention too much about the Southwest, especially in front of another person who knows the situation in the Southwest. He knew in his heart that he was not a real soldier of the Huaxia Army.

In March, this squadron with a black flag has a reputation throughout the south of the Yangtze River, and even many people on the hill have contact with him. I heard that people have sent a thing, and I have talked with He Wen about Ning Yi. He and Cheng Zhouhai generally don’t understand He Wen’s heart. The final result is naturally nothing.

On the eighth day of the eighth month and the first nine days of the third day, the victory of the southwest has spread in the south of the Yangtze River. The name of the black army in the name of the black flag was announced, followed by the article of Wu Qimei in Lin’an Chaotang. On the above, there is a statement about tyranny, equality, and later passed to many people's ears.

He Wen received news from Linan on the way to the north. He went all night and night, and several people with his companions crossed the road near Taihu Lake and headed for Zhenjiang. They came to Suzhou to get the people from here. Information, among the companions, a swordman named Huang Yuqing also read poetry. After reading Wu Qimei's article, he was excited: "Mr. He, Southwest... Is this really equal?"

"...he did say that everyone is equal."

After reading Wu Qimei's article, He Wen understood the sinister intentions of this old dog. The article about the southwestern situation in the article is based on speculation, not worth mentioning, but when it comes to the word equality, He Wen hesitates and does not make too much discussion.

He was seen in He Deng’s identity. It was after Ning Yi’s return to the southwest. There was something about the “hungry ghost” of the Central Plains. At the level he had at the beginning, he had heard some opinions from the staff. Ning Yi gave advice to Wang Shitong, but Wang Shitong did not listen. The group of hungry ghosts who eventually made a living from looting continued to expand, and millions of people were involved.

The situation in Jiangnan, his own situation, is similar to the hungry ghost?

After the Jurchen people took the camp, the materials in Jiangnan will be near to the bottom, or the people can only face each other and devour each other. The emigrants, the Hawthorn, the Rebels, and the Jinhan Army are all competing for each other. They wave their black flags and their enemies are expanding. After the expansion, they attack the Han army and continue to inflate after the attack.

- This will eventually die from self-deprecation.

He did not make too many comments on Wu Qimei's article. He thought quietly on this road. On the afternoon of the 11th, he had already entered the south of Zhenjiang.

Jinjun’s camp was stationed on both sides of the Yangtze River, including the millions of Han slaves that they drove up, and the team that crossed the river, growing a long stretch. On the outskirts of the team, there was also a tour of the Han army after the fall, and He Wen and his companions quietly approached the most dangerous area.

In the evening, they took a break in the mountains, and the small team did not dare to live, silently eating a small amount of dry food. He Wen sat on the grass and watched the sunset. His clothes were worn out and his body was still weak. But there was a force in the silence, and no one else dared to disturb him.

Until the sunset became red, he recruited Huang Fuqing and others.

"... When Mr. Ning was in the southwest, he said many times that the concept of equality for all, he said, this is undoubtedly the ultimate and highest pursuit of human society. That is to say, this world has changed, In the end, it must be changed in that direction."

Some people sitting around did not understand, some people understood a part, and at this time most of them looked solemn. He Wen recalled: "When I was in the southwest, I used to... I have seen such a thing. Now I think about it. I remember very clearly. It is like this... The basic idea of ​​geophysics and the world of human existence. With the observation of society, we can know the basic rule: in the society where human beings live, all conscious and influential changes are produced by the actions of every human being who constitutes this society. Under the guidance of this basic rule. In order to seek fairness and justice that human society can realistically achieve and seek together, we believe that life has the following reasonable and legal rights: First, the right to survive..." (Recalling this should not be so clear, but this paragraph does not Make changes and disruptions).

He Wen sat in the setting sun and said the words. Everyone felt more or less confused, but after seeing He Wen, he paused:

"You know, why Wu Qimei of Lin'an wants to write such an article because of the foundation of his court, all of them are in the family of the gentry, the gentry, the most feared, the equality that is said here...if the real person People are equal, why do they hunger and hungry? Why do you want to be a farmer in your home, but you can only be a farmer in your life? Wu Qimei, an old dog, he thinks that with these gentry, the Chinese army Come, these big families will be afraid of the Huaxia Army and will defeat the Huaxia Army."

He waved his hand and threw Wu Qimei and other people's articles out. The paper fluttered in the setting sun. He Wen's words became awkward and firm: "...and they are afraid, we should do it! They We are equal to fear of equality! After this success, we will stand up and tell everyone about the idea of ​​equality!"

"You, this world has already died!" He Wendao, "How many people broke their wives and scatters! And those big families, when the Wu Dynasty was alive, they lived by the Wu Dynasty, and they lived better than anyone else. They are doing nothing, the corpse is a vegetarian meal! Take a little, there is a point to take aside, and the Wu dynasty is screwed up. They also sell the Wu dynasty, sell us, and continue their good days! This is because they take up and take more things than us, the lives of the small people. It’s not worth it. It’s just like a cow and a horse. It’s like a cockroach! You can’t go on like this. From now on, we won’t let these people be superior!”

He Wen swayed his fist, and his brain was easy to use. In the southwest, in fact, there are many styles and information inside the Huaxia Army that are in contact with it. Even many "isms", no matter how immature, China The interior of the military encouraged discussion and debate. At this time, he recalled and said that he finally made the decision.

"...what can be the great family of the gentry in the world? Now the family is the most persecuted! Everyone is exploited by the gentry and the big family~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is driven by the Jurchen as a pig, because the most people in the world are It’s the rabble. But from now on, this is not the case. We have to tell the truth to them. Why? We are not worthy of being a human being. We must let them wake up and unite! From today, we are called ——"

He paused, and finally calmly and firmly positioned the ground: "--public! Ping! Party!"

The look of everyone is excited, and some people have to stand up and shout, and they are stopped by people around them. He Wen looked at these people. In the setting sun, he saw himself and Ning Yi in the southwest a few years ago. He remembered what Ning Yi said, and remembered what he said, "Reading first, then taking the test." . I also remembered the premise of equality that Ning Yi said. I also remembered the complex look he had when he talked about "playing local tyrants". In fact, many ways have long been there.

The world is always reminded by the wind and rain.

We don't have that surplus, aren't we?

Since they are so scared.

Since the front has no way to go.

Then play local tyrants and divide the fields.

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