Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 921: No return (on)

March 11th, early morning, Fuzhou.

As a temporary palace, there was a light in the courtyard. Zhou Junwu was awakened from the desk and found himself sleeping.

A tall stack of books squatted on the table, because of the big movements he got up, the paper that was originally pressed under his head made a sound. The maid who stayed up late with the night was also awakened and hurried over.

"His Majesty."

"What time is it? Why didn't you wake me up?"

"It’s almost three moments." The maid was on the ground. "Your Majesty... I haven’t had a good rest recently..."

"When did I sleep?"

"About... When I passed the child. Your arm is too tired."

"Nothing." Jun Wu reached for his forehead and cheeks. "Nothing, hit the basin. Also, give me a cup of tea, I have to look at it."

The maid went down, and Jun Wu was still swaying the forehead. He stayed up late for a few days in the past few days. He slept very little in these days, and finally couldn’t go down last night. At this time, he probably fell asleep. Two hours, but for young people, energy is still there.

At this time, on the table, it is the entry and exit records of various materials after taking over Fuzhou, and the income and expenditure of various military funds in the military and the court. These things did not need the emperor to personally ask questions - for example, when they were engaged in research and development in Jiangning, all kinds of income and expenditure were managed by Wen Man, Lu Agui and others, but now that the army is stationed in Fuzhou, it has already Jun Wu, who was able to breathe a sigh of relief, did not stop, but began to understand the situation of the materials in and out of his own.

I don’t know Chai Migui, he is now a family member. As you can imagine, he will soon be surrounded by a big house. It’s hard to know the specific civil grievances. Therefore, he wants to quickly detail the affairs. Make an understanding. It is easiest to pass the books, how much silver a soldier needs per month, how much he wants to eat, how much he wears, how much the price of the knife is, how many soldiers are sacrificed, how much the pension is... and even what the price is on the market. After thoroughly reading the books in this area, he will be able to have a clear framework for these things.

It’s really troublesome to get through a set of books. Jun Wu let Cheng Zhouhai find a reliable accountant teacher for him, not only to teach him the clear account, but also to teach him various ways of doing things and tricks. During this time, Junwu handled government affairs in the daytime, met with all parties, and studied and studied the books at night, and recorded his own understanding and opinions. After returning to the total, he found time to discuss and compare with the accountant teacher.

In the spring of March, the situation in Fuzhou seems to be initially stable, and in fact it is only a partial bias. After Junwu became emperor, he fled all the way. In February, he went to Fuzhou to meet with his sister Zhou Pei. After the initial base, Junwu must try the Guangfu Wuchao in the name of orthodoxy. At this time, the female East Road Army has been drawn to the north, leaving only a thousand troops in Lin'an to support the small court, but even so, it is not easy to let everyone stand back to the Wu Dynasty orthodox position without hesitation.

In the past year, the destruction of Jurchens touched all aspects of the entire Wu Dynasty. Under the cooperation and promotion of the small court, the system between Wenwu and Wuwu has become chaotic. From Lin'an to all parts of the Wu Dynasty, it has gradually begun to form a separatist situation in which all majors, homesicks support, push the military, and pull the army.

This is the inevitable means for the locals to fear and protect themselves after the Jurchen defeated the Linan Temple. After Zhou Yu’s death, Jun Wu fled all the way in a dangerous situation. The inheritance of political power did not actually pass over to him clearly. After the decoupling of power in this half year, the big families in various places have basically begun to hold. The strength of the hand at hand, although it is said to be loyal to the Wu dynasty, but in essence, Jun Wu can exert control over the Wu dynasty, less than half of what it was a year ago.

These tribes, gentry, and generals who are loyal to the Wu Dynasty are divided into various places. The loyalty still needs to be distinguished. Many people still have their own demands. In the future, there may even be a possibility of collapse. At present, the power of Junwu has not even recovered from Fujian. It is not very realistic to hope that these people's assistance or trust.

Consolidate itself, determine the rules, and establish a firm footing, becoming the first step that the regime of Junwu needs to solve. Nowadays, the most stable hand in his hand is the nearly 100,000 troops headed by Yue Fei and Han Shizhong. These troops have been separated from the interference and restraint of the big people in the past, but they want to go forward, how to give those big families and gentry benefits. It is also necessary to have a charter, including how to maintain the military's combat power, and the balance that must be possessed.

These new rules need to be built step by step, and to build them, Junwu, the newly-elected emperor, must clearly understand everyone in the family, what kind of people they are, and what kind of demands they have.

This is the reason why Junwu has turned to the bright side of the day and night for half a month. He thus stated his thoughts on Zhou Pei and his courtiers. However, only a few people around me understand that in addition to the idea of ​​this year, Junwu’s overworked work has a deeper and darker reason.

As the weight of the king, it has actually fallen to the back of Junwu.

And the process of its suppression is definitely not easy to talk about.

Last year, Junwu was outside the city of Jiangning, and he was beaten by the imposing manner. After that, the new emperor who could not be trapped in Jiangning could only lead the army to break through. Some of the Jiangning people successfully fled under the protection of the army, but there were also a large number of people who died in the subsequent massacre. This is the first round of heavy pressure in the heart of Junwu.

After Jiang Ning was murdered into white land, the army was chased by Zong Fu and Zong Yi all the way. In January, he arrived near Haiyan County south of Jiaxing. At that time, Zhou Pei had already captured Fuzhou. She left the fleet to help the north and asked Junwu to transfer first. However, Junwu, who had a shadow in his heart, refused to do so. At that time, the army built a defense line around Haiyan, and the defense still protected a large number of The people.

He hopes to **** the people first. However, such a choice is naturally naive. Not to mention that the literary ministers will refuse, even Yue Fei, Han Shizhong and others have also said that they want to go before the king. The biggest reason is that the gold country has almost defeated the Wu dynasty. The reason for chasing this group of people to run is the new emperor. Once Jun Wu entered the sea, Zong Fu and Zong Yi, who could not chase after chasing, did not feel in the Jiangnan for a long time.

But the reason for this reason is reasonable, how much difference between the whole line and the choice of Zhou Wei at the beginning? In the eyes of others, will it be considered the same thing? Jun Wu was suffering, hesitated for one day, and finally got on the boat in the persuasion of the people. He led the dragon ship fleet and went straight to the Qiantang River and went straight to Lin'an. The situation in Lin'an City suddenly became tense. The people in the small court were uneasy. Zong Fu led the army back, but in Haiyan County, the ancestral sect who had angered with Han Shizhong refused to give up, violently attacked for several days, and finally caused a lot. Discrete and death of the masses.

After the war, the Jurchens moved to the north, and the pressure in Haiyan County has been greatly reduced. However, the martial arts abandonment of the people to escape to the sea is still being publicized by the people of Jinguo and Lin'an. There are even many people in Jiaxing and other places. After escaping from the massacre, go up the mountain and fall into the grass, in order to protect themselves.

The forces of the rebel army and the emigrants also rose and expanded at this time. Among them, the people who were scattered during the massacre in the north of Haiyan County gathered in the army of the black flag, and gathered tens of thousands. The size of the people, but no longer surrender to the Wu Dynasty. The responsibility of these scattered, slaughtered people to Junwu is also a scar and a round of pressure in the heart of the new emperor.

Going to his father, Zhou Wei, once an emperor wants to be responsible, such pressure will appear tenfold.

He squeezed his life in his busy work, but for this matter, the people around him did not make excessive explanations and persuasion. In a sense, young people in their twenties want to leave a country. Such overdraft is not necessarily a bad thing. The darkness and suffering in the heart is precisely the fastest way for a person to grow up.

It was only when the situation in Fuzhou was calmed down. Zhou Peiqing ordered the goods in the city, took out some of the deposits and loaded two boats, and let the people go to the north and sent them to the refugees who were still struggling in the famine in Haiyan County. Previously, for these refugees and the righteous army, Cheng Zhouhai once went to lobby, Chen said that the stakes, some teams put down their views on Junwu, but the black army name is not willing to accept the command of the Wu Dynasty. This time, Zhou Pei let the people squander the goods in the past, even if they did not respect the order, let him provide some food for free. After Jun Wu heard about this, although he did not say anything on the surface, his anxiety in his heart was slightly relieved.

Of course, there have been other relaxing news in these days: for example, the result of the Battle of Changsha, has now been introduced to Fuzhou. After Jun Wu listened, he was very happy.

On this day, he flipped through the books to the early morning and went to the yard to play a round of punches before he washed and used meals. After the breakfast is over, I will listen to people's rewards. When I heard that the people are coming back, I quickly call them.

This time, the delivery of materials in the past, although it is to save people, but let the people accompany the reason for the accompanying, more is still involved in negotiations with the leader of the army called He Wen, Chen said that Jun Wu left in January. In fact, if there is still a lot of things to be dealt with in the current monarchy, he may be more willing to take it lightly, and see the "former member of the Chinese Huaxia Army" who saved a large number of people in the massacre and talk to him. Chat about the Southwest.

Junwu and Zhou Pei’s side, now the strongest ability to do things, is still the heart of the resolute means of smuggling into the boat sea, he has not convinced He Wen before, this time to smell the past, more is to release goodwill . When the people came in and listened to it, they played a little, and Jun Wu knew that He Wen’s mind was determined. He hated Wu Ding and did not change it. He was not angry. He wanted to ask in detail, and someone hurriedly informed, Princess Chang. His Royal Highness has come over.

Only after a while, Zhou Pei appeared at the door. She was wearing a plain long skirt. She was light and graceful. She held a letter in her hand and walked quickly. After coming in, she greeted the person with the smell and let him avoid it. Li, then handed over the letter that seemed to have some weight: "The detective of Lin'an, the news came, and there was something to be concerned about. I have called General Yue to enter the palace immediately. It is good to hear Mr. Wen happen here. Some see."

"Oh? Is there a follow-up to the Battle of Tanzhou?" The news that the Changsha War was first settled a few days ago was the most happy moment of Junwu during this time. He took the letter, guessed a sentence, and then took the letter from the envelope. I pulled it out, there were a lot of news in the envelope, and there were several articles in the ocean. Jun Wu did not hold steady, the paper fell to the ground. When he picked it up, he saw the top one saying "On Qin II died": "What?"

Zhou Pei glanced at it, like laughing and laughing: "Mei Gong’s new essay in Lin'an, I heard that in recent days in Lin'an, it has been passed down very well. Your Majesty may wish to take a look."

"Oh?" Jun Wu calmed down and looked at it word by word. After only watching it for a while, he had already raised his brow. "There is a deficiency in the wisdom of "On the Qin". However, why did Wu Qimei write this kind of thing? ? Eat full of support... insinuate that I am a soldier?"

"Nature is justified. He wrote this thing to the Jiangnan big family. If you are intolerant, turn it over."

Jun Wu turned a page.

He looked at the moment and took out the original page on the top. He stepped back and sat in the chair. He looked solemn and looked back and forth twice. In the yard outside the room, there was morning light coming in, and the sound of birds singing came from the air. Jun Wu looked at Zhou Pei, and then look at the message: "Yes..."

His voice was a little hoarse, and he paused and said: "Is it true?"

Zhou Pei at this moment was also silent for a moment: "The news was first transmitted to Lin'an. Our staff is not enough. It is also impossible to determine. With Wu Qimei, waiting for a few days, when I put these articles outside Lin'an, I can confirm the truth of this matter. So I sent the message along with the article... I saw it and immediately came over."

In the letter sent, it was the situation of the Southwestern War. Jun Wu nodded and stood up involuntarily: "February 28... Now I don't know what the Southwest is like..."

He paused and flipped some of the information behind him, and then handed it over to the curious ones. The man walked back and forth in the hall and said: "This is called snoring! This is called snoring! The teacher actually cut the slanting insurance! He cut the slanting insurance in Zonghan! Haha, if you can fight alongside the teacher..."

"Your Majesty." Zhou Pei smiled somewhat weakly. "You are the emperor of the Wu Dynasty. Your Majesty."

"What emperor is not the emperor, what is the name of the name! What is the right thing to do is the right way!" Jun Wu waved his hand in the room. At this moment, he was dressed in a robes, his face was thin, his jaw was necessary, and at first glance it was already The dignified superiors, at the moment, have rarely exposed the childishness he has not seen for a long time. He pointed to the information that was not used on the second hand, pointed twice, and his eyes were red and he could not speak.

"...he...the defeat...the Jurchen. Sister, have you thought about it... For more than ten years... For more than 30 years, all the people who heard it were defeated, the Jurchens came over, the emperor of Wu Dynasty, Was scared to get away from running... Southwest resisted, he actually resisted Yan Zonghan, killed his son... I don’t even think about it, even if I heard the news of Tanzhou a few days ago, I killed silver. Yes, I don't dare to think about things in the southwest. Emperor... He, tens of thousands of people are on the hundreds of thousands, and they are holding their heads... The amount is not fake?"

Jun Wu was blind, talking hard, sometimes laughing nervously, and finally felt a bit illusory. Zhou Pei did not argue with him this time: "...I am not sure."

The smell of people is not only looking at the information, but also silent for a long time, without speaking. They had previously killed Jiangning, and they went all the way, and they fell into danger several times under the catch of the Jurchens. Although the man is as dead as iron, in reality, the female real shadow is indeed like a boundless scorpio, like a long night when it is impossible to see the dawn. The whole Wu dynasty falls apart in such a nightmare. Such suffering seems to last for a long time. At this moment, some people say that, thousands of miles away, Ning Yi has already overturned Zonghan’s military squad.

Everything seems to be somewhat unrealistic.

The three people in the room were silent for a long time, and then Jun Wu opened his mouth. He said awkwardly: "...the southwest must be a war."

In the words, the heart longs for it.

At this time, some people came to report that General Yue had arrived.


In the morning, the sun was quietly and warmly sprinkled outside the courtyard. After Yue Fei arrived, the people moved to the map for the information that was sent, and carried out a round of deduction and re-enactment of the wars thousands of miles away. During this period, Cheng Zhouhai, Han Shizhong, and a group of Wenchens also came one after another. For the news, everyone also showed a complicated look.

People talk and talk. In fact, the old people with Ning Yi seem to be somewhat silent. Jun Wu is only slightly disoriented in front of a few familiar people. When the writers come in, they will not say those untimely words. Zhou Pei walked aside and looked at the water and the scenery outside the window. She also remembered Ning Yi.

In fact, the figure she had remembered for a long time has become very blurred in the impression. At the beginning, Ning Yi was just a relatively elegant scholar. After the separation of the capital, the two had never seen it again. What he had done since then, it was a illusion to kill Liangshan and fight against the green forest.

When he became rebellious, Ning Yi became more of a dark outline. This outline sometimes made extreme things, but he also had to admit that he was a truly powerful embodiment. This is a powerful position that cannot be defined by her position. Even after taking over the Princess of the Immaculate Conception and seeing various things more than ten years later, she remembers that the man who used to be his own teacher could not fully define the other party’s powerful degree.

It is not the first time that the defeat of the Jinjun, such as the dream of the Wu Dynasty, is placed on the other side. When he was in Liangliang more than ten years ago, he gathered a group of Wuhe people. In Xia Cun, he defeated Guo Yao, who was able to wrestle with the Jurchen, and finally cooperated with Qin Grandpa to solve the encirclement of Yan Liang. Since then, in Xiao Canghe, he has killed the chamber and resigned, which has caused the gold country to suffer huge setbacks in the northwest.

All of this can only be regarded as a partial battle with the Golden State, but in the battle of the southwest, the Huaxia Army is truly half of the country facing the Golden State. For the victory of Tanzhou, everyone is surprised, but it is not incomprehensible. This is at best an unexpected surprise. It is impossible for the war in the southwest, even the most optimistic and confident person of Ning Yi, to guess. To today's battle.

At most, people believe that the Huaxia Army will use the geographical advantage to drag the Jurchen West Road Army to the southwest, and through the circumstance of time, it will finally gain a lifeline under the female real offensive. No one can think of the Huaxia Army’s strength of tens of thousands of people, and it has tied the most elite army of nearly 200,000 troops in the country. Then Ning Yi led the 7,000 people to attack. It was only the first strike, and they defeated the oblique insurance. The 30,000 Yanshanwei will kill the Yan Yan in front of the sticky.

In his life, in the face of anyone, almost never fell into the real downside. Even the Jurchen-like white mountain black water kills and kills the whole world's demons. After ten years of tempering, he actually gave the other party such a heavy punch.

What does Yan Zonghan think of him?

Southwest... It’s really in the midst of war...

She thought about this in her mind. This is the first time in her years that she has thought of Ning Yi so hard and hard. Although the figure is already invisible, facing the nightmare of the Jurchen, he greeted him too far and too far... she is now Still some vainly recalling these things, I also thought: If the summer camp after the war in the summer, the squad of the priests, together with Zhou Wei, would not be so stupid, there should be more than everything. Different trajectories...

On the tree outside the window, the peach blossoms have fallen. She closed her eyes and sighed softly and gently ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ All this will not be realized again...


Not far away, Jun Wu, who has been silent for a long time, will also be called to the side and ask about things that were interrupted before:

"... Mr. Wen, you are in the past, the leader of the right army called He Wen, really... is it a person who has been in the southwest?"


Outside the window, there is sunshine falling. In Fuzhou, where people were stunned, people were delighted by the news. But under this bright sky, all the way to the north, the clouds never dissipated in the field of vision. Hundreds of thousands of troops, millions of Han slaves, Form a bloated group and cross the Yangtze River.

Victory and fiasco are gathered here, and the triumph is intertwined with the bleak, and the victors who are on the top drive away the same kind of millions of animals to the north. One party is returning home, and one party never returns home. Every day, the body was rolled up by the water of the Yangtze River and floated to the distance of Hell.

The message was then interrupted by this pure joy and sorrow.

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