Zhui Xu

: Chunyu Lishi 1 piece of frog sound

The cold water droplets fell from the eaves and turned back, and the pattering rain fell down in the yard. Everywhere in the house, the adults who came here are still talking. The next person who poured water on the tea carefully walked by.

After the news of the war in the southwest, Lin’an’s right-hand government, members of the Yushe community had been meeting in private for several days.

For the people in Lin'an Temple, including Li Shan, the war in the southwest is essentially an unexpected "innocent disaster." The people have already accepted the status quo of "reforming the dynasty" and "the golden world conquering the world" - of course, this kind of cognition is verbally more devious and more convincing statement - the situation in the southwest is this chaos The change of Zhonghengsheng.

People have to think about things they would otherwise not want to think about.

Regarding the reasons for the establishment of the Lin’an Small Court, there are reasons for the downfall. For everyone, there have been many narratives: If the determined gold-miners agree that the three-hundred-year-old king must be happy, history The tide can't be stopped, people can only accept, while accepting, people can save more people and avoid unnecessary sacrifices.

From this, although the Jurchens have gained the world, the ancient world can only rely on Confucianism, and even in the context of the world, the people of the world still need the rescue of Confucianism. Confucianism can teach the people and educate the Jurchen. "My generation of Confucian students" can only bear the burden of humiliation and spread the Tao.

Of course, such a statement is too tall. If it is not talked about among the "like-minded" comrades, sometimes it may be ridiculed by people who don't know the current affairs. Therefore, there are often Xu Xutu, the biggest reason for this statement. It was also the incompetence of Zhou Wei to Zhou Yu’s rule of the country. The Wu Dynasty was weak, and the Jurchen was so powerful. I also had to succumb to the snakes and retain the Taoist system.

As for why I don’t respect Zhou Junwu as the emperor, it’s also because Zhou Yi’s car is in front of him. Zhou’s son is **** but stupid. He doesn’t know the big picture. He can’t understand everyone’s humiliation and burden, and he is the emperor. In the future, I am afraid. It’s even harder to revitalize: In fact, if he doesn’t respect the order of the dynasty, he can’t do it, but he’s still in Jiangning’s emperor’s time. During the period, he just rehabilitated his army. The power that would have gathered under the orthodox sect is probably more, and if not for him. Extreme behavior, the people who can survive on Jiangning, I am afraid there will be more.

In fact, when I think about it, so many people have turned to Lin’an’s court. Isn’t Zhou Junwu’s reorganization of the army in Jiangning and Zhenjiang? He completely condemned the military power, dispelled the shackles of many other families, and expelled the upper-middle-level generals who originally represented the interests of various families in the south of the Yangtze River. When some of the ethnic disciples raised rumors, he even could not help but expel people. The emperor does not understand the trade-offs. It seems that it is different from Zhou Wei and Zhou Wei, but the degree of stupidity is similar.

He called the emperor in Jiangning, but eventually threw down the Jiangning people to break out, so that hundreds of thousands of people in Jiangning were killed by women. He relied on the help of the people to break through the success. After that, he only favored several military generals such as Yue Fei and Han Shizhong, and abandoned the interests of many big families. Zhou Junwu had already been rebellious, and the Wu Dynasty’s Taoist system was slightly swayed by candlelight. How many people can understand this person?

In any case, people in Lin'an are on their own path for many reasons and are full. If there is no cross-section, everyone can believe that the Jurchen is invincible, and realize that they are powerless. The correctness of "have to be so" is self-evident. But as the southwestern battle report came to the forefront, the worst thing was that everyone felt guilty and embarrassed.

If the Jurchen is not so invincible, what is it doing on your own side?

In the southwest, the Jurchen has eaten, how to choose here? Adhering to the Han Chinese system and reconciliation with the Southwest? I have sold so many people on my side, will people really give face? How should we define the Taoist system that was first adhered to?

If you don't reconcile, you will turn to Juror without hesitation. Do you stand up to the imaginary and arrogant snakes in your mouth? Can you come up with it? The most important thing is, if the southwest is coming out of the mountains one day, can you live here?

When faced with a big enemy, the choice is very good. But nowadays, the southwest shows strong muscles like Jurchen. People in Linan feel the shackles and shackles in the cracks.

Regarding the view of the southwest, the people in the community discussed it for a few days. Some of the opinions and discussions were reserved. Try not to let some sharp things touch each other's self-esteem. On the other hand, they are waiting for the people on the top. A more authoritative statement. On this day, with the drizzle of the rain falling in the right Xiangfu, Gan Fenglin, who had asked Li Shan in the past few days, came quietly and summoned several brothers and brothers to speak in the small study.

"There is a thing, today, before the teachers and brothers. This is a new teacher."

Gan Fenglin spoke and took an article. The spirit of the rest of the people was shocked: "Oh? But what about the Southwest?"

In these few days, Wu Qimei collected news from a few disciples to collect the southwest. He also constantly confirmed the specific matters of this message. Although he did not speak in the early days, everyone knows that he must be worried about this matter. With an article, it must be the way to deal with it. Someone took the lead and took the lead and smiled: "The teacher is arrogant, and the students are sneak peek."

The brothers took the article in his hand, and everyone was surrounded by a flickering dance. Then he frowned, or he was confused or confused. People with insufficient strength talk with people on the side: What is the solution?

Li Shan also looked over doubtfully, only to see the paper on the paper, but the title was "On Qin II and died."

The situation of the Qin Dynasty is similar to that of the present? He was puzzled. The first brother who read the article passed the article to the people around him. He was also confused: "If you write a pen, you will be stunned, but the teacher can swear at this moment, what is the intention?"

After that, everyone read the article one by one, and they felt more or less. They talked to each other one after another. Some people felt the taste: "Qin Zheng, when it is talking about the southwest..."

"Actually, it is similar to the first Prince Junwu. It is just for personal use. It can be a strong moment and it will not last long. How do you feel..."

Everyone talked for a moment, and after a short time, Wu Qimei also came, and gathered all the people in the back hall. The spirit of the old man is good. First, he happily greeted everyone. After the tea, the party sent a new article to everyone.

Many people looked at the article and showed their doubts. Wu Qimei only opened the mouth after everyone saw it:

"In the past few days, all of you have been disturbed by the southwest war. When the old man heard about the southwestern war situation, there were some accidents. He sent Fenglin, Jiaji and others to confirm the news, and then asked the southwestern situation in detail. Today, there are some things. It can be confirmed that at the end of last month, in the southwestern mountains, Ning Yi’s black flag squadron borrowed from the ground to set up an ambush, which actually defeated the Jurchen West Road Army Baoshan King Wang Yan’s slanting insurance rate, the actress was fine, and the Yan Yan was protected by Ning Yi Yi was in front of the battle. This war reversed the situation in the southwest."

The old man said frankly about these conditions. In the solemnity of everyone, he smiled and said: "These news are beyond my expectation. Now it seems that the whole southwestern situation is hard to predict. In these few days, I asked Feng Lin, Jia Ji and others, why can the southwest win? In the past few years, how has the southwest developed in the mountain ditch? Many people have no idea.

"...So the old man also summoned some people. In the past few years, there have been traders with the southwest. In these days, the eyes are still staring at the southwest. The foresighted people who have not relaxed, like Li Shan, are among them. First, he had a close relationship with Li Dexin, and he did not forget to understand the situation in the southwest... The old man asked the people and learned a lot of things. You, for the southwest, have to get up."

The old man nodded his head and said: "You have to get up."

Everyone nodded, and some people looked to Li Shan. He was envious of his praise from the teacher.

Just listen to Wu Qimei: "It seems that in the next few years, the southwest may become the heart of the world. Who is Ning Yi, what is the black flag? We have some ideas in the past, after all, but in general, these days After detailed inquiry, verification, and reading a lot of intelligence, I came to a conclusion."

When he spoke, Gan Fenglin took out a large stack of papers. The papers were new and old. They wanted to collect the information, and they were placed on the table with a half head. Wu Qimei patted the paper.

"Why is the southwest playing such a war situation, why is Ning Yi? First of all, Ning Yi is a ferocious person. Many things here, in fact, everyone knows that it was more or less heard before. This person is born and born. Inferiority, but the more inferior, the more ferocious, can't touch! The old man does not know when he learned the martial arts, but after he took martial arts, his blood debt continued!"

"When he had Qin Yuyuan supporting his waist, he was in charge of the Secret Investigation Department, and when he was managing the Green Forest, he had countless blood bonds. There were often rivers and lakes who had assassinated him and then died in his hands... This is his early assessment. In fact, if he is really a gentleman, he will be in charge of the green forest, and he will be so blamed with people. Liang Shan’s grievances are so deep that he once murdered to Jiangning and went to his home. Ning Yi also killed Liang Shan. He took the right. The power of the government, the destruction of Liangshan nearly half a squat, blood flow into the river. Although the dog bites the dog is not a good person, but Ning Yi this ferocious word style, there will be no mistake."

"Secondly, Ning Yi is a treacherous person." Wu Qimei hit his finger on the table. "You, he is very smart, can't be underestimated. He used to be a student. Later, his family fell into the house of merchants. Perhaps it is right. There is a desire for money and money, and it is very talented for business."

"We don't mention small things. We only mention Jinghan for 11 years. The world is suffering from disasters. The south is flooded with big droughts in the north. The land is not harvested. The people are not happy. When Qin Yuyuan lived in the right phase, he should be responsible for the disaster relief in the world. Ning Yi With this convenience, the world's grain traffickers are rushed into the disaster-stricken areas to sell grain. He is a business talent, and then in the name of the government, the grain merchants are uniformly deployed to unify the food prices. Anyone who is not subject to his command is suppressed, even the government. I personally came out to deal with it. That year, until it snowed, the price of food could not go down. How many people were starved to death in the Central Plains, but he helped the right-hand government and earned a lot of money!"

Wu Qimei's fingers were knocked hard, and someone in the room stood up: "I know this thing. When I talked about disasters, I actually sold them at high prices!"

Someone said: "Yes, I have an impression of Jinghan’s 11-year disaster..."

"If this disaster is not caused, the national strength will be greatly damaged, and it will not be easy for Jurchens to go south..."

Everyone talked a lot, and Wu Qimei pressed down the palm of his hand.

"This is only a matter of the past. Even in the past few years, Black Flag lived in the southwestern mountains, and the business with the localities is still doing. The old man said that Ning Yi is a business wizard, and the things that are shipped from the southwest are in the heart. There are a few? If you don’t say anything else, you will say that the southwest will be beautifully printed by the history sub-set. It is not only neatly arranged, but also the package is exquisite. But the same book, the asking price in the southwest is ten times as many as the average book. Thousand times!"

"Southwest classics, the price is not high, the price is high. In the early years, the old man became an author sniper. You should be wary of this matter. It is a book. Even if it is beautifully decorated, can the words of the sages in the book be biased? Not only that, but also in the southwest. The various beautiful texts, all kinds of vulgar and boring texts are carefully decorated and transported to the Central Plains and transported to the south of the Yangtze River for sale. The arty people are eager to go! These things become silver money, returning to the southwest, they become the black flag army's guns. ""

"You, Ning Yi has a nickname outside, called a demon. This person knows a lot about the human heart. In the early years, although he was in the southwest, he was chaotic with all kinds of sinful things." He even sold the guns in the general to the army of the Wu Dynasty. The Wu dynasty army bought his guns. Instead, he felt that it was cheap. Others talked about the attack on the southwest. The various troops took the soft hand and took it everywhere. He started the knife! He bitten the Wushu army little by little. So he said that this person is a traitor.

"The third!" Wu Qimei aggravated the voice. "This person is crazy, can't always think about it. This is crazy. First, he is cruel and sinister, so that I am in Wu Dynasty, my Central Plains, and I am in China. It is unreasonable! And he After Jun Jun, he even said that it was for China! It was ridiculous to name his army as Huaxia Army. The second item of this madness is that he actually said that he would destroy my Confucianism!"

He said here, watching everyone pause. There was a laugh in the room: "This is really crazy."

"It is said that shortly after he said this, the Xiao Cang River was besieged by the world. Therefore, it was not enough in that year..."

"I am ruining my Confucianism. When I heard it, I wouldn’t scare him..."

In the past, Ning Yi’s statement about Confucian declaration of war came out because of Li frequency. The discussion and sniper in the world was not long. This was because the Xiao Cang River did not make too many substantive actions in this respect – for example, see a Confucian student. Kill one - later Xiao Canghe was besieged by the world, ran to the southwest, and did not act too aggressively. Secondly, because everyone's confidence in Confucianism and Taoism is too great, it is still feasible to kill the emperor. A madman is called to destroy Confucianism. Confucian scholars actually have the calmness of "letting him out."

If you are too serious about this matter, you will easily feel that you are a fool and lose. Occasionally, it’s okay to take a trip.

Speaking of this, Wu Qimei also sneered, and then said: "Although this is not the case, everyone. This person is crazy, the fourth item is tyranny! What is tyranny? The southwest black flag faces Jurchen, It is said that you are not afraid of death, the former servant, why? Because of the tyranny! It is also the reason why the old man wrote this article in these days!"

The old man said that there was already someone in the room reacting, and the eyes were shining: "It turned out to be..." A few people suddenly realized, including Li Shan, slowly nodding. Wu Qimei’s eyes swept over these few people and were quite satisfied.

"Why can the Black Flag Army confront the Golden Army positively? The old man asked many people and also checked some previous news. The whole thing may have to start from Fangla... When Fang La was in trouble, he slogan, 'is equal, no. There is a high-level, this is the so-called equality word, which is one of the reasons. Fang Lazao was chaotic in Hangzhou, which is now Lin'an. Ning Yi happened to be in it, we later learned that after the many help of Ning Yijun Jun, They are all from the embers of Fang La."

The old man stood up: "Chen Fan, who is now the commander of the Battle of Changsha, was the disciple of the Seven Buddhas at the beginning of the decapitation. The amount of Miaojiang troops he led was from the so-called hegemony battalion of the year. The leader, now one of Ning Yi’s dim chambers. When Fang La’s incident happened, Ning Yi fell in it and later failed. When the city broke, he said that Ning Yi had also made a fortune for me, but in fact, at that time Ning Yi has already taken over the clothes of Fang La."

"He was inspired by this 'equal equality'. After the monarchy, he also talked about equality in the Chinese military. What is his equality? That is to say, everyone in the world is equal, and the city is equal to the emperor, then He is not a big mistake when he is jealous of the king! He is playing the banner of equality, saying that since everyone is equal, then it is not equal to live in a big house, and there is land in the home. It is unequal. In the southwest, he killed a lot of nostalgic tyrants, and then confiscated the other’s family’s belongings, so they were equal."

"Of course, this person is deeply immersed in human nature. He will not be arrogant about these equality matters. Instead, he will secretly investigate the scandals committed by the big family. If he takes a little trip, he will be in the Huaxia Army. The crime of committing crimes is the same as that of the untouchables. The property of the big family must be confiscated. The Huaxia Army acts on this ground. In the military, it also enforces equality. Everyone in the army is generally hard. Everyone has no money, and where did the property go? All used to expand military resources."

"This is placed in the church, called the squad -"

"With the words of equality, all the people's property will be confiscated, and the threat of the world will be used by the Jurchens. All the people in the army will be afraid and afraid, forcing everyone to accept these conditions, so that they will not run away on the battlefield. You, fear has Going deep into the hearts of all the people of the Black Flag Army. In order to rule the army, the rule of law, the people of the people, the tyranny, the joy of the people, the fear of the people, these things, the so-called tyranny!!!"

Wu Qimei’s voice was awkward. When everyone got there, they all understood it.

"Qin Shihuang's arrogance and martial arts can finally unify the six countries. What are the reasons? Because of its tyranny and law enforcement, the Qin Dynasty is thriving because of its tyranny. Can Qin II die, why? Because of its tyranny and law, people Everyone is afraid of their tyranny, and they rise up and resist, so Qin died, and because of its tyranny. In the final analysis, it will not last long."

"The Black Flag Army has always been in an all-encompassing situation since its inception. Everyone has fears, so they fight all the time. From Xiao Canghe to the southwest, their Lien Chan winning streak is born of fear. Whether we like Ning Yi or not This person is indeed a generation of heroes. He has been in the military for ten years. In fact, he is similar to Jurchen. Today he repelled the attack of Jurchen all the way. But can this be a long time?"

Wu Qimei shook his head: "No. In the midst of adversity, people will be squeezed too much, and they will be able to pass through. Ning Yi is murderous, traitorous, crazy, tyrannical... these devils can be savage, but Throughout the history of the millennium, can such a devil have a successor?"

He smiled and said: "The southwest is thousands of miles away from the south of the Yangtze River, and it is not said that the battle situation has not yet been determined. Even if the southwest black flag really resists the attack of Zonghan all the way, the next strength has already been seriously hurt. Not to mention the defeat of the Jurchen. In the heart of the Black Flag Army, the fear has been dissipated. In the next few years, it’s nothing more than a reward for it. If the tyrannical person is tyrannical, it will be countered by it. I can see it for a while, but then it’s falling. At the time, this matter was recorded in the millennium annals, and there was no other result."

"There are things about the Southwest, Ning Yi, and the Black Flag Army. I have been sorting out these people in the past few days~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After that, the violent acts of the Black Flag Army will be announced to the world. With these things, I The dynasty will be able to see the direction after the situation in the world. Ning Yi’s 'is equal to the law', the old man believes that no one dares to join in the fun. The old man will also repair books, and I will be a few with Wu The skeletal adults talk about this matter in detail. The black flag is savage and difficult to live for a long time. You don't have to worry too much. But you have to take advantage of it and learn from yourself..."

The drizzle outside is still down. Wu Qimei said this, Li Shan and others have already heated up. With the teacher’s statement, they really see the context of this world. That's right, if it is not the violent tyranny of Ning Yi, can the Black Flag Army have such fierce fighting power? But what about the power? If the road of the former Prince Junwu can really pass, the Wugong Zhugong can also become a cruel person.

But such a thing is simply not possible for a long time. Even the Jurchens are not going downhill now. Do you want to refer to Confucian rule?

At this moment, Wu Qimei’s words shattered the fog in the hearts of the people, just like a bright light, pointing out the direction for everyone. On this day, when he returned home, Li Shan and others began to write articles and began to discuss the tyranny within the Black Flag Army: promoting equality, rendering fear, and depriving private property...

In the following half of the month, the shaping of the fierce image of the Huaxia Army, along with the southwestern battle report, spread in the Wu Dynasty.

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